Exert influence là gì

I. exert là ngoại động từ

1. Mang nghĩa "áp dụng cái gì vào cái gì (quản chế, chế tài, áp lực, tác động...)"

=to use influence, authority, or power in order to affect or achieve something / to put force or physical pressure on something / to use power or the ability to make something happen


  • exert influence/pressure/control

  • A well-funded national organization would be able to exert more influence in Parliament. 
  • the inadequate degree of control exerted by some parents over their children
  • If you were to exert your influence they might change their decision. 
  • Some managers exert considerable pressure on their staff to work extra hours without being paid.
  • The heavy gate had exerted considerable pressure on the flimsy post.
  • To cut costs, health-insurance plans are exerting tighter control over paying for medical care.
  • School never fails to exert pressure on students. (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: Trường học không bao giờ thất bại trong việc tạo áp lực lên học sinh)
  • He exerted all his influence to make them accept this plan (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: ông ấy sử dụng tất cả ảnh hưởng của mình để buộc họ chấp nhận kế hoạch này)
  • Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: chồng cô ta đã gây rất nhiều sức ép với cô ta để cô ta thành công)

2. "exert yourself" cố gắng hết sức, thúc đẩy bản thân nỗ lực

=to cause yourself to make an effort:

  • I was too tired to exert myself.
  • She will have to exert herself a lot more if she wants to succeed in this business.
  • He didn’t want to exert himself on such a hot day.
  • you'll have to exert yourself more if you want to pass your exam (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: nếu muốn thi đỗ, bạn phải cố gắng nhiều hơn nữa)

exerted considerable influence

exerted a powerful influence

exerted a huge influence

exerted a significant influence

she exerted a strong influence

pressure exerted