island school là gì - Nghĩa của từ island school

island school có nghĩa là

A school in Hogsmeade, Scotland, primarily for training young witches and wizards. The principal is a large elf named Professor Dumbleward whose catchphrase is "I'll see you in the courtyard."

Notable students attending this school are: Sergio and Vincent Weasley, Quidditch champions.


"Yer a wizard, Steve Shannon."-Fleming Island High School janitor Hargrint

island school có nghĩa là

One of the top, if not the top, art schools in the USA. Other art schools / art students are always trying to put it down [despite its incredibly long list of notable alumni and high rankings] by calling it overrated [some people say Yale is overrated too, whatever]. Popularly known as "RISD" [Riz-dee]. Notable alumni include Seth Macfarlane and Kara Walker. The school has an acceptance rate of 35% as of 2010 according to the college board. Risd has been graced by the presence of numerous famous/important people, like Yo-Yo Ma. RISD students have had the opportunity to work with engineers and designers from NASA. The school has awesome facilities and a career services department that pretty much rivals that of most other art schools in the states. People often comment on how weird RISD students dress. Many RISD kids are seen as [and admittedly, really are] hipsters.


a-"I go to MassArt."
b-"I go to the Rhode Island School of Design."
a-:glares bitterly:

island school có nghĩa là

The Island School is a mind, body, and spirit journey that takes students away from traditional high school curriculum and forces them to confront authentic challenges. Classes are designed to allow first-hand engagement with the people and environment of The Bahamas. English, math, environmental art, history, and marine ecology are offered, and each course focuses on the application of knowledge to real-world problems. SCUBA diving, island exploration, and two short kayaking expeditions complement daily morning exercise, science research projects, and campus work that encourages each student to develop leadership and teamwork skills.

This school accepts 48 kids from around the world for the spring or fall semester. The application is very selective and involves numerous essays, transcripts, and teacher reccomdations.
Coastal Ecology, Research, Celestial Navigation, Literature of the sea, History of the Bahamas, and Environmental Art are the courses offered. They are all honors classes.
Scuba Diving, Kayaking, and Community Outreach are other important Elements of the school. Every student becomes certified! Their are two different kayak trips that students go on through out the semester.
Students get to interact with the locals around them, by doing homestays, working with middle school kids once a week, and even getting to do a down island road trip where they become familiar with the whole island of eleuthera
The school has done many things to reduce its ecological footprint on the world. Their is a wind generator, solar panels, and water is collected from cisterns. If water is used to freely, then students find themselves having to shower in the ocean!
I almost forgot to mention the exercise program...every morning at 6:30, morning exercise takes place. The kids can choose running or swimming as their main focuses, and at the end have to either run a half marathon, or swim four miles in the open ocean.
This school is a transformative experience. It gives kids authentic challenges, teaches place based education, and succeeds in helping with leadership.
For more information go to


-You went to the Island School!
-Yes Actually...
-DUDE thats awesome! Teach me how to save the world!

island school có nghĩa là

The Best school. All the students are great, except Brandon, he's weird.


West Island school is a nice place bro

island school có nghĩa là

James island high school is a school filled with fuckboys and hoes that are all too fucking rich. This school judges you on everything you do, and you can literally get iss for anything. This school is very cliquey and it’s fucking dumb as fuck. The soda in the fucking cafeteria costs more than it does outside and it’s all diet and sucky. This school also has security checks and metal detectors but don’t worry all you nicotine addicts, they don’t detect juuls so if you hide it well enough you should be fine. Now if you’re going into your freshman year, here are some tips. Always have your juul ready with some pods and a charger that you can plug in in the music building’s bathrooms. Don’t forget to bring your blankets to give handjobs under. And never forget, Sonic says absolutely no peeing in the juul rooms.


i smell death and mango pods we must be at james island high school

island school có nghĩa là

Where people who will contribute little or nothing to society are educated on why that makes them wonderful. Its acronym, RISD, is also used to denote liberal douchebags and people who will spend most of their life dreaming instead of doing. Like Brown University and Hot Topic, it's a place where people go because they want to stand out, when in fact they are simply made to conform.


a: He went to Rhode Island School of Design.
b: RISD? Ah, so he's unemployed and only votes Democrat?
a: Pretty much.

island school có nghĩa là

An international school in Hong Kong and part of the english school foundation. A multi sex school, it is famed for its attractive female students [unlike its sister's school where most girls are fucking ugly].


Bob marley " which school has the hottest bitches? " A white " Island school their babes are fucking hot " Bob marley " yea unlike South Island school fucking chad "

island school có nghĩa là

An art school that was once considered to be one of the top in the country, but unfortunately has fallen in its standards as of late. It is known for putting applicants through hoops to be considered for a spot with specific projects, such as the infamous bicycle drawing.


Student 1: So where are you applying? Student 2: Oh, the Rhode Island School of Design... They have such a great reputation... Student 1: At least you won't be a Pratt.

island school có nghĩa là

located on the island of kauai. the only private high school that actually has classrooms and where people on non- hawaiian descent can go, but it'll cost you 15,000 a year. 99% of the students are rich white kids who's parents are the who islands doctors. all the kids do is complain about how much shit they have to do and how weird everyone is. only cool fact is that in 2016, there were 420 students in the whole school, prek-12th


"ho she go island school eh, must be rich or someting"
"at least she no go waimea"

island school có nghĩa là

Daniel Island school is the most badass school. It has a lot of drama but people are outgoing and fun to hangout with. The guys there are so hot. Daniel Island School is better than any school in charleston and is really chill. If you ever get the chance, you should go there. The teachers there give out a lot of homework and you may get iss a couple times, but some of them are chill. The best part of daniel island school are the basketball home games.


Other schools suck ass compared to daniel island school.

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