SharePoint list template

How to create list from template in sharepoint

November 30, 2019
In this article, we are going to learn how to create a list from list template or using(.stp) file or we can say create list from existing list. Once you save the list as a template, It appears into List template option under the web designer gallery on site setting page.

Steps to create list from list template:

1 Move to the site setting section where you have saved the list template.

SharePoint list template
2. When you click on the List templates, you will redirect to the List template gallery and from the list template gallery.
SharePoint list template
3. Now click on the File in ribbon and click on the upload document.

SharePoint list template

4. Browse the location where your list template is downloaded. I am uploading the template of an address list.

SharePoint list template
5. After browsing the template, now you can give the name what you want to give to the list template and click on save.

SharePoint list template

6. Now the list template file appears into the list template gallery. Now click on the gear icon and click on the Add an app.
SharePoint list template
7. On clicking add an app, you will redirect to site contents - your apps, search for the list template on the site content and click on the app.
SharePoint list template
8. Now give the name to your list and click on create.

SharePoint list template
On clicking the create, it will redirect to site contents and your list is created.

Thank you...
Enjoy Coding.....


SharePoint SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2019 SharePoint 2016 SharePoint out of the box features
Labels: SharePoint SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2019 SharePoint 2016 SharePoint out of the box features

Content editor web part missing in SharePoint/Modern SharePoint.

August 21, 2019
Media and content editor web part missing in SharePoint online. At Some Point, you need to add content editor web part into the modern site but the content editor web part did not appear on the page, to appear content editor web part on page you need to follow the below steps. 1 Log in as the SharePoint Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator. 2. Log in and navigate to your site collection ("") and under the site settings activate the below features. Site settings site features SharePoint Server Publishing . Site Settings Site Actions Manage site features- SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure. For this, you also need to enable Custom site scripts on your site collection(But In Modern SharePoint Its not recommended to enabling custom site scripting) For this go to the SharePoint Admin center Settings - Classic settings page (option mentioned on page)- Scroll the page you found an optio
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Save site as template option in sharepoint online

November 09, 2019
In this article, we are going to learn about "save site as template option missing in sharepoint". When you want to replicate a site that you have already created and to do this you want to save site as template. To save site as template, you go on Site setting and then move to Site action, but you did not find the option Save site as template option. In the modern sharepoint "save site as template" option is not enable by default. There are several option available to enable "save site as template". Optione 1: Custom script is not allowed on tenant : On the new office 365 tenants or we say in Modern SharePoint experience by default the custom scripting is not allowed on the tenant. If custom script is not allowed on your tenant some features will not work o n your tenants. In common terms you may not able to save site as template , options to create web part page will not appear on, some web parts ( like media and
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