xbox lives là gì - Nghĩa của từ xbox lives

xbox lives có nghĩa là

Playing games online is fun.. but if you have children in your game. it turns out to be the "World Rapping Contest"


Little billy was rapping on the mic.
So, i cut out his esophagus.. and hung him with it

xbox lives có nghĩa là

The only place where white people can say the N-word ad nauseum without being immediately set upon by an angry mob and beaten to death.


*On XBox Live*

annoying xbox kid- You nigger!


*In Real Life*

annoying xbox kid- You nigger!

annoying xbox kid is immediatly set upon by an angry mob of young black men and beaten to death.

xbox lives có nghĩa là

A place where Americans and Brits argue each other for a monthly fee [not me btw i have american and british friends]


Xbox Live conversation on COD American - OMG u nooby british faggot! Brit - STFU twat! American - Submitting bad player review! Brit - Filing complaint!

xbox lives có nghĩa là

An Internet service offered by Microsoft for their Xbox video game system, for the sake of being able to play their Xbox games online. Comes with a microphone so that you can speak to the other people you are playing with.


Sadly, most Xbox owners are not used to being able to talk to their opponents like PC gamers are. Hence the majority of the conversation that goes on often consists of "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!! SHOOT THE FUCKING GUY!!!"

xbox lives có nghĩa là

aka the sun cult. A great way to make friends and have fun with your friends playing games online but eventually devolves into a giant nerdy circle jerk.


Little Bobby [Before Xbox Live]- Fresh air is great. I love my family. I love my dog and life. Litte Bobby [2 Weeks into Xbox Live]- I still love my family. This acne is getting bad. I kind of don't like life. Girls don't go for me. Little Bobby [1 Month in]- ZOMG! I'm a level 3332423434 prestige on COD 4 and yesterday I jizzed in a master chief helmet with all my buds from Xbox Live. I love nico bellic and worship him as my messiah. I haven't heard a girls voice in years. Life fucks and sucks. What the fuck is grass? Oh yeah, I hate my family and fresh air. Also I had to kill my dog for food because the hot pockets ran out. I shit in a pan because I can't miss a moment of this Left 4 Dead round. "splooges all over collector's copy of Saints Row 2"

xbox lives có nghĩa là

Online gaming and communication service available to gamers on the Xbox and Xbox 360 game consoles. With the exception of maybe 4chan, it is also one of the best places to meet immature and racist people. 90% of Xbox Live users are 11 years old, despite the fact that 90% of them are playing M rated games, making one wonder the reason for a content rating system at all. Also available is a rating service to rate other players through "reputation", the main purpose of which is to give those players better than you negative rep for being "Unsporting" [i.e., they just kicked your ass]


Direct quotes from users in multiplayer game lobbies on Xbox Live:

"Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger [repeating]"

"Penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis [repeating]"

"Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you [repeating]"

Person 1: "You guys all suck I'm gonna fuck you guys up you have no idea how bad I'm gonna fuck you up I fucked your mother lolololol"

Person 2: *Kills Person 1 with minimal effort*

Person 1:"OMG you're cheating!!!!" *quits match early, gives person 2 negative rep*

xbox lives có nghĩa là

A good, fun alternative to life. Also known as the place to beat the shit out of the smack-talking 9 year olds in Gears of War or Halo 2.


Guy 1: "Dude. Get on Xbox Live. Some 9 year old is talking shit on Gears."
Guy 2: "Fine. But hold on. Some kid is being a noob in Halo 2."

xbox lives có nghĩa là

A gathering of communication between noobs and immature prepubescent twelve year old kids. Xbox live has many great features that a PC doesn't, such as:
1. You have to pay a lot of money to play online
2. You can't hack or modify the game without being banned
3. Unlike PC's, Xbox 360 gaming will eventually become obsolete
4. The audio of spoiled elementary school children playing games that are rated M and cursing in a squeaky and humorous tone [ex: You fucking Noob! Hax!] A famous game played on Xbox Live would be the Call of Duty Series. This game is meant to be for a mature audience, but it is generally played by children after they learn to walk. When CoD became popular, most kids stopped playing Cowboys and Indians outside and eventually converted into Communists vs Nazis. This game is also used to recruit idiotic teenagers [specifically jocks and stoners] that think they are tough to join the marines. These people turn into arrogant morons that think they are weapons experts and hardcore in which you pray for whatever god you believe in to smite them. Not all Xbox Live players are bad, but the few that are can ruin the experience.


A "civilized" conversation on Xbox Live: Stoner: Dude, I am pwning in Xbox Live you fuckin bitches, fuck you! Prepubescant Child: You fucking noob, you can't do that you pussy Hax! Spoiled Fatass Teenager: Shut up you faggot!

xbox lives có nghĩa là

XBOX Live - Where little fat white kids go to mouth off and act black.


"Little Billy just called me a cracka on XBOX Live"

xbox lives có nghĩa là

Xbox Live is a device created by Microsoft to set back man's evolution; making him angry, competitive, and hormonal. This substance, or "drug" causes mood swings depending on the win/lose ratio of the individual playing. Xbox Live is also very addictive. No matter how angry the individual becomes, they will always come crawling back. Xbox Live is also becoming the new "E-Harmony" or "".


1. "Another suicide sir."
"What is it this time?"
"Poor bastard ODed on Xbox Live and shot up his apartment and himself" 2. "Xbox Live offers 9 dimensions of compatability!"

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