white privilege là gì - Nghĩa của từ white privilege

white privilege có nghĩa là

White privilege refers to the concrete benefits of access to resources and social rewards and the power to shape the norms and values of society that whites receive, unconsciously or consciously, by virtue of their skin color in a racist society.


Examples of white privilege noted by Tim Wise: Studies have found that...
-Job applicants with white sounding names are 50% more likely to receive a call-back for a job interview than applicants with black-sounding names, even when all job-related qualifications and credentials are the same.
-White men with a criminal record are more likely to get a call-back for an interview than black male job applicants who don't have one, even when all requisite qualifications, demeanor and communication styles are the same.
-White women are far more likely than black women to be hired for work through temporary agencies, even when the black women have more experience and are more qualified.
-There are about two million cases of race-based discrimination against people of color every year in the United States. That's not just bad for folks of color; the flipside is that there are, as a result, millions more places I can live as a white person.
-Although data...indicates that whites are equally or more likely than blacks or Latinos to use drugs, it is people of color [blacks and Latinos mostly] who comprise about 90 percent of the persons incarcerated for a drug possession offense.
-Despite the fact that white men are more likely to be caught with drugs in our car [on those occasions when we are searched], black men remain about four times more likely than white men to be searched in the first place.

white privilege có nghĩa là

An invisible package of unearned assets that whites can count on cashing in each day, but about which they are 'meant' to remain oblivious. White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools , and blank checks.


Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack of white privilege: -I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.
-I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.
-When I am told about our national heritage or about "civilization," I am shown that people of my color made it what it is.
-I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group.
-I can remain oblivious of the language and customs of persons of color who constitute the world's majority without feeling in my culture any penalty for such oblivion.
-I can easily find academic courses and institutions which give attention only to people of my race.
-I can chose blemish cover or bandages in "flesh" color and have them more or less match my skin.

white privilege có nghĩa là

January 6th 2021


White privilege was demonstrated as the police parted like the Red Sea for the domestic terrorists storming the capital.

white privilege có nghĩa là

The fact that white people may be at an advantage simply due to their skin colour than a non-white person with the same intellect, qualifications etc. It is worth noting that this is not a justification for the racism against white people collectively, but rather highlights that existence of a systematic, institutionalised racial hierarchy that is able to deprive non-white people from seizing opportunities that they rightfully deserve simply because of their complexion. White privilege does not mean that it is acceptable to hate white people, nor that white people must apologise for any achievements of theirs, nor that all non-whites deserve opportunities primarily before white people [this would be an example of racial privilege against whites].


"Brock Turner, who was arrested for rape, was released from prison after six months because of his good behaviour and the negative implications that a lengthier prison sentence would have on him as a young student." "Don't other rapists normally get a longer, fairer sentence for the same crime?" "Well... yes." "MATE.... That's white privilege!"

white privilege có nghĩa là

See Also: Arrested US Capitol Rioter Jenna Ryan.


Texas realtor Jenna Ryan told CBS11 in Dallas she deserves a full pardon by Donald "Agent Orange" Trump after she was arrested and charged by the FBI during a national roundup of numerous insurrectionists. Example: I will be okay cause Daddy Trump will pardon me using my white privilege card.

white privilege có nghĩa là

A lie that helps far-left people in convincing themselves that racism against whites is OK.


This guy is successful not because he worked for decades to be in the place he is right now, but because his whiteness and his white privilege.

white privilege có nghĩa là

the everyday reality that white people are treated with respect & are trusted more than people of color [poc]. White privilege means that white folks voices & opinions are heard more often than pocs. Turn on the news and count the faces! It means white folks are more likely to advance in their jobs than poc. If a white person's voice is silenced or they are held back in their job, it is most likely not due to their skin color, but it may be due to their prejudices. White privilege means white people's full humanity is on display in the media & poc are reduced to stereotypes. White privilege does not mean that a white person will never experience classism or sexism or be faced with any dehumanizing stereotype. It just means that a white person experiences those things differently than a poc. It is a recognition that despite all other parts of a white person's life, they are less likely to be arrested, incarcerated, or to receive cruel sentences than a poc. They are more able to display/threaten violence or engage in violent behavior against others & leave the situation ALIVE. A white person could be incarcerated or killed, but black kids, unlike white kids, have been killed for playing in a playground or walking down the street. If you are white & still don't think white privilege exists, ask yourself if you would rather have your exact same life & be black. Also, check out White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack on the National SEED Project website.


Despite stockpiling weapons all over the city and carrying a traitorous flag, the white folks protesting the removal of a Confederate statue all went home safely because they have white privilege. The one that was arrested were arrested because one ran over and killed a woman. Despite blocking traffic and peacfully engaging their first amendment rights, #blacklivesmatter protesters were demonized in the media and, primarily, activists of color have been arrested.
Despite blocking traffic and peacfully engaging their first amendment rights, white women at the Women's March were praised for their civility because the women's march white activists have white privilege and the #blacklivesmatter protesters do not. Despite being stoned and pulled over for having an out taillight in an open carry state, a white woman was sent home safely without a ticket because she has white privilege. Philando Castile, who is black, was shot dead for following the rules.

white privilege có nghĩa là

A common term by the political left, trying to excuse it's inability to deal with an inferiority complex by blaming white people in an effort to project guilt on the white race as a whole.


Don't sweat it homie, she got that seat because of her white privilege.

white privilege có nghĩa là

is something that tayble swiff has


my fav has white privilege

white privilege có nghĩa là

A white man wearing a horned hat, who after breaking into the capitol and being arrested; is fed organic food in prison so his tummy wont hurt!


Hey, I heard that weird guy that stormed the capitol had his mommy complain that they he hadn't eaten in days cause the prison didn't serve organic food, and then they actually gave him the organic food he demanded!
Talk about white privilege

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