What are the different types of user accounts?

Types of User Accounts

Windows 8 offers four basic types of user accounts: the built-in Administrator account, user accounts with administrative privileges, standard accounts, and a Guest account. They vary in how much privilege they grant to the person using the account.

With Windows 8, you also have the choice of setting up the user accounts as local or Microsoft accounts. You can read about these types of accounts in the following sections.

Microsoft accounts

With Microsoft accounts, you have the greatest flexibility for taking advantage of many of the newest Windows 8 features. To set up a Microsoft account, you must use a valid e-mail address. You can use an existing account, such as one you use at your office or a third-party account such as Yahoo! Mail or similar. If you do not have one, you can set up an e-mail account during the Windows 8 user account setup.

A Microsoft account provides the following features:

  • Allows you to log in to a computer on which you have not previously set up a user account. (Conversely, with local accounts, you must set up a local account on each computer on which you want to log in.)
  • Provides access to Microsoft Xbox Live and Windows Phone accounts.
  • Enables you to download apps from the Windows Store.
  • Syncs settings across multiple computers. For example, if you work on two or more computers, logging in with the same Microsoft account on each one will enable you to keep your favorites, history, sign-in info, and languages synced between the ...

There are three types of user rights and three types of access rights.

Written by Julie Colback
Updated over a week ago

As the manager of your account, you can choose who can see and/or adjust what information. 

You have the following for every user:

  1. User rights: these rights determine what adjustments a user can make.               The options are: Administrator - Standard user - Read-only

  2. Access rights: these rights determine to what information the user has access or what information he can see.                                                                                    The options are: All measures - Specific sectors - Own measures and actions

Combine user and access rights for the ideal combination!

There are three types of users: administrators, standard users and users who are only allowed to read. This determines what they can change in the tool.

  • Administrator: An administrator can change anything, including data under "Data Input", add users and manage their rights. An Administrator can also add new structures and clusters. Standard users cannot do this. Do you want to be the administrator? Ask us and we will change it immediately ✔

  • Standard user: A standard user can change any information (measures, actions, etc.) (except data under 'Data Input').

  • Read-only: A user who can only read, can read but not change any information (measures, actions, etc.) to which he has access.

Tip: The default setting for all new users is “standard user”. Therefore, if you want to add a user who only has readers’ rights, you must first add him and only then give him readers’ rights.

What are the different types of user accounts?

Users can have three types of access: to all measures, to specific sectors and to own measures and actions.
This determines what they can see in the tool.

  • All measures and actions: A user having these rights can see all measures and accompanying actions. Whether or not he can change them depends on his user rights (see above). 

  • Specific sectors: A user having these rights can only see specific sectors (and accompanying measures and actions). Whether or not he can adjust them depends on his user rights (see above). 

  • Own measures and actions: A user having these rights can only see his own measures and accompanying actions (those for which he is responsible). Whether or not he can change them depends on his user rights (see above). 

What are the different types of user accounts?

Therefore, according to your preference, you can combine user and access rights to give every user the correct rights!

Find out here. 

How many types of user accounts are there?

When it comes to personal computers, there are two main types of user accounts: standard and administrator. An administrator user account has all privileges to perform tasks such as installation of applications, while standard users can only use the user accounts as set up by the administrator.

What are the users account?

A user account is an identity created for a person in a computer or computing system. User accounts can also be created for machine entities, such as service accounts for running programs, system accounts for storing system files and processes, and root and administrator accounts for system administration.

What are the two types of user accounts in Windows 10?

Types of Logins There are two basic types of login in Windows 10. The first type is using the Microsoft login on the web and the second type is the “local” login that users were used to in Windows 7 and before.

What are the 3 types of users in Linux?

There are three types of user in linux: - root, regular and service.