calgary là gì - Nghĩa của từ calgary

calgary có nghĩa là

A city in Alberta, Canada, which is near Edmonton and the Rockies. Known for the Stampede, and it's incredibly large population of homophobic racist closeted cowboys.


Calgary is full of homophobic racist closeted cowboys. But still good.

calgary có nghĩa là

A sterile, livable and modest Canadian city, with professional sports teams for entertainment. A stone's throw from the Rockies, but that doesn't actually affect the quality of the city.
It's not even close to a "world city", but Calgary has the most potential to grow of any Canadian city. With the oil economy, the imigrants are coming from across the globe and local art scenes will develop.
A city with some minority of fanatics that really like to insult Toronto for no apparent reason. But they are not the voice of the city.


Calgarian: "Fuck Toronto, those pakis and gangster wannabes can stay where they are. Calgary is so much better, we have the stampede."

Torontonian: "Calgary's pretty cool, I love Banff and the Rockies. Last time I was there I missed the stampede by a couple of days, and didn't really do anything memorable. Stop talking bullshit about my hometown! It's a lot more dynamic in the arts, dining, diversity and the neighbourhoods. If crime gets worse and the city becomes dirtier, I'll consider Calgary, but we've got some unique ideas. Watch out."

Calgarian: "I suppose I've never lived back east, I don't really know. Mind you, I don't have much to complain about either."

calgary có nghĩa là

Concrete city located 51°03' latitude and 114°05' longitude in Alberta, Canada.

The city is a giant network of poorly planned and poorly maintained road systems, causing mass congestion in a city with only 900,000 people. It sports a bare minimum 'tram' system which does not even reach the airport, and is often littered with homeless people who can ride the trains for free in downtown.

The homeless dominate the north-eastern downtown core, and even have their own purpose built hotel, with rates starting at $0 per night. The homeless population can be seen killing each other outside the Cecil Hotel.

Older suburbs are beginning to show their age and are the shanty towns of Calgary. Lack of city investment is aiding their rapid demise, and fueling the local criminal population.


Pedestrians and cars both get the green light at the same time. It's called population control.

calgary có nghĩa là

The coolest place in Alberta. Home to lots of hot chicks. Yes, there are some sluts, but what place doesn't have them? Hosts the Calgary Stampede, known as "the greatest outdoor show on earth." The Stampede kicks the ass out of Klondike Days! And for all you idiots we do to have fucking trees! The coolest place...


I live in the most amazing place ever, being Calgary.

calgary có nghĩa là

most hated city in canada, even though it keep this country afloat. best jobs, most money, hottest girls.. must be why were so hated, everyones jealous. while were raking in the dough, buying new cars and houses, the rest of the country is either getting layed off from car factorys or cod fishing or complaining about why were so rich, just shutup and take ur ei cheques and go back to your pathetic existances. now if only the fagget easterners go back to ur fishing towns(new brunswik), wanna be hollywood fake ass gangsters go back to your made up ghettos(ontario) or worst of all fucking fagget ass frog frenchman fudgepackers go back to eating pouteen or whatever you do, when will you finally seperate so we finally dont have listen to ur stupid pussy ass threats. i have an idea, how about ALBERTA seperates, we'll take our money, oil and everything else the rest of the country mooches off of us and the rest of canada can go fuck themselves. take that bitch


why is the traffic so bad in calgary?
they let french people drive here

calgary có nghĩa là

A fucking awesome city, with the saddledome, Calgary tower (WITH A FUCKING AWESOME SEE THROUGH FLOORING!!), Legendary theaters, One Egyptian temple themed, and the other one is based on the roman coliseum. We have a PYRAMID shaped library thats genius. We have the stampede, globalfest, AWESOME malls , lots of hangouts, EVERYTHING, C.O.P., We should be The capital of the country because we are the fastest, richest growing city in all the fucking country.


Calgary Owns French Canada up the ass, and Edmonton.
Dude-1:"So what do you want to do today in Calgary?"
Dude-1:"I dunno there is to much to do!! *raging orgasm*"

calgary có nghĩa là

The best City in Alberta! We've got the Flames, who are getting to be a really strong team. We also have the "Best outdoor show on earth", known to be the Calgary Stampede. Which by the way is a blast to go to. To agree with Edmonton people, I don't think it should be the Capital, we wouldn't want a bunch of political crap in our city. Not to mention we can drive 45 minutes and be at some amazing skiing and snowboarding locations. So to sum up this definition. Calgary is the place to be. (We are also wicked rich). By the way, Practically no one has mullets and every city on earth has sluts. We kick booty.


Welcome To Calgary, The Most Wicked Cool City In Alberta.

calgary có nghĩa là

The best City in Alberta! We've got the Flames, who are getting to be a really strong team. We also have the "Best outdoor show on earth", known to be the Calgary Stampede. Which by the way is a blast to go to. To agree with Edmonton people, I don't think it should be the Capital, we wouldn't want a bunch of political crap in our city. Not to mention we can drive 45 minutes and be at some amazing skiing and snowboarding locations. So to sum up this definition. Calgary is the place to be. (We are also wicked rich). By the way, Practically no one has mullets and every city on earth has sluts. We kick booty.


Welcome To Calgary, The Most Wicked Cool City In Alberta.

calgary có nghĩa là

The best City in Alberta! We've got the Flames, who are getting to be a really strong team. We also have the "Best outdoor show on earth", known to be the Calgary Stampede. Which by the way is a blast to go to. To agree with Edmonton people, I don't think it should be the Capital, we wouldn't want a bunch of political crap in our city. Not to mention we can drive 45 minutes and be at some amazing skiing and snowboarding locations. So to sum up this definition. Calgary is the place to be. (We are also wicked rich). By the way, Practically no one has mullets and every city on earth has sluts. We kick booty.


Welcome To Calgary, The Most Wicked Cool City In Alberta.

calgary có nghĩa là

A great city that has it all.
Ps. madtroll is a nerdy, geeky, homosexual jackass


I went to a hockey game in Calgary, go flames go!!!!