Add a number to all elements of a list Python

In place of the lambda operator, we can also use the add method along with map. In the below example, we create another list which has same number of elements as the length of the list and it contains the number which needs to be added. Then we apply the map method.,The map and add method can also give us the same result. Lambda functions repeats the same action for affixed number of iterations and map is used to capture the result after all the lambda iterations are over.,Program to perform given operation with each element of a list and given value in Python,List comprehension is a normal way of handling the list where we loop through each element of the list. In the below example we add the same number to each element of the list using a simple for loop.

orig_list = [5, 6, 7, 4, 10] print("The given list is : " + str(orig_list)) # Use list comprehension new_list = [n + 5 for n in orig_list ] # printing result print("After adding 5 to each element to list : " + str(new_list))