Golden wheel car rental IELTS Listening answers

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 1 Orientating yourself to the text ■ ■ ■ Who are the speakers? Where are they? Why are they speaking? In order to understand what people are saying, it helps to know what their relationship is to each other and why they are speaking. The language they use will depend on this relationship and the situation. Knowing these helps us to anticipate what the speakers are going to talk about. Predicting the situation 1 Look at pictures a–d. Try to work out who the people are, where they are and what they are doing. 2 Look at pictures a–d again. Try to imagine what the people are saying. Work with a partner and use some of the words and phrases in the vocabulary box to help you. a b Vocabulary where? when? how much? how long? which? accommodation flights TV channel programme problem d c live afford wait arrive watch time news suburb area bus 3 How did you decide what the people were saying? Compare your ideas with the rest of the class. 4 Look at pictures a–f, which show people in different situations. Try to imagine what they are saying. a b © in this web service Cambridge University Press c d e f Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 1 5 02 You will hear six short conversations. As you listen, complete the first part of the table by matching each conversation to a picture (a–f).Then say what the situation is and how many speakers there are. 1 f Talk on first day at a college 1 Welcome you … Introducing the teaching staff Do the speak e know rs e other? ach ords Key w Numbe speak r of ers Situati on Pictur e 6 Listen to the conversations again and write the key words that help you understand the situation. If there are two speakers, say whether they know each other or not. Write your answers in the final two columns of the table below. No 2 3 4 5 6 7 Look at the set of notes below and say what the topic is. 8 On the right, write what type of words you need to complete the notes. 9 03 Listen and answer questions 1–4. Drive from Melbourne to Phillip Island: approx 1 km takes about 2 Type of words • • People go there to: observe the 3 home watch seals from 4 through telescopes. • • 1 a number 2 returning or 3 4 9 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 1 IELTS Listening test practice Test tip All questions like form/notes/ summary/ diagram/flowchart and sentence completion must be answered using three words or less. The instructions tell you the MAXIMUM NUMBER OF WORDS to use. Form-filling Form-filling is a common IELTS Listening task, particularly in Section 1. You often have to provide factual information, including numbers. Use the words on the form as a guide to the information you need to listen for. 10 Work with a partner. Together look at the form below and discuss the situation and the relationship of the speakers. Then discuss what type of answers you need to listen for. 11 04 Listen and answer questions 1–4. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Hotel Novena Guest Registration Form Example Answer Name of guest: Matthews Room: 1 2 3 4 Wake-up call at: Type of breakfast: Payment by: IELTS Listening test practice Note completion You often have to complete some notes in the IELTS Listening test. You should read the notes carefully before you listen, to work out what type of words are missing. The vocabulary in the notes can also help you predict the situation. Test tip Notes are not complete sentences and may not always contain articles or full verb forms. 12 Look at the set of notes below and say what the topic is. 13 On the right, write what type of words you need to complete the notes. 14 05 Listen and answer questions 1–3. Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Train now arriving at 1 . Type of words Meet boys outside station 2 . Bring leather jacket. Bring 3 Charlie. 1 a time 2 to repay 3 10 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 2 Listening for specific information ■ ■ What are the missing words? Sometimes when we listen, we are only interested in finding out very specific information such as a date, a time, a name or other details. How can we prepare before we listen? We can try to work out what type of words we are listening for. This will help us find the answer. Predicting what type of words you need 1 Find out information from two other students to complete this questionnaire. Use your own words to form questions (e.g. for Date of birth ask, When were you born?). ? Questionnaire How Name When What Student 1 Student 2 Nationality Date of birth Telephone number Where Which Usual wake-up time Means of travel to college 2 You are going to hear five voicemail messages. Say what type of word(s) you need to listen for in each message and write it (them) in the table below. 3 06 Listen and complete gaps 1–10. 4 Listen to the recording again and make a note of the words each speaker said which helped you to answer the questions. The first one has been done for you. Voicemail messages A Julia confirming dinner on 1 at 2 . B 3 ready. Cost of repairs 4 $ C D E . 5 called. Can’t get textbook because it is 6 Dr Boyd is ill with 7 New appointment on 8 . . Type of word What the speaker said day/date time/place I’m coming for dinner on Friday night Test tip You need to be able to recognise paraphrases, i.e. words which have a similar meaning to those used in the question. . Sam rang. 9 for Prof. Hall on Saturday. Please ring this number: 10 . 11 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 2 IELTS Listening test practice Table completion Before you listen Look at the words used in the task to help you guess the topic. Decide who the speakers are. Study the table carefully to work out what type of words are missing. Note whether the columns or rows have a heading. Note the order of the questions, i.e. do the numbers move across the rows or down the columns? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 5 Take 30 seconds to look at the table below and then discuss what type of information is missing. 6 07 Listen to the first part of the conversation and answer questions 1–6. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Test tip City Aquarium Words included in the table are there to guide you. Type of ticket Adult 1 3 Advantage Requirements 2 $19 30% discount must have a 4 Test tip You must use correct spelling in the Listening test. Cost Group $250 for ten people price includes a must pay 5 6 IELTS Listening test practice Sentence completion If you have to complete some sentences, you need to work out what type of words are missing but also remember that the sentences need to be grammatically correct. Test tip Use the time given between the two parts of a recording to read the next set of questions carefully. They will always involve a different type of question. 7 The sentences which follow are based on the second part of the conversation between the man and the receptionist at the City Aquarium. Take 30 seconds to prepare before you listen. 8 08 Listen to the second part of the conversation and answer questions 7–10. Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 7 You can buy a book that tells you about the in the aquarium. 8 The gift shop is situated next to the 9 The aquarium closes at 10 The tickets are cheaper when you buy them . today. . 9 How is the answer in sentence 9 different from the other answers? 12 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 2 IELTS Listening test practice Section 1 In Section 1 of the IELTS Listening test, you will hear a conversation between two people. One of the speakers needs some specific factual information (e.g. names or dates) which you will have to write down. Section 1 tasks are often gapfill (e.g. note, table or form completion). You will get an example at the beginning and the recording will be divided into two or three parts with some reading time before each part. Before you listen ■ ■ ■ 10 Look at the task below, which consists of a form with some information missing. Try to work out the situation from the task. Who could the speakers be? Why are they speaking? Decide what role you will be playing when you complete the form. What type of information will you be listening for? Try to predict the language that you need to listen for. 09 Listen and answer questions 1–10. Questions 1–6 Listen to the telephone conversation and complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. GOLDEN WHEELS CAR RENTALS Test tip Section 1 always has an example question first to give you plenty of time to get started. Customer request form Example Answer Customer’s name: Frank Moorcroft Address: 1 26, Telephone: 2 02 Type of licence: 3 Type of vehicle: 4 Date for collection: 5 Length of booking: 6 , Richmond Questions 7–10 Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. 7 The man will pick the car up from 8 The car is required at 9 A . . is also needed. 10 The man decides to take the . 11 What does the number in the address on the form tell you? 12 What do the words type of vehicle tell you? 13 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 3 Identifying detail ■ ■ Why is detail important? We need to show that we can listen carefully to a description and understand it fully. When do we need to listen for detail? If someone is describing something, it is the detail in the description, such as the colour or a reference to the shape, which allows us to picture it accurately. Understanding form, position, colour 1 Work with a partner. Look at pictures a–h and take turns to describe the objects. Try to say what material they are usually made of. Use some of the descriptive words and phrases in the vocabulary box below to help you. a b c d e f g h Vocabulary 14 Shape round oval rectangular circular spherical cylindrical shaped like a … square/cube/sphere long thin flat curved pointed Qualities coloured striped spotted sharp Parts head face eye neck top main/outer/inner part side handle bottom end Position on one/both side(s) in the middle on/at the top above below around inside horizontal vertical Material wood(en) paper leather rubber metal glass plastic 2 Think of two more objects and describe them to your partner. Can he/she guess what they are? © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 3 IELTS Listening test practice Labelling a diagram You may have to label a diagram, map or plan. There are three types of diagram task in IELTS Listening. Type 1 You complete the labels on a diagram with words from the recording. Type 2 You match options in a box to points numbered on the diagram. Type 3 You match points numbered on the diagram to items or descriptions. 3 You are going to hear a description of how a fire extinguisher works. Look at the diagram of the fire extinguisher below and discuss the parts you need to label. What do you think they might be? What sort of descriptive words and phrases might help you? 4 10 Listen and answer questions 1–5. Label the diagram below. Write ONE word for each answer. 3 lever spring Test tip The answers will come in question order on the recording. 4 nozzle gives off 2 long of water gas 1 filled with water or foam 5 water leaves through this 5 Listen to the recording again and complete the second column of the table with the words that are used to describe the parts of the fire extinguisher. Part Description Position container lever pin gas cartridge handle nozzle spring discharge tube 6 Listen to the recording a third time and complete the third column of the table with the expressions of position that help you know where the parts are. 15 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 3 7 11 Listen and complete the notes using not more than three words in each gap. In case of emergency . • Remove from case and withdraw 6 extinguisher at burning object. •7 gas. top lever which 9 •8 to extinguish. • Point nozzle at 10 IELTS Listening test practice Multiple choice Multiple choice questions are common in the IELTS Listening test. They are used to test detailed understanding. There are three types: Type 1 A question followed by three possible answers, worth one mark Type 2 A statement followed by three possible endings, worth one mark Type 3 A list of possible options from which you select a number of answers for one or more marks. Test tip Always follow this procedure when you first read the questions. Test tip In the IELTS Listening test you will need to use the questions to help you follow the talk and find the answers but you also have some time before the talk begins to read through the questions. 16 8 Read each of the multiple choice questions below and say ■ which type of question it is ■ how many marks it is worth ■ what the topic is ■ who the speakers might be. 9 12 Listen to the extracts and answer questions 1–7. man attend in the wo 1 Which lecture does the ? day the of middle A Library skills B Technical design C History of architecture 3 The speaker says sharks are unlike any other fish because they A cannot float in water. B are unable to swim backwards. C catch their prey in the air. 2 Circle TWO letters A–G. the walk? Which TWO things should they take on E insect repellent A large rucksack F camera B drink container G sunglasses s drink C soft D cold food 4 What is the Tjibaou building? Caledonia A a home for the native people of New ure itect arch n Italia of B a unique example C a place to learn about Kanak culture 5–7 Which THREE things does the woman like? A the appearance of the planes B the idea of working for an airline C travelling to unusual places D collecting airline equipment E watching the planes take off F the noise of the engines G being a passenger © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68095-0 – New Insight into IELTS Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell Excerpt More information Listening 3 10 Work with a partner. You are going to hear part of a radio programme. Together, read questions 1 and 2 below and discuss how you could rephrase each question and the three possible endings in your own words. 11 13 Listen to the introduction to the radio programme and choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 1 The announcer says that canoeing is A safer than people think. B enjoyable for most people. C becoming more popular. 2 The speaker says that canoes may be hard to A steer. B balance. C get going. 12 Listen to the recording again and note the exact words that helped you to answer questions 1 and 2. 13 Repeat the process from exercise 8 (page 16) with questions 3–6, below. Say what you think the answers might be to the questions before you listen. 14 14 Listen and answer questions 3–6. 3 Where does the term white-water canoeing come from? A the type of river that is chosen B the effect of the paddles on the water C the speed at which the boat travels 4–6 Circle THREE letters A–G. Which THREE things does Cynthia recommend you buy to get started? A a low-budget canoe E a long-sleeved sweater B protective headgear F rubber boots C a waterproof jacket G gloves D a short-sleeved wetsuit 15 Listen to the recording again. Look at options A–G in questions 4–6 and say why some of these are incorrect. 16 Read question 7 below on your own and rephrase the question and the three possible answers in your own words. 7 According to Cynthia, serious canoeists A take risks on purpose. B prefer to teach people in the winter. C avoid rivers that are too high. 17 15 Listen to the end of the programme and answer question 7. 18 Listen to the recording again. a Which words helped you to answer the question? b Why are the other two possible answers attractive, but wrong? 17 © in this web service Cambridge University Press