reverse vampire là gì - Nghĩa của từ reverse vampire

reverse vampire có nghĩa là

A vampire who craves the sun and hates the night. Loves to get a tan. Refered to in both The Simpsons and Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

Ví dụ

Reverse Vampires sleep in tanning booths during the night.

reverse vampire có nghĩa là

When a girl stands over a person and periods into his/her mouth, effectively adding blood to their throat.

Ví dụ

Reverse Vampires sleep in tanning booths during the night. When a girl stands over a person and periods into his/her mouth, effectively adding blood to their throat. Last night, Beth was really freaky and gave Zach a reverse vampire.

reverse vampire có nghĩa là

I heard a girl talking about how she gave a guy a reverse vampire when he wasn't expecting it and he vomited all over her. Reverse Vampires (RVs) love the daylight and the morning hours. RVs promptly go to bed at sun-down, stopping all communication with others until the following morning. Many RVs are tan with lighter colored hair. HOWEVER, as recently discovered by a young Boston native- some RVs retain their pale skin because all of the orange pigment migrates to the cranial end of the creature- thus creating an even-more fierce breed of Ginger-Vamp (or Reverse Ginger-Vamp). As predicted, RVs do not draw blood from their victims. They much prefer having their own necks sucked and nibbled upon. In an effort to appear as animalistic and blood-thirsty as their vampire counterparts, RVs have been known to stain their own hands with cherry juice for intimidation. Lastly, RVs don’t have fangs, cannot fly, ARE able to see their own reflection, and love garlic… Truly frightening! In rare cases, RVs have been known to say “goodnight” when appropriate response would be “hello” or “good morning”. This defiant display of word-jargon is a direct act of spite against social norms, and is a sure-tell sign of a RV encounter.

Ví dụ

Reverse Vampires sleep in tanning booths during the night. When a girl stands over a person and periods into his/her mouth, effectively adding blood to their throat. Last night, Beth was really freaky and gave Zach a reverse vampire.

I heard a girl talking about how she gave a guy a reverse vampire when he wasn't expecting it and he vomited all over her. Reverse Vampires (RVs) love the daylight and the morning hours. RVs promptly go to bed at sun-down, stopping all communication with others until the following morning.

reverse vampire có nghĩa là

Many RVs are tan with lighter colored hair. HOWEVER, as recently discovered by a young Boston native- some RVs retain their pale skin because all of the orange pigment migrates to the cranial end of the creature- thus creating an even-more fierce breed of Ginger-Vamp (or Reverse Ginger-Vamp).

Ví dụ

Reverse Vampires sleep in tanning booths during the night.

reverse vampire có nghĩa là

When a girl stands over a person and periods into his/her mouth, effectively adding blood to their throat.

Ví dụ

Last night, Beth was really freaky and gave Zach a reverse vampire.