Make file always on top in explorer windows năm 2024

In Microsoft Windows, the Windows Explorer utility can display files in several ways, depending on user preference. These preferences can include details such as the creation date and author.

Select a link below and follow the steps to change how files are displayed when viewing them in Windows Explorer or add additional detail columns.

Change file display in Windows 11

Change display for a single folder

  1. Press Windows key+E to open File Explorer.
  2. Click the View option in the menu bar at the top of the window.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select Extra large icons, Large icons, Medium Icons, Small icons, List, Details, Tiles, or Content to change to the view you want to see. We recommend the Details option for users unsure what to choose.

Make file always on top in explorer windows năm 2024

Additional information about each type of view is listed below. Realize each version of Windows is different, and all of the views below are not available in every version. If you do not see one of the below listed under view, your version of Windows does not support that view.

By default, File Explorer opens to Quick access. If you’d rather have File Explorer open to This PC, go to the View tab and then select Options. In the Open File Explorer to: list, select This PC, and then select Apply.

Don’t you just hate it when your favorite files get lost in a large directory? If you don’t like opening Windows Explorer and having to scroll endlessly until you find your essential files, directories, and shortcuts, here’s how you can force your favorites to the top of the tree, where they won’t get lost among the branches.

How Windows sorts directories To understand why this tip works, you need to know how Windows sorts file names. Sorting is based on characters’ ASCII values. OSs are so transparent nowadays that you may not have heard this word for some time. ASCII (pronounced ASK-ee) stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Originally, this standard described how all PCs interpreted keyboard characters. Now, ASCII is a subset of extended standards, such as Unicode, which include international characters and symbols. Years ago, however, the 128-character ASCII standard was enough.

ASCII assigns each keyboard character a value. For instance, the numbers 0-9 use the (decimal) values 48-57, and the uppercase letters A-Z use the values 65-90. In a sorted list of file names, numbers appear before letters because their ASCII values are lower—a clever decision on the part of the standards writers. Many keyboard symbols have values that are even lower than numbers. For instance, a look at a standard ASCII chart shows that the exclamation point has a value of 33.

Get the point? Since characters with lower values always appear first on a sorted list, all you have to do to force your favorites to display at the top is to add an exclamation point in front of the file name. For example, I have a directory called Myarticles, which I access often. By renaming it !myarticles, I assure that its folder icon always appears at the top of the My Documents stack, as shown in Figure A.

Figure A

Make file always on top in explorer windows năm 2024
Files with an exclamation point as the first character appear first.

Basically, when you name files in this manner, you’re creating mini-directories without having to navigate additional folders. As you can see in Figure B, I’ve grouped together a bunch of template files that I use for writing. This tip works for all folder entries—in Outlook, Windows Explorer, and other applications.

Figure B

Make file always on top in explorer windows năm 2024
Using a special character lets you group files together at the top of directories.

Although I used an exclamation point in my examples, you can use any of the following characters for this trick: (!) (#) ($) (%) (‘) (+) (,) or (.). Some of the characters with values from 33 to 47 are among those reserved by Windows for special functions, such as redirects, pipes, or wildcards; you can’t use them. Illegal characters for file names include the following: (/) (\) (:) (*) (?) (”) (<) (>) and (|). Figure C lists the characters with ASCII values from 33 to 47.

Figure C

Make file always on top in explorer windows năm 2024
These characters have ASCII values from 33 to 47.

Caution for UNIX and Linux users If you’re going to move files between Windows and Linux or UNIX, you have to be careful with this trick. For example, in these OSs, a “dot” file (one that starts with a period) is a hidden file. Any of your files that begin with a period (.) will disappear from the directory. A plus sign (+) also creates problems. You’ll want to check the list of reserved characters in Linux and UNIX before you use this tip. You can always play it safe by using a zero in front of the name.

Bonus tip: The [Alt] key trick Thanks to ASCII, there’s also a quick way to type special characters directly from the keyboard. If you find yourself starting charmap or trying to remember how to enter symbols into Word or WordPerfect, here’s how to chuck all that hassle. Do you have an employee who’s French and who uses an accented è? That character is 138 in ASCII. With Numlock on, hold down the [Alt] key and type 138 on the keypad. Voilà! (For the à in Voilà, use [ALT] 133.)

Mike Jackman is an editor in chief of TechProGuild, an editor of PC Troubleshooter and Windows Support Professional, and also works as a freelance Web designer and consultant. In his spare time (when he can find some), Mike’s an avid devourer and writer of science fiction, parent to two perpetually adolescent cats, and a hiking enthusiast.

The authors and editors have taken care in preparation of the content contained herein, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for any damages. Always have a verified backup before making any changes.

How do I make File Explorer stay on top?

You can now press Ctrl+Space to set any currently active window to be always on top. Press Ctrl+Space again set the window to no longer be always on top.

How do I force a window to stay on top?

To pin a window, simply select the window you want to keep on top and press Ctrl + F11. This action will activate the 'always on top' feature for the selected window. If you wish to revert the window back to its standard layering, press Ctrl + F12 while the window is selected.

How do I force a file to the top of a folder?

Right-click the file, folder, or link that you want to highlight, and then select Pin to top. Note: You can highlight a maximum of 3 items per library, folder, or view.