Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 10

1. Look at the picture and discuss it with a partner


1. What type of house do you think it is?

2. Where do you think the house is

=> Answer: 

1. It's villa

2. The house is on an island

2. Read the text and match the beginings in A with the endings in B

1. The house will have robots toa. cleans the floors
 b.contact my friends
 c. wash clothes
 d. buy foof from the supermarket
2. The house will have a super smart TV toe. cook meals

f. send and receive emails

 g. feed the dogs and cats
 h. water the flowers

=> Answer: 

1: a, e, c, h, g     2: f, b, d

3. Read the text again and circle the option [A, B, or C] to complete the sentences.

1. The house will be ...........

A. in the mountains

B. on an island             C. onthe Moon

2. There'll be a.......... in front of the house.

A. swimming pool       B. garden            C. pond

3. The house will have ............. robots.

A. many                         B. a lot of             C.some

4. The ......... will help me to feed the dogs and cats.

A. helicopter                 B. robot                C. super smart TV

=> Answer: 

1. B    2.A      3. C     4. B

4. Work in pairs. Ask your partner about his / her future house. Use the suggested questions.

1. What type of future house do you think it will be?

2. Where will it be?

3. What will it look like?

3. What will it look like?

4. How many rooms will it have?

5. What appliances will it have and what will they heip you to do?


A: What type of future house do you

think it will be?

&: It'll be a palace.

=> Answer:

1. My future house will be a villa

2. It will be on the coast

3. There'll be a swimming pool behind the house and a garden with many colorful flowers and trees in front of the house.

4. There will be 8 rooms in the house: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen.

5. There will be 4 smart TVs  for 4 bedrooms and a big modern fridge in the kitchen. The smart TVs will help me to access internet to learn and play online, besides, it will help me to contact with my friends all over the world

5. Work In groups. Tell your partners about your future house. You can use the information in 4.


My future house will be a palace.It'll be on the Moon, There'll be a super smart TV in the house. It'll help me to talk to my friends on other planets.

=> Answer: 

My future house will be a villa. It will be on the coast. There'll be a swimming pool behind the house and a garden with many colorful flowers and trees in front of the house. There will be 8 rooms in the house: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen.There will be 4 smart TVs  for 4 bedrooms and a big modern fridge in the kitchen. The smart TVs will help me to access internet to learn and play online, besides, it will help me to contact with my friends all over the world.

1. Complete the paragraph with the appropriate words in the box. 

have                contact                 enjoy                 won't                 four

I have a dream of having my own flat It'll be in the centre of the city. There will be [1] _____ rooms in it - a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. I'll [2] _____  a big TV and a DVD player in my bedroom. They'll help me to relax and [3] _____ life I'll have a laptop to [4] ____ with my friends. My flat will be on the top floor and there [5] _____ be any neighbours. so it'll be OK to play loud music.

=> Answer:

1. four                       2. have                    3. enjoy               4. contact                     5. won't

2. Read the paragraph again and write the answers to the questions.

1. What type of house will it be? 

2. Where will it be? 

3. How many rooms will the flat have? 

4. What will there be in the bedroom? 

5. Why will it be OK to play loud music? 

=> Answer:

1. It will be a flat

2. It'll be in the centre of the city

3. There will be four rooms

4. There'll be a big TV and a DVD player in the bedroom

5. Because there won't be any neighbors.

3. Read the passage and choose the option [A, B, C, or D] that is NOT TRUE. 

In the future, we will live in amazing new houses. Our houses will use the sun or the wind to make electricity We won't use cookers, dishwashers or washing machines because robots will help us. We will have robots to cook our dinner and wash our clothes. We will have robots to look after our children. We won't use computers. We will have special remote control units. We can surf the internet. send and receive emails and order food from the markets without getting out of bed. We won't have TVs or CD players because we will have watches that play music. take pictures and tell the time. Our cars won't use gas. They will use energy from air, water and plants. In the future the air won't be polluted. Our world will be a great place to live in. 

1. We won't have 

A. cookers                     B. robots                      C. TVs                     D. computers

2. Robots will help us to 

A. cook our dinner          B. surf the intemet      C. wash our clothes  D. look after our children

3. We will have special remote control units to

A. surf the intemet         

B. send and receive emails

C. order food from the markets

D. look after our children

4. Our watches will 

A. make electricity          B. play               C. wind               D. plants 

=> Answer:

1. B                   2. B                     3. D                       4. A                            5. B

Trọn bộ lời giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 10: Our houses in the future bộ sách Kết nối tri thức chi tiết được biên soạn bám sát chương trình sách bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 [Global Success 6] giúp học sinh làm bài tập về nhà trong SBT Tiếng Anh 6 dễ dàng hơn.

A. Pronunciation [trang 26 SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 6]

Exercise 1. Mark the stress on the words. Then say the words aloud [Đánh dấu trọng âm các từ. Sau đó nói to chúng]

1. housework

2. farmer

3. standard

4. object

5. busy

6. homework

7. father

8. mountains

9. project

10. pretty

Đáp án:

1. ‘housework

2. ‘farmer

3. ‘standard

4. ‘object

5. ‘busy

6. ‘homework

7. ‘father

8. ‘mountains

9. ‘project

10. ‘pretty


1. housework

[công việc nhà]

2. farmer

[nông dân]

3. standard

[tiêu chuẩn]

4. object

[vật thể]

5. busy

[bận rộn]

6. homework

[bài tập]

7. father


8. mountains


9. project

[dự án]

10. pretty

[đẹp, tuyệt]

Exercise 2. Read the sentences and underline the two-syllable words with the stress on the first syllable. Then mark ['] the stress on the word [Đọc các câu và gạch chân các từ có hai âm tiết với trọng âm ở âm tiết đầu tiên. Sau đó đánh dấu ['] trọng âm trên từ]

1. The children will have a wireless TV in their future house.

2. The robots will help her mother water the flowers.

3. Her dream house will be a pretty palace in the mountains.

4. There is a garden in front of the villa and a garage at the back of it.

5. There will be two bedrooms and one kitchen in the flat.

6. He’s painting a picture of the island.

7. The girl lives in a pretty cottage in the village.

Đáp án:

1. The ‘children will have a ‘wireless TV in their ‘future house.

2. The ‘robots will help her ‘mother ‘water the ‘flowers.

3. Her dream house will be a ‘pretty ‘palace in the ‘mountains.

4. There is a ‘garden in front of the ‘villa and a ‘garage at the back of it.

5. There will be two ‘bedrooms and one ‘kitchen in the flat.

6. He’s ‘painting a ‘picture of the ‘island.

7. The girl lives in a ‘pretty ‘cottage in the ‘village.

B. Vocabulary & Grammar [trang 26, 27, 28 SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 6]

Exercise 1. Circle one odd word A, B, C, or D. Then read them aloud [Khoanh tròn từ khác loại. Đọc to chúng]

1. A. apartment                 B. house                 C. cottage               D. factory

2. A. and                           B. in                       C. on                      D. at

3. A. kitchen                     B. window              C. bedroom             D. living room

4. A. computer                  B. dishwater            C. housework          D. washing machine

5. A. city                           B. building              C. village                D. countryside

Đáp án và giải thích:

1. Đáp án D

Các đáp án A, B, C thuộc nhóm các loại nhà

2. Đáp án A

Các đáp án B, C, D thuộc nhóm giới từ

3. Đáp án B

Các đáp án A, C, D thuộc nhóm các phòng trong nhà

4. Đáp án C

Các đáp án A, B, D thuộc nhóm các đồ dùng gia đình

5. Đáp án B

Các đáp án A, C, D thuộc nhóm các loại hình đô thị, nông thôn

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the words in 1. The first letter of the word is provided for you. [Hoàn thành các câu bằng cách sử dụng các từ trong phần 1. Chữ cái đầu tiên của từ được cung cấp cho bạn.]

1. We live in an a________ in the centre of Ha Noi.

2. There is a beautiful picture o_______ the wall of my room.

3. They cook and eat meals in their small k_______.

4. I have a c________ to surf the internet.

5. My uncle lives in a cottage in the v_________.

Đáp án:

1. apartment

2. on

3. kitchen

4. computer

5. village


1. Chúng tôi sống trong một căn hộ ở trung tâm Hà Nội.

2. Có một bức tranh đẹp trên tường phòng tôi.

3. Họ nấu ăn và dùng bữa trong căn bếp nhỏ của họ.

4. Tôi có một máy tính để lướt internet.

5. Chú tôi sống trong một ngôi nhà tranh trong làng.




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