Bài tập mệnh đề trạng ngữ lớp 9

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I/ Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

1. he is tired, he can’t work longer.A. BecauseB. Even thoughC. AlthoughD. Besides2. it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.A. IfB. SinceC. AlthoughD. Because3. it was late, we decided to take a taxi home.A. BecauseB. SinceC. Because ofD. Although4. you subtract 7 from 12, you will have 5.A. BecauseB. IfC. ThoughD. As5. We couldn’t reach the house the road was flooded.A. becauseB. because ofC. ifD. though6. he has a headache, he has to take an aspirin.A. Because B. Because ofC. AlthoughD. In spite of 7. The flight had to be delayed the bad weather.A. becauseB. Because ofC. despiteD. when8. he comes to the theater with me, I shall go alone.A. Because ofB. BecauseC. UnlessD. When9. Take a map with you you lose your way.A. soB. becauseC. althoughD. in case10. rain or snow, there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games.A. Even thoughB. BecauseC. DespiteD. Because of 11. his illness, he had to cancel the appointment.A. HoweverB. DespiteC. IfD. Because of 12. Minh had a terrible headache. , he went to school.A. HoweverB. ButC. AlthoughD. Because13. Tom has a bike, he always walks to school.A. butB. because ofC. becauseD. despite14. My sister will take the plane she dislikes flying.A. becauseB. so thatC. althoughD. before15. We decided to leave the party early it was boring.A. due toB. becauseC. butD. and16. The students arrived late the traffic jam.A. becauseB. owing toC. despiteD. so17. he missed the first bus, he came ten minutes late.A. SinceB. AlthoughC. HoweverD. Therefore18. his physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman.A. In spite ofB. Because ofC. IfD. Although19. It was difficult to deliver the letter the sender had written the wrong address onthe envelope.A. thoughB. butC. soD. because20. it rained heavily, I went to school on time.A. HoweverB. ButC. AlthoughD. Because21. He didn’t answer the questions correctly _______.A. although he isn’t intelligentB. because he is intelligentC. in spite of his intelligence D. despite his intelligent

22. ______, I can’t hear what he is saying.A. Because of the noise B. Because of the soft musicC. Though the music is noise D. In spite of the noise music23. _____, I feel very refresh.A. Because I work very hardB. Although I get up earlyC. Because of getting up earlyD. Despite getting up late24. They live happily ______.A. because they have no moneyB. though they are richC. in spite of their poverty D. because of their poor 25. He can’t join in the volunteer campaign _______.A. although he is busyB. because he hurts his legsC. in spite of working very hardD. because of registering for it26. Though he drove carefully, he had an accident yesterday.A. Despite his carelessness, he had an accident yesterday.B. Despite he drove carefully, he had an accident yesterday.C. In spite of driving carefully, he had an accident yesterday.D. In spite of a careful drive, he had an accident yesterday.27. He was very tired but he kept on working.A. Despite very tired, he kept on working.B. Though his tiredness, he kept on working.C. Although he was very tired, but he kept on working.D. He kept on working although he was very tired.28. Although it rained heavily, they went on working.A. In spite of the rain heavily, they went on working.B. In spite of the raining heavily, they went on working.C. Despite the heavy rain, they went on working.D. Though the fact that it rained heavily, they went on working.29. Cars cause pollution but people still want them.A. Because cars cause pollution, people want them.B. Despite the fact that cars cause pollution, people want them.C. Cars cause pollution although people want them.D. Cars cause pollution because people still want them.30. She was seriously ill but she enjoyed life very much.A. In spite of her serious illness, she enjoyed life very much.B. Although she enjoyed life very much, she was seriously ill.C. She was seriously ill because she enjoyed life very much.D. Despite seriously ill, she enjoyed life very much.


Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting:

31. My friends advised her to stop doing the housework because her old age.A B C D32. Because the invention of machines such as vacuum cleaners, washing machines,A Bwomen spend less time doing the housework.C D33. John didn’t go to work because of he was seriously ill.A B CD34. In spite of my father is old, he still goes to work.A B C D

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Bài tập mệnh đề trạng ngữ lớp 9