A community member calls the smoking cessation hotline. this community resource is an example of:

  • HOME

Written Reply by Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, to Parliamentary Question on Disamenities from Secondhand Smoke

Mr Shawn Huang Wei Zhong: To ask the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment what are the further measures to be considered in 2021 to ensure that disamenities such as secondhand cigarette smoke that causes long-term medical problems does not affect other homeowners who are non-smokers in their own homes.


  1. The Government takes a multi-pronged approach to address the disamenities from secondhand cigarette smoke.

  2. To tackle smoking at prohibited residential areas, the National Environment Agency (NEA) works with government agencies, Town Councils and community leaders to display visual reminders to remind smokers to be considerate and entrench positive social norms. Where feedback on unlawful smoking persists, NEA steps up surveillance and enforcement operations at the affected block. Since January 2019, for smoking offences in corridors, NEA has enhanced its surveillance capability with the use of thermal cameras which can detect objects emitting high heat and capture images of the smoking offence.

  3. On the issue of smoking in homes affecting neighbouring units, the Government is working with the community to adopt a three-pronged approach: (a) engender greater social responsibility, (b) facilitate productive conversations between neighbours and (c) enhance the dispute resolution process to better address disputes arising from smoking in homes. For example, NEA has collaborated with the Housing Development Board (HDB), Health Promotion Board (HPB), Municipal Services Office (MSO), and Town Councils to develop and issue joint advisories to units where feedback on tobacco smoke is received. The advisory urges smokers to be considerate to their family members and neighbours, as well as advises them on the smoking cessation helplines available. We will continue to encourage and support ground-up efforts by community organisations and the grassroots to manage feedback on smoking in homes. In addition, NEA, as part of an inter-agency committee, is working with other agencies to study how community disputes including secondhand smoke in homes can be better addressed under the Community Dispute Management Framework through upstream measures to encourage mediation and conflict resolution between neighbours.

  4. There are also cessation programmes available across healthcare institutions, workplaces and in the community, to support smokers in quitting the habit. For example, HPB’s ‘I Quit 28-day Countdown Programme’ encourages participants to take daily actions to remain tobacco-free and rewards participants who quit successfully. Smokers can call QuitLine (1800 438 2000) to receive customised smoking cessation counselling from Certified Quit Smoking Consultants or visit HealthHub for articles, tips and support. HPB is also leveraging digital platforms during COVID-19 to pilot online delivery of programmes such as smoking cessation talks at workplaces, and will continue to ensure easy access to smoking cessation programmes.

  5. While we will continue to monitor our efforts and best practices overseas, mitigating secondhand smoke in homes ultimately requires everyone to play their part. I urge smokers to exercise social responsibility and refrain from lighting up where the secondhand tobacco smoke can affect those around them. Families and friends of smokers, as well as the general public, can help reinforce these social norms.

Journal Article

Rachael L. Murray,

Rachael L. Murray

Cancer Research UK Graduate Training Fellow


Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies


University of Nottingham


Clinical Sciences Building, Nottingham City Hospital, Nottingham



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Linda Bauld,

Linda Bauld

Reader in Social Policy


Department of Social and Policy Sciences, UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies


University of Bath, Bath



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Lucy E. Hackshaw,

Lucy E. Hackshaw

PhD Research Psychologist


Department of Social and Policy Sciences, UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies


University of Bath, Bath



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Ann McNeill

Ann McNeill

Professor of Health Policy and Promotion


Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies


University of Nottingham


Clinical Sciences Building, Nottingham City Hospital, Nottingham



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    Rachael L. Murray, Linda Bauld, Lucy E. Hackshaw, Ann McNeill, Improving access to smoking cessation services for disadvantaged groups: a systematic review, Journal of Public Health, Volume 31, Issue 2, June 2009, Pages 258–277, https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdp008


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Smoking is a main contributor to health inequalities. Identifying strategies to find and support smokers from disadvantaged groups is, therefore, of key importance.


A systematic review was carried out of studies identifying and supporting smokers from disadvantaged groups for smoking cessation, and providing and improving their access to smoking-cessation services. A wide range of electronic databases were searched and unpublished reports were identified from the national research register and key experts.


Over 7500 studies were screened and 48 were included. Some papers were of poor quality, most were observational studies and many did not report findings for disadvantaged smokers. Nevertheless, several methods of recruiting smokers, including proactively targeting patients on General Physician's registers, routine screening or other hospital appointments, were identified. Barriers to service use for disadvantaged groups were identified and providing cessation services in different settings appeared to improve access. We found preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of some interventions in increasing quitting behaviour in disadvantaged groups.


There is limited evidence on effective strategies to increase access to cessation services for disadvantaged smokers. While many studies collected socioeconomic data, very few analysed its contribution to the results. However, some potentially promising interventions were identified which merit further research.


As in most industrialized countries, smoking prevalence in the UK is considerably higher among less affluent groups. In 2007, smoking prevalence was 36% for men and 25% for women in routine and manual occupations, compared with 15% for men and 18% for women in managerial and professional groups.1 Although smoking has declined considerably since the 1970s for all groups, there has been no significant narrowing of the gap between manual and non-manual rates.2

Smoking is one of the main contributors to health inequalities in industrial countries3 and a recent analysis of causes of death in England and Wales by the Office for National Statistics argued that smoking played a key role in the relationship between deprivation and mortality.4 Among men, smoking is responsible for over half of the excess risk of premature death between the highest and lowest socioeconomic groups.5 For these reasons, addressing smoking-related inequalities in health has become a policy priority in the UK and targets have been established nationwide to reduce smoking rates among more deprived groups. In England, the key target concerning smoking is to ‘reduce adult smoking prevalence in routine and manual groups to 26% or less by 2010’.

Significant health gains are likely to be achieved by reducing the proportion of current smokers and if more of these smokers are drawn from disadvantaged groups, then this could make a significant contribution to reducing inequalities in health.6 A number of government policies have therefore been implemented to encourage smokers to quit smoking, with considerable emphasis on those in lower socioeconomic groups.7

Delivering evidence-based smoking cessation services to less affluent communities was one of the key government strategies to help reduce smoking in disadvantaged groups. Following the publication of the 1998 White Paper, Smoking Kills,7 smoking cessation services, now known as National Health Service (NHS) stop-smoking services, were established in the UK. The services were initially set up in 26 deprived areas known as Health Action Zones in 1999 and rolled out to the rest of the country from 2000.8 NHS stop-smoking services now exist in all parts of the UK and provide free at the point of use access to behavioural support from a trained adviser (one-to-one or group) in a range of settings, plus access to appropriate pharmacotherapies which are available on prescription. This intensive specialist support has been demonstrated to increase the chances of quitting four-fold over the use of willpower alone.9 From their inception, disadvantaged smokers were one of the key target groups for the services, the others being pregnant women and young people.10

However, there are a number of barriers to reaching and supporting more disadvantaged smokers in their quit attempts. Health services in the UK are traditionally more accessible in the more affluent areas—a phenomenon known as the ‘inverse care law’,11 and those living in disadvantaged communities may be less willing to seek help from statutory health services.12 Hence, one of the challenges for these services and for other interventions that can help smokers to quit is improving access for disadvantaged groups.

Recent research in England suggests that, at the national level, <10% of smokers who make a quit attempt do so with the support of NHS stop-smoking services.1,13 Improving access and increasing reach is therefore essential but it is equally important to maintain smokers in programmes while successfully supporting them to quit. Findings from the Cochrane Library report that individual counselling results in an OR of 1.56 (95% CI 1.32–1.84) compared with minimal contact.14 Developing appropriate strategies to identify, contact, support and keep smokers in treatment is therefore of key importance for the NHS stop-smoking services, particularly in disadvantaged communities where smoking prevalence and tobacco addiction are often higher.15

The review was conducted to inform the development of guidance on ‘The effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions to reduce the rates of premature death in disadvantaged areas through proactive case finding, retention and access to services’ for the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and this article describes findings from this review. NICE is the statutory organization responsible for providing guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill health in England.


Inclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria were identified by NICE. Studies examining interventions with a range of disadvantaged groups were to be included. These groups included pregnant women, manual workers, individuals with mental health problems or a learning disability, individuals who were institutionalized, members of some black and minority ethnic groups, homeless people, people on a low income, lone parents, poor families and people on benefits and living in public housing. Identified studies were to examine interventions that aimed to find and support adult smokers, including approaches involving primary and secondary prevention, improving access to services and NHS interventions to help people stop smoking.


The literature search was carried out in May 2007 by the SURE unit at the University of Cardiff. Articles were searched in the following bibliographic databases: Medline, EMBASE, HMIC, the British Nursing Index, PsycInfo, CINAHL, HEED, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness, the Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials, ASSIA, Sociological Abstracts, SIGLE, Social Policy and Practice, EPPI Centre Database and the NHS Economic Evaluation Database. Studies from 1995 to 2007 were included and a range of search terms were used, key terms included, for example, smoking, smoking cessation or tobacco and social class or single parent or lone parent, homeless, low income, socioeconomic, inequality, deprived, deprivation, disadvantaged and healthcare, treatment, clinic, health, services, health service. Further details of the full search strategy can be found in the NICE report online.16 All types of studies were included in the review. Because of the nature of the review, it was anticipated that some relevant material would be found in the gray literature. This literature was identified through a web-based search and included unpublished research reports, working papers, conference proceedings and briefing papers, all of this type of literature. In order not to exclude work in progress, we also sought recommendations from tobacco control experts and conducted a search of the UK National Research Register for ongoing or recently completed studies.


Articles relevant to the review on the basis of title and abstract were identified and copies of each of these were obtained and independently examined by two reviewers to decide on inclusion in the review. Where disagreement occurred regarding the relevance of any particular abstract, a third team member was consulted to reach a final agreement on inclusion/exclusion.

Critical appraisal

All studies meeting the inclusion criteria were rated by two reviewers in order to determine the strength of the evidence. Studies were assessed for their methodological rigour and quality based on the critical appraisal checklist of the NICE Public Health Guidance Methods Manual.17 Each study was graded using a code ‘++’, ‘+’ or ‘−’ based on the extent to which the potential sources of bias had been minimized (Table 1). In the NICE guidance that was disseminated after our review,16 the ‘++’, ‘+’ and ‘−’ ratings carry the following rider: ‘This quality rating does not always apply to the way the studies actually identified, supported and improved individuals’ access to services—the areas under investigation for this guidance’.

++  All or most of the quality criteria have been fulfilled
Where they have been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought ‘very unlikely’ to alter 
Some of the criteria have been fulfilled
Where they have been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought ‘unlikely’ to alter 
−  Few or no criteria have been fulfilled
The conclusions of the study are thought ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to alter 

++  All or most of the quality criteria have been fulfilled
Where they have been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought ‘very unlikely’ to alter 
Some of the criteria have been fulfilled
Where they have been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought ‘unlikely’ to alter 
−  Few or no criteria have been fulfilled
The conclusions of the study are thought ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to alter 

++  All or most of the quality criteria have been fulfilled
Where they have been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought ‘very unlikely’ to alter 
Some of the criteria have been fulfilled
Where they have been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought ‘unlikely’ to alter 
−  Few or no criteria have been fulfilled
The conclusions of the study are thought ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to alter 

++  All or most of the quality criteria have been fulfilled
Where they have been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought ‘very unlikely’ to alter 
Some of the criteria have been fulfilled
Where they have been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought ‘unlikely’ to alter 
−  Few or no criteria have been fulfilled
The conclusions of the study are thought ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to alter 

In the small number of cases where studies received a discrepant rating, the article was passed to a third reviewer for final evaluation. Unpublished data were subject to the same quality assessment as published data.

Data extraction and analysis

The studies included in the review were heterogeneous in their research designs and outcomes were highly variable and not always quantifiable. As a result, it was not possible to conduct data synthesis in the traditional way by, for example, pooling intervention effects between studies and generating forest plots to illustrate effects. Instead a narrative synthesis is presented with the main results in Table 2.

CitationStudy populationResearch questionInterventionMain results
Bauld et al.43
Face-to-face interviews and observational study
n = 26 pharmacists providing cessation services
Secondary analysis of routine pharmacy client data from 2004. 11 126 clients 
To explore the delivery of pharmacy–based treatment, outcomes at 4 weeks and examine the relationship between client characteristics and outcomes  Behavioural support from a trained pharmacist or pharmacy assistant with weekly NRT for12 weeks  60% of all clients lived in the most disadvantaged fifth of neighbourhoods in Scotland, suggesting that the service is effectively targeting deprived smokers. Clients from deprived areas were less likely to quit than those from affluent areas 
Blenkinsopp et al.42
Systematic review
Electronic databases from 1990 to 2001 plus hand-searching of some journals for same time period  To review the effectiveness of community pharmacy interventions in reduction of risk factors and risk behaviours for CHD  Systematic review of relevant identified trials  For smoking cessation, two RCTs and three non-randomized experimental studies were included
Smoking cessation RCTs found evidence of effectiveness of community pharmacist interventions 
Campbell et al.34
n = 1173 CHD patients attending nurse-run clinics in a random sample of 19 general practices in Scotland  Can nurse run clinics in general practice improve secondary prevention in patients with CHD?  Nurse-run clinics for 1 year offering an initial session and further follow-ups at intervals of 2–6 months  Nurse-led clinics increased secondary prevention such that within the 1 year of the study, most patients adopted at least one change, most often lipid, aspirin or blood pressure treatment
No change reported in smoking 
Chesterman et al.18
Observational study
Recipients of smoking cessation services who set a quit date in 2001. n = 38 778 records from services in 19 former health authority areas  To assess effectiveness of smoking cessation services in enabling disadvantaged smokers living in disadvantaged areas to access services, and to assess area variations between areas  NHS stop-smoking services, one-to-one and group-based support. Details of intervention not discussed in the article  32.3% of all smokers in receipt of treatment services lived in the most disadvantaged quintile of areas compared with 9.6% resident in the most advantaged quintile 
Coleman et al.21
Observational study
GP THIN database records from 1990 to 2005 for recording of smoking status, cessation advice and prescription of smoking medications  Has the 2004 GP contract (with QOF targets) impacted on GPs behaviour in terms of recording smoking status, advice and smoking cessation medication prescribing patterns?  Analysis of THIN database for records of smoking status, advice, relevant prescriptions  Recording of smoking status and advice increased around the time of the 2004 contract (building on an increasing trend since 2000)
No change in prescribing patterns observed over and above the increasing trend 
Copeland et al.53
Cohort study
120 smokers recruited opportunistically at GP consultations and given NRT, in a high deprivation area in Edinburgh  Following-up the prescription of NRT by GPs in a deprived areas  Three-month follow-up of smokers prescribed NRT—assessment of baseline measures against outcome  20 of 101 stopped smoking, 46 cut down, 35 smoked same as before. Age, depression and length of time patient used NRT-affected outcome 
Hall et al.36
172 women aged 20–64 attending two general practices in UK agreed to participate, sent a questionnaire and, for those in experimental arms, had read the leaflet  The effectiveness of two leaflets emphasizing the links between smoking and cervical cancer and the importance of stopping  Randomized to a brief or extended leaflet (including information about how smoking affects cervix) or control. Both leaflets contained two threat and two efficacy messages  Providing women with brief written information about the link between smoking and cervical cancer increases readiness to stop smoking. Women sent brief leaflet were more likely to report that they were ready to stop smoking in next 6 months compared with those sent the extended leaflet (75 versus 46%, 95% CI = 11–48%) and those not sent leaflet (75 versus 40%, 95% CI = 19–52%) 
Hall et al.35
Cluster RCT
242 smokers invited for cervical screening in 2004 from eight general practices in SE England  To investigate the feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of brief advice for smoking cessation as part of screening for cervical cancer  Women in intervention arm were given brief advice (3 minutes based on the 5 As) compared with no advice in the control weeks  Brief smoking-cessation advice given by practice nurses as part of cervical screening seems acceptable, feasible and potentially effective. Those in intervention group had higher intentions to stop smoking at 2 weeks (adjusted mean difference 0.51, 95% CI = 0.02–1.03) and 10 weeks (adjusted mean difference 0.80, 95% CI = 0.10–1.50) 
Lowey et al.19
Observational study
Data from seven former Health Authorities in the North–West of England—smokers accessing NHS SSS, making quit attempts and successful quit attempts  Are NHS SSS disproportionately attracting smokers from deprived areas, and having an effect on inequalities?  Retrospective analysis of NHS stop-smoking service data  50% of all smokers setting a quit date lived in the most deprived areas, while only 25% of people in the NW are living in deprived areas. Estimated 3.3% of smokers in NW set a quit date, 48.5% of them successfully quit (at 4 weeks). Smokers living in deprived areas do not achieve greater success rates compared with those in more advantaged areas (P = 0.16) 
McLean et al.20
Observational study
1024 general practices in Scotland  Does the quality of primary care measured by the 2004 contract differ by socioeconomic deprivation?  Retrospective analysis of data available on QOF achievement at practice level. Comparing quality indicators for payment and delivery of care  Exclusion criteria for QOF appear to conceal continuing inequalities in provision of care. The contract therefore appears to be offering little incentive to the delivery of care for disadvantaged population 
Murray et al.22
Cluster RCT
24 primary care practices, either intervention (n = 3051) or usual care (n = 3805). Patients aged 18+ sent questionnaire to confirm smoking status and if happy to be contacted by stop smoking advisor  Cluster RCT to determine whether identifying all smokers in primary care population, followed by personal contact giving advice and information about local cessation service promotes independently validated cessation  Either phoned or postal—given brief advice, if wanted an appointment was made with NHS SSS, if they did not want to they were sent a pack about the service. Six months after, intervention were sent a follow-up questionnaire and quit status validated  Intervention increased the proportion of smokers reporting attendance at local NHS SSS and had a modest effect on the number of quit attempts made, but no significant impact on actual quit rates or reported cigarette consumption 
Needleman et al.46
A review of studies examining smoking cessation in dentistry and barriers to providing smoking cessation advice  An evaluation of tobacco cessation advice in the dental setting, trials of effectiveness and barriers are reviewed  A review but no search terms were given for the effectiveness/efficacy trials although details are given for the barriers  Dentists could play an important role in promoting tobacco cessation and oral tobacco cessation for smokers, but the magnitude of the effect is unclear from the studies reviewed. Many barriers identified 
Owens and Springett 2006
Observational study
Clients accessing the Roy Castle Fag Ends Stop Smoking Service (RCFE) in Liverpool  To describe the methodology behind the RCFE, describe how the service works and report 4 and 52-week cessation outcomes between 2001 and 2005  A community-based stop smoking service. Clients can attend group or one-to-one sessions with a trained adviser for as long as they want and are able to return to the service immediately following relapse  CO validated quit rates at 4 weeks ranged from 34 to 45% between 2001 and 2005, rising to 57% overall when self-report cases were included Self-report 52-week quit rates (only 4% were CO validate) ranged from 16 to 22% 
Ritchie et al.50
12 smoking cessation groups in a low-income community observed for 6 weeks in late 2003. 11 interviewees selected on basis that they had used the service at least three times in six consecutive months  To make explicit the assumptions shaping the practice of open smoking cessation groups that use narrative therapy and to assess smoker's perceptions of the value of these groups  ‘Smokey Joe’, a group-based smoking cessation intervention run by the NHS in a low-income area of Scotland. Drop in, rolling group support using narrative therapy  Flexible services that offer support to range of smokers at different stages in their quit attempt are beneficial and valued as are programmes tailored to the individual's personal situation. Parallel outcome evaluation found 52-week quit rates of 16%, similar to English services, but evaluation not robust 
Roddy et al.41
Focus groups
39 smokers aged 21–75 from the most deprived areas of Nottingham who had made an unsuccessful attempt to quit in the last year without using smoking cessation services  To determine whether these disadvantaged smokers are aware of existing smoking cessation services, to explore how they view services and identify barriers and motivators to improve access  5000 households in the 5% most deprived enumeration districts in Nottingham were sent a postal questionnaire
Responses were then used to purposively select smokers who responded and were willing to participate in focus group discussions 
The research identified a number of barriers to accessing services. These included: fear of being judged, fear of failure, lack of knowledge about existing services, inaccurate perceptions about NRT and negative media publicity about bupropion 
Springett et al.51
(in press)
Interviews and focus groups
Staff and service users of the Fag Ends service in Liverpool. Interviews with service staff and focus groups with clients (numbers unclear)  To ascertain the main characteristics of the Fag Ends smoking cessation service and how they contribute to its effectiveness from a user and service provider perspective  Group-based smoking cessation intervention staffed by lay advisers. Groups open to all on a drop in basis. One-to-one support also available, initially on a drop in basis and afterwards by appointment  A service that employs lay advisers, rather than health professionals can be successful in helping smokers to quit. A service which provides access to group and one-to-one support on a drop in basis in a wide range of venues is accessible and valued 
Stevens et al.28
Observational study
A panel of 303 Turkish speakers recruited through community centres and doorstep interviews  The cost-effectiveness of a Turkish campaign to promote non-smoking as the norm and reduce the prevalence of smoking in the Turkish community in Camden and Islington  A community-based intervention aiming to highlight the dangers of smoking, reduce the amount smoked and the number of smokers in the local Turkish and Kurdish community  At follow-up 51% of respondents recognized at least one of the Turkish language interventions. There was a higher awareness among the ABC1 group (64%) than those classified as being part of the C2DE group (48%). Smokers who quit showed a relatively high awareness of the material (61%), but 44% of those who took up smoking also noticed the materials 
Wiltshire et al.12
Face-to-face interviews in client's home
100 smokers aged 25–40 years in two disadvantaged areas of Edinburgh interviewed between 1999 and 2000  To investigate disadvantaged smokers perceptions and experiences of quitting  Completion of adapted ‘life grid’ to collect smoking data for 1 day from each interviewee  Combating nicotine addiction in isolation is likely to be insufficient. A combination of measures are required in order to address the place of smoking in the daily lives of disadvantaged individuals 
An et al.54
Cohort study
Cohorts of callers to the Minnesota, USA, quit line QUITPLAN before and after the introduction of access to free NRT. Four cohorts were selected in the year before the introduction of NRT (2002, n = 380) and two cohorts in the 9 months (2003; n = 373) after the introduction  How does the addition of access to free NRT affect reach and effectiveness of a statewide tobacco quit line?  In 2002, callers who enrolled in QUITPLAN's multisession programme (which included four additional proactive calls) were offered NRT. Eligible callers were mailed an 8-week supply of patch or gum with starting dose determined by baseline level of tobacco use  The number registering or QUITPLAN services increased four-fold in the same 5-month period before and after the introduction of free NRT. Using an intention to treat analysis, 10.8% of callers were abstinent for 7 days pre-NRT compared with 21.7% post-NRT (P < 0.001). 10.0% of callers were abstinent for 30 days pre-NRT compared with 18.2% post-NRT (P < 0.001). The only significant predictor of abstinence was use of pharmacotherapy 
Bains et al.52
Participants in 17 studies of smoking cessation interventions worldwide that used incentives  To review the published literature between 1975 and 1997 on population-based smoking cessation interventions that involve incentives and to examine whether such interventions are effective in reducing the prevalence of smoking  17 smoking cessation interventions employing incentives. Incentives ranged from holiday competitions to cars and cash. Only five had a controlled element  No specific recruitment strategy was shown to be most effective. No evidence that particular types of incentives are able to influence participation or quit rates, but larger incentives are more effective both in improving recruitment and cessation. Some evidence that the costs of such programmes does compare favourably with cessation clinics 
Barbeau et al.48
Cohort study
337 apprentices aged 18+ in a union apprenticeship programme in Boston, USA completed both the baseline and final survey, 139 current smokers  What is the feasibility and effect size of a smoking cessation intervention (MassBUILT) among unionized apprentice iron workers?  Conducted over a 4-month period: (i) A 1-h toxics and tobacco educational module, (ii) A tobacco use cessation group of eight weekly sessions, (iii) NRT made available at no cost to study participants, (iv) Posters containing quitting information, (v) Relevant articles in the monthly union newsletter, (vi) A Do-it-yourself quit kit and (vii) Incentives to encourage ongoing participation in quit classes  Baseline smoking prevalence of 41%, 7-day point prevalence smoking abstinence rate of 19.4% (27/139). Statistically, significant positive changes in intention to quit within 6 months and 30 days. Participants in the intervention were three times more likely to quit than those who did not participate 
Bauer et al.55
Cohort study (two studies)
Adult smokers residing in a two-county region in Western New York State in 2003/2004. 2461 received free NRT vouchers, 732 followed up out of 1016 (72%)  To study the response to press advertisements giving away free NRT and to two newspaper advertisements, one offering a free stop smoking guide and the other offering the guide plus a free stop smoking aide called Better Quit® (BQ)—a plastic substitute cigarette  Study (1): a 4-week promotional press announcement urging smokers to call the quitline to get a voucher for free NRT, timed to coincide with the implementation of New York State's Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA). 2461 received free voucher, 732 (randomly selected) completed phone interview of smoking habits. Study (2): two quit line newspaper ads, one offering a free stop smoking guide and the other also offering a free BQ stop smoking aide. Follow-up interview with 408 callers who received BQ and 324 who did not  (1): Calls to quitline increased from six calls per day, 2 weeks prior to the intervention, to 148 calls per day for the 4-week period that the programme ran—a 25-fold increase. In the 2-week period after the promotion was discontinued, call volume decreased to 26.5 per day. (2): Calls to the quit line increased from 7 per day in the 1 week prior to the control newspaper advertisement running to 14 per day in the 2-day period after the advertisement ran—a two-fold increase. In the 2-day period following the advertisement offering the free BQ, the number of calls to the quit line increased to 27.5 calls per day—a four-fold increase. 79% of those surveyed reported making a quit attempt, and 22% reported being abstinent from smoking in the last 7 days. The quit rate in the comparison group was 12%. Quit rates for those who were sent the BQ was 20%, compared with 24% among those who did not receive BQ 
Bentz et al.23
Observational study
15 662 smokers were identified by 175 care providers in 17 primary care clinics and two teaching clinics, of whom 745 patients were referred to the Oregon Tobacco quit line between October 2002 and October 2003 and/or 1342 were given a brochure advertising the quit line number which the patients then had to contact themselves  Evaluation of the feasibility of connecting physician offices to a state level tobacco quit line, which offers proactive and reactive counselling  The primary care provider delivers advice to quit, assesses readiness to quit, and refers interested tobacco user to the quit line by direct fax referral (quit line counsellor proactively calls the tobacco user) or brochure (patient must initiate contact themselves)  103 597 patients were seen, 745 patient referrals to quit line (4.8%). Of those receiving fax referrals (n = 496), 59% were successfully contacted. Of these, 90% accepted a one-time tobacco cessation intervention from a quit line counsellor. All those who received fax referrals were mailed tailored self-help materials whether they had been successfully contacted or not. Of the 1342 smokers documented as being given a quit line brochure, 19% (n = 249) called the quit line of whom, 94% accepted a one-time tobacco cessation intervention from a quit line counsellor. Informal post-study interviews revealed that the fax referral process was well accepted and providers appreciated the additional resources for their patients 
Boyd et al.29
Cluster RCT
Fourteen communities (seven matched pairs) served by four Cancer Information Service (CIS) regional offices in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and Alabama in August/September 1994 (wave 1) and April/May 1995 (wave 2)  Does a targeted communications campaign (Quit Today) utilizing strategically placed radio and television advertisements in combination with community outreach lead to more African–American smokers calling the CIS for smoking cessation information and materials?  Six radio adverts encouraging African–American smokers to call the CIS were produced for three different radio programming formats—2 each for black contemporary, gospel and jazz. One TV spot conveying a similar message to that of the radio ads was also produced. Plus an outreach component with African–American community based organizations. Focus groups explored barriers to and facilitators for calling the CIS. Experimental areas received 10 weeks of advertising over two waves  A total of 709 calls were received by the four participating CIS offices from smokers seeking smoking cessation information living in either the experimental or control communities, of which 565 were from African–Americans. Calls from African–Americans in the experimental communities were approximately 80 times higher than in control communities (P < 0.008)
Smoking related calls to CIS offices increased from and average of 1.9 per week before intervention to an average of 86 calls per week during wave 1 and 40 calls per week during wave 2. Call levels remained significantly increased for 8 weeks following wave 1 and 4 weeks following wave 2 
Carr and Ebbert45
Systematic review
Studies of the effectiveness of interventions for tobacco cessation in the dental setting  To provide a critical and comprehensive review of evidence relating to dental office or community-based activities for tobacco cessation in cigarette smokers and smokeless tobacco users  Six studies (three conducted in dental office settings, three involving oral health professionals providing interventions to athletes within high school or college community settings). All interventions involved behavioural support and an oral examination from trained oral health professionals. Only one study included NRT  A statistically significant increase in the odds of tobacco abstinence at 12 months was found when the six trials were pooled in smokers (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.16–1.78). Findings demonstrate a 3% difference in cessation rates between groups receiving behavioural intervention and those who do not. Interventions for smokeless tobacco users may increase the odds of quitting tobacco, but insufficient evidence exists to make conclusions about the effectiveness of these interventions for cigarette smokers. Dental interventions conducted in a dental office and school community setting are more effective than usual care for promoting tobacco use cessation 
Curry et al.37
Self-identified female smokers (n = 303) accompanying children to paediatric visits in four clinics in Seattle, Washington, which serve an ethnically diverse population of low-income families  One-year follow-up of a randomized trial of a smoking cessation intervention for women bringing their children to paediatric clinics that serve low-income families  Brief motivational message from child's clinician, a self-help guide to quitting smoking, in person motivational interview with clinic nurse, three outreach counselling telephone calls from nurse who conducted motivational interview. Follow-up surveys 3 and 12 months after enrolment visit and breath test. Also received payment  Overall, 89% of women completed either survey. 68% of women in the intervention group reported that their child's physician discussed their smoking during the index visit, compared with 31% in the control group, of which 83 and 71%, respectively, reported the discussions as being somewhat or very encouraging of trying to quit. At 3 months, quit rates were 8 and 3% in the intervention and control group, respectively (adjusted OR 2.40, 95% CI 0.85–7.80). At 12 months, quit rates were 14 and 7%, respectively (adjusted OR 2.77, 95% CI 1.24–6.60) using an intention to treat analysis 
Doescher et al.44
Pilot study
32 low-income smokers in the USA who received health insurance coverage via a Medicaid and basic health plan insurer (CHPW) and were referred to receive free NRT and bi-weekly counselling sessions from a community pharmacist  To assess the feasibility and acceptability of pharmacy-based cessation + free NRT for low-income smokers  Free nicotine patches + gum and a $15 dispensing fee for four trained pharmacists, who provided short counselling sessions. Initial session was up to 30 minutes, followed by sessions of around 15 minutes every 2 weeks for up to 10 weeks  5% of eligible smokers (32 patients) were referred for NRT and counselling. 26 patients went on to receive NRT and at least one counselling session. Only three smokers completed the 10-week course. Smokers were satisfied with the intervention and pharmacists indicated they would continue with it if they continued to be reimbursed and the sessions lasted no more than 5–10 minutes 
Glasgow et al.40
Cohort study (two studies)
Study 1: 160 smokers scheduled for outpatient surgery. Study 2: 531 smokers about to undergo outpatient surgery or procedures. All research participants were members of the Kaiser Permanente HMO  To evaluate the appeal of a low-intensity phone counselling and printed material smoking reduction programme that offered the option of cessation to smokers about to undergo outpatient surgery or other invasive out-patient procedures  Study 1: an ‘Options’ programme. Self-help materials sent by post in combination with telephone support. Study 2: a ‘Smoking Less Living More’ programme. Also self-help materials plus telephone support. For those choosing cessation, referral to state programmes (behavioural support + NRT)  Comprehensive programmes that include a smoking reduction component (rather than just cessation) could substantially increase their reach. Study 1: 39% of patients chose smoking reduction and 38% cessation. Study 2: 22% began participating in the smoking reduction programme, 12% chose cessation and 65% declined. No significant demographic differences across the groups 
Gordon et al.47
Patients participating in seven RCTs of smoking cessation interventions in a dental setting  To review the literature on the effectiveness of tobacco cessation interventions delivered within the context of dental office visits  Review limited to clinical trials of dental office-based cessation programmes  Follow-up in the trials ranged from 15 weeks to 12 months. All showed a positive effect for interventions in the dental setting either on quit attempts or on cessation
One of the trials took place in a public health dental clinic in the USA service low-income patients. The difference in self-reported quitting was significant at 6 months for the intervention group 
Hennrikus et al.56
2402 employed smokers in 24 different workplaces in the USA between 1995 and 1999  To examine the effect of programme format and incentives on participation and cessation in workplace smoking cessation programmes  A 2 × 3 factorial design in which four worksites were randomized to each of the six interventions. Two levels of incentives for participation in smoking cessation programmes (incentives versus no incentives) were crossed with three types of programme interventions (group programmes, phone counselling programmes and a choice of group programmes or phone counselling programmes). Group programme comprised 13 group sessions held at worksite over a period of 2 months. Phone comprised mailed print materials and 3–6 phone Incentives were of two types: for participation and quitting  Incentives increase participation in workplace smoking cessation programmes, although they do not appear to increase cessation rates. 16.9% of eligible workers chose to participate. Registration was almost double in sites that used incentives versus those that did not (22.4 versus 11.9%). Incentives did not affect cessation rate (7-day point prevalence abstinence), but this was related to programme type. Phone counselling programme was associated with highest cessation rate and group programme lowest. Cessation rates at 12-month follow-up were significantly higher in phone and choice than group and at 2 years, phone was higher than group with choice not significantly different from either of the other conditions 
Lazev et al.39
Face-to-face interviews + observational study
Smokers attending a health care clinic for HIV positive residents in Harris County, Texas. 49 smokers took part in the first part of the study and 20 in the second part  To (1) explore barriers to participating in smoking cessation programmes among low-income HIV positive smokers and to (2) pilot a cessation intervention using mobile phone support with the same population  For part (1), participants took part in a short structured interview to explore their views on smoking cessation. For part (2), participants were asked to set a quit date within the next week, carry a mobile phone and participate in six telephone counselling sessions within 2 weeks  (1) a range of were identified, including lack of access to a working telephone, a high number of household moves and lack of transportation. Participants were more interested in receiving telephone support via a free mobile phone than other forms of intervention (i.e. a home visit). In (2), 64.5% (n = 20) of eligible patients took part. 19 of the 20 patients completed the 2-week programme, all made a quit attempt and point prevalence quit rate at 2 weeks was 75% 
McDaniel et al.33
Cohort study
A non-probability sample of 110 female smokers aged 18–71 recruited from 228 eligible women approached in a neighbourhood community health centre  To design and test a computer-mediated smoking cessation programme for inner-city women aimed at motivating readiness to quit  A computer-based programme designed to deliver tailored-smoking cessation messages navigated by a touch screen monitor. The programme adapted to data entered by user and guided them through first three steps in stages of change model, and provided health and motivational messages. Women were observed using the programme, women then completed a usability survey. Feedback and development of programme were ongoing  All subjects completed the programme. Patient satisfaction with the usability of the programme was high. After programme, participants reported significant decrease in favourable attitudes towards smoking, but no significant difference in negative perceptions of smoking. Overall, 15% of participants progressed at least one stage of change after completing the programme (P < 0.001). Information technology has potential for delivering brief smoking cessation intervention for low-income women in primary care 
Milch et al.25
Cluster-controlled trial (not randomized)
644 smokers attending a primary care practice based in an urban teaching hospital in the USA  To assess the effectiveness of two brief interventions on screening for smoking, physician service advice and patient smoking cessation outcomes  Prospective, group allocation controlled trial examining two interventions to identify smoking status. The ‘minimal’ intervention was the vital sign stamp developed by Fiore. The ‘enhanced’ was a smoking assessment questionnaire consisting of six questions  Smoking status was documented in 86, 91 and 49% (P < 0.001) of the minimal, enhanced and control teams, respectively. Cessation advice was provided in 38, 47 and 30% (P < 0.014) of cases. Self-reported cessation was higher for the enhanced team (12%) compared with the minimal (2%) and control (4%) teams (P < 0.001) 
Okuyemi et al.32
Double blind, placebo controlled RCT
The study was conducted in an urban community-based clinic serving predominantly low-income African–American patients in 2003–04.1933 individuals were screened, 1012 (52%) were considered eligible, of which 755 (75%) were enrolled  The study evaluates the effectiveness of Kick it at Swope II (KIS-II), a smoking cessation clinical trial testing the efficacy of nicotine gum and counselling among African–American light smokers  Four treatment groups, all 8-week duration: T1: placebo gum + six health education (HE) sessions, T2: placebo gum + six motivational interviews (MI), T3: nicotine gum + six HE sessions, T4: nicotine gum + six MI session. All participants also received a culturally-sensitive smoking cessation guide  When given the opportunity African–American light smokers will enrol in interventions to help them quit smoking 
Perry et al.24
Descriptive study
Smokers in Wisconsin, USA, accessing the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line between 2003 and 2004 who were referred via ‘Fax to Quit’  To examine the extent to which a fax referral system to the state telephone quit line has been adopted by health-care providers in the state  A referral by fax for a smoker interested in quitting presenting to any health-care professional, to the quit line. Contact is then made proactively by the quit line, who phone the smoker within 48 hours  More than 470 sites have joined Fax to Quit. Starting in 2004, approximately 30% of 12 000 calls received each year by the quit line came via Fax to Quit. Authors argue that fax intervention is more cost-effective and sustainable than paid media. The programme was embraced by health-care professionals 
Prochaska et al.26
A random digit-dialling procedure was used to identify a representative sample of smokers in three distinct geographic areas in Rhode Island. 4144 smokers agreed to participate in the study (80% of smokers)  Is a population based recruitment approach combined with a stage-based expert system for smoking cessation effective?  Subjects were randomly assigned to an Expert System (ES) intervention or an Assessment Only (AS) condition. Those in ES were mailed intervention materials, including the baseline feedback report and stage matched self-help manuals  25% abstinence was seen at 24-months follow-up. There was significant differences between intervention and control point prevalence at every follow-up. A stage effect was seen—where those who started further along in the stages of change model moved further through the model in both groups than those initially at an earlier stage 
Schorling et al.30
Ecological (population) study
648 smokers from 535 households were personally interviewed, identified from two demographically similar communities in Virginia USA
Buckingham County—intervention community, 39% African–American, Louisa County—control community, 26% African–American 
To describe the philosophy and initial organizational efforts used to develop the smoking control project, the development and implementation of the interventions, the results of the baseline survey and the initial results after the programmes have been in place for 18 months  Up to two smoking cessation counsellors were trained from participating churches
Smoking cessation devotional booklets were distributed through the churches, county wide Gospel Quit nights were held every 6 months and a county wide smoking cessation contest is held annually 
Smoking cessation rate in the intervention community was 9.6% compared with 6.2% in the control community. Among those followed up who attended church once a month or more, rates were 1.5 and 5.8%, respectively and 8.8 and 6.4%, respectively for those who attended less frequently
Using an intention to treat basis, quit rates were 6.7% in the intervention community and 4.3% in the control community 
Tillgren et al.27
Observational study
238 women with at least one child aged 0–6 years living in the South–West Medical Care District in Stockholm County, Sweden in 1995–96  What is the impact of direct mail as a method to recruit smoking mothers into a ‘Quit and Win’ contest?  A brief motivational letter was sent out, to encourage women to remain smoke-free. First invited to a get together 6 weeks after quitting. Additional support on two other occasions when given opportunity to contact a hotline employing trained cessation counsellors  At 12-month follow-up, 14.3% (n = 34) were still smoke free. Among women recruited by direct mail (n = 28) 15.1% were smoke-free compared with 11.5% of those recruited through the other two strategies (personal communication and local newspapers) (n = 6) 
Turner et al.31
Controlled before and after study
Female smokers (high school education or less) in Chicago metropolitan area in autumn 1993  What are the effectiveness of a reading manual and a series of televised programmes in increasing women's readiness for smoking cessation?  Three stages to intervention: (i) Motivational component—televised commercial advertisements, (ii) Registration component—promotional spots aired on local TV, inviting women to call a toll-free no. to receive free information about quitting. A random sample of eligible women were called and asked to complete a brief baseline telephone survey and (iii) Cessation intervention—10 televised segments featuring four women who had quit during the registration period. Great American Smokeout occurred on day 6 of series and was designated as quit date for those ready to quit  1026 registrants reported receiving the manual, of 64.5% reported that the manual led to a quit attempt, although only 10.5% said the manual helped them to actually quit. 58% of registrants reported having seen none of the television segments. 68.4% of these indicated it led to a quit attempt, 10% reported helped them quit 
Vidrine et al.38
684 consecutive HIV+ patients screened, 206 self-reported eligible HIV-positive patients, of which 137 consented and 95 enrolled in the study (48 intervention, 47 usual care) in 2004 in Texas, USA  What is the efficacy of an innovative smoking cessation intervention using a cellular phone with a multiethnic disadvantaged HIV positive population?  For recommended standard of care (RSOC), advice to quit, assistance in setting quit date, 10-week supply of NRT, personalized quit plan, self-help leaflet and tip sheet tailored to HIV + smokers. The cell phone intervention (CPI) group received RSOC plus a prepaid phone, eight proactive tailored counselling calls and a hotline number  Three-month follow-up—79% for CPI and 83% for RSOC (ns). 81% of the CPI group completed six or more the eight scheduled counselling sessions. Using an intent to treat analysis, point prevalence abstinence (not smoking during 24 hour prior to assessment) at 3 months was 29.2% in the CPI group compared with 8.5% in the RSOC group (P = 0.040). Sustained abstinence (not smoking during the 7 days prior to assessment) at 3 months was 16.7% in the CPI group compared with 6.4% in the RSOC group (P = 0.283) 

CitationStudy populationResearch questionInterventionMain results
Bauld et al.43
Face-to-face interviews and observational study
n = 26 pharmacists providing cessation services
Secondary analysis of routine pharmacy client data from 2004. 11 126 clients 
To explore the delivery of pharmacy–based treatment, outcomes at 4 weeks and examine the relationship between client characteristics and outcomes  Behavioural support from a trained pharmacist or pharmacy assistant with weekly NRT for12 weeks  60% of all clients lived in the most disadvantaged fifth of neighbourhoods in Scotland, suggesting that the service is effectively targeting deprived smokers. Clients from deprived areas were less likely to quit than those from affluent areas 
Blenkinsopp et al.42
Systematic review
Electronic databases from 1990 to 2001 plus hand-searching of some journals for same time period  To review the effectiveness of community pharmacy interventions in reduction of risk factors and risk behaviours for CHD  Systematic review of relevant identified trials  For smoking cessation, two RCTs and three non-randomized experimental studies were included
Smoking cessation RCTs found evidence of effectiveness of community pharmacist interventions 
Campbell et al.34
n = 1173 CHD patients attending nurse-run clinics in a random sample of 19 general practices in Scotland  Can nurse run clinics in general practice improve secondary prevention in patients with CHD?  Nurse-run clinics for 1 year offering an initial session and further follow-ups at intervals of 2–6 months  Nurse-led clinics increased secondary prevention such that within the 1 year of the study, most patients adopted at least one change, most often lipid, aspirin or blood pressure treatment
No change reported in smoking 
Chesterman et al.18
Observational study
Recipients of smoking cessation services who set a quit date in 2001. n = 38 778 records from services in 19 former health authority areas  To assess effectiveness of smoking cessation services in enabling disadvantaged smokers living in disadvantaged areas to access services, and to assess area variations between areas  NHS stop-smoking services, one-to-one and group-based support. Details of intervention not discussed in the article  32.3% of all smokers in receipt of treatment services lived in the most disadvantaged quintile of areas compared with 9.6% resident in the most advantaged quintile 
Coleman et al.21
Observational study
GP THIN database records from 1990 to 2005 for recording of smoking status, cessation advice and prescription of smoking medications  Has the 2004 GP contract (with QOF targets) impacted on GPs behaviour in terms of recording smoking status, advice and smoking cessation medication prescribing patterns?  Analysis of THIN database for records of smoking status, advice, relevant prescriptions  Recording of smoking status and advice increased around the time of the 2004 contract (building on an increasing trend since 2000)
No change in prescribing patterns observed over and above the increasing trend 
Copeland et al.53
Cohort study
120 smokers recruited opportunistically at GP consultations and given NRT, in a high deprivation area in Edinburgh  Following-up the prescription of NRT by GPs in a deprived areas  Three-month follow-up of smokers prescribed NRT—assessment of baseline measures against outcome  20 of 101 stopped smoking, 46 cut down, 35 smoked same as before. Age, depression and length of time patient used NRT-affected outcome 
Hall et al.36
172 women aged 20–64 attending two general practices in UK agreed to participate, sent a questionnaire and, for those in experimental arms, had read the leaflet  The effectiveness of two leaflets emphasizing the links between smoking and cervical cancer and the importance of stopping  Randomized to a brief or extended leaflet (including information about how smoking affects cervix) or control. Both leaflets contained two threat and two efficacy messages  Providing women with brief written information about the link between smoking and cervical cancer increases readiness to stop smoking. Women sent brief leaflet were more likely to report that they were ready to stop smoking in next 6 months compared with those sent the extended leaflet (75 versus 46%, 95% CI = 11–48%) and those not sent leaflet (75 versus 40%, 95% CI = 19–52%) 
Hall et al.35
Cluster RCT
242 smokers invited for cervical screening in 2004 from eight general practices in SE England  To investigate the feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of brief advice for smoking cessation as part of screening for cervical cancer  Women in intervention arm were given brief advice (3 minutes based on the 5 As) compared with no advice in the control weeks  Brief smoking-cessation advice given by practice nurses as part of cervical screening seems acceptable, feasible and potentially effective. Those in intervention group had higher intentions to stop smoking at 2 weeks (adjusted mean difference 0.51, 95% CI = 0.02–1.03) and 10 weeks (adjusted mean difference 0.80, 95% CI = 0.10–1.50) 
Lowey et al.19
Observational study
Data from seven former Health Authorities in the North–West of England—smokers accessing NHS SSS, making quit attempts and successful quit attempts  Are NHS SSS disproportionately attracting smokers from deprived areas, and having an effect on inequalities?  Retrospective analysis of NHS stop-smoking service data  50% of all smokers setting a quit date lived in the most deprived areas, while only 25% of people in the NW are living in deprived areas. Estimated 3.3% of smokers in NW set a quit date, 48.5% of them successfully quit (at 4 weeks). Smokers living in deprived areas do not achieve greater success rates compared with those in more advantaged areas (P = 0.16) 
McLean et al.20
Observational study
1024 general practices in Scotland  Does the quality of primary care measured by the 2004 contract differ by socioeconomic deprivation?  Retrospective analysis of data available on QOF achievement at practice level. Comparing quality indicators for payment and delivery of care  Exclusion criteria for QOF appear to conceal continuing inequalities in provision of care. The contract therefore appears to be offering little incentive to the delivery of care for disadvantaged population 
Murray et al.22
Cluster RCT
24 primary care practices, either intervention (n = 3051) or usual care (n = 3805). Patients aged 18+ sent questionnaire to confirm smoking status and if happy to be contacted by stop smoking advisor  Cluster RCT to determine whether identifying all smokers in primary care population, followed by personal contact giving advice and information about local cessation service promotes independently validated cessation  Either phoned or postal—given brief advice, if wanted an appointment was made with NHS SSS, if they did not want to they were sent a pack about the service. Six months after, intervention were sent a follow-up questionnaire and quit status validated  Intervention increased the proportion of smokers reporting attendance at local NHS SSS and had a modest effect on the number of quit attempts made, but no significant impact on actual quit rates or reported cigarette consumption 
Needleman et al.46
A review of studies examining smoking cessation in dentistry and barriers to providing smoking cessation advice  An evaluation of tobacco cessation advice in the dental setting, trials of effectiveness and barriers are reviewed  A review but no search terms were given for the effectiveness/efficacy trials although details are given for the barriers  Dentists could play an important role in promoting tobacco cessation and oral tobacco cessation for smokers, but the magnitude of the effect is unclear from the studies reviewed. Many barriers identified 
Owens and Springett 2006
Observational study
Clients accessing the Roy Castle Fag Ends Stop Smoking Service (RCFE) in Liverpool  To describe the methodology behind the RCFE, describe how the service works and report 4 and 52-week cessation outcomes between 2001 and 2005  A community-based stop smoking service. Clients can attend group or one-to-one sessions with a trained adviser for as long as they want and are able to return to the service immediately following relapse  CO validated quit rates at 4 weeks ranged from 34 to 45% between 2001 and 2005, rising to 57% overall when self-report cases were included Self-report 52-week quit rates (only 4% were CO validate) ranged from 16 to 22% 
Ritchie et al.50
12 smoking cessation groups in a low-income community observed for 6 weeks in late 2003. 11 interviewees selected on basis that they had used the service at least three times in six consecutive months  To make explicit the assumptions shaping the practice of open smoking cessation groups that use narrative therapy and to assess smoker's perceptions of the value of these groups  ‘Smokey Joe’, a group-based smoking cessation intervention run by the NHS in a low-income area of Scotland. Drop in, rolling group support using narrative therapy  Flexible services that offer support to range of smokers at different stages in their quit attempt are beneficial and valued as are programmes tailored to the individual's personal situation. Parallel outcome evaluation found 52-week quit rates of 16%, similar to English services, but evaluation not robust 
Roddy et al.41
Focus groups
39 smokers aged 21–75 from the most deprived areas of Nottingham who had made an unsuccessful attempt to quit in the last year without using smoking cessation services  To determine whether these disadvantaged smokers are aware of existing smoking cessation services, to explore how they view services and identify barriers and motivators to improve access  5000 households in the 5% most deprived enumeration districts in Nottingham were sent a postal questionnaire
Responses were then used to purposively select smokers who responded and were willing to participate in focus group discussions 
The research identified a number of barriers to accessing services. These included: fear of being judged, fear of failure, lack of knowledge about existing services, inaccurate perceptions about NRT and negative media publicity about bupropion 
Springett et al.51
(in press)
Interviews and focus groups
Staff and service users of the Fag Ends service in Liverpool. Interviews with service staff and focus groups with clients (numbers unclear)  To ascertain the main characteristics of the Fag Ends smoking cessation service and how they contribute to its effectiveness from a user and service provider perspective  Group-based smoking cessation intervention staffed by lay advisers. Groups open to all on a drop in basis. One-to-one support also available, initially on a drop in basis and afterwards by appointment  A service that employs lay advisers, rather than health professionals can be successful in helping smokers to quit. A service which provides access to group and one-to-one support on a drop in basis in a wide range of venues is accessible and valued 
Stevens et al.28
Observational study
A panel of 303 Turkish speakers recruited through community centres and doorstep interviews  The cost-effectiveness of a Turkish campaign to promote non-smoking as the norm and reduce the prevalence of smoking in the Turkish community in Camden and Islington  A community-based intervention aiming to highlight the dangers of smoking, reduce the amount smoked and the number of smokers in the local Turkish and Kurdish community  At follow-up 51% of respondents recognized at least one of the Turkish language interventions. There was a higher awareness among the ABC1 group (64%) than those classified as being part of the C2DE group (48%). Smokers who quit showed a relatively high awareness of the material (61%), but 44% of those who took up smoking also noticed the materials 
Wiltshire et al.12
Face-to-face interviews in client's home
100 smokers aged 25–40 years in two disadvantaged areas of Edinburgh interviewed between 1999 and 2000  To investigate disadvantaged smokers perceptions and experiences of quitting  Completion of adapted ‘life grid’ to collect smoking data for 1 day from each interviewee  Combating nicotine addiction in isolation is likely to be insufficient. A combination of measures are required in order to address the place of smoking in the daily lives of disadvantaged individuals 
An et al.54
Cohort study
Cohorts of callers to the Minnesota, USA, quit line QUITPLAN before and after the introduction of access to free NRT. Four cohorts were selected in the year before the introduction of NRT (2002, n = 380) and two cohorts in the 9 months (2003; n = 373) after the introduction  How does the addition of access to free NRT affect reach and effectiveness of a statewide tobacco quit line?  In 2002, callers who enrolled in QUITPLAN's multisession programme (which included four additional proactive calls) were offered NRT. Eligible callers were mailed an 8-week supply of patch or gum with starting dose determined by baseline level of tobacco use  The number registering or QUITPLAN services increased four-fold in the same 5-month period before and after the introduction of free NRT. Using an intention to treat analysis, 10.8% of callers were abstinent for 7 days pre-NRT compared with 21.7% post-NRT (P < 0.001). 10.0% of callers were abstinent for 30 days pre-NRT compared with 18.2% post-NRT (P < 0.001). The only significant predictor of abstinence was use of pharmacotherapy 
Bains et al.52
Participants in 17 studies of smoking cessation interventions worldwide that used incentives  To review the published literature between 1975 and 1997 on population-based smoking cessation interventions that involve incentives and to examine whether such interventions are effective in reducing the prevalence of smoking  17 smoking cessation interventions employing incentives. Incentives ranged from holiday competitions to cars and cash. Only five had a controlled element  No specific recruitment strategy was shown to be most effective. No evidence that particular types of incentives are able to influence participation or quit rates, but larger incentives are more effective both in improving recruitment and cessation. Some evidence that the costs of such programmes does compare favourably with cessation clinics 
Barbeau et al.48
Cohort study
337 apprentices aged 18+ in a union apprenticeship programme in Boston, USA completed both the baseline and final survey, 139 current smokers  What is the feasibility and effect size of a smoking cessation intervention (MassBUILT) among unionized apprentice iron workers?  Conducted over a 4-month period: (i) A 1-h toxics and tobacco educational module, (ii) A tobacco use cessation group of eight weekly sessions, (iii) NRT made available at no cost to study participants, (iv) Posters containing quitting information, (v) Relevant articles in the monthly union newsletter, (vi) A Do-it-yourself quit kit and (vii) Incentives to encourage ongoing participation in quit classes  Baseline smoking prevalence of 41%, 7-day point prevalence smoking abstinence rate of 19.4% (27/139). Statistically, significant positive changes in intention to quit within 6 months and 30 days. Participants in the intervention were three times more likely to quit than those who did not participate 
Bauer et al.55
Cohort study (two studies)
Adult smokers residing in a two-county region in Western New York State in 2003/2004. 2461 received free NRT vouchers, 732 followed up out of 1016 (72%)  To study the response to press advertisements giving away free NRT and to two newspaper advertisements, one offering a free stop smoking guide and the other offering the guide plus a free stop smoking aide called Better Quit® (BQ)—a plastic substitute cigarette  Study (1): a 4-week promotional press announcement urging smokers to call the quitline to get a voucher for free NRT, timed to coincide with the implementation of New York State's Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA). 2461 received free voucher, 732 (randomly selected) completed phone interview of smoking habits. Study (2): two quit line newspaper ads, one offering a free stop smoking guide and the other also offering a free BQ stop smoking aide. Follow-up interview with 408 callers who received BQ and 324 who did not  (1): Calls to quitline increased from six calls per day, 2 weeks prior to the intervention, to 148 calls per day for the 4-week period that the programme ran—a 25-fold increase. In the 2-week period after the promotion was discontinued, call volume decreased to 26.5 per day. (2): Calls to the quit line increased from 7 per day in the 1 week prior to the control newspaper advertisement running to 14 per day in the 2-day period after the advertisement ran—a two-fold increase. In the 2-day period following the advertisement offering the free BQ, the number of calls to the quit line increased to 27.5 calls per day—a four-fold increase. 79% of those surveyed reported making a quit attempt, and 22% reported being abstinent from smoking in the last 7 days. The quit rate in the comparison group was 12%. Quit rates for those who were sent the BQ was 20%, compared with 24% among those who did not receive BQ 
Bentz et al.23
Observational study
15 662 smokers were identified by 175 care providers in 17 primary care clinics and two teaching clinics, of whom 745 patients were referred to the Oregon Tobacco quit line between October 2002 and October 2003 and/or 1342 were given a brochure advertising the quit line number which the patients then had to contact themselves  Evaluation of the feasibility of connecting physician offices to a state level tobacco quit line, which offers proactive and reactive counselling  The primary care provider delivers advice to quit, assesses readiness to quit, and refers interested tobacco user to the quit line by direct fax referral (quit line counsellor proactively calls the tobacco user) or brochure (patient must initiate contact themselves)  103 597 patients were seen, 745 patient referrals to quit line (4.8%). Of those receiving fax referrals (n = 496), 59% were successfully contacted. Of these, 90% accepted a one-time tobacco cessation intervention from a quit line counsellor. All those who received fax referrals were mailed tailored self-help materials whether they had been successfully contacted or not. Of the 1342 smokers documented as being given a quit line brochure, 19% (n = 249) called the quit line of whom, 94% accepted a one-time tobacco cessation intervention from a quit line counsellor. Informal post-study interviews revealed that the fax referral process was well accepted and providers appreciated the additional resources for their patients 
Boyd et al.29
Cluster RCT
Fourteen communities (seven matched pairs) served by four Cancer Information Service (CIS) regional offices in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and Alabama in August/September 1994 (wave 1) and April/May 1995 (wave 2)  Does a targeted communications campaign (Quit Today) utilizing strategically placed radio and television advertisements in combination with community outreach lead to more African–American smokers calling the CIS for smoking cessation information and materials?  Six radio adverts encouraging African–American smokers to call the CIS were produced for three different radio programming formats—2 each for black contemporary, gospel and jazz. One TV spot conveying a similar message to that of the radio ads was also produced. Plus an outreach component with African–American community based organizations. Focus groups explored barriers to and facilitators for calling the CIS. Experimental areas received 10 weeks of advertising over two waves  A total of 709 calls were received by the four participating CIS offices from smokers seeking smoking cessation information living in either the experimental or control communities, of which 565 were from African–Americans. Calls from African–Americans in the experimental communities were approximately 80 times higher than in control communities (P < 0.008)
Smoking related calls to CIS offices increased from and average of 1.9 per week before intervention to an average of 86 calls per week during wave 1 and 40 calls per week during wave 2. Call levels remained significantly increased for 8 weeks following wave 1 and 4 weeks following wave 2 
Carr and Ebbert45
Systematic review
Studies of the effectiveness of interventions for tobacco cessation in the dental setting  To provide a critical and comprehensive review of evidence relating to dental office or community-based activities for tobacco cessation in cigarette smokers and smokeless tobacco users  Six studies (three conducted in dental office settings, three involving oral health professionals providing interventions to athletes within high school or college community settings). All interventions involved behavioural support and an oral examination from trained oral health professionals. Only one study included NRT  A statistically significant increase in the odds of tobacco abstinence at 12 months was found when the six trials were pooled in smokers (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.16–1.78). Findings demonstrate a 3% difference in cessation rates between groups receiving behavioural intervention and those who do not. Interventions for smokeless tobacco users may increase the odds of quitting tobacco, but insufficient evidence exists to make conclusions about the effectiveness of these interventions for cigarette smokers. Dental interventions conducted in a dental office and school community setting are more effective than usual care for promoting tobacco use cessation 
Curry et al.37
Self-identified female smokers (n = 303) accompanying children to paediatric visits in four clinics in Seattle, Washington, which serve an ethnically diverse population of low-income families  One-year follow-up of a randomized trial of a smoking cessation intervention for women bringing their children to paediatric clinics that serve low-income families  Brief motivational message from child's clinician, a self-help guide to quitting smoking, in person motivational interview with clinic nurse, three outreach counselling telephone calls from nurse who conducted motivational interview. Follow-up surveys 3 and 12 months after enrolment visit and breath test. Also received payment  Overall, 89% of women completed either survey. 68% of women in the intervention group reported that their child's physician discussed their smoking during the index visit, compared with 31% in the control group, of which 83 and 71%, respectively, reported the discussions as being somewhat or very encouraging of trying to quit. At 3 months, quit rates were 8 and 3% in the intervention and control group, respectively (adjusted OR 2.40, 95% CI 0.85–7.80). At 12 months, quit rates were 14 and 7%, respectively (adjusted OR 2.77, 95% CI 1.24–6.60) using an intention to treat analysis 
Doescher et al.44
Pilot study
32 low-income smokers in the USA who received health insurance coverage via a Medicaid and basic health plan insurer (CHPW) and were referred to receive free NRT and bi-weekly counselling sessions from a community pharmacist  To assess the feasibility and acceptability of pharmacy-based cessation + free NRT for low-income smokers  Free nicotine patches + gum and a $15 dispensing fee for four trained pharmacists, who provided short counselling sessions. Initial session was up to 30 minutes, followed by sessions of around 15 minutes every 2 weeks for up to 10 weeks  5% of eligible smokers (32 patients) were referred for NRT and counselling. 26 patients went on to receive NRT and at least one counselling session. Only three smokers completed the 10-week course. Smokers were satisfied with the intervention and pharmacists indicated they would continue with it if they continued to be reimbursed and the sessions lasted no more than 5–10 minutes 
Glasgow et al.40
Cohort study (two studies)
Study 1: 160 smokers scheduled for outpatient surgery. Study 2: 531 smokers about to undergo outpatient surgery or procedures. All research participants were members of the Kaiser Permanente HMO  To evaluate the appeal of a low-intensity phone counselling and printed material smoking reduction programme that offered the option of cessation to smokers about to undergo outpatient surgery or other invasive out-patient procedures  Study 1: an ‘Options’ programme. Self-help materials sent by post in combination with telephone support. Study 2: a ‘Smoking Less Living More’ programme. Also self-help materials plus telephone support. For those choosing cessation, referral to state programmes (behavioural support + NRT)  Comprehensive programmes that include a smoking reduction component (rather than just cessation) could substantially increase their reach. Study 1: 39% of patients chose smoking reduction and 38% cessation. Study 2: 22% began participating in the smoking reduction programme, 12% chose cessation and 65% declined. No significant demographic differences across the groups 
Gordon et al.47
Patients participating in seven RCTs of smoking cessation interventions in a dental setting  To review the literature on the effectiveness of tobacco cessation interventions delivered within the context of dental office visits  Review limited to clinical trials of dental office-based cessation programmes  Follow-up in the trials ranged from 15 weeks to 12 months. All showed a positive effect for interventions in the dental setting either on quit attempts or on cessation
One of the trials took place in a public health dental clinic in the USA service low-income patients. The difference in self-reported quitting was significant at 6 months for the intervention group 
Hennrikus et al.56
2402 employed smokers in 24 different workplaces in the USA between 1995 and 1999  To examine the effect of programme format and incentives on participation and cessation in workplace smoking cessation programmes  A 2 × 3 factorial design in which four worksites were randomized to each of the six interventions. Two levels of incentives for participation in smoking cessation programmes (incentives versus no incentives) were crossed with three types of programme interventions (group programmes, phone counselling programmes and a choice of group programmes or phone counselling programmes). Group programme comprised 13 group sessions held at worksite over a period of 2 months. Phone comprised mailed print materials and 3–6 phone Incentives were of two types: for participation and quitting  Incentives increase participation in workplace smoking cessation programmes, although they do not appear to increase cessation rates. 16.9% of eligible workers chose to participate. Registration was almost double in sites that used incentives versus those that did not (22.4 versus 11.9%). Incentives did not affect cessation rate (7-day point prevalence abstinence), but this was related to programme type. Phone counselling programme was associated with highest cessation rate and group programme lowest. Cessation rates at 12-month follow-up were significantly higher in phone and choice than group and at 2 years, phone was higher than group with choice not significantly different from either of the other conditions 
Lazev et al.39
Face-to-face interviews + observational study
Smokers attending a health care clinic for HIV positive residents in Harris County, Texas. 49 smokers took part in the first part of the study and 20 in the second part  To (1) explore barriers to participating in smoking cessation programmes among low-income HIV positive smokers and to (2) pilot a cessation intervention using mobile phone support with the same population  For part (1), participants took part in a short structured interview to explore their views on smoking cessation. For part (2), participants were asked to set a quit date within the next week, carry a mobile phone and participate in six telephone counselling sessions within 2 weeks  (1) a range of were identified, including lack of access to a working telephone, a high number of household moves and lack of transportation. Participants were more interested in receiving telephone support via a free mobile phone than other forms of intervention (i.e. a home visit). In (2), 64.5% (n = 20) of eligible patients took part. 19 of the 20 patients completed the 2-week programme, all made a quit attempt and point prevalence quit rate at 2 weeks was 75% 
McDaniel et al.33
Cohort study
A non-probability sample of 110 female smokers aged 18–71 recruited from 228 eligible women approached in a neighbourhood community health centre  To design and test a computer-mediated smoking cessation programme for inner-city women aimed at motivating readiness to quit  A computer-based programme designed to deliver tailored-smoking cessation messages navigated by a touch screen monitor. The programme adapted to data entered by user and guided them through first three steps in stages of change model, and provided health and motivational messages. Women were observed using the programme, women then completed a usability survey. Feedback and development of programme were ongoing  All subjects completed the programme. Patient satisfaction with the usability of the programme was high. After programme, participants reported significant decrease in favourable attitudes towards smoking, but no significant difference in negative perceptions of smoking. Overall, 15% of participants progressed at least one stage of change after completing the programme (P < 0.001). Information technology has potential for delivering brief smoking cessation intervention for low-income women in primary care 
Milch et al.25
Cluster-controlled trial (not randomized)
644 smokers attending a primary care practice based in an urban teaching hospital in the USA  To assess the effectiveness of two brief interventions on screening for smoking, physician service advice and patient smoking cessation outcomes  Prospective, group allocation controlled trial examining two interventions to identify smoking status. The ‘minimal’ intervention was the vital sign stamp developed by Fiore. The ‘enhanced’ was a smoking assessment questionnaire consisting of six questions  Smoking status was documented in 86, 91 and 49% (P < 0.001) of the minimal, enhanced and control teams, respectively. Cessation advice was provided in 38, 47 and 30% (P < 0.014) of cases. Self-reported cessation was higher for the enhanced team (12%) compared with the minimal (2%) and control (4%) teams (P < 0.001) 
Okuyemi et al.32
Double blind, placebo controlled RCT
The study was conducted in an urban community-based clinic serving predominantly low-income African–American patients in 2003–04.1933 individuals were screened, 1012 (52%) were considered eligible, of which 755 (75%) were enrolled  The study evaluates the effectiveness of Kick it at Swope II (KIS-II), a smoking cessation clinical trial testing the efficacy of nicotine gum and counselling among African–American light smokers  Four treatment groups, all 8-week duration: T1: placebo gum + six health education (HE) sessions, T2: placebo gum + six motivational interviews (MI), T3: nicotine gum + six HE sessions, T4: nicotine gum + six MI session. All participants also received a culturally-sensitive smoking cessation guide  When given the opportunity African–American light smokers will enrol in interventions to help them quit smoking 
Perry et al.24
Descriptive study
Smokers in Wisconsin, USA, accessing the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line between 2003 and 2004 who were referred via ‘Fax to Quit’  To examine the extent to which a fax referral system to the state telephone quit line has been adopted by health-care providers in the state  A referral by fax for a smoker interested in quitting presenting to any health-care professional, to the quit line. Contact is then made proactively by the quit line, who phone the smoker within 48 hours  More than 470 sites have joined Fax to Quit. Starting in 2004, approximately 30% of 12 000 calls received each year by the quit line came via Fax to Quit. Authors argue that fax intervention is more cost-effective and sustainable than paid media. The programme was embraced by health-care professionals 
Prochaska et al.26
A random digit-dialling procedure was used to identify a representative sample of smokers in three distinct geographic areas in Rhode Island. 4144 smokers agreed to participate in the study (80% of smokers)  Is a population based recruitment approach combined with a stage-based expert system for smoking cessation effective?  Subjects were randomly assigned to an Expert System (ES) intervention or an Assessment Only (AS) condition. Those in ES were mailed intervention materials, including the baseline feedback report and stage matched self-help manuals  25% abstinence was seen at 24-months follow-up. There was significant differences between intervention and control point prevalence at every follow-up. A stage effect was seen—where those who started further along in the stages of change model moved further through the model in both groups than those initially at an earlier stage 
Schorling et al.30
Ecological (population) study
648 smokers from 535 households were personally interviewed, identified from two demographically similar communities in Virginia USA
Buckingham County—intervention community, 39% African–American, Louisa County—control community, 26% African–American 
To describe the philosophy and initial organizational efforts used to develop the smoking control project, the development and implementation of the interventions, the results of the baseline survey and the initial results after the programmes have been in place for 18 months  Up to two smoking cessation counsellors were trained from participating churches
Smoking cessation devotional booklets were distributed through the churches, county wide Gospel Quit nights were held every 6 months and a county wide smoking cessation contest is held annually 
Smoking cessation rate in the intervention community was 9.6% compared with 6.2% in the control community. Among those followed up who attended church once a month or more, rates were 1.5 and 5.8%, respectively and 8.8 and 6.4%, respectively for those who attended less frequently
Using an intention to treat basis, quit rates were 6.7% in the intervention community and 4.3% in the control community 
Tillgren et al.27
Observational study
238 women with at least one child aged 0–6 years living in the South–West Medical Care District in Stockholm County, Sweden in 1995–96  What is the impact of direct mail as a method to recruit smoking mothers into a ‘Quit and Win’ contest?  A brief motivational letter was sent out, to encourage women to remain smoke-free. First invited to a get together 6 weeks after quitting. Additional support on two other occasions when given opportunity to contact a hotline employing trained cessation counsellors  At 12-month follow-up, 14.3% (n = 34) were still smoke free. Among women recruited by direct mail (n = 28) 15.1% were smoke-free compared with 11.5% of those recruited through the other two strategies (personal communication and local newspapers) (n = 6) 
Turner et al.31
Controlled before and after study
Female smokers (high school education or less) in Chicago metropolitan area in autumn 1993  What are the effectiveness of a reading manual and a series of televised programmes in increasing women's readiness for smoking cessation?  Three stages to intervention: (i) Motivational component—televised commercial advertisements, (ii) Registration component—promotional spots aired on local TV, inviting women to call a toll-free no. to receive free information about quitting. A random sample of eligible women were called and asked to complete a brief baseline telephone survey and (iii) Cessation intervention—10 televised segments featuring four women who had quit during the registration period. Great American Smokeout occurred on day 6 of series and was designated as quit date for those ready to quit  1026 registrants reported receiving the manual, of 64.5% reported that the manual led to a quit attempt, although only 10.5% said the manual helped them to actually quit. 58% of registrants reported having seen none of the television segments. 68.4% of these indicated it led to a quit attempt, 10% reported helped them quit 
Vidrine et al.38
684 consecutive HIV+ patients screened, 206 self-reported eligible HIV-positive patients, of which 137 consented and 95 enrolled in the study (48 intervention, 47 usual care) in 2004 in Texas, USA  What is the efficacy of an innovative smoking cessation intervention using a cellular phone with a multiethnic disadvantaged HIV positive population?  For recommended standard of care (RSOC), advice to quit, assistance in setting quit date, 10-week supply of NRT, personalized quit plan, self-help leaflet and tip sheet tailored to HIV + smokers. The cell phone intervention (CPI) group received RSOC plus a prepaid phone, eight proactive tailored counselling calls and a hotline number  Three-month follow-up—79% for CPI and 83% for RSOC (ns). 81% of the CPI group completed six or more the eight scheduled counselling sessions. Using an intent to treat analysis, point prevalence abstinence (not smoking during 24 hour prior to assessment) at 3 months was 29.2% in the CPI group compared with 8.5% in the RSOC group (P = 0.040). Sustained abstinence (not smoking during the 7 days prior to assessment) at 3 months was 16.7% in the CPI group compared with 6.4% in the RSOC group (P = 0.283) 

NRT, nicotine replacement therapy; RCT, randomized controlled trial; CHD, coronary heart disease; NHS, National Health Service; GP, general physician; QOF, Quality and Outcomes Framework; NHS SSS, NHS stop-smoking services.

CitationStudy populationResearch questionInterventionMain results
Bauld et al.43
Face-to-face interviews and observational study
n = 26 pharmacists providing cessation services
Secondary analysis of routine pharmacy client data from 2004. 11 126 clients 
To explore the delivery of pharmacy–based treatment, outcomes at 4 weeks and examine the relationship between client characteristics and outcomes  Behavioural support from a trained pharmacist or pharmacy assistant with weekly NRT for12 weeks  60% of all clients lived in the most disadvantaged fifth of neighbourhoods in Scotland, suggesting that the service is effectively targeting deprived smokers. Clients from deprived areas were less likely to quit than those from affluent areas 
Blenkinsopp et al.42
Systematic review
Electronic databases from 1990 to 2001 plus hand-searching of some journals for same time period  To review the effectiveness of community pharmacy interventions in reduction of risk factors and risk behaviours for CHD  Systematic review of relevant identified trials  For smoking cessation, two RCTs and three non-randomized experimental studies were included
Smoking cessation RCTs found evidence of effectiveness of community pharmacist interventions 
Campbell et al.34
n = 1173 CHD patients attending nurse-run clinics in a random sample of 19 general practices in Scotland  Can nurse run clinics in general practice improve secondary prevention in patients with CHD?  Nurse-run clinics for 1 year offering an initial session and further follow-ups at intervals of 2–6 months  Nurse-led clinics increased secondary prevention such that within the 1 year of the study, most patients adopted at least one change, most often lipid, aspirin or blood pressure treatment
No change reported in smoking 
Chesterman et al.18
Observational study
Recipients of smoking cessation services who set a quit date in 2001. n = 38 778 records from services in 19 former health authority areas  To assess effectiveness of smoking cessation services in enabling disadvantaged smokers living in disadvantaged areas to access services, and to assess area variations between areas  NHS stop-smoking services, one-to-one and group-based support. Details of intervention not discussed in the article  32.3% of all smokers in receipt of treatment services lived in the most disadvantaged quintile of areas compared with 9.6% resident in the most advantaged quintile 
Coleman et al.21
Observational study
GP THIN database records from 1990 to 2005 for recording of smoking status, cessation advice and prescription of smoking medications  Has the 2004 GP contract (with QOF targets) impacted on GPs behaviour in terms of recording smoking status, advice and smoking cessation medication prescribing patterns?  Analysis of THIN database for records of smoking status, advice, relevant prescriptions  Recording of smoking status and advice increased around the time of the 2004 contract (building on an increasing trend since 2000)
No change in prescribing patterns observed over and above the increasing trend 
Copeland et al.53
Cohort study
120 smokers recruited opportunistically at GP consultations and given NRT, in a high deprivation area in Edinburgh  Following-up the prescription of NRT by GPs in a deprived areas  Three-month follow-up of smokers prescribed NRT—assessment of baseline measures against outcome  20 of 101 stopped smoking, 46 cut down, 35 smoked same as before. Age, depression and length of time patient used NRT-affected outcome 
Hall et al.36
172 women aged 20–64 attending two general practices in UK agreed to participate, sent a questionnaire and, for those in experimental arms, had read the leaflet  The effectiveness of two leaflets emphasizing the links between smoking and cervical cancer and the importance of stopping  Randomized to a brief or extended leaflet (including information about how smoking affects cervix) or control. Both leaflets contained two threat and two efficacy messages  Providing women with brief written information about the link between smoking and cervical cancer increases readiness to stop smoking. Women sent brief leaflet were more likely to report that they were ready to stop smoking in next 6 months compared with those sent the extended leaflet (75 versus 46%, 95% CI = 11–48%) and those not sent leaflet (75 versus 40%, 95% CI = 19–52%) 
Hall et al.35
Cluster RCT
242 smokers invited for cervical screening in 2004 from eight general practices in SE England  To investigate the feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of brief advice for smoking cessation as part of screening for cervical cancer  Women in intervention arm were given brief advice (3 minutes based on the 5 As) compared with no advice in the control weeks  Brief smoking-cessation advice given by practice nurses as part of cervical screening seems acceptable, feasible and potentially effective. Those in intervention group had higher intentions to stop smoking at 2 weeks (adjusted mean difference 0.51, 95% CI = 0.02–1.03) and 10 weeks (adjusted mean difference 0.80, 95% CI = 0.10–1.50) 
Lowey et al.19
Observational study
Data from seven former Health Authorities in the North–West of England—smokers accessing NHS SSS, making quit attempts and successful quit attempts  Are NHS SSS disproportionately attracting smokers from deprived areas, and having an effect on inequalities?  Retrospective analysis of NHS stop-smoking service data  50% of all smokers setting a quit date lived in the most deprived areas, while only 25% of people in the NW are living in deprived areas. Estimated 3.3% of smokers in NW set a quit date, 48.5% of them successfully quit (at 4 weeks). Smokers living in deprived areas do not achieve greater success rates compared with those in more advantaged areas (P = 0.16) 
McLean et al.20
Observational study
1024 general practices in Scotland  Does the quality of primary care measured by the 2004 contract differ by socioeconomic deprivation?  Retrospective analysis of data available on QOF achievement at practice level. Comparing quality indicators for payment and delivery of care  Exclusion criteria for QOF appear to conceal continuing inequalities in provision of care. The contract therefore appears to be offering little incentive to the delivery of care for disadvantaged population 
Murray et al.22
Cluster RCT
24 primary care practices, either intervention (n = 3051) or usual care (n = 3805). Patients aged 18+ sent questionnaire to confirm smoking status and if happy to be contacted by stop smoking advisor  Cluster RCT to determine whether identifying all smokers in primary care population, followed by personal contact giving advice and information about local cessation service promotes independently validated cessation  Either phoned or postal—given brief advice, if wanted an appointment was made with NHS SSS, if they did not want to they were sent a pack about the service. Six months after, intervention were sent a follow-up questionnaire and quit status validated  Intervention increased the proportion of smokers reporting attendance at local NHS SSS and had a modest effect on the number of quit attempts made, but no significant impact on actual quit rates or reported cigarette consumption 
Needleman et al.46
A review of studies examining smoking cessation in dentistry and barriers to providing smoking cessation advice  An evaluation of tobacco cessation advice in the dental setting, trials of effectiveness and barriers are reviewed  A review but no search terms were given for the effectiveness/efficacy trials although details are given for the barriers  Dentists could play an important role in promoting tobacco cessation and oral tobacco cessation for smokers, but the magnitude of the effect is unclear from the studies reviewed. Many barriers identified 
Owens and Springett 2006
Observational study
Clients accessing the Roy Castle Fag Ends Stop Smoking Service (RCFE) in Liverpool  To describe the methodology behind the RCFE, describe how the service works and report 4 and 52-week cessation outcomes between 2001 and 2005  A community-based stop smoking service. Clients can attend group or one-to-one sessions with a trained adviser for as long as they want and are able to return to the service immediately following relapse  CO validated quit rates at 4 weeks ranged from 34 to 45% between 2001 and 2005, rising to 57% overall when self-report cases were included Self-report 52-week quit rates (only 4% were CO validate) ranged from 16 to 22% 
Ritchie et al.50
12 smoking cessation groups in a low-income community observed for 6 weeks in late 2003. 11 interviewees selected on basis that they had used the service at least three times in six consecutive months  To make explicit the assumptions shaping the practice of open smoking cessation groups that use narrative therapy and to assess smoker's perceptions of the value of these groups  ‘Smokey Joe’, a group-based smoking cessation intervention run by the NHS in a low-income area of Scotland. Drop in, rolling group support using narrative therapy  Flexible services that offer support to range of smokers at different stages in their quit attempt are beneficial and valued as are programmes tailored to the individual's personal situation. Parallel outcome evaluation found 52-week quit rates of 16%, similar to English services, but evaluation not robust 
Roddy et al.41
Focus groups
39 smokers aged 21–75 from the most deprived areas of Nottingham who had made an unsuccessful attempt to quit in the last year without using smoking cessation services  To determine whether these disadvantaged smokers are aware of existing smoking cessation services, to explore how they view services and identify barriers and motivators to improve access  5000 households in the 5% most deprived enumeration districts in Nottingham were sent a postal questionnaire
Responses were then used to purposively select smokers who responded and were willing to participate in focus group discussions 
The research identified a number of barriers to accessing services. These included: fear of being judged, fear of failure, lack of knowledge about existing services, inaccurate perceptions about NRT and negative media publicity about bupropion 
Springett et al.51
(in press)
Interviews and focus groups
Staff and service users of the Fag Ends service in Liverpool. Interviews with service staff and focus groups with clients (numbers unclear)  To ascertain the main characteristics of the Fag Ends smoking cessation service and how they contribute to its effectiveness from a user and service provider perspective  Group-based smoking cessation intervention staffed by lay advisers. Groups open to all on a drop in basis. One-to-one support also available, initially on a drop in basis and afterwards by appointment  A service that employs lay advisers, rather than health professionals can be successful in helping smokers to quit. A service which provides access to group and one-to-one support on a drop in basis in a wide range of venues is accessible and valued 
Stevens et al.28
Observational study
A panel of 303 Turkish speakers recruited through community centres and doorstep interviews  The cost-effectiveness of a Turkish campaign to promote non-smoking as the norm and reduce the prevalence of smoking in the Turkish community in Camden and Islington  A community-based intervention aiming to highlight the dangers of smoking, reduce the amount smoked and the number of smokers in the local Turkish and Kurdish community  At follow-up 51% of respondents recognized at least one of the Turkish language interventions. There was a higher awareness among the ABC1 group (64%) than those classified as being part of the C2DE group (48%). Smokers who quit showed a relatively high awareness of the material (61%), but 44% of those who took up smoking also noticed the materials 
Wiltshire et al.12
Face-to-face interviews in client's home
100 smokers aged 25–40 years in two disadvantaged areas of Edinburgh interviewed between 1999 and 2000  To investigate disadvantaged smokers perceptions and experiences of quitting  Completion of adapted ‘life grid’ to collect smoking data for 1 day from each interviewee  Combating nicotine addiction in isolation is likely to be insufficient. A combination of measures are required in order to address the place of smoking in the daily lives of disadvantaged individuals 
An et al.54
Cohort study
Cohorts of callers to the Minnesota, USA, quit line QUITPLAN before and after the introduction of access to free NRT. Four cohorts were selected in the year before the introduction of NRT (2002, n = 380) and two cohorts in the 9 months (2003; n = 373) after the introduction  How does the addition of access to free NRT affect reach and effectiveness of a statewide tobacco quit line?  In 2002, callers who enrolled in QUITPLAN's multisession programme (which included four additional proactive calls) were offered NRT. Eligible callers were mailed an 8-week supply of patch or gum with starting dose determined by baseline level of tobacco use  The number registering or QUITPLAN services increased four-fold in the same 5-month period before and after the introduction of free NRT. Using an intention to treat analysis, 10.8% of callers were abstinent for 7 days pre-NRT compared with 21.7% post-NRT (P < 0.001). 10.0% of callers were abstinent for 30 days pre-NRT compared with 18.2% post-NRT (P < 0.001). The only significant predictor of abstinence was use of pharmacotherapy 
Bains et al.52
Participants in 17 studies of smoking cessation interventions worldwide that used incentives  To review the published literature between 1975 and 1997 on population-based smoking cessation interventions that involve incentives and to examine whether such interventions are effective in reducing the prevalence of smoking  17 smoking cessation interventions employing incentives. Incentives ranged from holiday competitions to cars and cash. Only five had a controlled element  No specific recruitment strategy was shown to be most effective. No evidence that particular types of incentives are able to influence participation or quit rates, but larger incentives are more effective both in improving recruitment and cessation. Some evidence that the costs of such programmes does compare favourably with cessation clinics 
Barbeau et al.48
Cohort study
337 apprentices aged 18+ in a union apprenticeship programme in Boston, USA completed both the baseline and final survey, 139 current smokers  What is the feasibility and effect size of a smoking cessation intervention (MassBUILT) among unionized apprentice iron workers?  Conducted over a 4-month period: (i) A 1-h toxics and tobacco educational module, (ii) A tobacco use cessation group of eight weekly sessions, (iii) NRT made available at no cost to study participants, (iv) Posters containing quitting information, (v) Relevant articles in the monthly union newsletter, (vi) A Do-it-yourself quit kit and (vii) Incentives to encourage ongoing participation in quit classes  Baseline smoking prevalence of 41%, 7-day point prevalence smoking abstinence rate of 19.4% (27/139). Statistically, significant positive changes in intention to quit within 6 months and 30 days. Participants in the intervention were three times more likely to quit than those who did not participate 
Bauer et al.55
Cohort study (two studies)
Adult smokers residing in a two-county region in Western New York State in 2003/2004. 2461 received free NRT vouchers, 732 followed up out of 1016 (72%)  To study the response to press advertisements giving away free NRT and to two newspaper advertisements, one offering a free stop smoking guide and the other offering the guide plus a free stop smoking aide called Better Quit® (BQ)—a plastic substitute cigarette  Study (1): a 4-week promotional press announcement urging smokers to call the quitline to get a voucher for free NRT, timed to coincide with the implementation of New York State's Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA). 2461 received free voucher, 732 (randomly selected) completed phone interview of smoking habits. Study (2): two quit line newspaper ads, one offering a free stop smoking guide and the other also offering a free BQ stop smoking aide. Follow-up interview with 408 callers who received BQ and 324 who did not  (1): Calls to quitline increased from six calls per day, 2 weeks prior to the intervention, to 148 calls per day for the 4-week period that the programme ran—a 25-fold increase. In the 2-week period after the promotion was discontinued, call volume decreased to 26.5 per day. (2): Calls to the quit line increased from 7 per day in the 1 week prior to the control newspaper advertisement running to 14 per day in the 2-day period after the advertisement ran—a two-fold increase. In the 2-day period following the advertisement offering the free BQ, the number of calls to the quit line increased to 27.5 calls per day—a four-fold increase. 79% of those surveyed reported making a quit attempt, and 22% reported being abstinent from smoking in the last 7 days. The quit rate in the comparison group was 12%. Quit rates for those who were sent the BQ was 20%, compared with 24% among those who did not receive BQ 
Bentz et al.23
Observational study
15 662 smokers were identified by 175 care providers in 17 primary care clinics and two teaching clinics, of whom 745 patients were referred to the Oregon Tobacco quit line between October 2002 and October 2003 and/or 1342 were given a brochure advertising the quit line number which the patients then had to contact themselves  Evaluation of the feasibility of connecting physician offices to a state level tobacco quit line, which offers proactive and reactive counselling  The primary care provider delivers advice to quit, assesses readiness to quit, and refers interested tobacco user to the quit line by direct fax referral (quit line counsellor proactively calls the tobacco user) or brochure (patient must initiate contact themselves)  103 597 patients were seen, 745 patient referrals to quit line (4.8%). Of those receiving fax referrals (n = 496), 59% were successfully contacted. Of these, 90% accepted a one-time tobacco cessation intervention from a quit line counsellor. All those who received fax referrals were mailed tailored self-help materials whether they had been successfully contacted or not. Of the 1342 smokers documented as being given a quit line brochure, 19% (n = 249) called the quit line of whom, 94% accepted a one-time tobacco cessation intervention from a quit line counsellor. Informal post-study interviews revealed that the fax referral process was well accepted and providers appreciated the additional resources for their patients 
Boyd et al.29
Cluster RCT
Fourteen communities (seven matched pairs) served by four Cancer Information Service (CIS) regional offices in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and Alabama in August/September 1994 (wave 1) and April/May 1995 (wave 2)  Does a targeted communications campaign (Quit Today) utilizing strategically placed radio and television advertisements in combination with community outreach lead to more African–American smokers calling the CIS for smoking cessation information and materials?  Six radio adverts encouraging African–American smokers to call the CIS were produced for three different radio programming formats—2 each for black contemporary, gospel and jazz. One TV spot conveying a similar message to that of the radio ads was also produced. Plus an outreach component with African–American community based organizations. Focus groups explored barriers to and facilitators for calling the CIS. Experimental areas received 10 weeks of advertising over two waves  A total of 709 calls were received by the four participating CIS offices from smokers seeking smoking cessation information living in either the experimental or control communities, of which 565 were from African–Americans. Calls from African–Americans in the experimental communities were approximately 80 times higher than in control communities (P < 0.008)
Smoking related calls to CIS offices increased from and average of 1.9 per week before intervention to an average of 86 calls per week during wave 1 and 40 calls per week during wave 2. Call levels remained significantly increased for 8 weeks following wave 1 and 4 weeks following wave 2 
Carr and Ebbert45
Systematic review
Studies of the effectiveness of interventions for tobacco cessation in the dental setting  To provide a critical and comprehensive review of evidence relating to dental office or community-based activities for tobacco cessation in cigarette smokers and smokeless tobacco users  Six studies (three conducted in dental office settings, three involving oral health professionals providing interventions to athletes within high school or college community settings). All interventions involved behavioural support and an oral examination from trained oral health professionals. Only one study included NRT  A statistically significant increase in the odds of tobacco abstinence at 12 months was found when the six trials were pooled in smokers (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.16–1.78). Findings demonstrate a 3% difference in cessation rates between groups receiving behavioural intervention and those who do not. Interventions for smokeless tobacco users may increase the odds of quitting tobacco, but insufficient evidence exists to make conclusions about the effectiveness of these interventions for cigarette smokers. Dental interventions conducted in a dental office and school community setting are more effective than usual care for promoting tobacco use cessation 
Curry et al.37
Self-identified female smokers (n = 303) accompanying children to paediatric visits in four clinics in Seattle, Washington, which serve an ethnically diverse population of low-income families  One-year follow-up of a randomized trial of a smoking cessation intervention for women bringing their children to paediatric clinics that serve low-income families  Brief motivational message from child's clinician, a self-help guide to quitting smoking, in person motivational interview with clinic nurse, three outreach counselling telephone calls from nurse who conducted motivational interview. Follow-up surveys 3 and 12 months after enrolment visit and breath test. Also received payment  Overall, 89% of women completed either survey. 68% of women in the intervention group reported that their child's physician discussed their smoking during the index visit, compared with 31% in the control group, of which 83 and 71%, respectively, reported the discussions as being somewhat or very encouraging of trying to quit. At 3 months, quit rates were 8 and 3% in the intervention and control group, respectively (adjusted OR 2.40, 95% CI 0.85–7.80). At 12 months, quit rates were 14 and 7%, respectively (adjusted OR 2.77, 95% CI 1.24–6.60) using an intention to treat analysis 
Doescher et al.44
Pilot study
32 low-income smokers in the USA who received health insurance coverage via a Medicaid and basic health plan insurer (CHPW) and were referred to receive free NRT and bi-weekly counselling sessions from a community pharmacist  To assess the feasibility and acceptability of pharmacy-based cessation + free NRT for low-income smokers  Free nicotine patches + gum and a $15 dispensing fee for four trained pharmacists, who provided short counselling sessions. Initial session was up to 30 minutes, followed by sessions of around 15 minutes every 2 weeks for up to 10 weeks  5% of eligible smokers (32 patients) were referred for NRT and counselling. 26 patients went on to receive NRT and at least one counselling session. Only three smokers completed the 10-week course. Smokers were satisfied with the intervention and pharmacists indicated they would continue with it if they continued to be reimbursed and the sessions lasted no more than 5–10 minutes 
Glasgow et al.40
Cohort study (two studies)
Study 1: 160 smokers scheduled for outpatient surgery. Study 2: 531 smokers about to undergo outpatient surgery or procedures. All research participants were members of the Kaiser Permanente HMO  To evaluate the appeal of a low-intensity phone counselling and printed material smoking reduction programme that offered the option of cessation to smokers about to undergo outpatient surgery or other invasive out-patient procedures  Study 1: an ‘Options’ programme. Self-help materials sent by post in combination with telephone support. Study 2: a ‘Smoking Less Living More’ programme. Also self-help materials plus telephone support. For those choosing cessation, referral to state programmes (behavioural support + NRT)  Comprehensive programmes that include a smoking reduction component (rather than just cessation) could substantially increase their reach. Study 1: 39% of patients chose smoking reduction and 38% cessation. Study 2: 22% began participating in the smoking reduction programme, 12% chose cessation and 65% declined. No significant demographic differences across the groups 
Gordon et al.47
Patients participating in seven RCTs of smoking cessation interventions in a dental setting  To review the literature on the effectiveness of tobacco cessation interventions delivered within the context of dental office visits  Review limited to clinical trials of dental office-based cessation programmes  Follow-up in the trials ranged from 15 weeks to 12 months. All showed a positive effect for interventions in the dental setting either on quit attempts or on cessation
One of the trials took place in a public health dental clinic in the USA service low-income patients. The difference in self-reported quitting was significant at 6 months for the intervention group 
Hennrikus et al.56
2402 employed smokers in 24 different workplaces in the USA between 1995 and 1999  To examine the effect of programme format and incentives on participation and cessation in workplace smoking cessation programmes  A 2 × 3 factorial design in which four worksites were randomized to each of the six interventions. Two levels of incentives for participation in smoking cessation programmes (incentives versus no incentives) were crossed with three types of programme interventions (group programmes, phone counselling programmes and a choice of group programmes or phone counselling programmes). Group programme comprised 13 group sessions held at worksite over a period of 2 months. Phone comprised mailed print materials and 3–6 phone Incentives were of two types: for participation and quitting  Incentives increase participation in workplace smoking cessation programmes, although they do not appear to increase cessation rates. 16.9% of eligible workers chose to participate. Registration was almost double in sites that used incentives versus those that did not (22.4 versus 11.9%). Incentives did not affect cessation rate (7-day point prevalence abstinence), but this was related to programme type. Phone counselling programme was associated with highest cessation rate and group programme lowest. Cessation rates at 12-month follow-up were significantly higher in phone and choice than group and at 2 years, phone was higher than group with choice not significantly different from either of the other conditions 
Lazev et al.39
Face-to-face interviews + observational study
Smokers attending a health care clinic for HIV positive residents in Harris County, Texas. 49 smokers took part in the first part of the study and 20 in the second part  To (1) explore barriers to participating in smoking cessation programmes among low-income HIV positive smokers and to (2) pilot a cessation intervention using mobile phone support with the same population  For part (1), participants took part in a short structured interview to explore their views on smoking cessation. For part (2), participants were asked to set a quit date within the next week, carry a mobile phone and participate in six telephone counselling sessions within 2 weeks  (1) a range of were identified, including lack of access to a working telephone, a high number of household moves and lack of transportation. Participants were more interested in receiving telephone support via a free mobile phone than other forms of intervention (i.e. a home visit). In (2), 64.5% (n = 20) of eligible patients took part. 19 of the 20 patients completed the 2-week programme, all made a quit attempt and point prevalence quit rate at 2 weeks was 75% 
McDaniel et al.33
Cohort study
A non-probability sample of 110 female smokers aged 18–71 recruited from 228 eligible women approached in a neighbourhood community health centre  To design and test a computer-mediated smoking cessation programme for inner-city women aimed at motivating readiness to quit  A computer-based programme designed to deliver tailored-smoking cessation messages navigated by a touch screen monitor. The programme adapted to data entered by user and guided them through first three steps in stages of change model, and provided health and motivational messages. Women were observed using the programme, women then completed a usability survey. Feedback and development of programme were ongoing  All subjects completed the programme. Patient satisfaction with the usability of the programme was high. After programme, participants reported significant decrease in favourable attitudes towards smoking, but no significant difference in negative perceptions of smoking. Overall, 15% of participants progressed at least one stage of change after completing the programme (P < 0.001). Information technology has potential for delivering brief smoking cessation intervention for low-income women in primary care 
Milch et al.25
Cluster-controlled trial (not randomized)
644 smokers attending a primary care practice based in an urban teaching hospital in the USA  To assess the effectiveness of two brief interventions on screening for smoking, physician service advice and patient smoking cessation outcomes  Prospective, group allocation controlled trial examining two interventions to identify smoking status. The ‘minimal’ intervention was the vital sign stamp developed by Fiore. The ‘enhanced’ was a smoking assessment questionnaire consisting of six questions  Smoking status was documented in 86, 91 and 49% (P < 0.001) of the minimal, enhanced and control teams, respectively. Cessation advice was provided in 38, 47 and 30% (P < 0.014) of cases. Self-reported cessation was higher for the enhanced team (12%) compared with the minimal (2%) and control (4%) teams (P < 0.001) 
Okuyemi et al.32
Double blind, placebo controlled RCT
The study was conducted in an urban community-based clinic serving predominantly low-income African–American patients in 2003–04.1933 individuals were screened, 1012 (52%) were considered eligible, of which 755 (75%) were enrolled  The study evaluates the effectiveness of Kick it at Swope II (KIS-II), a smoking cessation clinical trial testing the efficacy of nicotine gum and counselling among African–American light smokers  Four treatment groups, all 8-week duration: T1: placebo gum + six health education (HE) sessions, T2: placebo gum + six motivational interviews (MI), T3: nicotine gum + six HE sessions, T4: nicotine gum + six MI session. All participants also received a culturally-sensitive smoking cessation guide  When given the opportunity African–American light smokers will enrol in interventions to help them quit smoking 
Perry et al.24
Descriptive study
Smokers in Wisconsin, USA, accessing the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line between 2003 and 2004 who were referred via ‘Fax to Quit’  To examine the extent to which a fax referral system to the state telephone quit line has been adopted by health-care providers in the state  A referral by fax for a smoker interested in quitting presenting to any health-care professional, to the quit line. Contact is then made proactively by the quit line, who phone the smoker within 48 hours  More than 470 sites have joined Fax to Quit. Starting in 2004, approximately 30% of 12 000 calls received each year by the quit line came via Fax to Quit. Authors argue that fax intervention is more cost-effective and sustainable than paid media. The programme was embraced by health-care professionals 
Prochaska et al.26
A random digit-dialling procedure was used to identify a representative sample of smokers in three distinct geographic areas in Rhode Island. 4144 smokers agreed to participate in the study (80% of smokers)  Is a population based recruitment approach combined with a stage-based expert system for smoking cessation effective?  Subjects were randomly assigned to an Expert System (ES) intervention or an Assessment Only (AS) condition. Those in ES were mailed intervention materials, including the baseline feedback report and stage matched self-help manuals  25% abstinence was seen at 24-months follow-up. There was significant differences between intervention and control point prevalence at every follow-up. A stage effect was seen—where those who started further along in the stages of change model moved further through the model in both groups than those initially at an earlier stage 
Schorling et al.30
Ecological (population) study
648 smokers from 535 households were personally interviewed, identified from two demographically similar communities in Virginia USA
Buckingham County—intervention community, 39% African–American, Louisa County—control community, 26% African–American 
To describe the philosophy and initial organizational efforts used to develop the smoking control project, the development and implementation of the interventions, the results of the baseline survey and the initial results after the programmes have been in place for 18 months  Up to two smoking cessation counsellors were trained from participating churches
Smoking cessation devotional booklets were distributed through the churches, county wide Gospel Quit nights were held every 6 months and a county wide smoking cessation contest is held annually 
Smoking cessation rate in the intervention community was 9.6% compared with 6.2% in the control community. Among those followed up who attended church once a month or more, rates were 1.5 and 5.8%, respectively and 8.8 and 6.4%, respectively for those who attended less frequently
Using an intention to treat basis, quit rates were 6.7% in the intervention community and 4.3% in the control community 
Tillgren et al.27
Observational study
238 women with at least one child aged 0–6 years living in the South–West Medical Care District in Stockholm County, Sweden in 1995–96  What is the impact of direct mail as a method to recruit smoking mothers into a ‘Quit and Win’ contest?  A brief motivational letter was sent out, to encourage women to remain smoke-free. First invited to a get together 6 weeks after quitting. Additional support on two other occasions when given opportunity to contact a hotline employing trained cessation counsellors  At 12-month follow-up, 14.3% (n = 34) were still smoke free. Among women recruited by direct mail (n = 28) 15.1% were smoke-free compared with 11.5% of those recruited through the other two strategies (personal communication and local newspapers) (n = 6) 
Turner et al.31
Controlled before and after study
Female smokers (high school education or less) in Chicago metropolitan area in autumn 1993  What are the effectiveness of a reading manual and a series of televised programmes in increasing women's readiness for smoking cessation?  Three stages to intervention: (i) Motivational component—televised commercial advertisements, (ii) Registration component—promotional spots aired on local TV, inviting women to call a toll-free no. to receive free information about quitting. A random sample of eligible women were called and asked to complete a brief baseline telephone survey and (iii) Cessation intervention—10 televised segments featuring four women who had quit during the registration period. Great American Smokeout occurred on day 6 of series and was designated as quit date for those ready to quit  1026 registrants reported receiving the manual, of 64.5% reported that the manual led to a quit attempt, although only 10.5% said the manual helped them to actually quit. 58% of registrants reported having seen none of the television segments. 68.4% of these indicated it led to a quit attempt, 10% reported helped them quit 
Vidrine et al.38
684 consecutive HIV+ patients screened, 206 self-reported eligible HIV-positive patients, of which 137 consented and 95 enrolled in the study (48 intervention, 47 usual care) in 2004 in Texas, USA  What is the efficacy of an innovative smoking cessation intervention using a cellular phone with a multiethnic disadvantaged HIV positive population?  For recommended standard of care (RSOC), advice to quit, assistance in setting quit date, 10-week supply of NRT, personalized quit plan, self-help leaflet and tip sheet tailored to HIV + smokers. The cell phone intervention (CPI) group received RSOC plus a prepaid phone, eight proactive tailored counselling calls and a hotline number  Three-month follow-up—79% for CPI and 83% for RSOC (ns). 81% of the CPI group completed six or more the eight scheduled counselling sessions. Using an intent to treat analysis, point prevalence abstinence (not smoking during 24 hour prior to assessment) at 3 months was 29.2% in the CPI group compared with 8.5% in the RSOC group (P = 0.040). Sustained abstinence (not smoking during the 7 days prior to assessment) at 3 months was 16.7% in the CPI group compared with 6.4% in the RSOC group (P = 0.283) 

CitationStudy populationResearch questionInterventionMain results
Bauld et al.43
Face-to-face interviews and observational study
n = 26 pharmacists providing cessation services
Secondary analysis of routine pharmacy client data from 2004. 11 126 clients 
To explore the delivery of pharmacy–based treatment, outcomes at 4 weeks and examine the relationship between client characteristics and outcomes  Behavioural support from a trained pharmacist or pharmacy assistant with weekly NRT for12 weeks  60% of all clients lived in the most disadvantaged fifth of neighbourhoods in Scotland, suggesting that the service is effectively targeting deprived smokers. Clients from deprived areas were less likely to quit than those from affluent areas 
Blenkinsopp et al.42
Systematic review
Electronic databases from 1990 to 2001 plus hand-searching of some journals for same time period  To review the effectiveness of community pharmacy interventions in reduction of risk factors and risk behaviours for CHD  Systematic review of relevant identified trials  For smoking cessation, two RCTs and three non-randomized experimental studies were included
Smoking cessation RCTs found evidence of effectiveness of community pharmacist interventions 
Campbell et al.34
n = 1173 CHD patients attending nurse-run clinics in a random sample of 19 general practices in Scotland  Can nurse run clinics in general practice improve secondary prevention in patients with CHD?  Nurse-run clinics for 1 year offering an initial session and further follow-ups at intervals of 2–6 months  Nurse-led clinics increased secondary prevention such that within the 1 year of the study, most patients adopted at least one change, most often lipid, aspirin or blood pressure treatment
No change reported in smoking 
Chesterman et al.18
Observational study
Recipients of smoking cessation services who set a quit date in 2001. n = 38 778 records from services in 19 former health authority areas  To assess effectiveness of smoking cessation services in enabling disadvantaged smokers living in disadvantaged areas to access services, and to assess area variations between areas  NHS stop-smoking services, one-to-one and group-based support. Details of intervention not discussed in the article  32.3% of all smokers in receipt of treatment services lived in the most disadvantaged quintile of areas compared with 9.6% resident in the most advantaged quintile 
Coleman et al.21
Observational study
GP THIN database records from 1990 to 2005 for recording of smoking status, cessation advice and prescription of smoking medications  Has the 2004 GP contract (with QOF targets) impacted on GPs behaviour in terms of recording smoking status, advice and smoking cessation medication prescribing patterns?  Analysis of THIN database for records of smoking status, advice, relevant prescriptions  Recording of smoking status and advice increased around the time of the 2004 contract (building on an increasing trend since 2000)
No change in prescribing patterns observed over and above the increasing trend 
Copeland et al.53
Cohort study
120 smokers recruited opportunistically at GP consultations and given NRT, in a high deprivation area in Edinburgh  Following-up the prescription of NRT by GPs in a deprived areas  Three-month follow-up of smokers prescribed NRT—assessment of baseline measures against outcome  20 of 101 stopped smoking, 46 cut down, 35 smoked same as before. Age, depression and length of time patient used NRT-affected outcome 
Hall et al.36
172 women aged 20–64 attending two general practices in UK agreed to participate, sent a questionnaire and, for those in experimental arms, had read the leaflet  The effectiveness of two leaflets emphasizing the links between smoking and cervical cancer and the importance of stopping  Randomized to a brief or extended leaflet (including information about how smoking affects cervix) or control. Both leaflets contained two threat and two efficacy messages  Providing women with brief written information about the link between smoking and cervical cancer increases readiness to stop smoking. Women sent brief leaflet were more likely to report that they were ready to stop smoking in next 6 months compared with those sent the extended leaflet (75 versus 46%, 95% CI = 11–48%) and those not sent leaflet (75 versus 40%, 95% CI = 19–52%) 
Hall et al.35
Cluster RCT
242 smokers invited for cervical screening in 2004 from eight general practices in SE England  To investigate the feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness of brief advice for smoking cessation as part of screening for cervical cancer  Women in intervention arm were given brief advice (3 minutes based on the 5 As) compared with no advice in the control weeks  Brief smoking-cessation advice given by practice nurses as part of cervical screening seems acceptable, feasible and potentially effective. Those in intervention group had higher intentions to stop smoking at 2 weeks (adjusted mean difference 0.51, 95% CI = 0.02–1.03) and 10 weeks (adjusted mean difference 0.80, 95% CI = 0.10–1.50) 
Lowey et al.19
Observational study
Data from seven former Health Authorities in the North–West of England—smokers accessing NHS SSS, making quit attempts and successful quit attempts  Are NHS SSS disproportionately attracting smokers from deprived areas, and having an effect on inequalities?  Retrospective analysis of NHS stop-smoking service data  50% of all smokers setting a quit date lived in the most deprived areas, while only 25% of people in the NW are living in deprived areas. Estimated 3.3% of smokers in NW set a quit date, 48.5% of them successfully quit (at 4 weeks). Smokers living in deprived areas do not achieve greater success rates compared with those in more advantaged areas (P = 0.16) 
McLean et al.20
Observational study
1024 general practices in Scotland  Does the quality of primary care measured by the 2004 contract differ by socioeconomic deprivation?  Retrospective analysis of data available on QOF achievement at practice level. Comparing quality indicators for payment and delivery of care  Exclusion criteria for QOF appear to conceal continuing inequalities in provision of care. The contract therefore appears to be offering little incentive to the delivery of care for disadvantaged population 
Murray et al.22
Cluster RCT
24 primary care practices, either intervention (n = 3051) or usual care (n = 3805). Patients aged 18+ sent questionnaire to confirm smoking status and if happy to be contacted by stop smoking advisor  Cluster RCT to determine whether identifying all smokers in primary care population, followed by personal contact giving advice and information about local cessation service promotes independently validated cessation  Either phoned or postal—given brief advice, if wanted an appointment was made with NHS SSS, if they did not want to they were sent a pack about the service. Six months after, intervention were sent a follow-up questionnaire and quit status validated  Intervention increased the proportion of smokers reporting attendance at local NHS SSS and had a modest effect on the number of quit attempts made, but no significant impact on actual quit rates or reported cigarette consumption 
Needleman et al.46
A review of studies examining smoking cessation in dentistry and barriers to providing smoking cessation advice  An evaluation of tobacco cessation advice in the dental setting, trials of effectiveness and barriers are reviewed  A review but no search terms were given for the effectiveness/efficacy trials although details are given for the barriers  Dentists could play an important role in promoting tobacco cessation and oral tobacco cessation for smokers, but the magnitude of the effect is unclear from the studies reviewed. Many barriers identified 
Owens and Springett 2006
Observational study
Clients accessing the Roy Castle Fag Ends Stop Smoking Service (RCFE) in Liverpool  To describe the methodology behind the RCFE, describe how the service works and report 4 and 52-week cessation outcomes between 2001 and 2005  A community-based stop smoking service. Clients can attend group or one-to-one sessions with a trained adviser for as long as they want and are able to return to the service immediately following relapse  CO validated quit rates at 4 weeks ranged from 34 to 45% between 2001 and 2005, rising to 57% overall when self-report cases were included Self-report 52-week quit rates (only 4% were CO validate) ranged from 16 to 22% 
Ritchie et al.50
12 smoking cessation groups in a low-income community observed for 6 weeks in late 2003. 11 interviewees selected on basis that they had used the service at least three times in six consecutive months  To make explicit the assumptions shaping the practice of open smoking cessation groups that use narrative therapy and to assess smoker's perceptions of the value of these groups  ‘Smokey Joe’, a group-based smoking cessation intervention run by the NHS in a low-income area of Scotland. Drop in, rolling group support using narrative therapy  Flexible services that offer support to range of smokers at different stages in their quit attempt are beneficial and valued as are programmes tailored to the individual's personal situation. Parallel outcome evaluation found 52-week quit rates of 16%, similar to English services, but evaluation not robust 
Roddy et al.41
Focus groups
39 smokers aged 21–75 from the most deprived areas of Nottingham who had made an unsuccessful attempt to quit in the last year without using smoking cessation services  To determine whether these disadvantaged smokers are aware of existing smoking cessation services, to explore how they view services and identify barriers and motivators to improve access  5000 households in the 5% most deprived enumeration districts in Nottingham were sent a postal questionnaire
Responses were then used to purposively select smokers who responded and were willing to participate in focus group discussions 
The research identified a number of barriers to accessing services. These included: fear of being judged, fear of failure, lack of knowledge about existing services, inaccurate perceptions about NRT and negative media publicity about bupropion 
Springett et al.51
(in press)
Interviews and focus groups
Staff and service users of the Fag Ends service in Liverpool. Interviews with service staff and focus groups with clients (numbers unclear)  To ascertain the main characteristics of the Fag Ends smoking cessation service and how they contribute to its effectiveness from a user and service provider perspective  Group-based smoking cessation intervention staffed by lay advisers. Groups open to all on a drop in basis. One-to-one support also available, initially on a drop in basis and afterwards by appointment  A service that employs lay advisers, rather than health professionals can be successful in helping smokers to quit. A service which provides access to group and one-to-one support on a drop in basis in a wide range of venues is accessible and valued 
Stevens et al.28
Observational study
A panel of 303 Turkish speakers recruited through community centres and doorstep interviews  The cost-effectiveness of a Turkish campaign to promote non-smoking as the norm and reduce the prevalence of smoking in the Turkish community in Camden and Islington  A community-based intervention aiming to highlight the dangers of smoking, reduce the amount smoked and the number of smokers in the local Turkish and Kurdish community  At follow-up 51% of respondents recognized at least one of the Turkish language interventions. There was a higher awareness among the ABC1 group (64%) than those classified as being part of the C2DE group (48%). Smokers who quit showed a relatively high awareness of the material (61%), but 44% of those who took up smoking also noticed the materials 
Wiltshire et al.12
Face-to-face interviews in client's home
100 smokers aged 25–40 years in two disadvantaged areas of Edinburgh interviewed between 1999 and 2000  To investigate disadvantaged smokers perceptions and experiences of quitting  Completion of adapted ‘life grid’ to collect smoking data for 1 day from each interviewee  Combating nicotine addiction in isolation is likely to be insufficient. A combination of measures are required in order to address the place of smoking in the daily lives of disadvantaged individuals 
An et al.54
Cohort study
Cohorts of callers to the Minnesota, USA, quit line QUITPLAN before and after the introduction of access to free NRT. Four cohorts were selected in the year before the introduction of NRT (2002, n = 380) and two cohorts in the 9 months (2003; n = 373) after the introduction  How does the addition of access to free NRT affect reach and effectiveness of a statewide tobacco quit line?  In 2002, callers who enrolled in QUITPLAN's multisession programme (which included four additional proactive calls) were offered NRT. Eligible callers were mailed an 8-week supply of patch or gum with starting dose determined by baseline level of tobacco use  The number registering or QUITPLAN services increased four-fold in the same 5-month period before and after the introduction of free NRT. Using an intention to treat analysis, 10.8% of callers were abstinent for 7 days pre-NRT compared with 21.7% post-NRT (P < 0.001). 10.0% of callers were abstinent for 30 days pre-NRT compared with 18.2% post-NRT (P < 0.001). The only significant predictor of abstinence was use of pharmacotherapy 
Bains et al.52
Participants in 17 studies of smoking cessation interventions worldwide that used incentives  To review the published literature between 1975 and 1997 on population-based smoking cessation interventions that involve incentives and to examine whether such interventions are effective in reducing the prevalence of smoking  17 smoking cessation interventions employing incentives. Incentives ranged from holiday competitions to cars and cash. Only five had a controlled element  No specific recruitment strategy was shown to be most effective. No evidence that particular types of incentives are able to influence participation or quit rates, but larger incentives are more effective both in improving recruitment and cessation. Some evidence that the costs of such programmes does compare favourably with cessation clinics 
Barbeau et al.48
Cohort study
337 apprentices aged 18+ in a union apprenticeship programme in Boston, USA completed both the baseline and final survey, 139 current smokers  What is the feasibility and effect size of a smoking cessation intervention (MassBUILT) among unionized apprentice iron workers?  Conducted over a 4-month period: (i) A 1-h toxics and tobacco educational module, (ii) A tobacco use cessation group of eight weekly sessions, (iii) NRT made available at no cost to study participants, (iv) Posters containing quitting information, (v) Relevant articles in the monthly union newsletter, (vi) A Do-it-yourself quit kit and (vii) Incentives to encourage ongoing participation in quit classes  Baseline smoking prevalence of 41%, 7-day point prevalence smoking abstinence rate of 19.4% (27/139). Statistically, significant positive changes in intention to quit within 6 months and 30 days. Participants in the intervention were three times more likely to quit than those who did not participate 
Bauer et al.55
Cohort study (two studies)
Adult smokers residing in a two-county region in Western New York State in 2003/2004. 2461 received free NRT vouchers, 732 followed up out of 1016 (72%)  To study the response to press advertisements giving away free NRT and to two newspaper advertisements, one offering a free stop smoking guide and the other offering the guide plus a free stop smoking aide called Better Quit® (BQ)—a plastic substitute cigarette  Study (1): a 4-week promotional press announcement urging smokers to call the quitline to get a voucher for free NRT, timed to coincide with the implementation of New York State's Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA). 2461 received free voucher, 732 (randomly selected) completed phone interview of smoking habits. Study (2): two quit line newspaper ads, one offering a free stop smoking guide and the other also offering a free BQ stop smoking aide. Follow-up interview with 408 callers who received BQ and 324 who did not  (1): Calls to quitline increased from six calls per day, 2 weeks prior to the intervention, to 148 calls per day for the 4-week period that the programme ran—a 25-fold increase. In the 2-week period after the promotion was discontinued, call volume decreased to 26.5 per day. (2): Calls to the quit line increased from 7 per day in the 1 week prior to the control newspaper advertisement running to 14 per day in the 2-day period after the advertisement ran—a two-fold increase. In the 2-day period following the advertisement offering the free BQ, the number of calls to the quit line increased to 27.5 calls per day—a four-fold increase. 79% of those surveyed reported making a quit attempt, and 22% reported being abstinent from smoking in the last 7 days. The quit rate in the comparison group was 12%. Quit rates for those who were sent the BQ was 20%, compared with 24% among those who did not receive BQ 
Bentz et al.23
Observational study
15 662 smokers were identified by 175 care providers in 17 primary care clinics and two teaching clinics, of whom 745 patients were referred to the Oregon Tobacco quit line between October 2002 and October 2003 and/or 1342 were given a brochure advertising the quit line number which the patients then had to contact themselves  Evaluation of the feasibility of connecting physician offices to a state level tobacco quit line, which offers proactive and reactive counselling  The primary care provider delivers advice to quit, assesses readiness to quit, and refers interested tobacco user to the quit line by direct fax referral (quit line counsellor proactively calls the tobacco user) or brochure (patient must initiate contact themselves)  103 597 patients were seen, 745 patient referrals to quit line (4.8%). Of those receiving fax referrals (n = 496), 59% were successfully contacted. Of these, 90% accepted a one-time tobacco cessation intervention from a quit line counsellor. All those who received fax referrals were mailed tailored self-help materials whether they had been successfully contacted or not. Of the 1342 smokers documented as being given a quit line brochure, 19% (n = 249) called the quit line of whom, 94% accepted a one-time tobacco cessation intervention from a quit line counsellor. Informal post-study interviews revealed that the fax referral process was well accepted and providers appreciated the additional resources for their patients 
Boyd et al.29
Cluster RCT
Fourteen communities (seven matched pairs) served by four Cancer Information Service (CIS) regional offices in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas and Alabama in August/September 1994 (wave 1) and April/May 1995 (wave 2)  Does a targeted communications campaign (Quit Today) utilizing strategically placed radio and television advertisements in combination with community outreach lead to more African–American smokers calling the CIS for smoking cessation information and materials?  Six radio adverts encouraging African–American smokers to call the CIS were produced for three different radio programming formats—2 each for black contemporary, gospel and jazz. One TV spot conveying a similar message to that of the radio ads was also produced. Plus an outreach component with African–American community based organizations. Focus groups explored barriers to and facilitators for calling the CIS. Experimental areas received 10 weeks of advertising over two waves  A total of 709 calls were received by the four participating CIS offices from smokers seeking smoking cessation information living in either the experimental or control communities, of which 565 were from African–Americans. Calls from African–Americans in the experimental communities were approximately 80 times higher than in control communities (P < 0.008)
Smoking related calls to CIS offices increased from and average of 1.9 per week before intervention to an average of 86 calls per week during wave 1 and 40 calls per week during wave 2. Call levels remained significantly increased for 8 weeks following wave 1 and 4 weeks following wave 2 
Carr and Ebbert45
Systematic review
Studies of the effectiveness of interventions for tobacco cessation in the dental setting  To provide a critical and comprehensive review of evidence relating to dental office or community-based activities for tobacco cessation in cigarette smokers and smokeless tobacco users  Six studies (three conducted in dental office settings, three involving oral health professionals providing interventions to athletes within high school or college community settings). All interventions involved behavioural support and an oral examination from trained oral health professionals. Only one study included NRT  A statistically significant increase in the odds of tobacco abstinence at 12 months was found when the six trials were pooled in smokers (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.16–1.78). Findings demonstrate a 3% difference in cessation rates between groups receiving behavioural intervention and those who do not. Interventions for smokeless tobacco users may increase the odds of quitting tobacco, but insufficient evidence exists to make conclusions about the effectiveness of these interventions for cigarette smokers. Dental interventions conducted in a dental office and school community setting are more effective than usual care for promoting tobacco use cessation 
Curry et al.37
Self-identified female smokers (n = 303) accompanying children to paediatric visits in four clinics in Seattle, Washington, which serve an ethnically diverse population of low-income families  One-year follow-up of a randomized trial of a smoking cessation intervention for women bringing their children to paediatric clinics that serve low-income families  Brief motivational message from child's clinician, a self-help guide to quitting smoking, in person motivational interview with clinic nurse, three outreach counselling telephone calls from nurse who conducted motivational interview. Follow-up surveys 3 and 12 months after enrolment visit and breath test. Also received payment  Overall, 89% of women completed either survey. 68% of women in the intervention group reported that their child's physician discussed their smoking during the index visit, compared with 31% in the control group, of which 83 and 71%, respectively, reported the discussions as being somewhat or very encouraging of trying to quit. At 3 months, quit rates were 8 and 3% in the intervention and control group, respectively (adjusted OR 2.40, 95% CI 0.85–7.80). At 12 months, quit rates were 14 and 7%, respectively (adjusted OR 2.77, 95% CI 1.24–6.60) using an intention to treat analysis 
Doescher et al.44
Pilot study
32 low-income smokers in the USA who received health insurance coverage via a Medicaid and basic health plan insurer (CHPW) and were referred to receive free NRT and bi-weekly counselling sessions from a community pharmacist  To assess the feasibility and acceptability of pharmacy-based cessation + free NRT for low-income smokers  Free nicotine patches + gum and a $15 dispensing fee for four trained pharmacists, who provided short counselling sessions. Initial session was up to 30 minutes, followed by sessions of around 15 minutes every 2 weeks for up to 10 weeks  5% of eligible smokers (32 patients) were referred for NRT and counselling. 26 patients went on to receive NRT and at least one counselling session. Only three smokers completed the 10-week course. Smokers were satisfied with the intervention and pharmacists indicated they would continue with it if they continued to be reimbursed and the sessions lasted no more than 5–10 minutes 
Glasgow et al.40
Cohort study (two studies)
Study 1: 160 smokers scheduled for outpatient surgery. Study 2: 531 smokers about to undergo outpatient surgery or procedures. All research participants were members of the Kaiser Permanente HMO  To evaluate the appeal of a low-intensity phone counselling and printed material smoking reduction programme that offered the option of cessation to smokers about to undergo outpatient surgery or other invasive out-patient procedures  Study 1: an ‘Options’ programme. Self-help materials sent by post in combination with telephone support. Study 2: a ‘Smoking Less Living More’ programme. Also self-help materials plus telephone support. For those choosing cessation, referral to state programmes (behavioural support + NRT)  Comprehensive programmes that include a smoking reduction component (rather than just cessation) could substantially increase their reach. Study 1: 39% of patients chose smoking reduction and 38% cessation. Study 2: 22% began participating in the smoking reduction programme, 12% chose cessation and 65% declined. No significant demographic differences across the groups 
Gordon et al.47
Patients participating in seven RCTs of smoking cessation interventions in a dental setting  To review the literature on the effectiveness of tobacco cessation interventions delivered within the context of dental office visits  Review limited to clinical trials of dental office-based cessation programmes  Follow-up in the trials ranged from 15 weeks to 12 months. All showed a positive effect for interventions in the dental setting either on quit attempts or on cessation
One of the trials took place in a public health dental clinic in the USA service low-income patients. The difference in self-reported quitting was significant at 6 months for the intervention group 
Hennrikus et al.56
2402 employed smokers in 24 different workplaces in the USA between 1995 and 1999  To examine the effect of programme format and incentives on participation and cessation in workplace smoking cessation programmes  A 2 × 3 factorial design in which four worksites were randomized to each of the six interventions. Two levels of incentives for participation in smoking cessation programmes (incentives versus no incentives) were crossed with three types of programme interventions (group programmes, phone counselling programmes and a choice of group programmes or phone counselling programmes). Group programme comprised 13 group sessions held at worksite over a period of 2 months. Phone comprised mailed print materials and 3–6 phone Incentives were of two types: for participation and quitting  Incentives increase participation in workplace smoking cessation programmes, although they do not appear to increase cessation rates. 16.9% of eligible workers chose to participate. Registration was almost double in sites that used incentives versus those that did not (22.4 versus 11.9%). Incentives did not affect cessation rate (7-day point prevalence abstinence), but this was related to programme type. Phone counselling programme was associated with highest cessation rate and group programme lowest. Cessation rates at 12-month follow-up were significantly higher in phone and choice than group and at 2 years, phone was higher than group with choice not significantly different from either of the other conditions 
Lazev et al.39
Face-to-face interviews + observational study
Smokers attending a health care clinic for HIV positive residents in Harris County, Texas. 49 smokers took part in the first part of the study and 20 in the second part  To (1) explore barriers to participating in smoking cessation programmes among low-income HIV positive smokers and to (2) pilot a cessation intervention using mobile phone support with the same population  For part (1), participants took part in a short structured interview to explore their views on smoking cessation. For part (2), participants were asked to set a quit date within the next week, carry a mobile phone and participate in six telephone counselling sessions within 2 weeks  (1) a range of were identified, including lack of access to a working telephone, a high number of household moves and lack of transportation. Participants were more interested in receiving telephone support via a free mobile phone than other forms of intervention (i.e. a home visit). In (2), 64.5% (n = 20) of eligible patients took part. 19 of the 20 patients completed the 2-week programme, all made a quit attempt and point prevalence quit rate at 2 weeks was 75% 
McDaniel et al.33
Cohort study
A non-probability sample of 110 female smokers aged 18–71 recruited from 228 eligible women approached in a neighbourhood community health centre  To design and test a computer-mediated smoking cessation programme for inner-city women aimed at motivating readiness to quit  A computer-based programme designed to deliver tailored-smoking cessation messages navigated by a touch screen monitor. The programme adapted to data entered by user and guided them through first three steps in stages of change model, and provided health and motivational messages. Women were observed using the programme, women then completed a usability survey. Feedback and development of programme were ongoing  All subjects completed the programme. Patient satisfaction with the usability of the programme was high. After programme, participants reported significant decrease in favourable attitudes towards smoking, but no significant difference in negative perceptions of smoking. Overall, 15% of participants progressed at least one stage of change after completing the programme (P < 0.001). Information technology has potential for delivering brief smoking cessation intervention for low-income women in primary care 
Milch et al.25
Cluster-controlled trial (not randomized)
644 smokers attending a primary care practice based in an urban teaching hospital in the USA  To assess the effectiveness of two brief interventions on screening for smoking, physician service advice and patient smoking cessation outcomes  Prospective, group allocation controlled trial examining two interventions to identify smoking status. The ‘minimal’ intervention was the vital sign stamp developed by Fiore. The ‘enhanced’ was a smoking assessment questionnaire consisting of six questions  Smoking status was documented in 86, 91 and 49% (P < 0.001) of the minimal, enhanced and control teams, respectively. Cessation advice was provided in 38, 47 and 30% (P < 0.014) of cases. Self-reported cessation was higher for the enhanced team (12%) compared with the minimal (2%) and control (4%) teams (P < 0.001) 
Okuyemi et al.32
Double blind, placebo controlled RCT
The study was conducted in an urban community-based clinic serving predominantly low-income African–American patients in 2003–04.1933 individuals were screened, 1012 (52%) were considered eligible, of which 755 (75%) were enrolled  The study evaluates the effectiveness of Kick it at Swope II (KIS-II), a smoking cessation clinical trial testing the efficacy of nicotine gum and counselling among African–American light smokers  Four treatment groups, all 8-week duration: T1: placebo gum + six health education (HE) sessions, T2: placebo gum + six motivational interviews (MI), T3: nicotine gum + six HE sessions, T4: nicotine gum + six MI session. All participants also received a culturally-sensitive smoking cessation guide  When given the opportunity African–American light smokers will enrol in interventions to help them quit smoking 
Perry et al.24
Descriptive study
Smokers in Wisconsin, USA, accessing the Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line between 2003 and 2004 who were referred via ‘Fax to Quit’  To examine the extent to which a fax referral system to the state telephone quit line has been adopted by health-care providers in the state  A referral by fax for a smoker interested in quitting presenting to any health-care professional, to the quit line. Contact is then made proactively by the quit line, who phone the smoker within 48 hours  More than 470 sites have joined Fax to Quit. Starting in 2004, approximately 30% of 12 000 calls received each year by the quit line came via Fax to Quit. Authors argue that fax intervention is more cost-effective and sustainable than paid media. The programme was embraced by health-care professionals 
Prochaska et al.26
A random digit-dialling procedure was used to identify a representative sample of smokers in three distinct geographic areas in Rhode Island. 4144 smokers agreed to participate in the study (80% of smokers)  Is a population based recruitment approach combined with a stage-based expert system for smoking cessation effective?  Subjects were randomly assigned to an Expert System (ES) intervention or an Assessment Only (AS) condition. Those in ES were mailed intervention materials, including the baseline feedback report and stage matched self-help manuals  25% abstinence was seen at 24-months follow-up. There was significant differences between intervention and control point prevalence at every follow-up. A stage effect was seen—where those who started further along in the stages of change model moved further through the model in both groups than those initially at an earlier stage 
Schorling et al.30
Ecological (population) study
648 smokers from 535 households were personally interviewed, identified from two demographically similar communities in Virginia USA
Buckingham County—intervention community, 39% African–American, Louisa County—control community, 26% African–American 
To describe the philosophy and initial organizational efforts used to develop the smoking control project, the development and implementation of the interventions, the results of the baseline survey and the initial results after the programmes have been in place for 18 months  Up to two smoking cessation counsellors were trained from participating churches
Smoking cessation devotional booklets were distributed through the churches, county wide Gospel Quit nights were held every 6 months and a county wide smoking cessation contest is held annually 
Smoking cessation rate in the intervention community was 9.6% compared with 6.2% in the control community. Among those followed up who attended church once a month or more, rates were 1.5 and 5.8%, respectively and 8.8 and 6.4%, respectively for those who attended less frequently
Using an intention to treat basis, quit rates were 6.7% in the intervention community and 4.3% in the control community 
Tillgren et al.27
Observational study
238 women with at least one child aged 0–6 years living in the South–West Medical Care District in Stockholm County, Sweden in 1995–96  What is the impact of direct mail as a method to recruit smoking mothers into a ‘Quit and Win’ contest?  A brief motivational letter was sent out, to encourage women to remain smoke-free. First invited to a get together 6 weeks after quitting. Additional support on two other occasions when given opportunity to contact a hotline employing trained cessation counsellors  At 12-month follow-up, 14.3% (n = 34) were still smoke free. Among women recruited by direct mail (n = 28) 15.1% were smoke-free compared with 11.5% of those recruited through the other two strategies (personal communication and local newspapers) (n = 6) 
Turner et al.31
Controlled before and after study
Female smokers (high school education or less) in Chicago metropolitan area in autumn 1993  What are the effectiveness of a reading manual and a series of televised programmes in increasing women's readiness for smoking cessation?  Three stages to intervention: (i) Motivational component—televised commercial advertisements, (ii) Registration component—promotional spots aired on local TV, inviting women to call a toll-free no. to receive free information about quitting. A random sample of eligible women were called and asked to complete a brief baseline telephone survey and (iii) Cessation intervention—10 televised segments featuring four women who had quit during the registration period. Great American Smokeout occurred on day 6 of series and was designated as quit date for those ready to quit  1026 registrants reported receiving the manual, of 64.5% reported that the manual led to a quit attempt, although only 10.5% said the manual helped them to actually quit. 58% of registrants reported having seen none of the television segments. 68.4% of these indicated it led to a quit attempt, 10% reported helped them quit 
Vidrine et al.38
684 consecutive HIV+ patients screened, 206 self-reported eligible HIV-positive patients, of which 137 consented and 95 enrolled in the study (48 intervention, 47 usual care) in 2004 in Texas, USA  What is the efficacy of an innovative smoking cessation intervention using a cellular phone with a multiethnic disadvantaged HIV positive population?  For recommended standard of care (RSOC), advice to quit, assistance in setting quit date, 10-week supply of NRT, personalized quit plan, self-help leaflet and tip sheet tailored to HIV + smokers. The cell phone intervention (CPI) group received RSOC plus a prepaid phone, eight proactive tailored counselling calls and a hotline number  Three-month follow-up—79% for CPI and 83% for RSOC (ns). 81% of the CPI group completed six or more the eight scheduled counselling sessions. Using an intent to treat analysis, point prevalence abstinence (not smoking during 24 hour prior to assessment) at 3 months was 29.2% in the CPI group compared with 8.5% in the RSOC group (P = 0.040). Sustained abstinence (not smoking during the 7 days prior to assessment) at 3 months was 16.7% in the CPI group compared with 6.4% in the RSOC group (P = 0.283) 

NRT, nicotine replacement therapy; RCT, randomized controlled trial; CHD, coronary heart disease; NHS, National Health Service; GP, general physician; QOF, Quality and Outcomes Framework; NHS SSS, NHS stop-smoking services.


The initial search produced 7842 international articles from which 46 UK and 44 international articles appeared potentially relevant and were read in full. Of these, 23 UK and 25 international articles met the inclusion criteria for the review, with a further 15 papers being used to inform the context of the review.

Role of NHS stop-smoking services

Two observational studies [++]18,19 demonstrated that the NHS stop-smoking services have been effective in reaching smokers living in disadvantaged areas of England. One study [++]18 showed that services in 19 Primary Care Trust areas in England were accessed by a higher proportion of smokers from deprived postcode areas than more affluent areas, and a second study [++]19 employing similar methods produced the same finding when examining data from services in the north west region of England.

Role of incentives in primary care

Two observational studies from the UK examined the impact of the ‘General Physician's (GP) contract’ (in particular, the Quality and Outcomes Framework, QOF) which includes targets, relating to additional income for GPs, for determining smoking status and recording brief smoking cessation advice for patients with some illnesses. One study [++]20 suggested that the QOF component of the 2004 GP contract may have continued, rather than reversed, differences in the quality of care delivered between primary-care practices in deprived and less-deprived areas. The second study [++]21 suggested that the new 2004 GP contract had resulted in an improvement in the recording of smoking status and the recording of the delivery of brief cessation advice in primary care, but not the prescribing of smoking cessation medication.

Proactive identification of smokers and recruitment into treatment

One cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) in the UK [++]22 found that proactively identifying smokers through primary care records was feasible, and providing these smokers with brief advice and referral to NHS stop-smoking services increased contact with services and quit attempts but did not increase rates of cessation. One observational study [−],23 one descriptive study [−],24 one cluster-controlled trial [+]25 and one RCT [+]26 (all conducted in the USA) demonstrated that proactively identifying smokers in a number of ways, for example, through primary care, using a screening tool or through cold calling, is possible and that these provide an effective way of recruiting smokers to cessation interventions. One observational study in Sweden [+]27 demonstrated that direct mail to smoking mothers can be successful in increasing both participation in smoking-cessation programmes and quit rates. The evidence for these methods affecting quit rates was, however, mixed and only one of the studies specifically focused on disadvantaged smokers.

Utilization of social marketing techniques

Evidence from four studies suggested that social marketing has a role to play in delivering client-centred approaches to smoking cessation in disadvantaged groups (one UK-based observational study [−],28 one US RCT [+],29 one US population-based study [+]30 and one US controlled before and after study [−]31). A variety of approaches were employed including media campaigns, community outreach, cessation materials, quiz nights and the outcomes varied from calls to quit lines, changes in readiness to stop smoking or quit rates.

Tailoring interventions to populations

Two US studies suggest the need to test existing cessation interventions to determine their suitability for the specific group, to receive feedback from that group and to make amendments to any aspects that are unsuitable. In order for the client group to benefit, the intervention must fit their level of need and understanding, and be suitably accessible (one RCT [++],32 and one cohort study [−]33).

Combining cessation interventions with other approaches

Seven studies were identified which illustrated the value of recruiting smokers who are attending non-smoking-related appointments in a variety of health-care settings, into cessation interventions. All these studies included other health-care interventions (such as screening appointments)—the review did not identify any studies that explored the effectiveness of combining smoking cessation interventions with other services in non-health care settings. One RCT in the UK [++]34 found little evidence for a change in smoking behaviour. However, two RCTs in the UK [+]35 and [−],36 two US RCTs [+],37,38 one observational US study [+]39 and one US cohort study [+]40 found some evidence for a potential benefit of combining smoking cessation interventions with other health-care services.

Exploring barriers to services

The review identified a number of studies that explored smokers' views about accessing support to quit. Two UK qualitative studies [++]12,41 provided evidence to suggest that barriers such as fear of being judged, fear of failure and lack of knowledge need to be tackled in order to motivate smokers from lower socioeconomic groups to access cessation services. Interventions need to be multidimensional in order to tackle social and psychological barriers to quitting as well as dealing with the physiological addiction.

Basing smoking cessation services in pharmacies

Evidence from one UK systematic review and two other studies indicated that smoking cessation interventions can be successfully delivered in a pharmacy setting. These studies also provide preliminary evidence that pharmacy-based support has the potential to reach a large number of smokers, including those in disadvantaged areas due to the accessibility of pharmacy venues (one UK systematic review comprising two RCTs and three non-randomized experimental studies [++],42 one UK observational study [++]43 and one US pilot study [+]44).

Basing smoking cessation services in dental settings

Three reviews found evidence that training dental professionals to deliver smoking cessation interventions is important, and this setting has the potential to reach large numbers of smokers and increase cessation rates (one international systematic review comprising six RCTs from the USA [−],45 one UK review of mixed study designs [−]46 and one international review of seven RCTs in the US [+]47).

Work-based cessation activities

One USA cohort study [+]48 provided evidence of the potential benefit of basing smoking-cessation services in the workplace of manual groups to increase cessation rates.

Adapting interventions to facilitate access

Three UK studies [−]49–51provided limited evidence of the potential benefits of adapting smoking cessation interventions to increase access. Two studies found some evidence that a service which uses lay advisors and a drop-in system, so that clients do not need to pre-book appointments, was valued, acceptable to clients and in some cases increased recruitment and quit rates.

Other incentive schemes

An review [+]52 of 17 studies (conducted worldwide) of population based smoking cessation interventions that used a range of incentives found that larger incentives were more effective both in improving recruitment and cessation. The review included studies of mixed designs, and did not discuss the socioeconomic characteristics of participants.

A UK cohort study [+]53 which proactively identified smokers from deprived areas and offered subsidized nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) found some evidence for an increase in quit rates, as well as a reduction in consumption. Two US cohort studies [+]54,55 of free NRT for helpline callers provided evidence for an increase in the number of calls, and some evidence in one study of greater quit rates. One US RCT [+]56 of workplace smoking-cessation programmes and incentives found that the latter increased participation but not cessation.


Main findings of this study

This review examined a diverse range of studies and found some evidence of effective means of proactively identifying and recruiting disadvantaged smokers into smoking cessation services, and of improving access to these services.

There is evidence to suggest that NHS stop-smoking services have been successful in reaching smokers living in more disadvantaged areas of the UK and supporting them to set a quit date. This is an important finding and since these studies were published services have begun to use similar approaches, such as ‘health equity audits’ to examine their own client data in order to identify the extent to which they are making contact with disadvantaged groups.57 There is limited, mixed evidence concerning the role of incentives in primary care to provide smoking cessation support and what evidence exists suggests that the QOF has not led to an improvement in standardizing care delivered between general practices in deprived and less deprived areas or the prescribing of smoking cessation medication. Aside from incentives, however, primary care does offer an opportunity for smokers to be proactively identified and targeted for smoking-cessation interventions. There seems to be a potential benefit of this approach, although the evidence for the effect on disadvantaged smokers and overall quit rates is limited and needs further investigation.

The utilization of social marketing techniques and tailoring interventions to populations to make the approach more ‘client-centred’ have both been suggested to play a role in making smoking cessation interventions more relevant to the needs of the individual smoker and thus more effective, although the evidence is again limited. Likewise, combining smoking cessation interventions with other interventions shows promise for improving effectiveness, although evidence is limited to other health-care interventions and has not examined the effect of combining smoking-cessation interventions with other non-healthcare services.

Although limited, there is evidence to suggest that barriers to accessing services are an important factor for smokers attempting to quit, particularly in lower socioeconomic groups and an intervention which addresses social and psychological barriers to quitting is important in this group. Pharmacies and dental settings are potentially a useful way to reach a wide variety of smokers as they provide access to trained health professionals without a pre-booked appointment. Only one study was identified which looked at work-based cessation activities, it provided evidence of a potential benefit of this approach in manual groups. Studies looking at adapting interventions to increase access found that this approach was valued and acceptable to clients and may have a positive effect on quit rates. A variety of incentive schemes designed to motivate smokers to make a quit attempt or engage with smoking cessation support were shown to have a potential benefit in both increasing recruitment to smoking-cessation services and improving quit rates.

Limitations of this study

The evidence that was identified in this review was mixed. Studies employed a range of research designs which often had poorly specified outcomes. Whereas, conclusions from a systematic review will usually rely on evidence from research employing a controlled design, much of the evidence included in this review was drawn from observational studies and thus clear comparisons could not be made between interventions. The quality of the evidence was often poor and/or not presented in a way that allowed clear statements to be made about its applicability to the UK context and the NHS. Many studies did not examine disadvantaged smokers in particular, frequently failing to analyse socioeconomic data, although they were often collected and reported at baseline. In addition, there were not enough studies looking at specific sub-groups within ‘disadvantaged groups’ such as different minority ethnic groups. These omissions made it exceedingly difficult to state with any confidence how different interventions affect different groups. A large number of papers were therefore included that did not directly address the research questions with disadvantaged smokers but rather with smokers in general, in order to try to identify strategies which could be tested with disadvantaged smokers in the future. Consequently, much of the evidence may only be seen as examples of promising practice rather than proof of the effectiveness of an intervention.

What is already known on this topic?

Smoking prevalence is higher among disadvantaged smokers. NHS stop-smoking services have been successful in reaching smokers living in disadvantaged areas58 but quit attempts are less likely to be successful in this group than more affluent groups.59,60

What this study adds?

This is the first review of evidence relating to the effectiveness of finding and supporting adults and providing and improving access to smoking-cessation services in disadvantaged groups. The results from this review suggest that there is a limited body of evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the rates of premature death in disadvantaged areas through proactive case finding, retention and access to services. However, some interventions are promising and merit further research. The review found a lack of reporting of socioeconomic data both at baseline and in the reporting of results. This made it difficult to draw firm conclusions for subgroups of smokers, rather than smokers in general, in this review. However, it is clearly an important priority for future research that there should be greater attention to disaggregated data collection, reporting and analysis. This is essential in order to learn more in the future about how smoking cessation interventions can help to reduce death rates in those communities where tobacco has taken its highest toll.


The review was funded by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.




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Socio-economic inequalities in smoking: an examination of generational trends in Great Britain


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Social inequalities in male mortality, and in male mortality from smoking: indirect estimation from national death rates in England and Wales, Poland, and North America





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Assessing the impact of smoking cessation services on reducing health inequalities in England


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A White Paper on Tobacco




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Leading the Way: Smoking Cessation Services in Health Action Zones



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Smoking cessation guidelines for health professionals: an update





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Targeting smokers in priority groups: the influence of government targets and policy statements





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‘I came back here and started smoking again’: perceptions and experiences of quitting among disadvantaged smokers


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Social patterning of individual health behaviours: the case of cigarette smoking


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Reducing the rate of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease and other smoking-related diseases: finding and supporting those most at risk and improving access to services


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How effective are the English smoking treatment services in reaching disadvantaged smokers?





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Smoking cessation services are reducing inequalities


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Deprivation and quality of primary care services: evidence for persistence of the inverse care law from the UK Quality and Outcomes Framework


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Impact of contractual financial incentives on the ascertainment and management of smoking in primary care





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The effect of proactively identifying smokers and offering smoking cessation support in primary care populations: a cluster-randomized trial





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The feasibility of connecting physician offices to a state-level tobacco quit line


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Fax to quit: a model for delivery of tobacco cessation services to Wisconsin residents





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Smoking cessation in primary care: a clinical effectiveness trial of two simple interventions


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Evaluating a population-based recruitment approach and a stage-based expert system intervention for smoking cessation


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Impact of direct mail as a method to recruit smoking mothers into a “quit and win” contest


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Cost-effectiveness of a community anti-smoking campaign targeted at a high risk group in London


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Quit Today! A targeted communications campaign to increase use of the cancer information service by African American smokers


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A trial of church-based smoking cessation interventions for rural African Americans


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Examining the effectiveness of a community-based self-help program to increase women's readiness for smoking cessation


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Baseline characteristics and recruitment strategies in a randomized clinical trial of African-American light smokers


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Design and testing of an interactive smoking cessation intervention for inner-city women


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Secondary prevention in coronary heart disease: baseline survey of provision in general practice


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Brief smoking cessation advice from practice nurses during routine cervical smear tests appointments: a cluster randomised controlled trial assessing feasibility, acceptability and potential effectiveness


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Increasing readiness to stop smoking in women undergoing cervical screening: evaluation of two leaflets


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Pediatric-based smoking cessation intervention for low-income women: a randomized trial


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A randomized trial of a proactive cellular telephone intervention for smokers living with HIV/AIDS





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Increasing access to smoking cessation treatment in a low-income, HIV-positive population: the feasibility of using cellular telephones


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Do behavioral smoking reduction approaches reach more or different smokers? Two studies; similar answers


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Barriers and motivators to gaining access to smoking cessation services amongst deprived smokers—a qualitative study


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Systematic review of the effectiveness of community pharmacy-based interventions to reduce risk behaviours and risk factors for coronary heart disease


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Tackling Smoking in Glasgow: Final Report




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Pilot study of enhanced tobacco-cessation services coverage for low-income smokers


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Interventions for tobacco cessation in the dental setting


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Evaluation of tobacco use cessation (TUC) counselling in the dental office


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Tobacco cessation in dental settings: research findings and future directions


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Results of a union-based smoking cessation intervention for apprentice iron workers (United States)


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The Roy Castle fag ends stop smoking service: a successful client-led approach to smoking cessation


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One size fits all? A process evaluation—the turn of the ‘story’ in smoking cessation


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The challenge of combining lay knowledge with evidence-based practice in health promotion: fag ends smoking cessation service


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The use and impact of incentives in population-based smoking cessation programs: a review


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What happens when GPs proactively prescribe NRT patches in a disadvantaged community


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Increased reach and effectiveness of a statewide tobacco quitline after the addition of access to free nicotine replacement therapy


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Giving away free nicotine medications and a cigarette substitute (Better Quit) to promote calls to a quitline


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The SUCCESS project: the effect of program format and incentives on participation and cessation in worksite smoking cessation programs


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South Gloucestershire PCT


Smoking Cessation Service: Health Equity Audit




South Gloucestershire PCT


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Are NHS Stop Smoking Services Reducing Inequalities in the North East of England?




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The English smoking treatment services: one-year outcomes





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The English smoking treatment services: short-term outcomes





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Suppl. 2






© The Author 2009, Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Faculty of Public Health. All rights reserved

© The Author 2009, Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Faculty of Public Health. All rights reserved

What is a community needs assessment?

A community needs assessment identifies the strengths and resources available in the community to meet the needs of children, youth, and families. The assessment focuses on the capabilities of the community, including its citizens, agencies, and organizations.

Which type of secondary data is essential in a community assessment?

Which type of secondary data is essential in a community assessment? Sociodemographic data is essential because they best describe the population. Census data provides numbers of people and households in a community, information related to age, gender, marital status, occupation, income, education, and race/ethnicity.

What are the reasons why you need to conduct community needs assessment?

Doing a Community Needs Assessment.
help to establish program priorities, objectives, and goals..
help prioritize which education and outreach services to conduct with a priority population..
improve a health center's quality of care..

What are the community needs?

Community needs are gaps between what services currently exist in a community and what should exist. It may be helpful to categorize gaps based on these four types of community needs— perceived needs, expressed needs, absolute needs, and relative needs.