What sort of tasks might you perform considering minor surgery in a medical office?

The 5 Most Common Minor Surgeries

Surgical procedures are fairly common, but the prospect of undergoing surgery can nevertheless be overwhelming. To help put you at ease, it can be useful to understand the different types of surgery and how they are used. 

Surgery is usually divided into one of two categories: minor surgery and major surgery. Today, we are going to take a look at minor surgical procedures and the medical conditions or concerns they are used to treat. 

What Are Minor Surgeries?

Minor surgeries are typically regarded as any surgeries that do not break past the surface tissue or require a period of extended recovery (usually more than one day). Minor surgeries are also defined as surgeries that do not carry as many risks or hazards to patients

What are the different types of minor surgeries? 

Basic Surgical Procedures

Basic surgical procedures are those often found in urgent cares and health clinics. Sutures, for instance, fall under the purview of basic surgical procedures, as they are performed on a regular basis, and do not require a hospital stay or intense surgical care. Basic procedures might also include cataract surgery, as the recovery period is small, risks are relatively low, and the surgery itself is rapid

Corrective Procedures

Performing minor surgery is also useful to conduct small corrective surgeries, including wound treatment and debridement. These minor surgeries can include surgeries to remove foreign objects in the skin, skin growths, or lesions or prevent wounds from growing larger or leaving behind a substantial scar

Exploratory Procedures

Exploratory procedures usually qualify as preventative health care, as they are used to determine the presence of an issue or the presence of a health condition. Exploratory procedures can cover a wide range of procedures and may or may not require anesthesia, depending on the type of procedure being used. A surface-level biopsy, for instance, will not require anything more than a local anesthetic, while a more involved exploratory procedure may necessitate a heftier local anesthetic

What Is the Purpose of a Minor Surgery?

Minor surgeries can be used for several different applications, most of them correspondingly minor in nature. Minor surgeries do not perform extremely invasive techniques, such as removal of the appendix, but can provide the precursors to those advanced procedures. The most common reasons to undergo minor surgeries include the following:

Identifying Disease

Minor surgeries may help identify the presence or even the cause of disease. Minor surgery can be used to determine an issue in the abdomen and may be used to decide whether or not to remove the gallbladder, for instance. Biopsies are also considered minor surgeries and can help doctors identify the root cause of a variety of symptoms and ailments. 

Treating Wounds and Damages

Minor surgeries can also be used to treat wounds and damages. If skin lesions are present, for instance, debridement is a minor surgical procedure used to treat and close the area. Sutures are also considered minor surgical procedures and effectively close wounds that would be in danger of infection, decay, or further opening

Top 5 Common Surgeries

Although minor surgical procedures themselves are quite common, there are some types of minor surgeries that are more common than others. These are the procedures typically completed within a doctor or physician’s office, without a great deal of advanced preparation, recovery, or even pain. The five most common types of minor surgical procedures have been identified in greater detail below


Debridement is the term used to describe the tending, cleaning, and removal of infections, lesions, and even necrotic tissue in the body. Debridement is most commonly associated with diabetic lesions on the feet but can include a truly enormous range of treatments for superficial wounds and damages. 


Laparoscopy is a procedure wherein a small probe is inserted into the abdominal cavity in order to explore issues present in the torso. Laparoscopy can be used to identify the presence of an inflamed organ, internal bleeding, or even tumors, lesions, and other growths to help local departments of health determine the most likely source of pain or illness and develop a treatment plan


A biopsy is similar to a laparoscopy in that it is designed for exploration and evaluation. Rather than inserting something into the body, however, biopsies involve removing something from the body. These procedures are generally less than 30 minutes and require a lab to effectively test for the presence of cancer, infection, and other issues. 


Sutures, more commonly known as stitches, are considered minor surgery because they involve using surgical techniques. However, they are low risk and do not risk a great deal of pain, damage, or complications. Sutures can be used to tend to minor wounds requiring only a few stitches or more complex issues, such as stitching a chest cavity after coronary artery bypass or a bypass graft in the wake of heart disease

Removal of Foreign Objects

There are many different reasons foreign objects become lodged in the body. Hunting accidents, curious toddlers, and falls are more common catalysts for foreign object removal surgery. 

Finding Your Surgical Team

Whether you are in need of removing a coin from a toddler’s nose or a patch of skin has recently become a cause for concern, it is imperative to find a surgical team that you can entrust with your health and safety. At Carolina Medical Associates, finding your surgery team is as simple as speaking with your standard medical team. The staff at Carolina Medical Associates is trained in performing minor surgical procedures

To learn more about available procedures and services at our medical practice in Pineville, NC, reach out to us today! 

What are common minor office surgeries?

Minor Office Surgery.
Applying or removing stitches or staples..
Superficial burn treatment..
Cyst and lesion removal..
Nail debridement..
Removal of foreign bodies from the skin, nose, or ears..

What are minor surgical procedures?

Minor surgical procedures refer to surgery performed on superficial tissue, usually under local anaesthesia and using minimal equipment. These procedures can be performed safely and quickly with few or no complications, and while the patient is conscious throughout the procedure.

What are the responsibilities of the medical assistant when assisting in minor office surgery?

Medical Assistant Duties During Minor Surgery You'll clean and sterilize the room and equipment. You'll assemble the sterile tools and materials and make sure the doctor has everything they need. Attention to detail here is critical, especially regarding proper sterilization.

What are the types of minor surgery?

It includes cataract surgery; breast surgery without reconstruction; laparoscopic cholecystectomy and tubal ligation; and most cutaneous, superficial, endoscopic and arthroscopic procedures.