avetards là gì - Nghĩa của từ avetards

avetards có nghĩa là

To do something that makes absolutely zero fucking sense. This logic will be the stupidest thing you've ever heard and will be bound to go wrong in every way possible. This logic is most commonly used by an avetard and ou tard but lots of people can use avetard logic if they are just straight up stupid.


The avetards bought a fish that requires a 30 gallon tank and only bought a 10 gallon tank and then later decided to buy another fish that requires a 30 gallon tank and tried to fit both of the fish into a 10 gallon tank when they would need a 60 gallon tank. This is an example of the avetard logic that gets used everyday by the avetards.

avetards có nghĩa là

People who live at The Avenue Apartments in Norman aka The Ave aka the avetard house. These people are so fucking dumb and have zero common sense, they will most likely make the stupidest decisions and be doing absolutely nothing in life. They also display avetard logic. Most of these people also go to OU, making them an OU tard also.


*Norman "Nick" at The Ave gets locked out of his room*
Norman "Nick": shit I got locked out
Froomie: shit dude, our dab rig is in there
Ian: let me break it open by banging it
Henry: you want me to get my axe?
Norman "Nick": yea yea go get it
*breaks the door open*
Noah: you fucking avetard, you could've just waited and gotten maintenance to open it

avetards có nghĩa là

For an avetard the weekend consists of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This is because an avetard never goes to class during the week and wakes up at 2 pm everyday because they were extremely baked the night before. It's always the weekend for an avetard


An avetard weekend consists of literally everyday of the week, those dudes are so lazy.

avetards có nghĩa là

The minihoop hanging off the closet door in the avetard living room. This minihoop is used for playing P.I.G. and for jacking around. Dumbasses like Norman "Nick" dunk on it and pull down the rim all the way and fuck up the closet door. Just like his bedroom door, the closet door also have damages that will need to be paid for at the end of the year.


Norman "Nick" dunked on the avetard minihoop and put a crack in the door behind it because his dumbass tried to dunk too hard because he was baked.

avetards có nghĩa là

The backyard of the Avetards at The Ave. If you go out back, you can for sure find a shit ton of trash just sitting on the porch and bunch of dog shit in the lawn out back. The trash on the porch can consist of fast food, juul pods, and the trash bag with all the trash from inside that they just throw out back.


I entered The Ave from the Avetard backyard but that shit was impossible because there was dog shit and trash everywhere.

avetards có nghĩa là

The BIGGEST SHITHOLE at The Ave, if you think the other places are bad, you're in for a show on this one. The kitchen is absolute mess that is just littered with all sorts of trash and doesn't even include the avetard sink and the avetard trash can, both of which that are SO MUCH MORE WORSE. The kitchen has food all over the place and don't even get me started on the perishable food. It is living hell in the avetard kitchen.


I went into the avetard kitchen to try and find some food to eat but it smelled like rotten food everywhere and then when I opened the food containers, everything was spoiled and had mold growing.

avetards có nghĩa là

The world capital of all the spoiled food in the world. Any time you open the fridge at The Ave, you are guaranteed to find spoiled or rotten food. Many times you will find spoiled milk and even a Braums sundae that has been in there for three months.


I opened the avetard fridge to get some food, but everything smelled horrible and I'm sure that nothing has been thrown out in five months.

avetards có nghĩa là

The stairs that take you to the second floor of The Ave. This shit is basically a fucking storage room because an avetard just throws his shit anywhere he wants and just leaves it there. There is absolutely no room to go up the fucking stairs and you might as well play hopscotch or leapfrog on the stairs because you need to be jumping all over the place to avoid all the shit on the avetard stairs to get upstairs.


One of the avetards called me upstairs but when I went to climb up the avetard stairs, there was absolutely no room for me to put my foot down so I felt like a fucking monkey trying to jump over everything to get up.

avetards có nghĩa là

This is the most used appliance in the avetard kitchen. It is mainly used to bake pizza but these avetards have no idea how to use a fucking oven. Most of the time they end up burning whatever the hell is in the oven and smoke up the whole apartment similar to when they use the dab rig.


Shit, I think I left the pizza in the avetard oven way too long, it's all smokey in the avetard kitchen and smells burnt.

avetards có nghĩa là

A derogatory term for a person living in Avenue apartments in Oklahoma, which is known for having a multitude of Oklahoma University students. These students are often stupid as fuck and misbehave all the time, hence the name aveTARD.


Those goddamn avetards are partying all night again, don’t they know there’s school tomorrow

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