Georgetown waitlist 2025

As applications close and decisions are released, colleges have reported record numbers of applications, as well as lower-than-ever admission rates. Last year, more than 23,600 students applied to Dartmouth College, a record for the Ivy League school. Yale University had yet another record-setting year, with a 4.3% increase in applications for their Class of 2023.

Because of the increase in applications, the jobs of admission officers are further complicated, as they try to predict the size of their incoming freshman class. The yield, or the percentages of students who are accepted and end up enrolling at a particular university, can differ greatly from one year to the next. If admission officers admit too many students who end up enrolling in the school, they might not have dorm or class space for everyone. Admit too few, and they will have empty spots.

That is why many schools rely on the waitlist as a strategy for filling those last-minute empty seats.

Students who are waitlisted might be wondering what their options are.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

What Does Being Waitlisted Mean?

The admission officers liked your application, but there werent enough seats in their freshman class to offer you a spot right now. If enough students turn down their offer of admission, you might be lucky enough to get an offer yourself.

However, students who are hoping to get off the waitlist arent always lucky. According to a survey by U.S. News and World Report, 91 ranked colleges accepted anywhere between zero to 100% of the students off the waitlist, with the average institution accepting one out of five students. However, some schools, like MIT and Harvard University, admitted zero students off their waitlists for their classes of 2021. But, this year for the Class of 2023, Harvard accepted 65 students off their waitlist.

This fluctuation of numbers from year to year can be stressful for students as they try to plan for their academic future. When a student is placed on the waitlist, there is no ranking of students. Therefore, students have no clue of their chances of beating the odds and accepting a spot.

Students who did get waitlisted should research the school and see how many students are waitlisted and later accepted. Knowing this information can help students adjust their expectations and form a better plan. There are numerous steps students can take to increase their odds of getting off the waitlist. Below are four things to do before May 1 to increase your chances.

Tips For Getting Accepted Off The Waitlist

1. Decide if you still want to attend. The first thing you should do is consider how much you still want to study at the college. Perhaps you have gotten other acceptances from schools that you would rather go to. However, if the school remains your top choice, you want to make sure that you stay on its waitlist.Many schools require that you respond to a waitlist invitation, meaning you are accepting a spot on the waitlist. If you dont accept the spot, you wont be considered for admission. The schools often email you or require that you respond via the individual institutions portal.

2. Keep in touch. Some schools recommend that you visit the campus. Set up a time to visit as soon as your schedule permits and try to meet with your admission representative to make a good impression. In addition, walking the campus is different from looking at it on social media or on a website. Youll be able to make a fully informed decision on whether or not this school is still your top choice.

3. Keep your grades up. Dont let your grades suffer in your last semester of high school. You want to showcase to college admission officers that you can handle tough classes and not fall victim to senioritis.

4. Write a letter reiterating your desire to attend the university. The letter should mention anything that has changed since you submitted your application. You can include new extracurricular activities, research, projects or classes that you have completed in the last couple of months. The letter should also mention that you are still committed to attending. You might also consider asking another teacher for an additional letter of recommendation. However, the letter doesnt necessarily have to come from someone at your school; you can also ask a coach or a manager at your part-time job or internship to write a letter for you. Only send it in if it can add a fresh perspective to your application. In addition, if you have any videos or photos of your recent achievements, you can add them to your LinkedIn profile. We encourage our students to use their LinkedIn as an online portfolio to bring their resume to life.

How To Write The Waitlist Letter

When you are writing the waitlist letter, keep it to one page and make sure to highlight your recent accomplishments. Dont reiterate things that the school already knows from your application. Send it as soon as possible to convey your continued interest in the university.

Example Waitlist Letter

Use this letter as a model of what to include. Personalize it and make it your own to ensure that it has the most impact on the admission officers. Emailing the letter is perfectly acceptable, but make sure to send it within a week or two of receiving your waitlist decision. Be sure to check with the university about their preferred method of communication. Some schools will specifically request that you submit the letter through their online portal.

Dear Mrs. Ariza,

Thank you for taking the time to review my application to Georgetown University. While I was disappointed to learn I was on the waitlist, Georgetown remains my number one choice, and I would gladly attend if accepted. As such, I wanted to include some new information to supplement my application.

Since applying in the fall, I have retaken the SAT to improve my score from 1270 to 1470. I received a math score of 710 and a critical reading score of 760. I have sent my official scores to Georgetown.

I was awarded 3rd place in my states Literature PTSA for my poem Carnivals. I competed against 50 other students in my state and presented my poem in front of a crowd of 1,000 people. This honor helped to further demonstrate my passion for writing and humanities. My poem, as well as my previous work, can be found on my LinkedIn page:.

If accepted to Georgetown, I would love to study under Professor Reep and take her class on Emotions in Poetry. Her work has long been an inspiration to me, and after I sat in on one of her classes during a visit to Georgetown last month, her words have helped shape my writing.

I continue to challenge myself academically by taking on a rigorous course load. Last semester, I also received a 4.0 in all of my classes, and I am on track to receive As in the classes I am taking this semester.

Thank you for the continued consideration of my application. I hope to continue my academic studies at Georgetown University in the fall.

Thank you,

Kaylie Joseph

Student ID Number: 630469751

5. Be Flexible And Patient

After youve done each step, remain patient. The call that you have gotten off the waitlist could come at any time before the first day that classes start. Dont bother the admission officers with endless emails or phone calls. Remember, they are busy, and you calling every day wont help your case. However, you can ask your guidance counselor to reach out to the university to learn about the size of the waitlist or any other insights.

You should also be flexible if you do get accepted after the waitlist. For example, last year we worked with a student who was accepted off the waitlist at Georgia Tech on the condition that she start over the summer semester. By being flexible and canceling her summer plans, she made her dream college a reality.

The waitlist decision might not come before May 1, which is the deadline for sending in an enrollment deposit to your top choice university. Therefore, while you are waiting, send in an enrollment deposit at your second-choice university. It ensures you have at least secured a spot at a college for the next school year. If you are accepted off the waitlist after youve sent in a deposit, youll forfeit the deposit. However, it might be worth it to you if its your dream college.

Getting off the waitlist isnt always easy. But by following these steps, you can give yourself the best chance possible.

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