Commit to memory nghĩa là gì

Idiom[s]: commit sth to memory


to memorize something.• We all committed the Gettysburg Address to memory.• I committed to memory the whole list of names and numbers. Idiom[s]: commit sth to memory


to memorize something.• We all committed the Gettysburg Address to memory.• I committed to memory the whole list of names and numbers.

commit to memory Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

commit to memory

commit to memory
Learn by heart, memorize, as in The director insisted that the altos commit their part to memory by Tuesday. First recorded in 1875, this phrase today is often replaced by the shorter memorize.

commit [something] to memory

To make an effort to learn something; to memorize something. Everyone in our English class had to commit a poem to memory and then recite it before the class. I just can't seem to commit your phone number to memory!Learn more: commit, memory

commit something to memory

to memorize something. Do we have to commit this poem to memory? The dress rehearsal of the play is tomorrow night. Please make sure you have committed all your lines to memory by that time.Learn more: commit, memory

commit to memory

Learn by heart, memorize, as in The director insisted that the altos commit their part to memory by Tuesday. First recorded in 1875, this phrase today is often replaced by the shorter memorize. Learn more: commit, memory
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commit [something] to memory Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

a memory like an elephant

have an excellent memory: "She won't forget, you know. She has a memory like an elephant."

commit sth to memory

Idiom[s]: commit sth to memory


to memorize something.
• We all committed the Gettysburg Address to memory.
• I committed to memory the whole list of names and numbers.

commit to memory

commit to memory
Learn by heart, memorize, as in The director insisted that the altos commit their part to memory by Tuesday. First recorded in 1875, this phrase today is often replaced by the shorter memorize.

if my memory serves me correctly

if I can remember well, if I have a good memory Your name is Jose - if my memory serves me correctly.

in memory of

as a reminder of, as a memorial to We decided to put our money together and buy a painting in memory of our grandfather.

in memory of|in memory|memory

prep. As something that makes people remember [a person or thing]; as a reminder of; as a memorial to. The building was named Ford Hall in memory of a man named James Ford. Many special ceremonies are in memory of famous men.

Jog my memory

If you jog someone's memory, you say words that will help someone trying to remember a thought, event, word, phrase, experience, etc.

jog your memory

do or say something to help you remember This photo of your dog may jog your memories of the old days.

know sth from memory

Idiom[s]: know sth from memory


to have memorized something so that one does not have to consult a written version; to know something well from seeing it very often.
• Mary didn't need the script because she knew the play from memory.
• The conductor went through the entire concert without music. He knew it from memory.


see commit to memory; in memory of.

Memory like a sieve

If somebody can't retain things for long in his or her memory and quickly forgets, he or she has a memory like a sieve. A sieve has lots of tiny holes in it to let liquids out while keeping the solids inside.

Memory like an elephant

'An elephant never forgets' is a saying, so if a person has a memory like an elephant, he or she has a very good memory indeed.

Stroll down memory lane

If you take a stroll down memory lane, you talk about the past or revisit places that were important to you in the past. [You can also 'take a trip down memory lane'.]

commit [cái gì đó] vào bộ nhớ

Để nỗ lực học điều gì đó; để ghi nhớ một cái gì đó. Mọi người trong lớp tiếng Anh của chúng tôi phải làm một bài thơ để ghi nhớ và sau đó đọc lại nó trước lớp. Tôi dường như không thể ghi số điện thoại của bạn vào bộ nhớ !. Xem thêm: commit, memory

commit something to memory

để ghi nhớ một cái gì đó. Chúng ta có phải cam kết bài thơ này để ghi nhớ? Buổi diễn tập trang phục của vở kịch sẽ diễn ra vào tối mai. Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn đã cam kết tất cả các dòng của bạn vào bộ nhớ đến thời điểm đó .. Xem thêm: cam kết, bộ nhớ

cam kết vào bộ nhớ

Học thuộc lòng, ghi nhớ, như trong đạo diễn nhấn mạnh rằng các altos cam kết phần của họ bộ nhớ của thứ ba. Được ghi lại lần đầu tiên vào năm 1875, cụm từ này ngày nay thường được thay thế bằng cụm từ ghi nhớ ngắn hơn. . Xem thêm: cam kết, bộ nhớ. Xem thêm:

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