Iphone 6s plus update ios 11.1.2 bị lỗi camera sau

Electra là công cụ giúp chúng ta jailbreak iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2 cực kì tiện lợi & đơn giản vì cách thực hiện rất dễ dàng & tương thích với mọi iPhone, iPad, iPod touch chạy iOS 11.0 - 11.1.2.

Để thực hiện jailbreak, chúng ta cần: - Cydia Impactor, download bản mới nhất tại: //www.cydiaimpactor.com/ sau đó giải nén ra đâu đó. - Một Apple ID dùng để xác thực công cụ jailbreak - Công cụ jailbreak Electra, hiện đang trong quá trình beta, download bản mới nhất tại: //coolstar.org/electra/

B1: Sau khi đã giải nén Cydia Impactor, chạy file Impactor.exe [lưu ý: KHÔNG chạy Impactor.exe dưới quyền admin, nếu không sẽ bị lỗi không cài đặt được Electra]

B2: cắm thiết bị cần Jailbreak vào máy tính, ở đây mình sử dụng iPhone 6s Plus của mình. Khi Cydia Impactor đã nhận thiết bị thì sẽ ra như hình dưới

B3: Các bạn kéo thả file Electra b10.ipa [tại thời điểm mình viết bài này beta 10 là mới nhất, sau này có update thì tên file sẽ thay đổi] vào cửa sổ Cydia Impactor

B4: Cydia Impactor sẽ hỏi Apple ID của các bạn [các bạn có thể tạo mới một Apple ID nếu không muốn dính líu tới Apple ID chính của mình], điền ID và mật khẩu vào và đợi đến khi trên màn hình chính của iPhone có biểu tượng Electra

Như vậy, việc đóng lỗ hổng bảo mật đã được Apple thực hiện thông qua bản cập nhật phía máy chủ, nơi công ty sẽ vô hiệu hóa quyền truy cập từ xa cho người dùng chia sẻ trên HomePod. Bản cập nhật iOS 11.2.1 giúp khôi phục lại quyền này nhưng vẫn đảm bảo an toàn cho người dùng. Cách sửa lỗi lấy nét tự động trên thiết bị iOS hiệu quả nhất đó là cập nhật hệ điều hành của mình lên 11.2.1. Chúc các bạn thành công.

My front camera is always showing black colour I am not able to click snaps so I request apple manufacturer please I need a solution. I have purchased this mobile on June of 2016 so please me on this com

I have same problem to. It's almost 2weeks my rear cam doesn't work. Some say's this is one of the problem updating iOS 10.2 and other say's need to change a new rear cam. Hopefully i can get some ideas here to. For less expenses and I can fix it on my own. Please help us guy's.

Thank you

I have the same problem.. rear and front camera stopped working for no reason .. I called apple support and went to apple service but they couldn't say anything so I went to a local shop that does service and ended up that is hardware and it must be something with the Voltage of the motherboard that is stopping the flash and then flash stop the cameras .. if u don't have warranty to replace the phone with a new one ,the phone is useless and I can't do nothing..thank u apple I had more expectations from you .. I was 4 years apple user but I'm gonna change apparently.. no reason to buy again phone that has unexplained issues.

Yesterday i wasn't experiencing the same problem and i went and got it repaired. After being repaired the back camera came to life, but the front camera was unresponsive, the technician said it could be a circuit board problem, if you also have problems with the phone staying on[ phone switches off when plugged it the apple sign comes on for a few seconds switches off then comes back on] this is a result of the camera issues

My front camera is suddenly not working. Refer to Apple Store is say your mobile are reset & after this problems is solve but I will thee time resets my mobile but it's not working. Pls give a solution what to do this ??4 month used only

Hey Kiresh, I had the same problem with my iPhone 6 as well. It stopped working about a month ago and yesterday just started working out of nowhere. I think you just have to wait a while because I tried everything possible even as far as contacting apple support which was a 2 hr process but it still didn’t work. If you don’t want to wait that long you can only go to the apple store and get it fixed because there’s no other way that I can think of to fix it that I haven’t already tried.

Hey everyone having this issue in 2017! I had this happen to me a couple of years ago and read a lot of discussion boards on it until I finally had to go into Apple. I talked to support on the phone for hours and they could never resolve the issue. When I went into Apple I told the tech guy that everything I read says I will be walking out with a new phone, he did everything he could but eventually had to give me a new phone entirely. Mine was still under warranty so it didn't cost me anything.

I am also having this problem please let me know if you find out the solution. The front facing camera works fine but the back facing one does not. When I attempt to use in something like Instagram it says camera failed to load.

I Have the same problem with my iphone4s after upgrade to ios 8

but my camera isn't responding at all. I tried Instagram and got

the same fail to load message.

I had the same issue when my new one arrived yesterday and have just been in to an Apple store this morning, after a couple of quick tests they replaced the phone, they said its actually a logic board fault that caused it.

Mine is an iPhone 6 64GB

Just a little update. After messing with my camera's for awhile, they now sometimes come on, sometimes don't, and sometimes come on with a bunch of pink lines through them. Always within a few min the camera app crashes and goes black. Im hoping this is an ios 8 software problem that can be resolved with an update seeing as the nearest apple store is over an hr and a half away from here. Not to mention I have put a screen protector on my phone which is not reusable.

I have the same issue. After turning on camera it quickly went to black and has not worked since. The app crashes when launched. Not good!

Mine is an iPhone 6 Plus 128GB

I am also having this issue I have a iPhone 6+ 64 Gb space gray. This is very upsetting I hope that this is just saw software issue and not a hardware issue.

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