10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16


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  • Bạn chưa có sản phẩm nào trong giỏ hàng!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Thế giới động vật có biết bao nhiêu điều kì lạ. Và với các em nhỏ, chắc chắn có biết bao nhiêu câu hỏi vì sao về chim muông, các loài thú... Cuốn sách này không chỉ đưa ra lời giải đáp mà còn có những hình minh họa bắt mắt và sinh động. Không chỉ có vậy, trong sách còn có Cửa sổ Kiến thức với thông tin phong phú và Phòng Thông minh giúp bé tự kiểm tra kiến thức của mình.

  • Mười vạn câu hỏi vì sao
  • Tác giả: Nguyễn Bá Cao, Hồng Lân, Bích Liễu, Cao Dung biên soạn
  • Năm xuất bản: 2021
  • Số trang: 328
  • Kích thước: 21cm x 28.5cm
  • Giá bìa: 320.000đ
  • Mã vạch: 8936203360547
  • Mã ISBN: 978-604-331-110-5
  • Khối lượng: 1900gr
  • Hình thức: Bìa cứng, in màu toàn bộ
  • Sách do Công ty Văn hóa Đông A và NXB Dân trí liên kết xuất bản.

Nội dung:

Tuổi thơ là khoảng thời gian đẹp nhất trong cuộc đời mỗi con người. Ở lứa tuổi này, trẻ luôn tràn trề hy vọng, cùng những ngây thơ trong sáng buổi ban đầu. Đứng trước thế giới với bao điều kỳ diệu mang trong mình sự tò mò, khát vọng tìm hiểu, câu nói thường thấy nhất ở trẻ là "Vì sao?" Để có thể trả lời chính xác câu hỏi của trẻ, không phải là việc đơn giản. Các nghiên cứu cho thấy, sự phát triển ở bộ não trẻ diễn ra nhanh nhất trong 13 năm đầu đời. Là một phụ huynh, khi không mang lại cho trẻ cơ hội suy nghĩ, tìm hiểu, có thể bạn sẽ phải hối tiếc! Thế giới ngày nay phát triển nhanh chóng, kho tàng kiến thức là vô hạn, luôn được đổi mới với tốc độ chóng mặt. Cũng xuất phát từ những suy nghĩ trên, chúng tôi đã thu thập rộng rãi, lựa chọn kĩ càng các câu hỏi mà các em nhỏ cảm thấy hứng thú để đưa ra bộ sách Mười vạn câu hỏi vì sao?, mang lại cho các em những câu trả lời theo từng chủ đề. Cuốn sách, với sự đóng góp của các chuyên gia khoa học thường thức giàu kinh nghiệm, sử dụng ngôn ngữ dễ hiểu, kết hợp những hình ảnh minh họa sinh động sẽ mang đến cho các em những kiến thức cơ bản, chứa đựng nội dung phong phú, xoay quanh nhiều chủ đề hấp dẫn:

  • Điều kì diệu của cơ thể
  • Sống vui khoẻ
  • Kiến thức quanh ta
  • Thế giới động vật đáng yêu
  • Thế giới thực vật thú vị
  • Trái đất tươi đẹp
  • Vũ trụ thần bí
  • Sự thần kì của khoa học

Sự kiện trả lời "Mười vạn câu hỏi vì sao của Paimon" chính thức bắt đầu!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Khiêu chiến mới, mục tiêu mới, hãy tham gia trả lời câu hỏi của Paimon, trả lời đúng để nhận thưởng Mora nhé!

〓Cổng Vào Sự Kiện〓

>>Nhấn để tham gia hoạt động<<

〓Thời Gian Sự Kiện〓
2022-03-25 13:00:00 - 2022-03-27 23:59:59 (Thời gian của Server)

〓Hướng Dẫn Sự Kiện〓 Trong thời gian sự kiện, Nhà Lữ Hành có Hạng mạo hiểm ≥10 có thể tham gia sự kiện này hằng ngày

Mỗi lần cần trả lời 10 câu hỏi, trả lời đúng sẽ nhận thưởng, trả lời sai sẽ không có thưởng, hoàn thành nhiệm vụ để nhận được cơ hội tiếp tục khiêu chiến.

〓Thưởng Sự Kiện〓 Mỗi lần trả lời đúng 1 câu hỏi, sẽ nhận được Mora *5000;

Trong một ngày tối đa có thể nhận phần thưởng của 10 câu hỏi.

〓Phát Thưởng〓 Email trong game (Việc phát phần thưởng sẽ có sự chậm trễ nhất định) Thời hạn email là 7 ngày, Nhà Lữ Hành hãy chú ý nhận

* Hỏi đáp cùng Paimon kỳ này sẽ điều chỉnh thời gian làm mới mỗi ngày sang 4h (thời gian của máy chủ), Nhà Lữ Hành hãy chú ý thời gian trả lời nhé.

Page 2

[Sự Kiện Có Thưởng] Sự Kiện Thu Thập Ảnh Chụp "Núi Cao Vực Sâu" đã mở!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

[Công Bố Giải Thưởng] Sự Kiện Thu Thập Ảnh Chụp "Núi Cao Vực Sâu" Nhà Lữ Hành thân mến, sự kiện chụp ảnh lần này đã kết thúc rồi! Cảm ơn các bạn đã nhiệt tình tham gia. Sau đây, chúng ta hãy cùng xem danh sách những người may mắn nhé!

Phần thưởng Nguyên Thạch dự kiến sẽ được phát trong vòng 15 ngày làm việc sau khi công bố danh sách trúng thưởng

Giải nhất (1 giải)

Wiyar Sena

Giải nhì (3 giải)




Giải ba (5 giải)





Scout Scarlet

Nhà Lữ Hành thân mến! Đường hầm mỏ bỏ hoang trải dài, vực sâu tăm tối ẩn giấu hơi thở của mãng xà khổng lồ. Theo chỉ dẫn của Lưu Minh Thạch, khuếch đại ánh sáng quét sạch những chướng ngại vật cho Nhà Lữ Hành...

Sự Kiện Thu Thập Ảnh Chụp "Núi Cao Vực Sâu" đã bắt đầu, thật mong chờ những tác phẩm ảnh chụp đặc sắc từ Nhà Lữ Hành!

Thời Gian Sự Kiện 31/03/2022 - 23:59 14/04/2022 (UTC+8)

Thời gian mở thưởng: Danh sách trúng thưởng sẽ được cập nhật trong bài đăng sự kiện này vào ngày 08/5

Cách Tham Gia
Đăng tác phẩm ảnh chụp gốc phù hợp với yêu cầu tham gia sự kiện kèm theo hashtag #GenshinImpact và #TheChasm, sẽ được xem là tham gia thành công.

Yêu Cầu Bài Thi 1. Tác phẩm ảnh chụp gốc cần được chụp tại khu vực "Vực Đá Sâu"

2. Tác phẩm phải hiển thị rõ ràng nickname trong game và UID.

Thưởng Sự Kiện Giải nhất (1 giải) 3000 Nguyên Thạch Giải nhì (3 giải) 1000 Nguyên Thạch Giải ba (5 giải)

500 Nguyên Thạch

Lưu Ý Khác 1. Nghiêm cấm đăng tải các nội dung vi phạm pháp luật hoặc quy tắc cộng đồng, tham gia sự kiện này cũng đồng nghĩa với việc bạn đồng ý công bố UID và nickname của mình trên nền tảng của sự kiện; 2. Trong sự kiện lần này, Nhà Lữ Hành có thể tham gia nhiều lần, nhưng mỗi người chỉ được nhận tối đa 1 giải thưởng, giải thưởng không được cộng dồn, và chỉ trao giải cao nhất; 3. Sự kiện lần này sẽ dựa trên những yếu tố như nội dung, bình luận và lượt thích để đưa ra đánh giá tổng hợp; 4. Nếu nội dung bài đăng của Nhà Lữ Hành không liên quan đến sự kiện lần này, thì sẽ bị coi là không hợp lệ; Nếu tiêu đề bài đăng của Nhà Lữ Hành không phù hợp với tiêu chuẩn, thì có thể sẽ bị huỷ tư cách nhận thưởng; 5. Nếu xuất hiện trường hợp cùng một tác phẩm tham gia dự thi trên nhiều nền tảng và đoạt giải, sau khi xác minh lần cuối cùng sẽ phát thưởng của nền tảng đầu tiên gửi bài dự thi (chỉ phát 1 phần thưởng);

6. Nghiêm cấm các hành vi sao chép, chiếm đoạt hoặc vi phạm bản quyền của người khác. Nếu có trích dẫn hoặc được ủy quyền, vui lòng đảm bảo việc xin phép các nguồn liên quan.


Page 3

Genshin Impact New Version Twitch Streamer Recruitment Event

Dear Travelers,
The Genshin Impact Version 2.6 "Zephyr of the Violet Garden" update is here. The Genshin Impact Streamer Recruitment Event on Twitch has also started. Live stream your content, complete missions, and earn Primogems!

Registration Period: March 31 – April 2 Event Duration: April 5 – April 26

Submission Finalization: April 27 – April 29

Click here to view the list of participants

Event Content: Main Mission Stream in the Genshin Impact category During the event, stream in the Genshin Impact category on Twitch: Stream 5–10 hours to obtain Primogems ×160 Stream 10–20 hours to obtain Primogems ×320

Stream over 20 hours to obtain Primogems ×640

Follower Growth For streamers with 500 followers or less: During the event, streamers who see a 10% increase in their follower count will receive a bonus of Primogems ×20. During the event, streamers who see a 30% increase in their follower count will receive a bonus of Primogems ×60. During the event, streamers who see a 50% increase in their follower count will receive a bonus of Primogems ×80. For streamers with 500-3,000 followers: During the event, streamers who see a 10% increase in their follower count will receive a bonus of Primogems ×40. During the event, streamers who see a 30% increase in their follower count will receive a bonus of Primogems ×120. During the event, streamers who see a 50% increase in their follower count will receive a bonus of Primogems ×160. For streamers with more than 3,000 followers: During the event, streamers who see a 10% increase in their follower count will receive a bonus of Primogems ×80. During the event, streamers who see a 30% increase in their follower count will receive a bonus of Primogems ×260. During the event, streamers who see a 50% increase in their follower count will receive a bonus of Primogems ×320.

Note: The additional rewards mentioned above cannot be stacked.

Event Content: Challenges (Each challenge can only be completed once and get rewards)

Hues of the Violet Garden 1. The Moon and Stars Inscribe Help to complete 2 Poems of the Day. (Primogems ×20) 2. Theater Mechanicus Complete the challenge stages 3 times. (Primogems ×20) 3. Clash of Lone Blades Complete a challenge stage on medium difficulty. (Primogems ×20) 4. The Floral Courtyard Place a floral courtyard inside the Serenitea Pot for more than 24 hours. (Primogems ×20) 5. The Chasm Defeat 5 Ruin Serpents in total. (Primogems ×20) Destroy 3 Bedrock Keys. (Primogems ×20) Enhance your Lumenstone Adjuvant to Lv.4. (Primogems ×20) Collect a full set of 5-star Vermillion Hereafter Artifacts. (Primogems ×20)

Collect a full set of 5-star Echoes of an Offering Artifacts. (Primogems ×20)

Event Details 1. Rewards are limited to the first 2,000 participants who submit their registration information. 2. Once the event has started, you can receive additional rewards by completing the corresponding content under "Event Content: Challenges." Through fair participation and successful completion of the corresponding content, you can redeem Primogem rewards. 3. Each time you complete the corresponding content under "Event Content: Challenges," you can redeem the corresponding Primogem rewards once. The Genshin Impact team will confirm whether one is eligible to receive additional awards based on the completed challenges. 4. The Primogem rewards will be sent to the in-game mailbox of the UID provided by the participants within one month after the end of the event. 5. Participants have the responsibility to accurately provide the necessary information during Submission Finalization. Please note that media materials may need to be submitted. 6. Any form of fraud in the community, event, and platform and invalid participation caused by negligence may lead to disqualification from future related events. Example of "fraud": In an attempt to get Primogems for doing nothing, Streamer A logs into Genshin Impact and is AFK for 20 hours.

Example of "invalid participation caused by negligence": Streaming games/content that are not related to Genshin Impact in the Genshin Impact category in an attempt to get Primogems.

Rules 1. Participants must complete their registration during the registration period. 2. Participants are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and validity of their information throughout the event. 3. The Genshin Impact team will not be responsible for any preventable mistakes and related disputes arising from participants. 4. Participants who have not completed their registration will not be able to participate in the event. The same applies to participants who use unfair methods or who resort to abuse of power. 5. The Genshin Impact team reserves the right to determine the eligibility of participants before, during, and after the event. 6. The Genshin Impact team will evaluate the reward eligibility of each participant.  Participants are responsible for the content they take part in and submit, including but not limited to the creativity, strategy, and quality of streaming."

Streamers who are interested in signing up for the event can visit the link below and fill in the necessary information~ (Don't worry, the personal information collected will only be used for contact and reward distribution purposes for this event)


FAQ Do I need to show my UID during my stream?

Yes, you must show your UID during your stream.

Can I only stream Genshin Impact during this event?
No, you don't have to. You should, however, make sure not to stream content unrelated to Genshin Impact in the Genshin Impact stream category.

Can we streamers follow each other just to get more followers?
This is not allowed and it also violates the Twitch Terms of Service. Participants who use this method will be disqualified immediately.

The information I provided in the form is incorrect, can I change it?
After the registration information has been successfully received, you can edit your form. Please make sure that your information is accurate and valid. All participants are responsible for their own submissions - the Genshin Impact team will not make any changes to the information at the request of participants.

How will I be contacted? We will contact you by email.

Please allow @mihoyo and/or @hoyoverse to contact you via email to prevent the messages from being treated as spam.

Page 4

Winners Notice: "Frostflake Heron" Kamisato Ayaka Fan Art Contest

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Dear Travelers,

Kamisato Ayaka's Fan Art Contest has ended! Come on, let's take a look at the wonderful prize-winning works together~

Primogem rewards will be issued within 20 business days of the results being announced.
The estimated time for merchandise rewards delivery will be within 60 business days of the results being announced.

Travelers who won Genshin Impact merchandise (Lucky Prize) must complete their shipping information at the link below by 23:59 (UTC+8) May 25, 2022. Failure to fill in the form will be considered as giving up the reward.
>> https://forms.gle/nXjndWGbLykSxSJB8

First Prize (1 Winner)


Second Prize (3 Winners)




Third Prize (5 Winners)



Azumane Kanna || 東寝•柑菜



Lucky Prize (10 Winners)




Кэтрин Рэй







Dear Travelers,
Kamisato Ayaka's Fan Art Contest has begun! Get your drawing tools ready, and come participate~

Event Duration April 11, 2022 – April 24, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)

Results: The list of winners will be updated in the official website's event post on May 16, 2022.

*Entries submitted for this event must be original fan art created within the past month and have a high degree of completion. Unfinished sketches, works directly edited with graphic design tools (e.g. Photoshop, etc.), or works with copied elements spliced together are not eligible! *Please also include pictures of your works-in-progress together with your finished work(s).

*Travelers participating in the event are required to make their account and posts public

Event Rewards First Prize (1 Winner) 3,000 Primogems Second Prize (3 Winners) 1,000 Primogems Third Prize (5 Winners) 500 Primogems Lucky Prize (10 Winners)

Genshin Impact merchandise prizes worth 20 USD

Notes 1. Publishing content not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 3. The event is held on multiple platforms, and winning submissions will be selected from across all platforms. The above rewards are the total rewards for all platforms, and will be comprehensively evaluated based on content, comments, and likes received. There is no amount of prizes set aside for each platform and region. 4. If the same entry wins on multiple platforms, the prize will be issued according to the platform it was first posted on after final verification (only one prize will be issued). 5. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources.and make sure to obtain authorization.

6. After the list of winners is announced, if Travelers have any objection to the prize-winning works, they can provide feedback through the customer support email or in-game customer support. If the winning entry is found to be in violation of the event rules, we will revoke the prize and this user's account will be permanently banned from participating in any future community events.

Page 5

Winners Notice: "Pearl of Wisdom" Sangonomiya Kokomi Fan Art Contest

Dear Travelers, Sangonomiya Kokomi's Fan Art Contest has ended! Come on, let's take a look at the wonderful prize-winning works together~

Primogem rewards will be issued within 20 business days of the results being announced.

First Prize (1 Winner)


Second Prize (3 Winners)




Third Prize (5 Winners)






Dear Travelers,
Sangonomiya Kokomi's Fan Art Contest has begun! Get your drawing tools ready, and come participate~

Event Duration March 1, 2022 – March 17, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)

Results: April 15, 2022

*Entries submitted for this event must be original fan art created within the past month and have a high degree of completion. Unfinished sketches, works directly edited with graphic design tools (e.g. Photoshop, etc.), or works with copied elements spliced together are not eligible! *Please also include pictures of your works-in-progress together with your finished work(s).

*Travelers participating in the event are required to make their account and posts public

Event Rewards First Prize (1 Winner) 3,000 Primogems Second Prize (3 Winners) 1,000 Primogems Third Prize (5 Winners)

500 Primogems

Notes 1. Publishing content not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 3. The event is held on multiple platforms, and winning submissions will be selected from across all platforms. The above rewards are the total rewards for all platforms, and will be comprehensively evaluated based on content, comments, and likes received. There is no amount of prizes set aside for each platform and region. 4. If the same entry wins on multiple platforms, the prize will be issued according to the platform it was first posted on after final verification (only one prize will be issued). 5. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources.and make sure to obtain authorization.

6. After the list of winners is announced, if Travelers have any objection to the prize-winning works, they can give feedback through the customer support email or in-game customer support. If a prize-winning work is suspected of violating the event rules, we will revoke the prize and this user's account will be permanently banned from participating in any future community events.

Page 6

Winners Notice: "Plane of Euthymia" Raiden Shogun Fan Art Contest

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Dear Travelers, Raiden Shogun's Fan Art Contest has ended! Come on, let's take a look at the wonderful prize-winning works together~

Primogem rewards will be issued within 20 business days of the results being announced.

First Prize (1 Winner)


Second Prize (3 Winners)




Third Prize (5 Winners)


Tsukino 月野





Dear Travelers,
Raiden Shogun's Fan Art Contest has begun! Get your drawing tools ready, and come participate~

Event Duration
March 1, 2022 – March 17, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)
Results: April 15, 2022

How to Participate
1. During the event, use the hashtags #RaidenShogun and #GenshinImpact to post your original fan art on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
2. Click on the link here to fill out your entry information.
3. After completing the previous two steps, your participation will have been deemed successful.

*Entries submitted for this event must be original fan art created within the past month and have a high degree of completion. Unfinished sketches, works directly edited with graphic design tools (e.g. Photoshop, etc.), or works with copied elements spliced together are not eligible! *Please also include pictures of your works-in-progress together with your finished work(s).

*Travelers participating in the event are required to make their account and posts public

Event Rewards
First Prize (1 Winner)
3,000 Primogems

Second Prize (3 Winners)
1,000 Primogems

Third Prize (5 Winners)
500 Primogems


1. Publishing content not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 3. The event is held on multiple platforms, and winning submissions will be selected from across all platforms. The above rewards are the total rewards for all platforms, and will be comprehensively evaluated based on content, comments, and likes received. There is no amount of prizes set aside for each platform and region. 4. If the same entry wins on multiple platforms, the prize will be issued according to the platform it was first posted on after final verification (only one prize will be issued). 5. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources.and make sure to obtain authorization.

6. After the list of winners is announced, if Travelers have any objection to the prize-winning works, they can give feedback through the customer support email or in-game customer support. If a prize-winning work is suspected of violating the event rules, we will revoke the prize and this user's account will be permanently banned from participating in any future community events.

Page 7

Web Event "Journey With a Gentle Breeze" Now Online: Take part to obtain Primogems and accompany Klee on an adventure in Inazuma!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

The limited-time web event "Journey with a Gentle Breeze" is now available. Ride the breeze and accompany Klee on an adventure in Inazuma!

>>Click to Take Part in Event<<

〓Event Duration〓
April 22, 2022 – April 28, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)
*Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.

Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above can participate in this event.

〓Event Description〓
During the event, Travelers can obtain the event item Brilliant Leaf by completing missions such as logging into Genshin Impact daily, completing Daily Commissions, consuming Original Resin, etc. Klee and Albedo can take trips up to 2 times every day. Brilliant Leaves can be used to purchase accompanying items for their trips. After a period of time, Klee and Albedo will return to the yard with Inspirational Paintings. Unlock Inspiration Albums to get rewards such as Primogems.

〓Obtain Brilliant Leaf〓

Travelers can obtain event item Brilliant Leaf through the following methods: 1. Complete the following actions in Genshin Impact such as: log into Genshin Impact every day, complete two Daily Commissions every day, and consume 40 Original Resin every day. 2. Complete the following actions on the website such as: logging into the web event daily, etc. *Daily missions refresh daily at 04:00 (Server Time).

*Brilliant Leaves need to be collected manually on the event page. Brilliant Leaves that have not been collected will also be reset when daily missions are refreshed the next day. So, remember to collect them!

〓Take a Trip〓

1. Klee and Albedo can take up to 2 trips every day. This count will reset daily at 04:00 (Server Time). Please be sure to use them in time. 2. Travelers need to use Brilliant Leaves to buy an accompanying item before going out for the trip. The accompanying items will affect the time of this trip and the number of albums brought back to some extent. 3. After going out for a certain period of time, Klee and Albedo will return to the yard with the Inspirational Paintings. After each trip, Klee and Albedo will return with at least 2 Inspirational Paintings (except in the tutorial). The more valuable the items they take on their trip, the more likely they are to bring an additional painting. Meanwhile, the Inspiration Albums they bring back will be even more exquisite! 4. While Klee and Albedo are out, small animals will occasionally visit the yard to bring you Mora which needs to be collected manually on the event page.

*If there are Inspiration Albums that have not been unlocked, Klee and Albedo will prioritize bringing back these albums.

〓Event Rewards〓

Inspiration Albums Unlock Rewards Travelers will get rewards after unlocking 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 Inspiration Albums. Rewards include: Primogems ×120, Hero's Wit ×10, Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8, and Mora ×30,000.

*Rewards need to be collected manually. Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.

"Animals Visiting" Rewards While Klee and Albedo are out, small animals will occasionally visit the yard to bring you Mora ×1,000. Rewards need to be collected manually on the page.

*Mora reward is only available during the animals' visit. Please check the event page from time to time~

First Share Rewards During the event, share the event for the first time and obtain Mora ×10,000. *The in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.

*This web event is provided purely for entertainment. It is not indicative of any related gameplay features in Genshin Impact.

Page 8

The "New Adventure? Let's Go!" web event is now online! Take part to obtain Primogems and other rewards~

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

The "New Adventure? Let's Go!" web event is now online~ Travelers, let's embark on a new adventure!

>>Click to Take Part in Event<<

Event Duration
April 29, 2022 – May 5, 2022 23:59 (Server Time)
*Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.

Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above can participate in this event.

Event Description

During the event, Travelers can participate in the adventure by throwing dice to get action steps. Complete the corresponding adventure missions to obtain Primogems and other rewards. The adventure is full of possibilities. Travelers, let's go! ● Obtain dice chance 1 - Log in to the event page daily and receive 8 free dice chances. 2 - Complete daily missions to get an extra 4 dice chances. *Free chances and daily missions will refresh every day at 00:00 (Server Time) ● Adventure Coin If Travelers stay in different squares, they can get different amounts of Adventure Coins. Each time you pass through the starting point, you can get an extra 50 Adventure Coins. ● Event Rewards

1 - Travelers can get rewards when the number of the Adventure Coins you obtain reaches 150, 300, and 600 respectively. The total reward adds up to 60 Primogems.

2 - Accumulate and trigger a certain number of effects of different squares to get corresponding rewards including: Hero's Wit ×5, Mystic Enhancement Ore ×10, and Mora ×50,000. *Rewards need to be collected manually and cannot be claimed after the event ends. The in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.

*This web event is provided purely for entertainment. It is not indicative of any related gameplay features in Genshin Impact.

Page 9

"The Wonderful Animals of Teyvat" Animal Themed Photo Submission Contest

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Winners Notice: "The Wonderful Animals of Teyvat" Animal Themed Photo Submission Contest

Travelers, the Photo Submission Contest has ended. Let's see who the lucky winners are~
Primogem rewards are expected to be issued within 15 business days of the rewards being announced.

First Prize (1 Winner)


Second Prize (3 Winners)




Third Prize (5 Winners)




Maria chan •MMD•


Take a break during the journey, have a good time with cute animals,

and keep the delightful memories through photography.

[Event Duration]

May 13, 2022 — May 25, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8) Results: The list of winners will be updated in this event post on May 31.

[How to Participate]

Post an original photo with the hashtag #TheWonderfulAnimalsOfTeyvat and #GenshinImpact on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and meet the requirements for participation in the event, and you will be considered a successful participant. *Travelers participating in the event are required to make their accounts and posts public

[Submission Requirements]

1. Each original photo must contain at least one of the "Wildlife" from "Living Beings" in Genshin Impact. 2. The original photos should be taken in Mondstadt, Liyue, or Inazuma. 3. Nickname and UID from the game must be clearly visible in the submission.

[Event Rewards]

-First Prize (1 Winner)
3,000 Primogems

-Second Prize (3 Winners)
1,000 Primogems

-Third Prize (5 Winners) 500 Primogems

[Other Details]

1. The publishing of content that violates laws, regulations, or community rules is prohibited. By participating in this event, you agree to have your UID and Nickname published on the event platform. 2. Publishing content that is not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 3. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event, but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 4. This event will be evaluated based on the quality, comments, likes, and other factors of the submitted content.

5. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources and make sure to obtain authorization.

Page 10

Genshin Impact's V2.7 Twitch Streamer Recruitment Event!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Dear Travelers,
The Genshin Impact Version 2.7 "Hidden Dreams in the Depths" update is here. The Genshin Impact Streamer Recruitment Event on Twitch has also started. Stream your content, complete missions, and earn Primogems!

Registration Period: May 23 – May 27, 23:59 (UTC+8) Email Notification: May 30 Event Duration: May 31 – June 21, 23:59 (UTC+8)

Reward Calculation: June 22 – July 7

Primogem rewards will be delivered within 30 business days after the Reward Calculation period.

Event Content: Main Mission Primary Streamer Challenge (claim up to Primogems ×640) Stream in the Genshin Impact Category During the event, stream in the Genshin Impact Category on Twitch for a total duration of: 8–16 hours to obtain Primogems ×160 16–24 hours to obtain Primogems ×320

More than 24 hours to obtain Primogems ×640

Additional In-Game Challenges (claim up to Primogems ×90) Conquer the Spiral Abyss and obtain all the stars (cumulative) Clear Spiral Abyss Floor 10 with 9 stars to claim Primogems ×10 Clear Spiral Abyss Floor 11 with 9 stars to claim Primogems ×10

Clear Spiral Abyss Floor 12 with 9 stars to claim Primogems ×10

Daily Log-In (Cumulative) Log in for 5 days to claim Primogems ×10 Log in for 10 days to claim Primogems ×10

Log in for 15 days to claim Primogems ×10

Completing Daily Commissions (Cumulative) Complete 5 Daily Commissions to claim Primogems ×10 Complete 10 Daily Commissions to claim Primogems ×10

Complete 15 Daily Commissions to claim Primogems ×10

Streamer Daily Log-In

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Event Details
Participants who successfully complete registration and meet the following requirements will be eligible for the rewards:

1.1 Streamed at least 8 hours of Genshin Impact during the event period. 1.2 Successfully registered for the Version 2.7 Streamer Recruitment Event. 1.3 Linked an email to the their HoYoverse account. 1.4 Registered in the event with a Genshin Impact UID on the global servers.

1.5 Clearly displayed the UID while streaming during the event.

2. During the event, additional rewards can be obtained after completing corresponding in-game challenges.

3. The reward of each challenge can be claimed once only. For the "Primary Streamer Challenge," participants can only claim the rewards of the highest tier achieved, but for the "Additional In-Game Challenges," the rewards of all tiers achieved can be claimed.

4. Primogem rewards will be delivered to eligible participants via in-game mail within 30 business days after the Reward Calculation period.

5. Any form of fraud in the community, event, and platform and invalid participation caused by negligence may lead to disqualification from future related events. 5.1 Example of fraud: In an attempt to get Primogems for doing nothing, Streamer A logs into Genshin Impact and is AFK for 24 hours.

5.2 Example of invalid participation caused by negligence: Streaming games/content that are not related to Genshin Impact in the Genshin Impact category in an attempt to get Primogems.

Event Rules 1. Participants must complete their registration during the registration period. 1.1 This registration is valid only for the event of this Version. 1.2 The participant's HoYoverse account must be linked to an email for contact purposes.

1.3 Participants are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and validity of their information throughout the event. The Genshin Impact team will not be responsible for any preventable mistakes and related disputes arising from participants.

2. The Genshin Impact team reserves the right to determine the eligibility of participants before, during, and after the event. 2.1 Participants who have not submitted their registration information will not be eligible to receive rewards. 2.2 Participants who fail to meet the minimum requirements will not be eligible to receive rewards. 2.3 Participants who are suspected of fraudulent behaviors or using unfair methods will be disqualified from the event.

2.4 The Version 2.7 Streamer Recruitment Event is exclusive to users on the global servers.

3. The Genshin Impact team will evaluate the challenge progress of all participants before issuing rewards. 3.1 No additional footage is required after the event concludes.

Streamers who are interested in signing up for the event can visit the link below and fill in the necessary information~ (Don't worry, the personal information collected will only be used for contact and reward distribution purposes for this event)


Event FAQ Q1: Do I need to register in the event in order to receive the event rewards?

A1: Yes. Registration is required to participate in the event.

Q2: Am I required to display my UID while streaming during the event?

A2: Yes. The participants must clearly display their UID while streaming.

Q3: What are the minimum requirements to receive the event rewards? A3: - Successfully registered for the Version 2.7 Streamer Recruitment Event. - Linked an email to their HoYoverse account. - Registered with an account on the global servers. - Stream at least 8 hours of Genshin Impact during the event.

- Clearly display the UID while streaming during the event.

Q4: I may have registered with incorrect information, can I change it?
A4: Registration information cannot be modified once submitted. Please make sure that your information is accurate and valid. Once the registration is complete, you will not be able to modify the submitted information.

Q5: Will I be required to submit any proof of challenge completion, such as screenshots?
A5: No. The Genshin Impact team will be responsible for confirming the challenge progress of all the participants. You do not need to provide additional proof of any kind.

Q6: Can the rewards for completing the "Primary Streamer Challenge" be accumulated?
A6: No. By completing the "Primary Streamer Challenge," each participant can obtain a minimum of Primogems ×160 and a maximum of Primogems ×640.

Q7: Can the rewards for completing "Additional In-Game Challenges" be accumulated?
A7: Yes. For each challenge completed among the "Additional In-Game Challenges," the participant will obtain a reward of Primogems ×30, and they can claim a maximum of Primogems ×90.

Q8: When will the event's Primogem rewards be delivered?
A8: Primogem rewards will be delivered within 30 business days after the Reward Calculation period.

Q9: Am I only allowed to stream Genshin Impact during the event?
A9: No. You may stream other content other than Genshin Impact. However, you are not allowed to stream content with no relation to Genshin Impact under the Genshin Impact category.

Q10: How will the Genshin Impact team contact me? A10: The Genshin Impact team will contact you via the email address you provided during your registration. Event notifications will reach you via email.

Emails from @hoyoverse may end up in your junk/spam folder, so please make sure to check your folders.

Q11: Is there a quick beginners guide to streaming on Twitch?
A11: Yes. We would like to recommend the following tutorial: https://www.twitch.tv/creatorcamp/en/setting-up-your-stream/quick-start-guide-to-streaming-on-twitch/

Q12: What is a clearly displayed UID supposed to look like?

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*Note: It should clearly display all 9 digits of your UID. Please see the picture above for your reference.

Page 11

Prize Giveaway: The "Vigilant Yaksha" Xiao Fan Art Event Begins!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Hello, Travelers!
Here we are with another Fan Art Event! This time, we will be exhibiting our creative skills for one of the adepti protecting Liyue — the "Conqueror of Demons," Xiao.

Event Duration
May 24, 2022 – June 17, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)
Results: June 30

How to Participate

1. During the event, use the hashtags #Xiao and #GenshinImpact when posting your original fan art on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. 2. Click on the link below to fill out your entry information.

> > > https://forms.gle/bAe2Y7JeYhrgiv2r6

3. After completing the previous two steps, your participation will have been deemed successful.

*Entries submitted for this event must be original fan art created within the past month and have a high degree of completion. Unfinished sketches, works directly edited with graphic design tools (e.g. Photoshop, etc.), or works with copied elements spliced together are not eligible! *Please also include pictures of your works-in-progress together with your finished work(s).

*Travelers participating in the event are required to make their account and posts public

Event Rewards
First Prize (1 Winner)
3,000 Primogems

Second Prize (3 Winners)
1,000 Primogems

Third Prize (5 Winners)
500 Primogems

Lucky Prize (10 Winners)
US$20 worth of Merchandize Prizes


1. Publishing content not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 3. The event is held on multiple platforms, and winning submissions will be selected from across all platforms. The above rewards are the total rewards for all platforms, and will be comprehensively evaluated based on content, comments, and likes received. There is no amount of prizes set aside for each platform and region. 4. If the same entry wins on multiple platforms, the prize will be issued according to the platform it was first posted on after final verification (only one prize will be issued). 5. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources.and make sure to obtain authorization. 6. After the list of winners is announced, if Travelers have any objection to the prize-winning works, they can provide feedback through the customer support email or in-game customer support. If the winning entry is found to be in violation of the event rules, we will revoke the prize and this user's account will be permanently banned from participating in any future community events. 7. The prizes being shipped can be subject to customs duties in accordance with local policies. In such cases, the prize winners will be required to complete customs clearance procedures as well as cover corresponding taxes incurred.

8. By participating in this event, you authorize HoYoverse to publish and exhibit your work on public platforms. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service.

Page 12

"To Ensnare a Prey" — The web event for Genshin Impact's new character: Yelan is now available.

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Time to deal with pests.

>>Click to Take Part in Event<<

〓Event Duration〓
2022/05/26 12:00 – 2022/05/31 23:59 (UTC+8)

〓Event Summary〓
During the event, you will need to complete the designated event tasks to help the Ministry of Civil Affairs find the culprit that leaked the Ministry's classified information. Upon completion, you will receive in-game items as rewards.

〓Gameplay Details〓 1. Complete the designated event tasks, read Yelan's intel note, find clues through conversations, and zero in on the culprit that leaked the classified information of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to claim in-game items as rewards.

2. After successfully identifying the culprit, share the event to get the event wallpaper.

〓In-Game Rewards〓
Help the Ministry of Civil Affairs find the information-leaking culprit to claim in-game rewards such as Primogems and Character Ascension Materials.

Page 13

[Prize Giveaway] The "Hanamizaka Heroics" Arataki Itto Fan Art Contest Has Begun!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Dear Travelers,
Arataki Itto's Fan Art Contest has begun! Get your drawing tools ready, and come participate~

Event Duration -June 15, 2022 – July 6, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)

-Results: July 21, 2022

How to Participate
1. During the event, use the hashtags #AratakiItto and #GenshinImpact when posting your original fan art on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

2. Click on the link below to fill out your entry information.

3. After completing the previous two steps, your participation will have been deemed successful.

*Entries submitted for this event must be original fan art created within the past month and have a high degree of completion. Unfinished sketches, works directly edited with graphic design tools (e.g. Photoshop, etc.), or works with copied elements spliced together are not eligible! *Please also include pictures of your works-in-progress together with your finished work(s).

*Travelers participating in the event are required to make their account and posts public

Event Rewards -First Prize (1 Winner)

3,000 Primogems

-Second Prize (3 Winners)
1,000 Primogems

-Third Prize (5 Winners)
500 Primogems

-Lucky Prize (10 Winners)
US$20 worth of Merchandize Prizes

1. Publishing content not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited.

2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded.

3. The event is held on multiple platforms, and winning submissions will be selected from across all platforms. The above rewards are the total rewards for all platforms, and will be comprehensively evaluated based on content, comments, and likes received. There is no amount of prizes set aside for each platform and region.

4. If the same entry wins on multiple platforms, the prize will be issued according to the platform it was first posted on after final verification (only one prize will be issued).

5. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources and make sure to obtain authorization.

6. After the list of winners is announced, if Travelers have any objection to the prize-winning works, they can provide feedback through the customer support email or in-game customer support. If the winning entry is found to be in violation of the event rules, we will revoke the prize and this user's account will be permanently banned from participating in any future community events.

7. The prizes being shipped can be subject to customs duties in accordance with local policies. In such cases, the prize winners will be required to complete customs clearance procedures as well as cover corresponding taxes incurred.

8. By participating in this event, you authorize HoYoverse to publish and exhibit your work on public platforms. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service.

Page 14

"Echoes of The Chasm" — The Web Event for Genshin Impact's The Chasm OST Album Is Now Available

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Click here to enjoy the soundtracks and win Primogems, an event-exclusive avatar frame, and other rewards~


The endless tunnels are paved with layers of soil and mud. Venture down valleys and canyons, follow the luminescent light,

and awaken the echoes of ancient times.

Event Duration:
June 23, 2022 – June 30, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)

How to Participate: 1. Head over to the page and click to play at least three tracks in the OST album. 2. Click "Share to Win Primogems" at the bottom of the current page and choose a social media platform to share it to your personal social media homepage.

*Please note that your personal social media homepage is required to be made public.

Event Rewards: Among Travelers who have listened to the soundtracks and successfully shared the event, 2 million winners will be randomly selected and gifted with Primogems ×40 and an event-exclusive HoYoLAB avatar frame! We will inform you of the lucky draw results and the redemption codes for Primogems via HoYoLAB's forum message within 7 days after the event ends. The winners can redeem the received codes on the Genshin Impact official website or in-game.

The redemption codes will expire after 3 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time~

Event Rules: 1. Travelers are allowed to participate multiple times in this event, but can only win the rewards once. The rewards will not be stacked. 2. Given the large number of winners, the list of winners will not be announced this time. Please remember to check the lucky draw results via system message in HoYoLAB before July 7th. The redemption codes for Primogems are valid July 3rd, 00:00 through July 6th, 23:59:59. Winners who miss the deadline will be deemed to have forfeited their rewards. Please kindly wait for the arrival of your results and remember to check your HoYoLAB's forum message regularly.

3. After sharing the event to your personal social media homepage, tagging content that violates laws, regulations, or community rules along the shared post is prohibited.

Page 15

Web Event "Bouncing Blobby Slimes" Now Online: Take part to obtain Primogems and other rewards. Time to take on an adventure in The Chasm with Slimes!

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Web Event "Bouncing Blobby Slimes" Now Online: Take part to obtain Primogems and other rewards. Time to take on an adventure in The Chasm with Slimes!

The limited-time web event "Bouncing Blobby Slimes" is now available. Recharge your batteries and take on an adventure in The Chasm with Slimes!

>>Click to Take Part in Event<<

〓Event Duration〓
2022/07/04 – 2022/07/10 23:59 (UTC+8)
*Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.

Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above can participate in this event.

〓Event Description〓
During the event, Travelers can log in to Genshin Impact daily, complete Daily Commissions, and consume Original Resin to obtain Energy for the Bouncing Adventure and claiming the event item Blob Coin. You may use Blob Coins to exchange for Primogems and other event rewards.

〓Obtaining Blob Coins〓
Travelers can obtain Blob Coins in the Bouncing Adventure in the event.

*There is no cap on daily Blob Coin acquisition, and unused Blob Coins will not be removed.

〓Bouncing Adventure〓 1. A certain amount of Stamina is consumed for each Bouncing Adventure. Travelers can gain Stamina by completing specific missions. 2. Travelers can gain a certain amount of Stamina each day by completing relevant in-game actions and web event actions, such as: logging into Genshin Impact every day, completing two Daily Commissions every day, consuming 40 Original Resin every day, and logging into the web event every day. 3. Daily missions refresh at 04:00 (Server Time) each day. Unclaimed Stamina will also be cleared by then. Please claim and use the Stamina in time. Claimed Stamina will not be cleared. 4. In Bouncing Adventure, Travelers need to help the Slime move to the specific location through charged bounces. Reaching the specific location is considered as a successful challenge. 5. Blob Coins can be obtained in each Bouncing Adventure. The higher the score is, the more Blob Coins are obtained. 6. There are 8 Levels in the Bouncing Adventure. Travelers can also unlock specific levels in advance by successfully challenging particular levels.

7. In each Bouncing Adventure Level, there is 1 chance of Revival that revives the Slime without consuming Stamina or Blob Coins.

*Quitting mid-adventure will trigger Score Calculation. If the score of the current level exceeds your best score, it will be saved as your high score. The obtained Blob Coins will be added to your inventory. The Stamina already consumed will not be returned to you.

*For more information, please check "Gameplay Details."

* If Travelers start the Bouncing Adventure around 04:00, which is when the Daily Missions and Stamina refresh, there might be a brief network error. Please refresh your page if you encounter such a situation.

〓Unlocking Slimes〓 1. In the Bouncing Adventure, there are 7 Slimes to choose from. Each Slime has its own skill to aid you during the adventure and attain more Blob Coins. 2. Travelers can unlock the various Slimes by challenging different Levels. 3. Some new Slimes are available for trial usage in certain levels and can also be unlocked. During the trial, you can only use this Slime in a specific level. Once unlocked, you can use it in all levels as well as the "Infinite Bouncing" mode. It will also interact with you from the home page.

4. Use any Slime to complete specific Levels successfully to unlock the trial Slime in those Levels.

〓Infinite Bouncing〓 1. Complete all 8 Levels in the Bouncing Adventure to unlock "Infinite Bouncing" Mode. 2. In Infinite Bouncing Mode, mechanisms become random in nature and infinite in number. 3. Travelers can spend Blob Coins reviving the Slime up to 3 times in a run, each time costing 1, 3, and 5 Blob Coin(s) in respective.

4. In this mode, a maximum of 400 Blob Coins can be obtained for each run.

〓Event Rewards〓
Travelers can exchange the corresponding number of Blob Coins for Primogems, Hero's Wit, Mystic Enhancement Ore, and other rewards in Blob Store.

1. Rewards in the Blob Store are divided into multiple tiers. Travelers need to exchange for all the rewards in the current tier before the next tier unlocks.
2. Exchange for all rewards to unlock Unlimited Play Mode. In this mode, playing Bouncing Adventure Levels or Infinite Bouncing Mode no longer requires Stamina and it does not reward Blob Coins. New records created can still be reflected in High Score.

*Rewards need to be collected manually. Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.

*The in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.

*This web event is provided purely for entertainment. It is not indicative of any related gameplay features in Genshin Impact.

Page 16

Prize Giveaway: The "Scarlet Leaves Pursue Wild Waves" Kaedehara Kazuha Fan Art Contest Has Begun!

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Dear Travelers,
Kaedehara Kazuha's Fan Art Contest has begun! Get your drawing tools ready, and come participate~

Event Duration
July 14, 2022 – August 4, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)
Results: August 23, 2022

How to Participate
1. During the event, use the hashtags #KaedeharaKazuha and #GenshinImpact when posting your original fan art on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. 2. Click on the link below to fill out your entry information.


3. After completing the previous two steps, your participation will have been deemed successful.

*Entries submitted for this event must be original fan art created within the past month and have a high degree of completion. Unfinished sketches, works directly edited with graphic design tools (e.g. Photoshop, etc.), or works with copied elements spliced together are not eligible!
*Please also include pictures of your works-in-progress together with your finished work(s).
*Travelers participating in the event are required to make their account and posts public

Event Rewards -First Prize (1 Winner)

3,000 Primogems + 500 USD

-Second Prize (3 Winners)
1,000 Primogems + 200 USD

-Third Prize (5 Winners)
500 Primogems + 100 USD

-Lucky Prize (10 Winners)
20 USD worth of Merchandize Prizes

Notes 1. Publishing content not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 3. The event is held on multiple platforms, and winning submissions will be selected from across all platforms. The above rewards are the total rewards for all platforms, and will be comprehensively evaluated based on content, comments, and likes received. There is no amount of prizes set aside for each platform and region. 4. If the same entry wins on multiple platforms, the prize will be issued according to the platform it was first posted on after final verification (only one prize will be issued). 5. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources and make sure to obtain authorization. 6. After the list of winners is announced, if Travelers have any objection to the prize-winning works, they can provide feedback through the customer support email or in-game customer support. If the winning entry is found to be in violation of the event rules, we will revoke the prize and this user's account will be permanently banned from participating in any future community events. 7. The prizes being shipped can be subject to customs duties in accordance with local policies. In such cases, the prize winners will be required to complete customs clearance procedures as well as cover corresponding taxes incurred. 8. The costs necessary for international transfers such as administrative costs, etc. are borne by the organizer. Winners are responsible for their own tax obligations in accordance with the personal income tax policies of their country or region. The actual amount is subject to change, please refer to the laws and regulations and tax policies of your country or region.

9. By participating in this event, you authorize HoYoverse to publish and exhibit your work on public platforms. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service.

Page 17

Prize Giveaway: The "Fleeing Sunlight" Klee Fan Art Contest Has Begun!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Dear Travelers,
Klee's Fan Art Contest has begun! Get your drawing tools ready, and come participate~

Event Duration
July 14, 2022 – August 4, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)
Results: August 23, 2022

How to Participate
1. During the event, use the hashtags #Klee and #GenshinImpact when posting your original fan art on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. 2. Click on the link below to fill out your entry information.


3. After completing the previous two steps, your participation will have been deemed successful.

*Entries submitted for this event must be original fan art created within the past month and have a high degree of completion. Unfinished sketches, works directly edited with graphic design tools (e.g. Photoshop, etc.), or works with copied elements spliced together are not eligible!
*Please also include pictures of your works-in-progress together with your finished work(s).
*Travelers participating in the event are required to make their account and posts public

Event Rewards -First Prize (1 Winner)

3,000 Primogems + 500 USD

-Second Prize (3 Winners)
1,000 Primogems + 200 USD

-Third Prize (5 Winners)
500 Primogems + 100 USD

-Lucky Prize (10 Winners)
20 USD worth of Merchandize Prizes

Notes 1. Publishing content not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 3. The event is held on multiple platforms, and winning submissions will be selected from across all platforms. The above rewards are the total rewards for all platforms, and will be comprehensively evaluated based on content, comments, and likes received. There is no amount of prizes set aside for each platform and region. 4. If the same entry wins on multiple platforms, the prize will be issued according to the platform it was first posted on after final verification (only one prize will be issued). 5. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources and make sure to obtain authorization. 6. After the list of winners is announced, if Travelers have any objection to the prize-winning works, they can provide feedback through the customer support email or in-game customer support. If the winning entry is found to be in violation of the event rules, we will revoke the prize and this user's account will be permanently banned from participating in any future community events. 7. The prizes being shipped can be subject to customs duties in accordance with local policies. In such cases, the prize winners will be required to complete customs clearance procedures as well as cover corresponding taxes incurred. 8. The costs necessary for international transfers such as administrative costs, etc. are borne by the organizer. Winners are responsible for their own tax obligations in accordance with the personal income tax policies of their country or region. The actual amount is subject to change, please refer to the laws and regulations and tax policies of your country or region.

9. By participating in this event, you authorize HoYoverse to publish and exhibit your work on public platforms. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service.

Page 18

Web Event "Mesmerizing Dream at Sea" Now Online: Take part to obtain Primogems and help Paimon recall her dream!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

The limited-time web event "Mesmerizing Dream at Sea" is now available. It seems that Paimon had a strange dream, let's help her remember~

>>Click to Take Part in Event<<

〓Event Duration〓
July 22, 2022 – July 31, 2022 23:59 (Server Time)
*Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.

Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 32 or above can participate in this event.

〓Event Description〓
During the event, you can log in to Genshin Impact every day and complete Daily Commissions and other missions to obtain Paimon's Inspirations. Using Paimon's Inspirations will help her recall memories from her dream. Retrieve her dream memories to obtain Primogems and other rewards.

Travelers Are Invited To Participate In The Discussion On Hoyolab Regarding The Topic #Mesmerizing Dream At Sea#. Share Your Dream Memories Of Any Level With Other Travelers~

*More details about the rules of the event can be found on the event rules on the event page.

〓Event Rewards〓
Complete all dream memories to obtain Primogems ×80, Hero's Wit ×6, Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8, Sanctifying Unction ×4, and Mora ×90,000.

Page 19

Winners Notice: Genshin Impact TikTok Duet Challenge

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Dear Traveler, The Genshin Impact TikTok Duet Challenge has ended! Let's take a look at the wonderful prize-winning works together~" Primogem rewards will be issued within 15 business days of the results being announced. Notes 1. This event will be judged by the Genshin Impact project team, who will make a comprehensive evaluation based on the content, comments, likes, and other factors. 2. The content involved in the winning works are derivative works of the players, and does not represent the actual plot and settings in the game. 3. If the issuance of rewards fails due to the player providing the wrong UID, the official Genshin Impact team will not re-issue the reward.

First Prize (3 Winners)


Second Prize (5 Winners)


Third Prize (10 Winners)


Hello, Travelers~ The Genshin Impact TikTok Duet Challenge is about to begin, participate and get the opportunity to win Primogems~

Event Duration

July 23, 2022 – August 15, 2022 Results Announcement: August 26, 2022 *The list of event winners will be announced from August 26.

How to Participate

1. Post a duet video and mimic the characters' movements with the hashtags #genshinimpactduet and #genshinimpact.
*Travelers need to duet the video themselves in person. 2. Travelers, please leave your UIDs in your post or video.(UIDs are only used for the judging and announcing of winners) Tip: You can gain more points if you dress similarly to the character you imitate~

Event Rewards

First Prize (3 Winners) Primogems ×1,500

Second Prize (5 Winners)

Primogems ×1,000

Third Prize (10 Winners)

Primogems ×600


1. Publishing content not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event and can duet with multiple characters but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 3. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources and make sure to obtain authorization. If any of the winners are suspected of violating the above rules, the official team has the right to disqualify the winners and publish an announcement on this page.

Other Details

1. This event will be evaluated based on the submission's content, comments, likes, and other factors. 2. By participating in this event, you authorize HoYoverse to publish and exhibit your work on public platforms. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service. 3. By participating in this event, you agree to have your UID and Nickname published on the event platform. UIDs will only be used to issue Primogem rewards to winning players and will be protected in accordance with the legal and policy provisions of local privacy protection laws.

4. If the issuance of rewards fails due to the player providing the wrong UID, the official Genshin Impact team will not re-issue the reward.

Page 20

Prize Giveaway: The "Frolicking Flames" Yoimiya Fan Art Contest Has Begun!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Dear Travelers,
Yoimiya's Fan Art Contest has begun! Get your drawing tools ready, and come participate~

[Event Duration]
July 26, 2022 – August 9, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)
Results: August 31, 2022

[How to Participate]
1. During the event, use the hashtags #Yoimiya and #GenshinImpact when posting your original fan art on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. 2. Click on the link below to fill out your entry information.


3. After completing the previous two steps, your participation will have been deemed successful.

*Entries submitted for this event must be original fan art created within the past month and have a high degree of completion. Unfinished sketches, works directly edited with graphic design tools (e.g. Photoshop, etc.), or works with copied elements spliced together are not eligible!
*Please also include pictures of your works-in-progress together with your finished work(s).
*Travelers participating in the event are required to make their account and posts public

[Event Rewards] -First Prize (1 Winner)

3,000 Primogems + 500 USD

-Second Prize (3 Winners)

1,000 Primogems + 200 USD

-Third Prize (5 Winners)

500 Primogems + 100 USD

-Lucky Prize (10 Winners)

20 USD worth of Merchandize Prizes

[Notes] 1. Publishing content not related to the event (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 3. The event is held on multiple platforms, and winning submissions will be selected from across all platforms. The above rewards are the total rewards for all platforms, and will be comprehensively evaluated based on content, comments, and likes received. There is no amount of prizes set aside for each platform and region. 4. If the same entry wins on multiple platforms, the prize will be issued according to the platform it was first posted on after final verification (only one prize will be issued). 5. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources and make sure to obtain authorization. 6. After the list of winners is announced, if Travelers have any objection to the prize-winning works, they can provide feedback through the customer support email or in-game customer support. If the winning entry is found to be in violation of the event rules, we will revoke the prize and this user's account will be permanently banned from participating in any future community events. 7. The prizes being shipped can be subject to customs duties in accordance with local policies. In such cases, the prize winners will be required to complete customs clearance procedures as well as cover corresponding taxes incurred. 8. The costs necessary for international transfers such as administrative costs, etc. are borne by the organizer. Winners are responsible for their own tax obligations in accordance with the personal income tax policies of their country or region. The actual amount is subject to change, please refer to the laws and regulations and tax policies of your country or region.

9. By participating in this event, you authorize HoYoverse to publish and exhibit your work on public platforms. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service.

Page 21

Listen to the OST to Earn Primogems - "Ballads of the World": The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2 OST Album Event Is Now Available!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Click here to enjoy the soundtracks and win Primogems, an event-exclusive avatar frame, and other rewards~

For travelers who explore the world, there are countless sights to remember, and together with the memories,

are nostalgic songs that come to mind...

[Event Duration]
August 16, 2022 – August 21, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)

[How to Participate] 1. Head over to the page and click to play at least three tracks in the OST album.

2. Click "Share to Win Primogems" at the bottom of the current page and choose a social media platform to share it to your personal social media homepage.

*Please note that your personal social media homepage is required to be made public.

[Event Rewards]
Among Travelers who have listened to the soundtracks and successfully shared the event, the first 3 million participants will be selected and gifted with Primogems ×40 and an event-exclusive HoYoLAB avatar frame! *Primogem rewards are limited to 3 million sets and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. The event-exclusive HoYoLAB avatar frame will be available for a permanent period!

We will inform you of the redemption codes for Primogems via HoYoLAB's forum message before August 24, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8). The winners can redeem the received codes on the Genshin Impact official website or in-game.

The Primogems redemption code is valid until August 31, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8). Winners who miss the deadline will be deemed to have forfeited their rewards, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time!

[Event Rules] 1. Travelers are allowed to participate multiple times in this event, but can only win the rewards once. The rewards will not be stacked.

2. Due to the large number of winners, a list of winners will not be published. Please pay attention to private messages on HoYoLAB from August 22 to August 24, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8) to confirm the reward information. Redemption codes will be valid until August 31, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8), after which rewards will be considered forfeited. Please wait patiently for the reward information and check your private message mailbox regularly.

3. After sharing the event to your personal social media homepage, tagging content that violates laws, regulations, or community rules along the shared post is prohibited.

Page 22

Web Event "A Journey Through Pages" Now Online: Take part to obtain Primogems and other rewards. A wonderful journey made out of pieces of paper. Come and check it out!

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

The "A Journey Through Pages" limited-time web event is now available. In the Mondstadt Athenaeum, sheets of paper are pieced together one by one to create an amazing journey. Come and explore now!

>>Click to Take Part in Event<<

〓Event Duration〓
August 17, 2022 – August 23, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)
*Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.

Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above can participate in this event.

〓Event Description〓
During the event, you can log in to Genshin Impact every day and complete Daily Commissions, consume Original Resin, and other missions to obtain Activity Points. Accumulated Activity Points can earn you Encounter Pieces, which can be pieced together in the gameplay interface to continuously expand the map. Travelers can switch to Exploration mode to unlock various encounters on the map and interact with them. Accumulate unlocked Encounter Records to receive rewards such as Primogems.

〓Obtaining Encounter Pieces〓 For every 50 Activity Points, you can unlock one Encounter Piece. There are seven Pieces waiting for Travelers to unlock! Travelers can obtain Activity Points through the following methods: 1. Complete the following actions in Genshin Impact every day such as: log into Genshin Impact every day, complete two Daily Commissions, and consume 40 Original Resin. 2. Complete the following actions on the website such as: logging into the web event daily, etc. *Daily missions refresh daily at 04:00 (Server Time).

*Activity Points need to be collected manually in the event page. Activity Points that have not been collected will also be reset when daily missions are refreshed the next day. So, remember to collect them!

〓Unlocking Encounter Records〓 1. After unlocking the Encounter Pieces, Travelers can put together and rotate them in the gameplay page. When placing them, you can observe the color of the piece's ground more often, which will help to place them in the correct position! 2. You can also switch to Exploration Mode to trigger encounters and collect Encounter Records. Accumulate and unlock encounters to get Primogems and other rewards. 3. On each piece, (except for the initial piece), there is one fixed encounter that you can explore after placing it. 4. When a particular border of two pieces is spliced together, an additional special encounter is triggered, out of a total of four such special encounters. (Once triggered, special encounters are fixed on the map only after interaction and unlocking in Exploration Mode. If you haven't already interacted with the encounter in Exploration Mode, you can take the two pieces apart and the special encounter will disappear.) 5. When all nine pieces are placed correctly, an additional special encounter will also be triggered. So, there are 13 encounters in total for the event waiting to be explored!

*For more details on how to play, please check the "Gameplay Details" pop-up window on the page.

〓Event Rewards〓 - "Encounter Records" Unlock Rewards -

Travelers will get rewards after unlocking 1, 3, 6, 9, and 13 Encounter Records. Rewards include: Primogems ×120, Hero's Wit ×9, Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8, and Mora ×60,000.

*Rewards need to be collected manually. Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.

- First Share Rewards -
During the event, share the event for the first time and obtain Mora ×10,000. *The in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.

*This web event is provided purely for entertainment. It is not indicative of any related gameplay features in Genshin Impact.

Page 23

Go Go, Forest Rangers! —— The web event for Genshin Impact's new character: Tighnari is now available.

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

When patrolling the forest, you have to be brave and careful.

>>Click to Take Part in Event<<

〓Event Duration〓
08/19/2022 12:00 – 08/24/2022 23:59 (UTC +8)

Adventure Rank 10 or above

〓Event Details〓 1. During the event, follow the forest rangers to find out the anomalies in the rainforest. Complete the inspection of the three forest zones to receive in-game items as rewards. 2. Click on the forest patrol logs to see the appearance of past forest zones, and compare the current scene with the photos in the logs to find out the anomalies in the rainforest.

3. After completing all the patrols, share the event to get the event wallpaper.

〓Notes〓 1. Please log in to the event using your HoYoverse Account and select your corresponding character in Genshin Impact to take part. This will ensure that your rewards can be sent and claimed correctly. 2. The event wallpaper is not available after the event ends. Please claim it in time.

3. After completing the patrol missions, the in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.

During the event, use the topic #Forest Rangers to participate in the discussion and you will have a chance to get a special gift!

[Event Duration]
August 19, 2022 – August 24, 2022 23:59
Results: The list of winners will be updated in this event post on September 1.

[How to Participate]
Share screenshots of the anomalies you've encountered in the rainforest under the topic #Forest Rangers, and you will be considered a successful participant.

[Event Rewards]
Among all the posts that successfully participated in the topic discussion, we will randomly select 15 Travelers to receive an Azhdaha Hangable Mini Plushie.

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Notes 1. Travelers, please pay attention to System Messages, as information of merchandise prize-winners will be sent out via such messages. We ask prize-winners to provide their shipping address according to the prompts stated in the system message. Prize-winners who have not provided their address within one month after the system message is sent will be deemed to have voluntarily forfeited their prizes. 2. Each Traveler is only eligible to receive one prize, and repeated comments are only counted once. 3. Comments of the following nature will be regarded as invalid: comments with content that violates our Community Rules, comments that plagiarize or misappropriate the content of other creators, replying to a comment on the post (instead of commenting directly to the post itself) or creating a new post (instead of commenting on this post), comments with no relation to Genshin Impact and the event, comments that contain any form of advertising, and those which seek to spread malicious rumors or discredit the game and its characters.

4. The prizes being shipped can be subject to customs duties in accordance with local policies. In such cases, the prize winners will be required to complete customs clearance procedures as well as cover corresponding taxes incurred.

Page 24

Genshin Impact Creator Program on Twitch Version 3.0 "The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings"

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Dear Traveler,
While the Genshin Impact Version 3.0 "The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings" update is coming soon, the Genshin Impact Streamer Recruitment Event on Twitch has already begun. Live stream your content, complete missions and earn Primogems!

Event Timeline
Registration Period: August 19, 19:00:00 – August 26, 15:00:00 (UTC+8)
Streaming Period: August 24, after the version update – September 19, 23:59:59 (UTC+8)

Note: Participants who successfully register before August 24 at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) will be able to start streaming after the Version 3.0 update. Participants who register after August 24 at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) will need to wait until August 27 at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) to start streaming.
Reward Calculation: September 20 – October 5

*Rewards will be delivered to valid participants' accounts no later than 30 business days after the reward calculation period has concluded.
Email Notification: Successful participants will receive an email with event details on August 27 and an email notifying them that the event ends on September 22. Please pay attention to these messages.

Twitch Drops Rewards can only be collected after linking a HoYoverse account with a Twitch account and watching a certain number of hours of eligible Genshin Impact streams. Enable Twitch Drop and consecutively watch 15/30/60/90/120 minutes of streams to get the following rewards: Mora ×20,000/Sanctifying Unction ×4/Mystic Enhancement Ore ×5/Hero's Wit ×3/Primogems ×30. Each type of reward is limited to 300,000 in quantity. *Note: Twitch Drops is separate from the Twitch Streamer Recruitment Event and thus Drops rewards can be claimed immediately after achieving the listed criteria from the [Registration] website.

*More information about Twitch Drops: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/mission-based-drops

Event Details 1. Participants who meet the following conditions will be able to obtain the corresponding rewards:

a. Sign up for the Version 3.0 Creator Program b. Link an Email to a HoYoverse account c. This event is open to Genshin Impact accounts registered on the following four servers: America, Europe, Asia, and (TW, HK, MO).

d. During the event, stream in the Genshin Impact Category on Twitch for a total duration of 6 hours or more:

2. Participants who successfully register before August 24 at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) will be able to start streaming after the Version 3.0 update. Users who register after August 24 at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) will need to wait until after August 27 at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) to start streaming. 3. Primogem rewards will be delivered to valid participants' accounts no later than 30 business days after the event has concluded. 4. Any form of cheating or negligence within the community, event, or platform will not be tolerated and can result in indefinite suspension from future or related events. a. Example of cheating: Streamer A logs into Genshin Impact and is AFK for 24 hours.

b. Example of negligence: Streaming games/content that are not related to Genshin Impact in the Genshin Impact category in an attempt to get Primogems.

->Register Now<-  

Rules 1. Registration in this version of the event is required in order to participate in the event. a. Each registration is independent and applies only to the event of a specific version. Registrations made for a previous version cannot be used for the event of the next version. b. HoYoverse accounts must be linked to an email for contact purposes. c. Participants are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and validity of their information. The Genshin Impact team will not be responsible for any mistakes and related disputes arising from participants. 2. The Genshin Impact team reserves the right to determine the eligibility of participants before, during, and after the event. a. Rewards will not be awarded if the event registration is not completed. b. Those who do not meet the minimum requirements will not be eligible for rewards. c. Participants suspected of unfair advantage or engaging in forms of abuse will be immediately disqualified. d. This event is open to Genshin Impact accounts registered on the following four servers: America, Europe, Asia, and (TW, HK, MO). 3. The Genshin Impact team is responsible for determining participants' eligibility in receiving prizes. a. Submission of multimedia files/videos will not be required after the event concludes. 4. By participating in this event and submitting information, participants agree to official access and disclosure of participant information for the purpose of administration and prize distribution.

a. By participating in this event, you agree to the Privacy Policies of Genshin Impact (https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/company/privacy) (https://hoyo.link/021pnJA6) and Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/privacy-notice).

Event Rewards
*Twitch Streamer Recruitment Events Rewards will be delivered no later than 30 business days after the event has concluded.

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Note: "6 hours" is defined as streaming at least 6 hours in Twitch's Genshin Impact category throughout the event. For further clarification: Reaching 6 hours equates to Primogems ×200. Reaching 9 hours equates to Primogems ×450. Reaching 12 hours equates to Primogems ×800. "Streaming Duration Challenge" rewards can be obtained together with "Advanced Ranking Rewards." The reward is limited to 15,000 sets for 6 hours of live streaming, 12,000 sets for 9 hours of live streaming, and 10,000 copies for 12 hours of live streaming.

*If the number of rewards reaches its limit, winners will be selected based on the average number of concurrent viewers.

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

*Each participant can only get one prize under the "Advanced Ranking Rewards." *Once the participant has received the "Outstanding Community Contributor" rewards, they can no longer receive the "Popular Streamers List" or "Most Hours Watched List" rewards. This rule also applies to other rewards. *To be eligible for "Advanced Ranking Rewards," you must have at least 12 valid stream hours during the event. *Valid Stream Hours: Refers to the hours streamed on Twitch in the Genshin Impact category during the event. Content streamed outside of this category will not be counted. Note: Channel's Rank performance will be measured within the event's duration. Note: Concurrent Viewers "CCV" is defined as Concurrent Viewership throughout the event.

*Gift Subs will be sent as subscriptions of equivalent value on Twitch or via Paypal transfer as an alternative.

Event FAQ
Q1: Is registration required to participate?
A1: Yes. Registration is required.

Q2: What are the minimum requirements to receive rewards? A2: Register for the Version 3.0 Streamer Recruitment Event. The participant's HoYoverse account must be linked to an email for contact purposes. This event is open to Genshin Impact UID accounts registered on the following four servers: America, Europe, Asia, and (TW, HK, MO).

During the event, stream in the Genshin Impact Category on Twitch for a total duration of 6 hours or more.

Q3: I only streamed 7 valid hours during the event period, am I eligible for "Advanced Ranking Rewards"?
A3: No. To be eligible for "Advanced Ranking Rewards," you must have at least 12 valid stream hours during the event.

Q4: How do I link an email address with my HoYoverse account?
A4: Go to https://account.hoyoverse.com and log into your HoYoverse account. Confirm and verify your email address in the "Account Security Settings" submenu.

Q5: Will multimedia files/video submissions be required after the event ends?
A5: No. Multimedia files/video submissions are not required.

Q6: Can I stream immediately after registration? A6: Participants who successfully register before August 24 at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) will be able to start streaming after the Version 3.0 update. Users who register after August 24 at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) will need to wait until after August 27 at 00:00:00 (UTC+8) to start streaming.

*If participants start streaming before the specified time, the stream data will not be counted.

Q7: When will Primogem rewards from the Version 3.0 Twitch Streamer Recruitment be delivered?
A7: Primogem rewards will be delivered within 30 business days after the Reward Calculation period.

Q8: Am I restricted to streaming only Genshin Impact?
A8: No, there are no restrictions on posting other content. However, only streaming Genshin Impact content in the Genshin Impact category allows you to be eligible for the event participation requirements.

Q9: Is a microphone or webcam required to participate?
A9: No, these are not required.

Q10: I changed my Twitch username during the event. Will this affect my eligibility?
A10: No. Your eligibility will not be affected.

Q11: How will I be contacted?
A11: You will be contacted via the e-mail address indicated during your registration. We recommend that you check that your inbox allows you to receive emails from @hoyoverse to prevent messages from appearing in your junk mail.

Q12: Why haven't I received any emails related to the event? A12: (a) Please make sure your email address is linked to your HoYoverse account. (b) Make sure you have not unsubscribed from official Genshin Impact emails. If you have unsubscribed, please contact Customer Service. (c) Check that the e-mails have not arrived in your spam or junk mail.

(d) Ensure that the email address you use is the one linked to your HoYoverse account.

Q13: Is there a quick guide to streaming on Twitch?
A13: Yes. Please refer to this website: https://www.twitch.tv/creatorcamp/en/setting-up-your-stream/quick-start-guide-to-streaming-on-twitch/

Q14: How do I choose the Genshin Impact category on Twitch for my stream?
A14: PC - Once logged into your account, go to the "Creator Dashboard" by clicking on your profile picture. Then select "Stream Manager." On the right, you will find the "Quick Actions" tab where you can select "Edit Stream Info." A window will open where you can make the necessary changes to your stream. Select "Genshin Impact" in the "Category" section and click "Done" to save!

Link: https://dashboard.twitch.tv/stream-manager
More information: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/creator-dashboard


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Mobile: Through the Twitch App, select the "Stream Games" button, then search and select the Game title "Genshin Impact." Next, complete the settings for your live stream.

Page 25

The Version 3.0 Short Video Event on TikTok

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Hello, Travelers! The Version 3.0 Short Video Event on TikTok kicks off on August 27!

Participate in the #GenshinTeleport challenge and post your works to earn points and win Primogems!

Access this link on mobile

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"Historia Naturalis Sumeru" Short Video Submission Event

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao ml16

Hello, Travelers!

The Sumeru map is now available, what are the beautiful landscapes that make you want to immortalize them? Share with us your favorite Sumeru landscapes as a short video!

The "Historia Naturalis Sumeru" Short Video Submission Event is now open. We are looking forward to your wonderful video creations!

Event Duration
August 30, 2022 – September 11, 2022 23:59 (UTC+8)
Results: The list of winners will be updated in this event post on September 29.

How to Participate
Use the hashtags "#ExploreSumeru" and "#GenshinImpact" while posting videos of in-game scenery that meet the requirements on TikTok or YouTube, and you will be considered a successful participant.

Submission Criteria 1. The original video submissions must be taken in Sumeru.

2. Your UID must be clearly visible in your work or video title.

Event Rewards
Primogems ×600 (40 winners)

Other Details 1. Publishing content that violates laws, regulations, or community rules (including but not limited to advertisement links and other means of publicity) is prohibited. 2. Travelers are allowed multiple submissions for this event, but only one prize can be won per Traveler. The prizes cannot be stacked and only the highest prize won will be awarded. 3. This event will be evaluated based on the submission's content, comments, likes, and other factors. 4. Your submission will not be entered into the contest if the content does not relate to the event. If the title of your post does not meet the criteria, the winner may be disqualified from receiving the prize. 5. If the same entry wins on multiple platforms, the prize will be issued according to the platform it was first posted on after final verification (only one prize will be issued). 6. Plagiarism, misappropriation, and other actions that violate others' copyright are strictly prohibited. If there is a quote or a need for authorization, please cite the original sources and make sure to obtain authorization. 7. By participating in this event, you agree to have your UID and Nickname published on the event platform. UIDs will only be used to issue Primogem rewards to winning players and will be protected in accordance with the legal and policy provisions of local privacy protection laws.

8. If the issuance of rewards fails due to the player providing the wrong UID, the official Genshin Impact team will not re-issue the reward.