Microsoft Lists delete column

How to Remove a Column from SharePoint List using PowerShell?

January 5, 2022 5 Comments delete a column from sharepoint list, delete column from sharepoint list powershell, how to remove column from sharepoint list, sharepoint list delete column

Problem: The user has created a calculated column with an error in its formula! That caused the list view web part to crash! Couldnt remove the column from the SharePoint list using web UI.

How to delete a Column from SharePoint List?

From SharePoint Web UI, to remove a field from a list or library, follow these steps:

  • Browse to the List or Library in which you want to remove the column. Click on the List or Library tab.
  • Click on List Settings / Library Settings from the Ribbon.
  • From the List Settings page, Under the Columns section, click on the name of the column that you wish to delete.
    Microsoft Lists delete column
  • Scroll down to the bottom and then click on Delete button. Confirm the prompt.

PowerShell script to delete the column from SharePoint list

Here is the PowerShell to remove a column from the list:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Variables $SiteURL="" $ListName="Change Request" $ColumnName="Activity Status" #Get Internal Name of the columns $web = Get-SPWeb $SiteURL #Get the list $list = $web.Lists.TryGetList($ListName) if($List -ne $null) { #Get the column $column = $list.Fields[$ColumnName] if($column -ne $null) { #Reset column properties to allow delete $column.Hidden = $false $column.ReadOnlyField = $false $column.AllowDeletion = $true $column.Update() #delete column in sharepoint list $list.Fields.Delete($column) write-host "Column has been deleted!" -f Green } else { write-host "Specified column name not found!" -ForegroundColor Red } }

Bulk remove columns from SharePoint list using PowerShell:

To make it reusable, lets wrap the code inside a function and call, to bulk delete columns from the SharePoint list.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Custom Function to delete a column with PowerShell Function Remove-Column($WebURL, $ListName, $ColumnName) { #Get Internal Name of the columns $web = Get-SPWeb $WebURL #Get the list $list = $web.Lists.TryGetList($ListName) if($List -ne $null) { #Get the column $column = $list.Fields[$ColumnName] if($column -ne $null) { #Reset column properties to allow delete $column.Hidden = $false $column.ReadOnlyField = $false $column.AllowDeletion = $true $column.Update() #Delete the column from list $list.Fields.Delete($column) write-host "Column '$ColumnName' has been deleted!" -f Green } else { write-host "Specified column name not found!" -ForegroundColor Red } } else { write-host "Specified List is not found!" -ForegroundColor Red } } #Variables $WebURL="" $ListName="Change Request" #Array to hold column titles [emailprotected]("Change Type","Approvers","Proposed Date and Time") #Process each column $ColumnNames | foreach { #Call the function to delete column from sharepoint list Remove-Column $WebURL $ListName $_ }
In some cases, instead of $Column.Hidden=$False, You may have to set: $column.Sealed = $false