Pan European là gì

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  2. PAN Europe in the news

PAN Europe in the news

Commissions leaked plans on integrated pest management slammed as too weak[08/02/2022, EURACTIV]

Leak: Draft pesticides regulation angers campaigners[04/02/2022, Ends Europe]

EFSA recommendations support more harm to wild bee populations [04/02/2022, Ends Europe]

"LEurope a besoin de données fiables pour réduire lusage des pesticides" [03/02/2022, La Libre]

Jak Rada Europejska torpeduje kluczowe przepisy? Nadciągają czarne chmury nad rolnictwo ekologiczne![03/02/2022, Hipoalergiczni]

Member states accused of sabotaging plans to cut pesticide use [03/02/2022, Ends Europe]

Commission et États membres n'en font pas assez pour réduire l'utilisation des pesticides chimiques, selon la Cour des comptes européenne[02/02/2022, Agence Europe]

Abeilles et pesticides: un taux de mortalité «acceptable» proposé[02/02/2022, Le Monde]

Pesticides: les objectifs du Pacte vert européen sont menacés[02/02/2022, Le Monde]

Commission threatened with legal action over pesticide approvals [02/02/2022, Ends Europe]

Harmful pesticides found in Italian food [10/01/2022, Ends Europe]

Jak usunąć pestycydy z warzyw i owoców? [22/06/2021, Kuchnia]

Pesticides : lONG PAN Europe dénonce une nouvelle fois les manquements de lEfsa [11/06/2021, Agra Europe]

Pittig: Binnen Vivaldi stelt Ecolo een parlementaire vraag over lobbyisten op het kabinet van coalitiepartner MR [11/06/2021, Business AM]

En Belgique, 23% est un taux de mortalité acceptable pour les abeilles exposées à des pesticides [10/06/2021, 7sur7]

"La Belgique accepte que 23% des abeilles meurent à cause des pesticides", dénonce Nature & Progrès [10/06/2021, RTBF]

Un ex-lobbyiste des pesticides au cabinet Clarinval [09/06/2021, Le Soir]

LUnion européenne autorise toujours des pesticides dangereux sur son sol[09/06/2021, Vert]

I 12 pesticidi nocivi autorizzati dallEfsa che da 15 anni mettono a rischio la salute dei cittadini europei[09/06/2021, Green Me]

Long-time authorized pesticides in potentially dangerous Europe?[08/06/2021, Press Form]

Ambientalisti contro lEfsa, che replica: accuse infondate[07/06/2021, Edizioni L'Informatore Agrario]

Pesticidi: ong Pan attacca Efsa, serve interessi industria[07/06/2021,Trentino]

L'EFSA a autorisé douze pesticides potentiellement cancérigènes, dénonce PAN Europe [07/06/2021, Agence Europe]

Des pesticides autorisés de longue date en Europe potentiellement dangereux ?[07/06/2021, Capital]

12 pesticidi tossici autorizzati in 15 anni: così lEfsa non protegge la salute dei cittadini [07/06/2021, Il Salvagente]

Pesticidi, un rapporto dell'ONG PAN Europe mette in dubbio l'indipendenza dell'EFSA nella valutazione [07/06/2021, EU News]

EFSA under renewed fire over pesticide approval role [07/06/2021, ENDS Europe]

Une ONG pointe du doigt 12 pesticides particulièrement nocifs toujours autorisés en Europe [07/06/2021, La dépêche]

Un rapport du Pesticide Action Network dénonce des autorisations dangereuses de lEfsa [07/06/2021, Contexte]

LEFSA à nouveau accusée de conflits dintérêts dans le dossier des pesticides[07/06/2021,Heidi News]

Pesticides : lAutorité européenne de sécurité des aliments accusée de laxisme [07/06/2021,La Libre Belgique]

Des pesticides toxiques autorisés en Europe: un rapport pointe les carences de lévaluation [07/06/2021, Le Monde]

Bayer verliest bijengifzaak bij Europees Hof [12/05/2021, Animals Today]

EUCourtofjusticerejectsBayerattemptto overturn bee-killing pesticide ban[11/05/2021, Irish Tech News]

EU high court confirms ban on bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticides[07/05/2021, ZME Science]

European Commission was right to ban dangerous pesticides[07/05/2021, Environment Journal]

Stop definitivo in Europa a 3 pesticidi neonicotinoidi di Bayer [07/05/2021, Rinnovalibi]

Bayer Loses Bid To Lift EU Pesticide Ban Over Harm To Bees [06/05/2021, Law 360]

EuGH gibt Kommission bei Verbot von Pestiziden Recht [06/05/2021, Euractiv]

La corte de la UE refrenda la prohibición de tres pesticidas que están detrás de la desaparición de las abejas [06/05/2021, RTVE]

Néonicotinoïdes: la justice européenne valide définitivement les interdictions [06/05/2021, Actu Environnement]

Bayer vangt bot, het verbod op bijengif blijft bestaan [06/05/2021, Trouw]

EU Court backs Commissions ban on controversial neonicotinoid pesticides [06/05/2021, Euractiv]

Pesticidas en tu comida: acelgas, lechugas, kale, arándanos, apio... bajo sospecha [15/04/2021, El Mundo]

Pesticidi, una guida svela quali sono gli ortaggi da bollino rosso, giallo o verde [08/04/2021,Lifegate]

Quale frutta e verdura ha più pesticidi che minacciano i tuoi ormoni? La Guida 2021 [25/03/2021,]

Pesticidi minacciano api anche in Abruzzo, Giovani di Montazzoli chiedono moratoria a EU [28/03/2021,]

I Giovani di Montazzoli si schierano contro i pesticidi[23/03/2021, Virtù Quotidiane]

Da Montazzoli un coro di voci contro i pesticidi per salvare le api[20/03/2021,]

32 Pestizide auf öffentlichen Flächen gefunden [02/03/2021,ORF Science]

Pestizidrückstände auf öffentlichen Plätzen ganzjährig nachweisbar [03/03/2021, Der Standard]

Forscher fanden ganzjährigen Pestizideintrag auf öffentlichen Flächen [02/03/2021, Studium]

Topul legumelor și fructelor tratate cu pesticide [01/03/2021,Ziarul Evenimentul]

Commission considers flexible systems for sustainable food production[19/01/2021, ENDS Europe]

LOmbudsman dellUe chiede più trasparenza sui pesticidi [07/12/2020, Cambia La Terra]

LEuropa si divide sulla riduzione delluso dei pesticidi [06/12/2020, Il Savagente]

Rückstandsuntersuchungen von Greenpeace und PAN Europe [04/12/2020,]

Autorisation des pesticides: Bruxelles de nouveau tancée [03/12/2020,]

EU Commission pesticide approval procedure under fire from EU watchdog [03/12/2020, EURACTIV]

EU Ombudsman slams pesticide approval practices [03/12/2020, ENDS Europe]

Esportiamo i pesticidi, e poi ce li ritroviamo nel piatto: la stampa internazionale [17/11/2020, IlFatto Quotidiano]

Il faut en finir avec lexportation de pesticides toxiques! [11/11/2020, TRIBUNE]

Green groups demand crack-down on banned pesticides[06/11/2020, ENDS Europe]

70 ong denunciano il doppio standard dellUE sui pesticidi [06/11/2020,]

Pesticidi, lEuropa blocchi limportazione di quelli vietati [06/11/2020, Il Salvagente]

EU urged to stop export of toxic pesticides to third countries[06/11/2020, EU Observer]

La Ue fa marcia indietro sullesportazione di pesticidi pericolosi? [05[11/2020, Cambia La Terra]

Commission defends pesticides approval process following inquiry[03/11/2020, ENDS Europe]

Retirez la PAC : lettre ouverte à la Présidente de la Commission Européenne [03/11/2020,]

Vers la suspension des exportations des pesticides interdits dans lUE ? [28/10/2020, Euractiv]

Commission to consider halting export of banned pesticides, EU source says [27/10/2020, Euractiv]

Nouveau bras de fer autour des néonicotinoïdes [14/10/2020, La Libre Belgique]

L'insecticide tueur d'abeilles autorisé en 2021? [14/10/2020, L'Avenir]

Member states reserve right to ban pesticides authorised in EU, rules EU court [12/10/2020, Euractiv]

Agriculture and chemical giants lobby to weaken European Green Deal [12/10/2020, Unearthed]

Campaigners call on EU to halt export of banned pesticides [09/10/2020, Euractiv]

Eurofile: Politics have been parked over Brexit [05/10/2020, The]

ENVI MEPs will block any Commission proposal that lowers bee protection [04/10/2020, Agrafacts]

MEPs vow to fight lowering of bee-protection standards [02/10/2020 EU Observer]

MEPs grill Commission and EFSA over bee protection [02/10/2020, ENDS Europe]

Residues of EU-banned pesticides present in European food, report says [29/09/20, ENDSEurope]

Brussels confronts EU countries over pesticides and animal welfare [24/09/2020, Politico]

Geen einde aan dubbele standaard export verboden pesticiden [18/09/2020,]

For European chemical giants, Brazil is an open market for toxic pesticides banned at home[10/09/2020,]

15 Organizations and Initiatives Helping to Save the Bees[03/09/2020, EcoWatch]

The Protection of Pollinators in the EU Likely to Be Jeopardized [17/07/2020, Slow Food]

Member states still wrangling over bee protection standards [16/07/2020, ENDSEurope]

Europa beschermt landbouwgif, in plaats van de bijen [15/07/2020, Trouw]

Città libere dai pesticidi crescono [14/07/2020, Il Manifesto]

EU action had little effect on halting the decline of #WildPollinators, say auditors [10/07/2020 EUreporter]

EUs exec schizophrenic on pollinators, PAN [10/07/2020, AGRAFACTS]

Sauvegarde des pollinisateurs : l'échec européen [09/07/2020, Le Monde]

La médiatrice de l'Union européenne met en cause le processus d'autorisation des pesticides [09/07/2020, Le Monde]

Auditors slam European Commission for failing to protect pollinators [09/07/2020 ENDSEurope]

Loophole keeps bee-killing pesticides in widespread use, two years after EU ban [08/07/2020,]

SANTE NEWS: Ombudsman questions ag-chem approvals [24/06/2020, AGRAFACTS]

Chemicals lobby makes case for glyphosate licence renewal [12/06/2020, ENDSEurope]

Un turismo senza pesticidi è possibile [11/06/2020,]

Pesticides: Campaigners call for voice in legal challenge to chlorpyrifos ban[10/06/2020, ENDSEurope]

MEPs back impact assessment for farmers in case of glyphosate reduction [09/06/2020, Euractiv]

Bayer and NFU battling to overturn neonicotinoids ban [04/06/2020, Farmers Weekly]

Vacanze nei comuni pesticidi free? Ecco come trovarli [04/06/2020, Il Salvagente]

The perfect crime? Pesticides - low risk, minimal sanctions [03/06/2020, EUObserver]

Quando il turismo è senza pesticidi [03/06/2020, La Stampa]

Farm to Fork Strategy Whats on the menu? [29/05/2020, Euractiv]

Feed industry, farmers call for impact assessment of EU biodiversity, farm to fork targets [22/05/2020,]

Un mondo libero da pesticidi è possibile, a partire dalle città e dal turismo green [22/05/2020 Istituto Nazionale Urbanistica -]

Per un turismo senza pesticidi [22/05/2020]

Ngos broadly welcome both roadmaps, point to some "glaring omissions" [22/05/2020 AGRAFACTS]

Viaggi, scegliere un turismo senza pesticidi [21/05/2020 Cambia La Terra]

Un mondo libero da pesticidi è possibile, a partire dalle città e dal turismo green [20/05/2020]

Farm to Fork strategy aims to slash pesticide use and risk by half[20/05/2020 Euractiv]

The hole in Europes plan to slash pesticides [19/05/2020]

EU Food Safety Authority defends pesticide risk studies activists call unfit for purpose [12/05/2020 Genetic Literacy Project]

Risk from pesticide mixtures below threshold in Efsa assessments [07/05/2020 Chemical Watch]

NGO challenges new EFSA studies on multiple pesticides as unfit for purpose [05/05/2020 Euractiv]

Une ONG conteste les nouvelles études de lEFSA sur plusieurs pesticides comme «impropres à lusage» [05/05/2020 Africa Daily]

NGO challenges new EFSA studies on multiple pesticides as unfit for purpose [05/05/2020 Euractiv]

Scientists point to systemic failings in EU pesticides regulation [21/04/2020 ENDSEurope]

PAN Europewarns flaws in EU pesticide risk assessment may undermine ambition of Farm to Fork strategy [21/04/2020 AgenceEurope]

'Deadly pesticides are poison for nature, not solution'[16/04/2020]

Call to keep to F2F timetable [15/04/2020 AGRAFACTS]

Commission confirms new schedule for Farm to Fork strategy [15/04/2020 Euractiv]

Momentum builds to block further F2F delays: 'COVID-19 isn't an excuse to delay EU Farm to Fork strategy [14/04/2020]

Pendant la crise sanitaire, les fabricants dun pesticide controversé abattent leurs cartes [10/04/2020 Le Parisien]

EFSA report offers snapshot into pesticide residues on food[07/04/2020 Euractiv]

Ombudsman calls for steps to avoid conflicts of interest [07/04/2020 AGRAFACTS]

Farmers association and NGOs at odds over postponement of new EU food policy[07/04/2020 Euractiv]

End pesticide use by 2035, say campaigners [01/04/2020 AgraFacts]

Campaigners urge fundamental change in EU farming policy [31/03/2020 ENDSEurope]

EPP calls for further postponement of Farm to Fork strategy[27/03/2020 Euractiv]

Europa buigt zich over het verbod op Mancozeb [23/03/2020]

Brussel wil gevaarlijk landbouwgif verbieden; onzin, zegt de fabrikant[13/03/2020 Trouw]

EU urged not to compromise pesticide restrictions in the interests of trade [12/03/2020 ENDSEurope]

Die biologische Vielfalt fördern[10/03/2020]

Controversial risk indicator to be basis for pesticide reduction targets [04/03/2020 Euractiv]

Néonicotinoïdes: les betteraves belges recourent toujours à ces insecticides interdits par l'Europe [26/02/2020]

Insects, pesticide and a public health crisis [22/02/2020]

Apocalypse Now! Insects, Pesticide and a Public Health Crisis[21/02/2020]

Het lobby-offensief tegen gifvrij fruit[17/02/2020 de]

El fraude en el laboratorio alemán arroja dudas sobre la aprobación de la UE del glifosato en 2017[15/02/2020]

EU urged to discard glyphosate studies from lab accused of falsifying data[13/02/2020 ENDSEurope]

Glifosato, spunta lipotesi di frode sui dati che hanno permesso la riapprovazione in Europa[13/02/2020]

Glifosato, Pan Germany: il laboratorio tedesco ha manipolato i dati sulla tossicità [12/02/2020 Il Salvagente]

Limited progress on pesticides, EU meat tax and swine fever[06/02/2020 Euractiv]

Commission slammed for failing to cut pesticides [ENDSEurope 05/02/2020]

Auditors Find EU Countries Flouting Pesticide Reduction Law[05/02/2020 Bloomberg Environment News]

Au Luxembourg, le glyphosate est en passe d'être banni[04/02/2020]

«Jusquici, les agrochimistes ont défini eux-mêmes les modalités de lévaluation environnementalede leurs produits»[01/02/2020 Le Monde]
Salvare le api per salvare l'agricoltura [25/01/2020 La Stampa]

Nieuwe coalitie bundelt krachten tegen gebruik van landbouwgif [25/01/2020]

Salvare le api per salvare l'agricoltura [26/01/2020]

European Union Bans Neonicotinoid Insecticide, Citing Health and Environmental Concerns [17/01/2020 Beyond Pesticides]

Fourth neonicotinoid pesticide banned in EU [13/01/2020 ENDSEurope]

Pan boccia il sistema di autorizzazione dei pesticidi in Europa[09/01/2020 Cambia la Terra]

French plan for pesticide use reduction falters [08/01/2020 ENDSEurope]

MEPs demand mandatory reduction of pesticides to save pollinators [18/12/2019 ENDSEurope]

Hvad dansk fødevarepolitik burde lære af Monsanto Papers Vi må have fuldstændig indsigt i industriens lobbyisme[17/12/2019]

La denuncia di Pan Europe: lUe ha autorizzato oltre 100 pesticidi che alterano il sistema ormonale [11/12/2019 Il]

Hormoongif in groenten en fruit: hoe erg is dat? [10/12/2019]

Groente en fruit besmet met stoffen die hormoonbalans verstoren [10/12/2019]

'Restanten van bestrijdingsmiddelen op groenten en fruit van buiten EU' [10/12/2019]

Groenten en fruit zijn vaak vervuild met hormoongif [10/12/2019 Reformatorisch Dagblad]

Hormoonverstorende bestrijdingsmiddelen nog volop gebruikt [10/12/2019 Trouw]

Wat er allemaal in dat sappige fruit zit? Geen idee [10/12/2019 Trouw]

Groenten en fruit zijn vaak vervuild met hormoongif[10/12/2019 Trouw]


EU bans pesticides linked to brain damage [09/12/2019 ENDSEurope]

La Commission européenne accusée de ne pas tester l'effet perturbateur endocrinien des pesticides [10/12/2019 Libération]

EU votes against renewing chlorpyrifos approval [09/12/2019]

EU to ban two brain-damaging pesticides [09/12/2019 Euractiv]

Umstrittenes Insektizid Chlorpyrifos ist in der EU bald verboten [08/12/2019]

WDH: Umstrittener Insektenkiller Chlorpyrifos wird in der EU verboten [06/12/2019]

Umstrittener Insektenkiller Chlorpyrifos wird in der EU verboten [06/12/2019]

Pesticides: l'Europe interdit le chlorpyrifos [06/12/2019]

La UE prohibeix dos dels pesticides més utilitzats per causar danys cerebrals [06/12/2019]

EU verbietet Insektizid Chlorpyrifos [06/12/2019 Deutsche Welle]

Soll Nerven von Kindern beschädigen Insektenkiller Chlorpyrifos wird in der EU verboten [06/12/2019]

European Commission moves to ban chlorpyrifos [06/12/2019]

EU Commission set to vote on ban of controversial organophosate pesticides [04/12/2019 Euractiv]

Producers fight back to prevent pesticides ban: EU bows for pressure from NGOs and media [02/12/2019 Investigative Reporting Denmark]

Devant limminence de linterdiction du chlorpyrifosen Europe, les fabricants contre-attaquent[02/12/2019 Le Monde]

Campaign launches to ban pesticides, transform agriculture and save bees, farmers and nature [26/11/2019]

Salviamo api e agricoltori, ecco lIniziativa dei Cittadini Europei [26/11/2019]

Une initiative européenne pour bannir les pesticides en 2035 [25/11/2019 LeSoir.Be]

Campaigners launch EU petition to ban synthetic pesticides [25/11/2019 ENDSEurope]

Europäische Bürgerinitiative "Bienen und Bauern retten!" gestartet [25/11/]

Европейска инициатива: Да спасим пчелите и земеделците [25/11/2019]

"Salviamo Api e Agricoltori": parte la raccolta firme [25/11/2019 Cambia La Terra]


Parte oggi in tutta Europa la raccolta delle firme ICE "Save Bees and Farmers! Verso un'agricoltura favorevole alle api per un ambiente sano" [25/11/2019]

Europees burgerinitiatief opgestart tegen synthetische pesticiden [25/11/2019]

Commission pesticides data draws scepticism [21/11/2019 ENDSEurope]

La Germania esporta pesticidi vietati in europa [08/10/2019]

Initial EU probe suggests no need for regulatory action on pesticide 'cocktail' effects [17/09/2019 ENDSEurope]

Api, una coalizione europea chiede il bando dei pesticidi [12/09/19]

Glifosato, la Francia processa il sindaco anti-pesticidi. L'Italia attende le nuove regole [05/09/2019]

A Baselice è guerra ai pesticidi[27/08/2019NTR24]

The collapse of nature: Proposal submitted to EU calling for pesticide control [02/08/2019]

Activists all abuzz over use of pesticides in Europe [31/07/2019 AP Archive]

Activists all abuzz as Belgians protest over use of pesticides in Europe [31/07/2019 Euronews]

Industry and campaigners draw battle lines over EDC policy review [12/07/2019 ENDSEurope]

Brussels Bulletin: Campaigner calls for regulatory action on European pesticides [12/07/2019 Food Navigator]

27.5% of food contains two or more pesticide residues without mixtures being evaluated, saysPAN Europe [05/07/19 Agence Europe]

Exposure to pesticide mixtures increasing, campaigners warn [04/07/19 ENDSEurope]

"Assurdo che un territorio dove la popolazione viva a disagio sia patrimonio Unesco"[23/06/19]

Il clorpirifos è tra i pesticidi più utilizzati negli agrumi in vendita in Ue[21/06/19 Il Salvagente]

Agrumi al clorpirifos, un primato europeo[20/06/19 Cambia La Terra]

Campaigners call for EU to ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos [20/06/19 ENDS Euroope]

Interdit dans huit pays européens, le pesticide chlorpyrifos traverse les frontières[17/06/19 Le Monde]

The most dangerous pesticide you've never heard of [17/06/2019 EU Observer]

Europa onderzoekt verbod op insectenvergif dat in onze voeding opduikt[17/06/19 Knack]

Pesticidi, alcuni Comunni hanno detto no. La svolta bio non è un'utopia [14/06/2019]

Liberi dai pesticidi: l'Italia comincia dai Comuni [12/06/2019 Cambia la Terra]

Science institute that advised EU and UN 'actually industry lobby group' [03/06/19 The Guardian]


Trentino Alto Adige e pesticidi: la contaminazione dei frutteti si estende ai parchi giochi [29/05/19]

I parchi giochi dei bambini sono contaminati da pesticidi [22/05/19]

Dai meleti una minaccia per i parchi giochi [22/05/19 Cambia La Terra]

Playgrounds contaminated with pesticides [22/05/19 Weekly Blitz]

Alto Adige: parchi giochi contaminati da pesticidi provenienti da vigneti e meleti [22/05/19 IlSalvagente]

Parchi giochi contaminati dai pesticidi di meleti e frutteti. Il nuovo studio shock [21/05/19]

Così la lobby dellagrochimica è riuscita ad influenzare i voti dellUe [13/05/19 Il Salvagente]

Spain routinely allowing unauthorised pesticides use, environmentalists claim [ 10/05/2019]

Zwart-op-wit bewezen: Europa buigt voor pesticidelobby [10/05/19 DeMorgen]

Europe toxique? La Commission plie devant le lobby des pesticides [10/05/19]

Health officials protected use of 32 dangerous #Pesticides [10/05/19 EU Reporter - Environment]

Documents reveal EU bowed to demands of pesticide lobbies [10/05/19 The Brussels Times]

EC documents reveal a fight to cripple important European pesticide protections [09/05/2019 European Interest]

EU executive denies seeking to water down EDC restrictions [ 9/05/2019]

Comment la Commission européenne a tenté d'affaiblir la protection contre les pesticides[09/05/19 Libération]

De EU heeft zijn criteria afgezwakt, en dus mag het meeste landbouwgif gewoon worden gebruikt[09/05/19 deVerdieping Trouw]

Brazil finds worrying levels of pesticides in water of 1,400 towns[26/04/19 The Guardian]

EU 'may legalise human harm from pesticides'[12/04/19 The Ecologist]

Ministers told to increase environmental ambition of CAP [ 19/03/2019 Agrafacts No22]

The quest to abandon pesticides [28/02/2019 Wine Business international]

MEPs demand binding targets to cut pesticide use [ 12/02/2019 ENDSEurope]

MEPs want Member States to properly implement directive on sustainable use of pesticides [ 25/01/2019 Agence Europe]

Commission pushes looser criteria to test pesticides impact on bees [ 23/01/2019 Politico]

MEPs adopt blueprint for pesticide regulation reform [16/01/2019 ENDSEurope]

Glyphosate: watchdog accused of reliance on industry reports [ 15/01/2019, ENDSEurope]

Pesticide specialists propose EU regulatory fix [13/12/2018 ENDSEurope]

Parliament demands pesticide transparency [12/12/2018ENDSEurope]

Mixed reaction to MEPs pesticides inquiry report [07/12/2018 ENDSEurope]

Ideological divisions mar the pesticide special committees last act [06/12/2018 Euractiv]

EU pesticide approval system needs major changes [ 06/12/2018 ENDSEurope]

Protect soil, campaigners tell lawmakers [ 15/12/2018 ENDSEurope]

Meno pesticidi e più turismo: la ricetta dei Borghi Autentici Italiani [ 03/12/2018, Cambia La Terra in IT]

Pressure mounts over controversial pesticide produced by DowDuPont [ 11/26/2018 Politico]

EU Commission drops move to soften pesticides EDC ban[7/11/2018 ChemicalWatch]

Member states put #Bees at risk by failure to adopt guidance designed to protect them from pesticides [ 07/11/2018, EU Reporter]

PAN EUROPEdeplores member states' refusal to apply EFSA guidelines for assessing risk to bees from all pesticides [07/11/2018,Agence Europe]

France bans metam sodium pesticides [05/11/2018, ENDSEurope]

Civil society questions Europes perfect pesticide authorisation system [ 02/11/2018,EURACTIV]

120 NGOs and scientists urge EU for greater protection of health and environment against pesticides [ 01/11/2018 Agence Europe]

120 NGOs launch Manifesto for change on pesticide authorisations [EU Food Policy: November 2, 2018]

Nasce la Coalizione europea cittadini per la scienza nel controllo dei pesticidi [IT-01/11/2018, Il Salvagente]

Coalizione 100 ong, pubblicare dati test sicurezza pesticidi [ IT, 31/10/2018, ANSA]

Call for reform to EU pesticides regulation [ 31/10/2018, ENDSEurope]

Zulassung zu lasch? [DE- 31/10/2018 Deutschlandfunk]

Evaluation des pesticides: une coalition d'ONG et d'experts demande sa réforme [FR- 31/10/2018 Actu Environnement]

France imposes emergency ban on metam sodium pesticides [26/10/2018, ENDSEurope]

Pesticide licence renewals subject to EDC screening [25/10/2018, ENDSEurope]

EU executive bans three widely used pesticides [ 24/10/2018, ENDSEurope]

EU move to soften pesticides EDC ban deeply troubling NGOs [ 23/10/2018, Chemical Watch]

Illegal attempt to weaken EU pesticides rules backed by UK could increase cancer risk, lawyers warn [ 23/10/2018, INDEPENDENT]

Call for governments to back EC pesticide bans [ 16/10/2018, ENDSEurope]

Frances decade-old effort to slash pesticide use failed. Will a new attempt succeed?[11/10/2018, Science Magazine]

La Belgique nest pas un bon élève en termes dutilisation de pesticides, bien au contraire! [ 02/10/2018, Le Soir]

MEPs call for non-agricultural pesticide ban [28/09/2018, ENDSEurope]

Glifosato, deputati Ue e sindaci chiedono bando europeo [27/09/2018, ANSA News [IT]]

Business confidentiality: The hot potato of new EU transparency rules on food [24/09/2018, Euractiv]

MEP probe points to shortcomings in EU pesticide approvals [ 21/09/2018, ENDSEurope]

PEST Committee draft calls for transperancy [ 21/09/2018, AGRAFacts]

Authorisation of pesticides - Recommendations of European Parliament special committee, PEST, are sketched out [20/09/2018, Agence Europe]

Lawmakers back plans to strengthen pesticide authorisation system [13/09/2018 ENDSEurope]

Neonic replacement could be just as harmful to bees [16/08/2018, ENDSEurope]

Renewed glyphosate ban calls after US court verdict [14/08/2018, ENDSEurope]

US courts ruling raises questions for glyphosate in Europe [Politico, 13/08/2018]

Environmental groups launch EU campaign to ban all pesticides by 2035 [05/08/2019 The Independent [IE] - Farming]

Warning over pesticides combination risk [ 2/08/2018, ENDSEurope]

Bayer to appeal neonic ban court verdict [ 30/07/2018, ENDSEurope]

NGOs join Brussels Region in glyphosate court case [ 26/07/2018]

Brussels moves goalposts on glyphosate [18/07/2018, Politico]

Campaigners fear open door for endocrine disrupting pesticides[18/07/2018, ENDSEurope]

Il progetto Città Libere dai Pesticidi a Occhiobello [ 17/07/2018,El Tamiso/AIAB]

Lealternative al glifosato già ci sono [16/07/2018, Cambia La Terra]

MEPs call for overhaul of EU pesticide licensing [11/07/2018, ENDSEurope]

CAP reform set to play crucial role in EU action on bees [28/06/2018, ENDSEurope]

Agency 'lacks knowledge' on pesticide issue [21/06/2018, ENDSEurope]

EPs pesticides committee chief silent over toxic organic agent [20/06/2018, Euractiv]

Slovenia puts forward ideas pollinator protection [19/06/2018, AGRA FACTS]

Trenta comuni italiani aderiscono alla rete europea contro il pesticidi [30/04/2018,La Repubblica]

EU ban on commonly used neonicotinoids to go ahead [29/04/2018, EU Policies]

L'Europe vote l'interdiction de trois pesticides tueurs d'abeilles [27/04/2018, Le Figaro, in FR]

LEurope interdit trois néonicotinoïdes jugés dangereux pour les abeilles[27/04/2018, Le Monde , in FR]

Europese Commissie steunt verbod op voor bijen gevaarlijk landbouwgif [27/04/2018,, in NL]

EU agrees total ban on bee-harming pesticides [27/04/2018, The Guardian]

NGO accuses EC of reneging on pesticide control pledge[20/04/2018, ENDS Europe]

Call for new laws to tackle pharma waste[16/04/2018, ENDS Europe]

EU 'may legalise human harm from pesticides' [12/04/2019 The Ecologist]

Pesticide firms: 'we have nothing to hide'[26/03/2018, ENDS Europe]

Bolzano aderisce alla Rete Europea delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi [24/03/2018,Buongiorno Südtirol, in IT]

Auch Bozen wird Mitglied im Europäischen Netzwerk pestizidfreier Städte [23/03/2018,Südtirol News, in DE]

Avoid vested interests in safety testing new products [21/03/2018, Nature]

EU policymakers urged to avoid vague CAP policy[21/03/2018, ENDS Europe]

European Report Confirms World's Most Popular Pesticide Hurts Bees [04/03/2018]

No justification for total ban on neonics, say farm leaders [01/03/2018, Farmers Weekly]

High levels of pesticides found in Spanish rivers [23/02/2018, EndsEurope]

Ríos hormonados: la masiva presencia de plaguicidas contamina las aguas de la Península [21/02/2018 El Salto, in ES]

En España sigue habiendo DDT: flota en nuestros ríos 40 años después de prohibirlo [21/02/2018 El Confidencial, in ES]

Pesticides: Does the EU let industry write its own rules? [13/02/2018, Deutsche Welle]

Le monde magique des phytos [ 11/02/2018, Le Monde in FR]

Toutes les procédures dévaluation des risques des pesticides sur les abeilles sont, au minimum, très discutables [10/02/2018, Le Monde]

EU pesticides tests 'biased and manipulated' [ 9/02/2018, ENDSEurope]

Pesticides: des méthodes dévaluation très critiquées [07/12/2018 Journal de l'Environement]

Città libere dai pesticidi? Esistono e sono tante! [06/02/2018, Italia che cambia, in IT]

European Food Safety Authoritydraft guidance on nano[01/2018 EU Food Policy]

Nasce a Bruxelles la Rete Europea delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi [ 30/01/2018, Terra Nuova, in IT]

Città libere da pesticidi, nasce la rete delle città europee pesticide free [25/01/2018, GreenME, in IT]

France to call for withdrawal of dangerous pesticides [24/01/2018, ENDSEurope]

Una docena de ONG piden a Tejerina que fije objetivos y un calendario para reducir a la mitad los pesticidas en España [22/01/2018, Europa Press, in ES]

12 organizaciones ambientales solicitan al MAPAMA medidas para reducir el uso de pesticidas [22/01/2018, Info Agri, in ES]

Casalduni nella Rete Europea contro i pesticidi per salvaguardare il territorio [18/01/2018, RTR 24, local news in IT]

Città senza pesticidi Lozzolo entra nella rete[17/01/2018, La Stampa, local news in IT]

Lozzolo: Impiegato laceto per la gestione del verde pubblico[12/01/2018, Valsesia Notizie, local news in IT]

Member States give green light to Commission's plan on endocrine disruptors [13/12/2017, Euractiv]

Watchdog links pesticide to bee decline [08/12/2017, Politico]

Robilante è il terzo comune d'Italia ad aderire alla rete delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi [07/12/2017, Targato CN, local news in IT]

Robilante è il terzo comune d'Italia ad aderire alla rete delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi[Leconomico, 07/12/2017, local news in IT]

Identifying EDCs impossible under new EU guidelines [08/12/2017, ENDSEurope]

Ré-autorisation du glyphosate: la contre-attaque juridique s'organise [07/12/2017, Actu Environnement]

Environmental Groups Plan to Sue EU Regulators over Glyphosate Decision [07/12/2017, Beyond Pesticides]

NGOs urge neonicotinoid ban, tougher EDC controls [06/12/2017, ENDSEurope]

#SaveTheBees coalition: 80 EU NGOs gather to demand a full ban on neonicotinoids [06/12/2017, EU Reporter]

Klage gegen Glyphosatschwindel [06/12/2017, Die Junge Welt]

Glyphosate: les ONG portent plainte contre les agences dexpertise européennes [04/12/2017, Le Monde]

Glyphosate, Top-Selling Weed Killer, Wins E.U. Approval for 5 Years [27/11/2017; New York Times]

The bitter battle over the worlds most popular insecticides [08/11/2017, Nature]

Swiss plan to ban all synthetic agrichemicals [18/01/2018, ENDSEurope]

Campaigners pile on pressure ahead of glyphosate vote [07/11/2017, ENDSEurope]

'Aardbeien bevatten meer schadelijke stoffen dan andere fruitsoorten' [07/11/2017, NU NL news in Dutch]

Five-year EU glyphosate proposal criticised by all [30/10/2017, ENDSEurope]

Member States fail to deliver clear position on glyphosate renewal [ 25/10/2017, Agrafacts No.83-17]

Parliament demands ban on glyphosate within five years [24/10/2017, ENDSEurope]

EU on brink of historic decision on pervasive glyphosate weedkiller [24/10/2017, The Guardian]

Pestizide auf Spielplätzen? Umweltschützer klagen an [20/10/2017, Stol-Local news in German]

Nur geringste Spuren von Giftstoffen auf öffentlichen Grünflächen [20/10/2017, Südtirol NewsLocal news in German]

Farmers threaten to sue if Brussels ducks glyphosate decision [19/10/2017, Politico]

Glyphosate lobbying intensifies ahead of EU vote [ 19/10/2017, HorticultureWeek]

Study highlights glyphosate prevalence [19/10/2017, Fresh Produce Journal]

MEPs demand glyphosate phase-out within three years [19/10/2017, ENDSEurope]

Greens push alternatives on eve of glyphosate vote [18/10/2017, ENDSEurope]

EP blocks poposal on sceintific criteria to define endocrine Disruptors [ 4/10/2017, Agrafacts]

Endocrine disruptors: Report exposes scale of contamination as Parliament vote looms [3/10/2017,Euractiv]

France testing waters on glyphosate with other EU states [08/09/2017, Euractiv]

Fipronil crisis: Why should we keep on using these toxic substances? [1/09/2017, Opinion published on Euractiv, and read in Spanish here>>]

Liberate dai pesticidi le aree di interesse ecologico in UE [15/07/2017, Rinnovabili]

EU experts agree on criteria for endocrine disrupting chemicals in pesticides [5/07/2017, Euractiv]

Tories aim to block full EU ban on bee-harming pesticides [22/06/ 2017, The Guardian]

EU Conservation Zone Pesticide Ban to Start Next Year [14/06/2017, Bloomberg]

France pushes for EU pesticide bans [ 02/06/2017, ENDS Europe]

Commission told to link CAP payments to water law [ 24/05/2017, ENDS Europe]

Nicht Brüssel, sondern Mals, [Local news in German reporting PAN Europe's Annual General Meeting-AGM,10/05/2017, Der Vinschger]

Europäische Generalversammlung von Pestizidexperten in Mals, [Local news in German reporting PAN Europe's AGM, 2/05/2017,SudtirolerNews, ]

How many #pesticides did you eat today? Plenty according to European Food Safety Authority, [13/04/2017, EU Reporter]

Pressure grows on Commission to change environment law after UN rebuke, [27/03/2017, Euractiv]

Néonicotinoïdes: Bruxelles propose enfin linterdiction [24/03/2017, Journal de l'environnement]

LUE se prépare à interdire les néonicotinoïdes [24/03/2017, Euractiv]

Green NGOs blame Monsanto for buying science to save glyphosate [24/03/2017, Euractiv]

Europe poised for total ban on bee-harming pesticides [23/03/2017, the Guardian]

Attack of the bee killers [23/03/2017, Politico]

#WorldWaterDay: Protecting our tap water and aquatic ecosystems from pesticide pollution [22/03/2017, EU Reporter]

UN advisor calls for global pesticides treaty [7/03/2017, ENDS Europe]

Commission decides not to vote on endocrine disruptor criteria [28/02/2017, Politico]

Neonicotinoid use continues despite ban - analysis[16/02/2017, ENDS Europe]

Europas Bürger gegen Glyphosat [11/02/2017, Deutsche Welle]

Commission tables fourth version of EDC criteria [9/02/2017, ENDS Europe]

Greenpeace: Neonicotinoids pose risks to multiple species [12/01/2017, Euractiv]

Limited scope of EDC outline guidance draws criticism [21/12/2016, ENDS Europe]

NGOs urge Commission to ban seven bee-harming pesticides [6/12/2016, ENDS Europe]

Pesticide studies must be made public, EU court rules [25/11/2016, Euractiv]

ECJ ruling on document access rattles chemical, pesticide industries [23/11/2016,Politico]

Court sides with NGOs over pesticides [23/11/2016, Politico]

EU court backs disclosure of pesticides information[23/11/2016,ENDS Europe]

Commission finally says pesticide buprofezin cannot be used on food crops [7/11/2016, ENDS Europe]

Levels of pesticide residues in food are safe, finds EFSA [28/10/2016, ENDS Europe]

Concerns raised over safe herbicide bensulfuron-methyl [20/10/2016, ENDS Europe]

Petitions to block big ag company mergers garner 708,000 names [20/09/2017, Politico]

Brexit: UK told refrain from voting on EU pesticides [14/09/2016, ENDS Europe]

Herbicides: lEfsa accusée de «fuite en avant»[in French, 2/09/2016, Journal de l'Environnement]

New rules to regulate Europe's hormone-disrupting chemicals [16/06/2016, The Guardian]

Perturbateurs endocriniens: des critères a minima[in French, 15/06/2016, Journal de l'Environnement]

Europe Bans Two Endocrine-Disrupting Weedkillers [19/4/2016, The Guardian]

Glyphosate: lindustrie propose une salle de lecture[in French, 7/04/2016, Journal de l'Environnement]

Glyphosate: lEfsa visée par une plainte associative [in French, 3/03/2016, Journal de l'Environnement]

Ombudsman criticises Commissions handling of pesticides [23/02/2016,Euractiv]

EC promises to tighten pesticide regulation[22/02/2016, ENDS Europe]

Pesticides: Bruxelles se fait taper sur les doigts [in French, 22/02/2016, Journal de l'Environnement]

Scientists battle over whether Roundup chemical causes cancer [13/01/2016, Politico]

Proposed exceptions to weedkiller bans draw activists ire [9/01/2016, Politico]

Court says EU Commission acted illegally in drafting chemicals rules[16/12/2015, Reuters]

German TV documentary on pesticides [in German, 18/11/2015, WDR]

EU watchdog opens door to new licence for controversial weedkiller [12/11/2015, the Guardian]

Ex-employees of Nutrea [feed producer] meet MEPs and call for an enquiry on pesticides use [in French, 11/11/2015, Ouest France]

German TV documentary on glyphosate, with PAN-Europe Hans Muilermaninterview [in German, 2/11/2015, WDR]

Appeal to European Court of Justice on pesticide harmful to bees [29/10/2015, The Brussels Times]

Bienensterben: Comeback der Neonicotinoide? [27/10/2015, Geo]

Commission challenged over pesticide approval [26/10/2015, ENDSEurope]

Autorisation dun pesticide nocif pour les abeilles[26/10/2015, Le Soir]

Europe's food watchdog embraces transparency [23/10/2015, Science Mag, including PAN-Europe interview. For subscribers only]

LEurope perturbée par les hormones [25/05/2015. Le Monde]

EU-Chemikalienregulierung: Wie die Industrie in Brüssel ihren Willen bekommt [20/05/2015, Der Spiegel]

Hoe in Brussel bedrijfsbelangen het van milieu en gezondheid winnen [20/05/2014, De Correspondent]

Pesticide Free Towns [07/05/2015, Health and Environment Alliance]

Europees evenement over pesticidenvrije steden en gemeenten op 8 juni [15/05/2015, CAPLO Nieuws]

'Europese Commissie liep blindelings in de val van de industrie' [08/04/2015, Mondiaal Nieuws]

Controversy over EU claim of safe pesticide exposure [12/03/2015, ENDS Europe DAILY]

97% of pesticide levels in Europe's food legal, says EU agency [13/03/2015, EurActive]

Over 97% of EU food meets pesticide limits [12/03/2015, Agrafacts]

Interview on Radio France [12/03/2015]

Strawberries top list of pesticide-laced food: EU report [12/03/2015, Reuters]

'Suppressed' EU report could have banned pesticides worth billions [02/02/2015, The Guardian]

Stricter licensing planned for 77 pesticides [28/01/2015, ENDS Europe]

Few pesticides likely to fall foul of EDC criteria study [21/01/2015, ENDS Europe]

Pesticides: les associations fustigent la feuille de route européenne [21/01/2015, Journal de l'environment]

Perturbateurs endocriniens La Commission doit revoir sa feuille de route [Générations Futures et Pan Europe] [20/01/2015, La France Agricole]

Court overturns access to environmental justice ruling [13/01/2015, ENDS Europe]

Dispute over TTC approach continues at Efsa/WHO meeting [08/01/2015, ChemicalWatch]

EU wants new approach on pesticide residues in TTIP [07/01/2015, ENDS Europe]

Anti-pesticide NGO slams maize pest plea [17/11/2014, AGRA FACTS]

Risk assessment's insensitive toxicity testing may cause it to fail [11/2014, Environmental Research]

¿Pesticidas o 'cienci-cidas'? [05/10/2014, Destrella digital]

Déballer le paquet pesticides [21/09/204, Le Monde]

DG Sanco to assume responsibility for EDC criteria [18/09/2014, ChemicalWatch]

Study questions EU pesticide approval process [18/09/2014, ENDS Europe DAILY]

Pesticides: quand les BPL nuisent à lévaluation [17/09/2014, Journal de l'environnement]

Les rapports indépendants ne sont pas pris en compte [17/09/2014, La France Agricole]

La toxicité des pesticides sous-évaluée [17/09/2014, france 5]

"On sous-estime de 2 à 1 500 fois la toxicité des pesticides" [17/09/2014, radio france inter]

Review finds weaknesses in national pesticide plans [28/08/2014, ENDS Europe]

TTIP: already disrupting Europes precautionary principle? [10/08/2014, arc 2020]

EU Lays Out 'Endocrine Disruptor' Criteria Options, Setting Stage For Fight [24/07/2014, Inside U.S. Trade]

Under Industry Pressure In TTIP, EU Weighs Shift On Pesticides Regulation [24/07/2014, Inside U.S. Trade]

Définition des perturbateurs endocriniens : une course contre la montre? [20/06/2014, Actu-Environnement]

Endocrine disruptors: Commission exploring four scenarios [19/06/2014, EUROPOLITICS]

Chemical industry welcomes EU EDC roadmap [18/06/2014, Chemical Watch]

Europes Green Capitals set to get greener from 2017 [09/06/2014, EU Reporter]

EFSA slammed by Pesticide Action Network over its methods [28/05/2014, arc 2020]

EU Safety Institutions Caught Plotting an Industry "Escape Route" Around Looming Pesticide Ban [28/05/2014, Truthout]

Metam-natrium wordt verboden [27/05/2014, NOS]

France presents its draft strategy on EDCs [29/04/2014, EndsEurope]

TTC: EFSA found guilty of maladministration [02/04/2014, Food Packing Forum]

European ombudsman points to "maladministration" by EFSA [31/03/2014, EuroPolitics]

EFSA guilty of 'maladministration' [31/03/2014, The Parliament]

EFSA response to ombudsman's decision on PAN Europe [31/03/2014, Ends Europe]

A pest management toolbox to reduce pesticide use [28/03/2014, CommNet]

Pesticide Action Network Europe urges further action from Commission [28-03-2014, EU Reporter]

How Syngenta won the war over weedkillers [19/03/2018 Politico]

Pesticides use in ecological focus areas: Delegated acts of CAP reform move responsibility to member states [12/03/2014, EU Reporter]

Appels en peren optellen [22/02/2014, NRC Handelsblad]

Bedrijfsleven saboteert voedselveiligheid [14/02/2014, Telegraaf]

Opinion: How industry tries to water down risk assessment of pesticide mixtures in everyday food [14/02/2014, EU Reporter]

Milieuorganisatie: Bedrijfsleven saboteert voedselveiligheid [14/02/2014. Dagblad Trouw]

Wat zit er nog meer in die aardbei? [14/02/2014. Dagblad Trouw]

Pesticides: des experts à la botte de l'industrie [12/04/2014, Charlie Hebdo]

Food industry accused of 'massive infiltration' of EFSA pesticides panel [10/2/2014, Parliament Magazine]

EFSA accused of public health failure over cumulative chemical hazards [07/02/2014, EU Food Policy]

Des conflits dintérêt gangrènent lévaluation des effets des pesticides [05/02/2014, Journal de l'environment]

Pesticides : une ONG dénonce des conflits d'intérêt au sein de l'Efsa et de l'OMS [05/02/2014, Actu-environment]

PAN Europe on the RTBF - National Belgian TV Consumers Show "On n'est pas des pigeons", part on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and the Disrupting Food Consumer Guide [17/12/2013].

Recruit active, publishing scientists, EFSA told [22/11/2013, EU Food Policy]

Pflanzenschutz Noch mehr Gift für Bienen? [12/2013, Beobachter Natur]

Accused of Harming Bees, Bayer Researches a Different Culprit [11/12/2013, New York Times]

NGO going to court over neonicotinoids review [23/10/2013]

Insults hurled as EFSA transparency initiative kicks off [10/10/2013]

Pesticides licensing in race to the bottom [26/09/2013]

Heated chemicals debate continues with open letter to EU chief scientist [23/07/2013]

EU targets another insecticide linked to decline in bee population [18/07/2013]

PAN Europe denounces pesticides provision [16/09/2013, EU Reporter]

EU Agency to test pesticides' cumulative risk [15/07/2013]

European Commission endorses EFSA EDC opinion [09/07/2013]

Commission backs EFSA's definition of endocrine-disrupting chemicals [05/07/2013]

Member states outline plans to cut pesticide use [24/06/2013]

MEP calls for parliamentary risk panel to tame green scaremongering [13/06/2013]

Générations Futures réclame le retrait de « l'ensemble des néonicotinoïdes [06/06/2013]

Alertes aux insecticides et aux neonicotinoides dans nos aliments! French Radio [05/06/2013]

La restriction de 3 pesticides en UE ne suffit pas, selon Générations Futures [05/06/2013]

Nous mangeons tous des néonicotinoïdes [05/06/2013]

Martin Dermine, our Bees Project Officer, on the Belgian National Television, 13.00 News [at the 24th minute] [29/05/2013]

EU plans for EDC testing programme remain unclear [22/05/2013]

EU pesticides ban "too little, too slow" [29/04/2013]

BASFs university job sparks green fury over biased science [05/06/2013]

Opnieuw discussie over financiering 'Wageningen' [06/05/2013]

'Wageningen' geeft onafhankelijkheid weg aan industrie [05/05/2013]

Our Bees Project Officer Martin Dermine- Le Bar de l'Europe - TV5Monde [27/04/2013, French speaking TV Channel]

EC pushes through major pesticide restriction [29/04/2013]

Schippers: neonicotinoïden geen risco voor mens bij correct gebruik [09/07/2013]

NGO complains to EU Commission about Efsa EDC opinion

Pesticide industry and NGO clash over EFSA definition of endocrine disruptors [08/04/2013].
Read PAN Europe's Letter to Commissioner Borg concerning EFSA definition of endocrine disruptors

Systematic assessment of EDCs some way off [04/04/2013]

Le Parlement européen veut lutter contre les perturbateurs endocriniens [4/04/2013]

PAN Europe on EDCs Belgian National Radio [Podcast 03/04/2013]

National Belgian Radio - Le dossier interactif : Des abeilles et des hommes. Interview Martin Dermine, Bees Project Officer PAN Europe [Podcast - 29/03/2013]

Swedish minister wants tougher EU limits on chemicals [28/03/2013]

EFSA paves way for regulating endocrine disruptors in food [21/03/2013]

On the same topic, in Le Monde

EFSAs EDC opinion reopens hazard versus risk debate [22/03/2013]

Conflicts of interest at the European Food Safety Authority erode public confidence [08/03/2013]

NGO slams unrealistic pesticide report [07/03/2013]

It's official: pesticides are killing bees [06/02/2013]

Seed treatment poses a risk to Europe's bee population [17/01/2013]

Conflit dintérêts : la récidive de lEFSA [14/12/2012]

Bisphénol A, phtalates... soupçons d'ingérence industrielle à Bruxelles [13/12/2012]

Fertilité masculine : les dangers avérés des perturbateurs endocriniens [05/12/2012]

GLOBAL 2000 fordert Verbot von hormonell wirksamen Pestiziden durch Minister Berlakovich [17/08/2012]

Alimentos como la lechuga o los tomates contienen hasta 30 tóxicos diferentes [18/07/2012]

NGO highlights EDC residues in EU fruits, vegetables [05/06/2012]

Parliament clears final hurdle 13 January 2009
The Parliament: EU parliament backs pesticide regulations [13 January]
Euractiv: Parliament seals pesticides deal amid opposition [13 January] - link to article in French
EU Observer: Toxic pesticides banned in Europe [13 January]
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe [17 January]
Nature: Europe set to crack down on pesticides [16 January]
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe [14 January]
BBC TV 1: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe [13 January]
BBC Radio 4 - PM News: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe [13 January]
BBC Radio 4 - 6 oclock News: Interview with Nick Mole, Policy Officer, PAN UK [13 January]
BBC online: Balance elusive in EU pesticide debate [12 January]
France 24: EU Parliament pushes for ban on toxic chemicals [13 January]
Le Monde: Le Parlement européen bannit 22 substances pesticides dangereuses [13 January]
Nouvel Obs: Les eurodéputés bannissent les pesticides les plus dangereux [13 January]
De Volkskrant: Voorkomen is nog steeds beter dan genezen [24 January]
VARA - vroege Vogels: Interview with Hans Muilerman, Natuur en Milieu and PAN Europe board member [18 January]
Tageblatt: Les eurodéputés bannissent les pesticides les plus dangereux dans l'UE [13 January 2009]
Ceské Televize: EU zakáže nebezpečné pesticidy [13 January]
IHT: European Parliament passes pesticides bill [13 January]
Yahoo: European Parliament passes pesticides bill [13 January]
Guardian: European Parliament passes pesticides bill [13 January]
Pesticides in grapes: unsafe, illegal and unauthorised 24 November 2008
Radio Due [RAI, Channel 2] il Ruggito del Coniglio [27 November]
Le Parisien: Des pesticides dans les raisins [25 November]
L'Express: Des raisins bourrés de pesticides! [25 November]
TF1/LCI: Des pesticides dans le raisin [25 November] - Interview with Aurele Clemencin, MDRGF [1 November]
RTBF: Des pesticides interdits dans les raisins européens [24 November]
Telenord la televisione della Liguria: Pesticidi [24 November]
Le Monde: Des résidus de pesticides interdits dans du raisin [24 November]
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe and Jim Mclaren of NFU Scotland discuss the future of UK pesticides legislation [22 November]
Information: Stærk lobbyisme betyder flere pesticider [7 Novmember]
NFU warning over EU Regulation 1 November 2008
BBC Breakfast: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe [1 November]
BBC News: Pesticide ban 'threat to farming' [1 November]
Highest ever levels of pesticides in foods 15 October 2008
Sunday Herald: Record level of pesticides on fruit and veg [26 October]
Farmers Weekly: Pesticide industry defends its record [21 October]
Irish Times: Food safety report warns on organic fertilisers [17 October]
Európa Rádió: A report in Svédasztal [17 October]
Brussels Metro: Record de pesticides dans nos fruits et legumes [16 October]
RTBF TV: Interview with Valérie Xhonneux, Inter Environnement Wallonie [16 October]
RTL TV1: Interview with Valérie Xhonneux, Inter Environnement Wallonie [16 October]
L'express: Trop de pesticides dans les fruits et légumes européens [16 October]
Europe 1: De plus en plus de pesticides dans les fruits, légumes et céréales [16 October] Interview with François Veillerette, President of MDRGF
LCI: Alimentation: Toujours plus de pesticides dans nos fruits et légumes [16 October] Interview of Aurèle Clemencin, Campaigner at MDRGF
BBC Radio 4, Farming Today: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe [16 October]
Politiken: Mere sprøjtegift i EU-grøntsager e [16 October]
Nordjyske: Flere giftspor i EU's frugt og grønt [16 October] Európában mérgezhet az élelmiszer [16 October]
24 Rakotvorni pesticidi v hrani [16 October]
Zurnal24: Rim gori, senat pa razpravlja [16 October]
France Info: Les pesticides gagnent de plus en plus nos assiettes [15 October] Interview with François Veillerette, President of MDRGF
Agrarisch Dagblad: Groente, fruit en graan bevat meer residuen [15 October]
BBC Politics Show: Interview with Elliott Cannell [12 October]
New standards on pesticides violate food safety 28 August 2008
Slovak National Radio: 'New EU limits for pesticides' [18 September]
Interview with Daniel Lesinsky, CEPTA [PAN Europe board member]
Slovenian Press Agency: Nova pravila EU o ostankih pesticidov v hrani in krmi [1 September]
Le Monde: Pesticides: des ONG portent plainte contre les nouvelles normes de l'UE [1 September]
TSR: Pesticides dans les aliments: des ONG tirent la sonnette d'alarme [1 September]
Liberation: Alerte aux pesticides dans les aliments [1 September]
Corriere della sera Radio: Interview with Francesco Ferrante, Legambiente [29 August]
TFI: Plus de pesticides dans nos aliments? [28 August]
Interview with Francois Veillerette, President of MDRGF [PAN Europe board member] Des ONG inquiètes [28 August]
Interview with Francois Veillerette, President of MDRGF [PAN Europe board member]
Ózd Városi TV: Interview with Janos Pal, Levego Munkacsoport [28 August]
Tageblatt: Pesticides dans les aliments: des ONG tirent la sonnette d'alarme [28 August]
De Morgen: Nieuwe pesticidenormen risico voor gezondheid [28 August]
BBC South East: Interview with Elliott Cannell [14 August]
European Voice: Pointing the finger at pesticides [31 July]
UK government lobbies to keep hazardous pesticides on the menu 2 July 2008
The Economist: A balance of risk [4 July]
BBC Radio 4 - The Today Programme: EU rules could 'reduce UK crops' [3 July]
Dr Ian Denholm of Rothamsted Research Institute and Elliott Cannell from Pesticide Action Network debate the issue
Daily Mail: Plans to ban dozens of pesticides will 'lead to food shortages and send prices rising further' [3 July]
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe [2 July]
BBC Radio Humberside: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe [2 July]
Ministers approve pesticide blacklist 23 May 2008
Euractiv: Farm ministers back ban on toxic pesticides [24 June]
Chemistry World: EU pesticide threat [25 June]
BBC Radio 4: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe [2 July]
Commission comes out fighting 19 May 2008
Euractiv: Pesticides: EU remains divided on substances
Eliminating the worst pesticide residues from the food chain 15 May 2008
BBC Radio 4: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe
European wines systematically contaminated 26 March 2008
Bild: Pfanzengift in deutschen Weinen
Liberation: Un arrière-goût de pesticides
Daily Telegraph: Wines from top French châteaux contaminated with pesticides
Sueddeutsche Zeitung: Verseuchte Tropfen
International Herald Tribune: NGO study: Pesticides found in EU wines
USA Today: Study: EU wines may contain pesticides
BBC Radio 4: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe
KleineZeitung: Global 2000 warnt vor Pestiziden im Wein
Agora Vox: Televised interview with Francois Veillerette, Director of PAN Europe
La Press [Canada]: Le Vin Contaminé par des Résidus de Pesticides
SABC: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe
Daily Telegraph [Australia]: EU wine contaminated with pesticides
Die Berger: Gifstowwe in SA wyn
PAN Europe condemns 'corporate cowboys' 5 February 2008
Euractiv: Study suggests pesticides 'critical' for EU food supply
Hazardous Pesticides in the European Parliament 10 October 2007
Spiegel: Gift-Obst für EU-Parlamentarier
France 2: Televised interview with Grazia Cioci, a spokesperson for PAN Europe
Europe 1: Des pesticides dans les fruits européens
Die Presse: EU-Parlament entschärft Pestizid-Verbot [23 October]
Euractiv: Pesticides: groups raise pressure ahead of EP vote
Viva: 14 pesticides sur les fraises!
Que Chosir: Des fruits européens contaminés [12 October]

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