Housework nghĩa là gì

1. “Women should mobilize their husbands and children to share housework.”

“Bản thân phụ nữ cũng cần biết cách huy động chồng con tham gia các công việc gia đình.”

2. Besides doing housework, I recited the Rosary with him every evening.

Ngoài chuyện làm việc nhà, tôi cùng với chú lần hạt Mân Côi mỗi tối.

3. I mean, you're probably already falling behind with the housework and the bills.

chắc chắn cậu đang bị ngập trong việc nhà và một mớ các hóa đơn.

4. Like our housework, it's a dirty and a thankless job, but it's also important.

Giống như việc nhà, một công việc chẳng thú vị và thoải mái, nhưng lại hết sức quan trọng.

5. For women, housework prevents breast cancer, but for men, shopping could make you impotent.

Và với phụ nữ, việc nhà ngăn ngừa ung thư vú, nhưng đối với nam giới, mua sắm có thể làm cho bạn liệt dương.

6. So for women, housework prevents breast cancer, but for men, shopping could make you impotent.

Và với phụ nữ, việc nhà ngăn ngừa ung thư vú, nhưng đối với nam giới, mua sắm có thể làm cho bạn liệt dương.

7. It was sold to proto- feminist housewives as a way to cut down on housework.

Chúng được bán cho những bà nội trợ cấp tiến thời bấy giờ để giảm gánh nặng việc nhà.

8. It was sold to proto-feminist housewives as a way to cut down on housework.

Chúng được bán cho những bà nội trợ cấp tiến thời bấy giờ để giảm gánh nặng việc nhà.

9. What can buying out the opportune time involve when it comes to secular work or housework?

Lợi dụng thì giờ bao hàm điều gì liên quan đến việc làm thế tục hoặc công việc nội trợ?

10. Shortly after I returned home, my mother became severely ill and I had to do all the housework.

Không lâu sau khi trở về nhà, mẹ tôi đổ bệnh nặng và tôi phải cáng đáng hết việc nhà.


Cùng tìm hiểu định nghĩa và ý nghĩa và cách dùng của từ: housework

Phát âm : /'hauswə:k/

+ danh từ

  • công việc trong nhà [nấu ăn, giặt, quét dọn]

Lượt xem: 242

Q: housework a drag có nghĩa là gì?

A: If something is a drag it is a chore or something you get no enjoyment from and which usually takes a lot of time.

Q: she endured the housework

endured means did or made có nghĩa là gì?

A: Sosteneva le faccende domestiche

Q: Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với housework.

A: I can't go out tonight because I have too much housework to do.

I have to do a lot of housework today.

The housework needs to be done or the place will be a mess.

Actually, my mother does the housework so I can just play videogames instead.

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa housework và house chores ?

A: Hi there,

"housework" refers to house chores AND can mean other work such as repairs and maintenance.

"I can't come on that day, I have some housework to do. The gutter is clogged and I need to clean."

"house chores" refers to things cleaning inside the house mostly"Mum always gives me so many chores; take out the rubbish, do the dishes, hang the clothes up and hoover the floor."

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa housework và chores ? thanks! ?

A: Usually adults do housework. [?American] children and teenagers do chores but the term can be applied more broadly. Housework = general term for domestic home cleaning [clean the floor, tidying objects, dusting, washing clothes, changing bed linen, washing the dishes]

Chores = specific tasks including the housework tasks above. May also include school homework, yard/garden work, pet care, perhaps minor home maintenance/ repair tasks, whatever responsibilities are given to the child or teenager.

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa she likes housework và she likes doing housework ?

A: She likes housework could mean that she enjoy housework but not doing it. If that make sense

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa housework và chore ?

A: they’re virtually identical ... but chore can be used a bit more broadly / metaphorically [eg for something very boring or tedious]

Q: Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa housework và chores ?

A: They can mean the same thing, but chores more often refer to activities assigned to children by their parents.

Q: Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? 我做家务是为了减轻妈妈的负担
I often do housework at home, because I would like to lessen my mother’s burden.

A: Your translation is accurate. You could also say: "I help out around the house to make things easier on my mom".

Q: Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Anh] như thế nào? I don't mind helping with the housework if I have some free time.

Is this correct?

Q: Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? small housework

A: Kiểm tra câu hỏi để xem câu trả lời

Q: Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? he still do housework when he at home, i think he still very gallant with my mom.

A: "He still does housework when he is at home. I think he is still very gallant toward my mom."

However, "gallant" is not a common word anymore. l would consider maybe saying something like "devoted" instead.

Q: I think the houseworks are responsiabled by every members of my family. Because we live in together, we must to do some houseworks for family. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: × I think the houseworks are responsiabled by every members of my family.
✓ I think every member of my family is responsible to do the housework.

× Because we live in together, we must to do some houseworks for family.

✓ Because we live together, we must, at least, do some housework for each other.

Because you spoke about family in the first sentence, "each other" implies that family.

Q: ‎When it comes to housework, we will think that the houseworks are responsibility of women. However, it shouldnt all the works on them. Actually, the houseworks may distribute average because the sexual euality. Everyone have the responsibility of a house.
cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: ‎When it comes to housework, we usually think it’s the woman’s responsibility. However, they shouldn’t have to do all the work. Actually, housework may be distributed evenly because of gender equality. Everyone is responsible for taking care of the house.

Q: I must do my housework first.という文章を過去形にしなさい、という問題があるのですが

→I must have done my housework first.


A: must have done は元の文の意味を変えてしまうので、使われません。must have done~ = 〜をしたに違いない。ですのて、had to を使います。

Q: I don't think he can do any housework.
I can never imagine him cooking! cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: Change the “can” to a “could” and it would be natural

Q: I usually doing housework while listening to the music. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: It's understandable, but not grammatically correct. You can say "I usually do housework while listening to music" or "I listen to music while I do housework". 😊

HiNative là một nền tảng để người dùng trao đổi kiến thức của mình về các ngôn ngữ và nền văn hóa khác nhau. Chúng tôi không thể đảm bảo rằng tất cả các câu trả lời đều chính xác 100%.

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