Apple Music playlist empty

Apple music empty playlist?


Recently, one of my Playlist of music from Apple has been erased. On all of my devices.

I lost a bit of music... It comes "online only" music to Apple, so no recovery on an iPhone Mac og...

The songs of the playlist is stille in 'my music', but not on the playlist...

Is in any way to recover a lost online reading list? or is it just bad?


Fixed... Found the songs under 'my music' and added 'date added' Playlist is now restored


Tags: Apple Music

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    Hi, tabby1008!

    Thanks a lot for the use of Community Support from Apple! After reading your post, I understand that when you listen to music from Apple, one song keeps repeating instead of skip to the next track, when it finishes. I wouldn't listen to the same song over and over again when Apple's music catalog is so big, so I'm happy to help you!

    First of all, check that the "repeat" feature is not enabled. The following article gives some information about the feature 'repeat' and what to look for.

    Use of music music Apple in the app

    The "Shuffle and repeat your music" section provides this information:

    Shuffle or repeat your music

    Press on

    Apple Music playlist empty
    at the bottom of the playback screen to mix songs in a playlist or album.Alternatively, you can ask Siri to scramble your music.


    Apple Music playlist empty
    once to play entire playlist or album looped or twice to repeat a song.

    When activated, the icon for a repetition will be "BOLD". If this is the case, type just the icon to activate the recurrence at the wide.The next page of this article will show you where these buttons:

    Apple Music playlist empty

    If the repeat function is turned off, try closing the music app using the steps described in the article below.

    Force a nearby application on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

    Once the music app is closed, press the icon to open it again and then try to play your songs. If one is always repeat, restart the device. Instructions on the way can be found in the following article.

    Restart your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

    Good listening!

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    No, my music using Apple music or iTunes game. You should be able to access your media purchased on the device without using the playlists, or playlists on your Mac when iTunes is running via the use of computers on the Apple TV.


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    Hello lavatomy,

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

    I understand that updating playlists of music on iTunes on your computer and are not updated on your iPhone. This indicates that your music library to iCloud may be disabled on one of your devices. Please make sure that this option is enabled in both iTunes on your computer and your iPhone.

    Music Apple Sync on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and your computer

    See you soon.

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    Thank you.

    Unless you specifically tell iTunes to store your music locally for offline use, you should not have storage issues. iTunes can be temporarily store music you played in its cache, so it will not re - download if you want to hear again, but it's not something you can manage. If another process on your phone actually needs that space, iTunes clears the cache data and free space.

    Unless you actually have a problem, just let it do its thing and stay away.

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    You cannot synchronize in usb or wifi if you subscribe to the Apple's music. The basic principle of the AM is that your iTunes library is scanned to determine what can be matched or must be downloaded. Once completed, all the music you will be available to listen to or download on your iOS device.


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    I'm on an iPhone 6 and 10.9 OS using the latest version of iTunes.

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    How to restore all these songs on my iPhone?

    I have already activated my iCloud library once again and the music Apple but not luck!

    On your iPhone, tap Settings > iTunes and App Store > (your Apple ID) then click on logout and restart your iPhone and go back and reconnect.

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    Hello Caesarion,

    I know how important getting your music on your iPhone is to you!

    I would start by making sure Apple music and iCloud music library are enabled in settings > music, as these two are needed to display all of your music, not only Apple music. Here is more information on the operation of Apple's music and iCloud music library .

    Thank you for using communities Support from Apple.

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    and a workaround to disable iCloud temporarily so that you can sync using iTunes -

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    2. During the backup of the source (external drive, Time Machine backup folder), I copied the iTunes folder and...
    3. .. .pasted in the Home/Music folder on destination macbook pro
    4. Once the files have been copied, I opened iTunes, but no music was there, apart from purchased iTunes music. No playlists.
    5. I have read the thread replies
    6. ITunes started while hold down alt/option to choose the library; Music/iTunes open on destination mac; selected iTunes Library.itl and click on it to open it. Still no music or playlists of this folder.

    I see all the music files in the new iTunes folder that I copied from a backup. A reflection as to why they are not displayed?

    Try the empty/corrupted after upgrade/crash iTunes library.


  • Any iTunes library appears in Apple music

    Forgive me for being prolific; I'm going to do my best to explain the problem I have. I just downloaded the beta version of iOS 10 and now my iTunes library all - playlists, artists, songs, everything - no appears in the library of my phone in the music app as my music that I have synced my Apple account. (Isn't that what iTunes game is - how can I get that free?)

    Point is - I don't want to do. I don't want to disable iCloud music library in the middle because then I lose everything I've already put in music Apple but also and especially because I'm not in a position to have a library with Apple music if iCloud music library has been disabled.

    Basically: I want my iTunes library and the library of my phone to be remain separate while "iCloud music library" on in the settings. I know this is possible because I believe that I had this problem once before and solved. After that, I had been months go without a problem (until I downloaded the beta version). Once again, since I have had this same problem once before and resolved I don't think it's because I use a beta iOS. For some reason any installation of the beta version only seems to have caused the problem to recur.

    Thank you in advance for help you!

    (1) you are not supposed to ask questions about the beta on open forums software. See the document to which you agreed on beta support.

    (2) music Apple includes a version of the game. Now uses a sound library centralized in iCloud.

    I can't deal with your specific problem because I do not use music from Apple. You may need to disable iCloud in the iTunes preferences? If the installation of the OS x software caused this he may have returned to the default settings. Install OSX should not affect your mobile directly.

  • 9.3.2 iOS doesn't let me play my music and playlists. I simply press the icon of the song or playlist and it blocks the entire application

    I went into my music and tried to watch my playlists but right as I clicked it the whole app just crashes, even with just clicking on my songs. And they never load completely. My phone had a lot of problems and it is fairly new but Apple just says it's perfectly fine.

    Hi Grayhmm,

    I understand you encounter some problems of access to your content to Apple's music using the music app on your iPhone. I know it's important to have reliable access to your members of Apple's music! I want to make a few suggestions that can help you.

    Given that you have noticed the music app if crush, I recommend you restart your iPhone first. Once you have restarted the unit, open the music application and see if you still notice any problems.

    If the problem persists after restarting the iPhone, try to connect to your Apple ID in settings > iTunes and App Store. This will you sign out of your account Apple music and will remove all content you have saved on your device for offline listening. To do this, go to settings > iTunes and App Store and tap your Apple ID at the top of this page. Choose the option to disconnect, then connect you to the back using your Apple ID and password. Once you have signed in, open the music application and see if you continue to note any problems.

    Take care!

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