ysabels là gì - Nghĩa của từ ysabels

ysabels có nghĩa là

A very unique name that is given to very unique females in which do unique things.


that Ysabel is so unique.

ysabels có nghĩa là

A lovely girl who is very beautiful and pretty. She may not know it so you might want to convince her. She is a very good friend and she will make an excellent girlfriend. She is very trust worthy and you can talk to her about anything. Ysabelle is a very lovable girl and she makes a very amazing girlfriend. She has amazing abilities which include making her boyfriend very happy. She is also a very strange child how ever that is what makes her great and lovable. You can also be yourself around her and she won't judge you which is another great and awesome thing about her. T. She is also very shy, but she probably has alot f things on her mind. She will also believe in you more than anyone, and wants to let you know that there is hope for you. Ysabelle will always be on you're side, and will always be there for you.


"You should ask Ysabelle, you can always count on her."

ysabels có nghĩa là

Ysabel is one of those people who are athletic, energetic, confident, and loud. She's one of those girls that you'll never see wearing a skirt or a dress. The only clothes you'll see her wear is a loose, boy cut shirt, skinny jeans wearing her Nikes or Vans and her hair in a high ponytail. She's also great in academics. Having the perfect ratio of social skills and smartness, she's one of the popular girls in school. Everyone loves hanging out with Ysabel, especially the guys. She's one of those girls who would make a great girlfriend because she is amazing in all sports, including soccer and football and way pretty. And her smile and laugh, also amazing, making any guy melt on the inside and fall for her.


Hey are you going to Ysabel's paintball party? I heard its gonna be awesome!

ysabels có nghĩa là

ysabel is a kind , caring , amazing,talented girl . Often has her guard up , does not do relationships and enjoys being alone due to past trauma however if a ysabel gets attached to you , you would have found a lifelong partner who would never leave you and love you forever . Never lie to ysabel or you will loose all respect instantly , she is very loyal and freaky for the one she chooses to give her heart too . She is beautiful , kind, funny and has a heart of gold . She is everyone's dream , often comes off as dark but will be the light of your life


ysabel is such a dream I would do anything for ysabel

ysabels có nghĩa là

A indoor but adventurous type of girl. She has big dreams when it comes to her future! She is random and sometimes annoying but that's what makes her a great siblings. She's short but has a big brain, she will grow up to be a beautiful grown woman and will achieve many things. She is not afraid of challenges. She surrounds herself with great people and knows how to have a good time. When it comes to personal belongings, she can be a mess but that's fine. She is loving, but rough at times.


At my worst moments I always have Ysabelle with me

ysabels có nghĩa là

Ysabelle is a wonderful, nice girl. Her smile can make anyone's day. An Ysabelle can be very social but can be very shy around strangers. She loves her friends and family and puts them first before everything else. Ysabelles are nice people and fun to have around


Guy 1: Ysabelle is such a nice person!
Guy 2: Really?
Guy 1: Yeah! I lost my phone yesterday after school and she stayed with me until we found it!

ysabels có nghĩa là

Ysabelle is a strong minded individual and does not let others comments get to her, she has an opinion and does not care if others think she can’t use her voice to speak up. Or try to silence her for having an opinion like the rest of the world.
She doesn’t pay attention to the insecurities and mean comments others make about her,
In order to feel better about themselves. or surround herself by negative energy from irrelevant people.
People are rude to her, and try to make her feel bad, for being herself but she doesn’t care because she’s focused on important things and those peolpe aren’t all of what they think they are in the first place. Just remember:
Great minds discuss ideas
Average minds discuss events
Small minds discuss people


Ysabelle is a strong minded individual

ysabels có nghĩa là

Ysabel is a kind, smart, and very funny person. Some say she is really thick which is true. She's been hurt many times and still smiles through the days.


Guy1: dude ysabel is so fine
Guy2: I know right she hella cute
Girl: stop drooling over her
Guy1: don't be mad because you're not her

ysabels có nghĩa là

Shes hot intellegent kind caring and above all.Ysabells have beautiful fair skin and a cute voice...............they are always concern about their friends and family,they always put them first.They speak in the most calming voice ever.There your perfect sister.They never leave your sade no matter what happens they will always be with you.


Lovely:"I wish I had a friend."
Ysabell:"Why dont we be friends."

ysabels có nghĩa là

She's the type of girl who appears to be mysterious at first, but when you get to know her you would notice how bubbly she can be. She's blunt and real, she's caring and weird - but all about her screams kindness and beauty. She's soft as the pillows, yet feels like your home, she won't leave you for life and would treasure you forever. She is the type of girl that might occasionally trip or fall because of her clumsiness, and you will realize that after meeting her, you will become the person who would always want to catch her before she hits the ground.


Person: she can be clumsy all the time
Me: Yes, but she's Ysabel and she's perfect that way.