omega male là gì - Nghĩa của từ omega male

omega male có nghĩa là

The polar opposite of the Alpha Male. Omega Males can have friends and close acquaintances but prefer to accomplish things on their own without the help of a group. Omega Males generally don't belong to any cliques and have no desire to be the leader or most outstanding of said clique. Omega Males have relations with people from all groups and carry a resourcefulness and cunning (sometimes strength) to get a job done with their own skill. This being said, an omega male can have great pride without it manifesting as "ego." (There are always exceptions.

An Alpha Male MUST absolutely be perceived by his peers as the toughest, most popular, and smartest. An Omega Male cares little for this recognition...but knows that he is all those things and more.

Alpha males must have the support of his "boys." This can be the foundation for many shallow and superficial relationships. An Omega Male needs support from time to time, but has few true friends who know him intimately and generally shuns shallow acquaintences.

Two sides of the same coin....both being very effective in accomplishing goals.


In Animals:

Two Rams are butting heads while the female watches. The winner who mates is the stongest and therefore the Alpha Male.

Wait...A third ram runs out of the woods and mates with the female while the two males are fighting. THAT is the omega male.

In Humans:

Alpha Male: John Stewart
Omega Male: Steven Colbert

Alpha Male: Team Sport Captain
Omega Male: Dedicated student/master of martial arts.

omega male có nghĩa là

A confident and capable male that doesn't seek approval or abide by social hierarchy. He sets his own goals, and defines his own success.


Aaron Alpha wants his software team to use the Agile method to write their new program, and goes on and on about it in every meeting. Bob Beta doesn't want to rock the boat with Aaron, so he starts learning how Agile works. Owen the Omega Male writes the program during the meetings while everyone else is talking.

omega male có nghĩa là

The highest possible status a man can achieve. eats alpha males for breakfast.
When an omega male is born its game over.
the end.
As in the movie "omega man" only man left standing.
despite being the oppisite of alpha, an omega male represents the top of the human food chain as there can only be one.


"I am the the omega male... hah."

omega male có nghĩa là

Omega male in social terms is an outsider yet notable for distinction, someone worthy who does not conform to the existing peer hierarchy. It has been said that an Omega is someone of zero worth, as ethologist use Alpha, Beta and Omega in pack descriptions with omega being the lowest position. This has little to do with the socially developed human hierarchy originally used by sorority sisters in the united states to easily label males according to a set of hegemonically established criteria. For example if someone is described as the "Last word" in men, that would hardly be a pejorative description. To use Omega as a negative term is to fail to recognize that losers did not exist in relation to the thought process of the college/university girls who popularized this system, and as such get no mention at all. They only mention people who are socially significant in some positive way as to merit their attention. Omega is a logical choice, when faced with the problem of describing people who are clearly not subservient to an alpha yet cannot be described as an alpha themselves, There is no set criteria for an Omega, the sole common trait is one of being a rogue social wander who avoids binding attachments generally rejects social hierarchy treating everyone equally based on personal judgment, and refuses to be drawn into tribalistic feuds between groups of people


He talk to everyone he's such an Omega male

omega male có nghĩa là

Male in a group who is least likely to take the initiative and lead, due to a lack of esteem, ability or interest.

Antonym of "alpha male".


"I'm going to break routine and lead this project. I'm tired of being the 'omega male'".

omega male có nghĩa là

The polar opposite of an alpha male.


"Women think they want a nice, sweet guy, but they always go for the alpha male instead of the omega male."

"Nice guys finish last"

omega male có nghĩa là

omega is the last letter of the greek alphabet. alpha is the first letter. an omega male then is the "last" man. in essence, if you were to rank all the men in the world by their virtues (bravery, intelligence, leadership, generosity, etc.), an omega male altogether would be the worst, hence "last," of all men. none of these other definitions listed on here have much relation to the actual meaning of "omega male" - both as it's been used historically and as it's used currently, particularly the ones that list it as a positive quality and who don't seem to understand the significance of "omega." additionally, the word "omega male" usually refers to a category, rather than a single individual, of "last" men.
if someone says you're an omega male, they're literally saying that not just that every man on earth, save other similarly repugnant omega males, is better (i.e., more generous, braver, etc.) than you, but also, given being "last," that you don't really have these basic virtues at all. it's an insult, not a compliment.
contrast with: alpha male: (the first letter of the greek alphabet, hence "first" man.) effectively, an alpha male is first among men, the best of all men.
the alpha/omega rankings can be used with women as well and are, albeit less frequently.


I can't think of a single positive quality about X - he's a coward, a moron, a sloth, a miser, etc. - he's an omega male.

omega male có nghĩa là

A male who tends to stick to his passions rather than the crowd. He cares what other people think, but not even close to enough to follow his dreams and ambition. He is often left a loner because of this, sometimes by choice. Many people find him admirable and follow him as a leader, others think of him as the lowest form of life, for not conforming to common societal standards. Some may argue he is the lowest on the hierarchy, others argue the highest. Basically an underrated, more sensitive Sigma male Generally associated with Enneagram Type 4 and MBTI Types INFP and INFJ.


“Ever seen William? He’s such an outcast” “You mean an Omega male? Omegas are the best” “No, they’re just disgusting”

omega male có nghĩa là

Omega Male, is basically the servant male of the tribe. These terms, Alpha, Beta and alas Omega were used to designate hierarchy in the Ape community, but later were applied to human hierarchy as well. Omega Male is not necessarily the outside wise man or thinker as some are describing here. It's not that this male can't be wise, its just that he is often as likely to be powerless, maybe even slow as he is smart and internalized and relegated to the bottom rung of the ladder.
While the opposite of Omega is Alpha, this doesn't designate simple physical prowess and might as it does with Apes. Alpha does not crave attention or validation from others, that is normally a Beta trait of attempting to improve his station. Alpha just gets the attention. It can be leadership, smarts, ability to earn and of course physical confidence and might, which shows his potential mates that he can protect, provide and defend his family. See basic human attraction triggers.
Finally, since we are humans and not apes, Alpha/Omega isn't being the toughest man on the block.. Today Alpha is manifested in confidence, success, wit, and yes still some physical prowess. The modern Alpha is the man who is unafraid to speak his mind, unafraid to embrace his masculinity and also unafraid to defend his POV / loved ones / offspring. This is directly opposite to the man who would scurry away in fear at the first sign of confrontation, afraid to speak his opinion, unsure of himself etc.


Wow, you mean that creepy 30 something Omega male , Neck Beard who still lives in mom's basement, never make s eye contact with people and chats to young boys online all day got a job at the YMCA? Wow better keep an eye on him...

omega male có nghĩa là

Omega being the last letter of the alphabet would mean that Omega males are the most inferior of all males


Yugi from Yugioh might look like an Omega male but he is surely an Alpha