Speaking on a topic

Speaking on a topic

Free IELTS Speaking Test: Prepare with IELTS Speaking Topics and Templates for IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, & 3

In this guide, you'll take a free IELTS speaking test and practice with the most frequently used IELTS speaking topics with answers. You'll learn how to answer IELTS speaking part 1, IELTS speaking part 2, and IELTS speaking part 3 using our fully tested speaking templates.

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Below is our full list of IELTS speaking questions with sample answers. Note: The red links are our most popular and recommended speaking questions rated by our students and you can practice them free anytime you like.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Practice 1 - 27

Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 1 (Accommodation & Hometown)
  1. Lets talk about your hometown. Where is your hometown?
  2. What do you like about it?
  3. What do you not like about it?
  4. How important is your hometown to you?
  5. Do you think you will continue to live in your hometown?
  6. Lets move on to talk about accommodation. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in?
  7. Does the place you live in have many amenities?
  8. Is there anything you would like to change about the place you live in?
  9. Do you plan to live there for a long time?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 2 (Hometown & Weather)
  1. What is your country famous for?
  2. Where do you live in your country?
  3. Is it a interesting place to live?
  4. Are you planning to live there in the future?
  5. How is the weather today?
  6. Whats your favourite kind of weather?
  7. Is there any type of weather you really dont like?
  8. What is the climate like in your country?
  9. Does the weather affect peoples lives in your country?
  10. Do people change in the summer?
  11. Does bad weather ever affect transport in your country?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 3 (Work)
  1. Do you have a job right now?
  2. Do you enjoy your job?
  3. What responsibilities do you have at work?
  4. What is your typical day like at work?
  5. What would you change about your job?
  6. What job do you think you will be doing in five years?
  7. What skills and qualifications are required for this job?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 4 (Volunteer works)
  1. Have you ever worked before?
  2. What was your first day at work like?
  3. What responsibilities did you have at work?
  4. What was your typical day like at work?
  5. Have you taken any volunteer works?
  6. Why did you do the volunteer works?
  7. Do you know any volunteers?
  8. How do you define volunteer work?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 5 (Hometown)
  1. Can you tell me about your hometown?
  2. How has your hometown changed over the years?
  3. Is there any way your hometown could be made better?
  4. Are there good transportation links to your hometown?
  5. What kind of jobs do the people in your hometown do?
  6. Do you have a lot of friends?
  7. Who is your best friend and why?
  8. Who would you most like to be friends with and why?
  9. What kind of person can you make friends with easily?
  10. Which is more important to you, friends or family?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 6 (High School & Hometown)
  1. Where is your hometown?
  2. How often do you visit your hometown?
  3. How many people live in your hometown?
  4. What is your hometown famous for?
  5. Whats the oldest part of your hometown?
  6. Who was your favorite teacher in high school?
  7. Whats your favorite subject in high school?
  8. Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school?
  9. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from high school?
  10. Do you miss your life in high school?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 7 (Lifestyle & Work)
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. Do you have a busy social life?
  3. Do you lead an active life?
  4. Has your life changed much in the last year?
  5. What would you like to change about your lifestyle?
  6. Do you work right now?
  7. Do you get on well with your co-workers?
  8. What responsibilities do you have at your work?
  9. Are there good work opportunities in your home country?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 8 (Family & Housework)
  1. How many people are there in your immediate family?
  2. Who do you get on best within your family?
  3. Do you have a large extended family?
  4. What do you do together with your family?
  5. Why is family important to you?
  6. Do you do housework at home?
  7. What kind of housework do you often do?
  8. Did you do housework when you were a child?
  9. Do you think that children should do housework?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 9 (Books & TV)
  1. Do you like watching TV?
  2. How often do you watch TV?
  3. What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?
  4. What are the most popular TV shows in your country?
  5. Has the internet affected your viewing habits?
  6. How often do you read?
  7. Do you like reading books? Why?
  8. Do you have many books at home?/ What kinds of books do you like to read?
  9. Do you prefer to buy books or borrow them?
  10. What are the benefits of reading?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 10 (Home & TV)
  1. Who do you live with?
  2. What is your favourite room in your home?
  3. How is your home decorated?
  4. Do you like visitors coming to your home?
  5. Do you like watching TV?
  6. What is your favourite TV show now?
  7. What was your favourite show when you were a child?
  8. Do you like watching TV shows from other countries?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 11 (Accommodation & Weather)
  1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
  2. Is it a big place?
  3. How long have you lived there?
  4. What do you like about living there?
  5. Is there a garden in the place you live in?
  6. Do you prefer to hot weather or cold?
  7. Tell me about the weather in your country in different times of the year?
  8. Which time of the year did you enjoy the most when you were the child?
  9. Do you (usually) pay attention to the weather forecasts?
  10. Has the weather changed much in your country in recent years?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 12 (Advertisements & Books)
  1. Do you like reading books? Why?
  2. What book would you take on a long journey?
  3. How easy is it for you to read books in English?
  4. Have you given up reading a book recently?
  5. What kind of people like reading and what kind of people dont like reading very much?
  6. Do you like watching advertisements?
  7. Will you buy something because of an advertisement?
  8. How do you feel when you see pop-up ads on the internet?
  9. Do you like funny or serious advertisements?
  10. What makes a good advertisement?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 13 (Celebrity & Computer)
  1. Do you use computers?
  2. What do you use a computer to do?
  3. Did you use computers when you were little?
  4. Do people often use computers these days?
  5. Will people continue to use computers in the future?
  6. Who is your favorite celebrity?
  7. Do you like any foreign celebrities?
  8. Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?
  9. Do you think we should protect famous peoples privacy?
  10. How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 14 (Movies & Music)
  1. How often do you go to the cinema?
  2. Are cinema tickets expensive in your country?
  3. What are the advantages of seeing a film at the cinema?
  4. Do you usually watch films alone or with others?
  5. Which actor would you like to play you in a film?
  6. How do you listen to music?
  7. When do you listen to music?
  8. Whats your favorite kind of music?
  9. Is music an important subject at school in your country?
  10. What kinds of music are (most) popular in your country?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 15 (Music & Newspaper and magazine)
  1. Whats your favorite kind of music?
  2. Do you like to listen to live music?
  3. Is live music popular in your country?
  4. Have you ever been to a concert before? Or Have you ever been to a musical performance?
  5. Do you often read newspapers?
  6. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?
  7. Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines?
  8. Do many people today read newspapers?
  9. In the future, do you think more people than today will read magazines, or fewer people?
  10. Do you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 16 (Music & Travel)
  1. Where was the last place you visited on holiday?
  2. Would you like to go back there again?
  3. What kind of tourist destinations do you usually prefer?
  4. Has a foreign visitor ever stayed at your home?
  5. Whats the best way to save money while traveling?
  6. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
  7. Are your music tastes varied?
  8. What is your favorite song?
  9. Do you like to sing along to your favorite songs?
  10. Are you learning to play a musical instrument at the moment?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 19 (Internet & Major)
  1. How important is the Internet to you?
  2. Do you use the Internet more for work or in your free time?
  3. Do you think you use the Internet too much?
  4. How will the Internet develop in the future?
  5. Are there any negative things about the Internet?
  6. What is your major? Or what was your major?
  7. Did you or do you like it?
  8. Is it a popular subject at your university?
  9. If you could change to another subject, what would it be?
  10. Would you change it if you had the chance?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 20 (Internet & Outdoor activities)
  1. Do you like outdoor activities?
  2. What outdoor sports do you like?
  3. How much time do you spend outdoors every week?
  4. What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?
  5. How often do you use the Internet?
  6. Do you think you use the Internet too much?
  7. What are your favourite websites?
  8. What are the positive and negative things about the Internet?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 21 (Indoor activities & Transportation)
  1. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?
  2. Whats the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
  3. Is it easy to catch a bus in your country?
  4. Is driving to work popular in your country?
  5. What do you think will become the most popular means of transportation in your country?
  6. Do you like indoor activities?
  7. What indoor activities do you like?
  8. How much time do you spend indoors every week?
  9. What types of indoor activities are popular in your country?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 18 (Major & Sports)
  1. Do you work or study?
  2. What is your major? Or what was your major?
  3. Why did you choose that major?
  4. What is the most difficult part of studying that subject?
  5. Do you plan to use the subject you are studying in the future?
  6. Do you play any sports?
  7. Do you watch sports on TV?
  8. What is the most popular sport in your country?
  9. How do people in your country stay fit?
  10. Is it important for children to play sports?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 22 (Gift & Noise)
  1. Do you mind noises?
  2. What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?
  3. Are there any sounds that you like?
  4. Where can you hear loud noises?
  5. Do you think theres too much noise in modem society?
  6. Are cities becoming noisier?
  7. When do you send gifts?
  8. When was the last time you received a gift?
  9. Have you received a gift you didnt like?
  10. How do you feel when you receive a gift?
  11. Do people in your country send gifts to show their generosity?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 23 (Patience & Politeness)
  1. What do you think patience is?
  2. Do you think patience is important?
  3. Do you think you are an patient person?
  4. Have you ever lost your patience?
  5. Are you a polite person?
  6. Who taught you to be polite?
  7. Is it important to be polite?
  8. What do you do if others are not polite to you?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 25 (Colors & Weather)
  1. Whats the best season of the whole year?
  2. What do people normally do in that season?
  3. Whats the weather usually like in your country (or, your hometown)?
  4. How is the weather here different from the weather in your home country?
  5. What colors do you like?
  6. Whats the most popular color in your country?
  7. Do you like to wear dark or bright colors?
  8. Whats the difference between men and womens preference for colors?
  9. Do colors affect your mood?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 27 (Food & Weather)
  1. Do you have a healthy diet?
  2. Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?
  3. Do you like ordering food to be delivered?
  4. Who do you get food delivered with?
  5. Do you eat meals differently now compared to when you were little?
  6. What sort of weather do you like the most?
  7. Would you say the weather in your hometown is suitable for working (or studying)?
  8. Would you like to move to a place with the different weather?
  9. What season (or weather) do you think is most suitable for work and/or study?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 28 (Clothes & Photos)
  1. What is your favourite item of clothing?
  2. Are there any traditional clothes in your country?
  3. Where do you usually purchase your clothes?
  4. Have you ever bought clothes online?
  5. Who do you usually take photos of?
  6. How do you keep your photos?
  7. Do you keep your photographs on your computer?
  8. Have you framed any of your photos?
  9. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 29 (Art & Photography)
  1. Do you like art?
  2. Do you think art classes are necessary?
  3. How do you think art classes affect childrens development?
  4. What kind of paintings do people in your country like?
  5. What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?
  6. Do you like to take photographs?
  7. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?
  8. How often do you take photographs?
  9. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?
  10. Are there any photos on the walls of your home?
Ielts Speaking 1 Practice 31 (Bags & Boat)
  1. Have you ever taken a ride on a boat?
  2. Do you like traveling by boat?
  3. What are the advantages of travelling by boat?
  4. Do people in your country like to travel by boat?
  5. Will it get more popular in the future?
  6. Do you like bags?
  7. What types of bags do you like?
  8. Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)?
  9. What types of bags do you use in your everyday life?
  10. What do you put in these bags?
  11. What sorts of bags do women like to buy?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Practice 1 - 83

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 1 (Advertisements)

Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.

You should say

  • What advertisement it was

  • Was it shown on TV, radio or newspaper

  • What was good about that advertisement

Explain why you think that advertisement made the product seem attractive.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 2 (Art)

Talk about a painting you would like to have in your home.

You should say:

  • what is it

  • how you know about it

  • how much it would cost you

and explain why you want to have it in your home.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 3 (Books)

Talk about a book you are reading now or have read recently. You should say:

  • How and why you got it

  • How long you it took you to read it or how long you have been reading it

  • What kind of book it is

And say if you would like to read something else similar or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 3-2 (Books)

Talk about a book you have never read but would like to read. You should mention:

  • How well known it is

  • Why you would like to read it

  • Why you have never read it before

And say how you think it will compare to other books you have read

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 4 (Business)

Describe a small business you want to start.

You should say:

  • what business it would be

  • when you want to start it

  • why you have not you started it yet

and explain why you want to start this business.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 5 (Change)

Describe a positive change in your life. You should say:

  • what the change was about

  • when it happened

  • describe details of the change happened

and describe how it affected you later in life.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 6 (City)

Describe your favourite city or a city you have visited that you like very much. You should say:

  • What its name is and where it is

  • when you visited it.

  • why you liked it

And the major attractions in this city are

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 8 (Company)

Describe an organization or a company that you know. Please say

  • How big is it?

  • Do you find this company to be successful? Why?

  • What can you say about the working environment there?

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 9 (Decision)

Describe an important decision you have made. You should say:

  • what the decision was

  • why you made that choice

  • who helped you make the choice

and explain why the decision was so important.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 10 (Electronic devices)

Describe a useful electronic device you would like to own. You should say:

  • what it is

  • how it would help your life

  • if it would be expensive to buy

and explain why you would like it.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 10-2 (Electronic devices)

Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you have.

You should say:

  • what it is

  • what you used it for

  • how long you have used it

and describe why it is important to you

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 10-3 (Electronic devices)

Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful.

You should say:

  • what it is

  • how you learned to use it

  • how long you have had it

and explain why you find this piece of electronic equipment useful.


Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 11 (Environment)

Describe an environmental problem or event.

You should say:

  • What it is

  • Where is it happening

  • What problems it causes

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 12 (Exciting experience)

Describe an exciting experience youve had. You should say:

  • when it was

  • where you were

  • what it was

And explain what made this experience especially exciting.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 13 (Family)

Talk about the last time your whole family got together. You should mention:

  • Where you met

  • What you did together

  • How long you spent together

And say if you would like to do the same thing again soon or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 13-2 (Family)

Describe a family member that you get on well with. You should mention:

  • What their personality is like

  • What things they like doing

  • If they have any strong dislikes

And say why you think you have a good relationship

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 13-3 (Family)

Describe one of your relatives. You should say:

  • What that person looks like

  • What that persons character is like

  • What they are doing at the moment

And say which other relative of yours they are most similar to

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 14 (Food)

Describe a famous food from your hometown or country. You should say:

  • What it looks like

  • What it tastes like

  • When and how it is usually eaten

And say why you think it is famous

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 15 (Friends)

Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:

  • How you met this person

  • How long you have known him or her

  • The kind of things you do or have done together

And explain why this person has been important in your life

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 15-2 (Friends)

Describe a friend you had in primary school. You should say:

  • What that person was like

  • How long you were friends for

  • What things you did together

And say whether you are still in contact with that person or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 7 (Clothes)

Describe your favorite piece of clothing. You should say:

  • Where you got it

  • Do you often wear it

  • When you wear it

And explain why it is your favorite piece of clothing.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 16 (Furniture)

Describe a piece of furniture that you own.

You should say:

  • what it is

  • where you bought it

  • how you use it

and explain why you like it.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 17-2 (Gifts)

Describe a present that you gave someone. You should say:

  • Who you gave it to

  • Why you decided to give them a present

  • Why you chose that present

And say how that present compares to other presents you have given that person or other people

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 18 (Health)

Describe your (or your friend's) experience with an illness or injury. You should say:

  • What it was

  • When it happened

  • How you (or your friend) handled it

and say how do you feel about it now.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 18-2 (Health)

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.

You should say:

  • What you do

  • Where you do it

  • Who you do it with

and explain why you think doing this is healthy.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 19 (Help)

Describe a time when you helped someone. You should say

  • When you helped

  • How you helped

  • How you felt after helping

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 20 (History)

Describe a historical place that you have visited. You should say:

  • what kind of place it is

  • where it is located

  • what the historical significance of the place is

and describe your experience of the place.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 21 (Holiday)

Talk about an activity you like doing when you are on holiday. You should say:

  • Where you usually do it

  • Who you do it with

  • Why you enjoy it

And say whether you also enjoyed doing that when you were a child or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 21-2 (Holiday)

Talk about somewhere you went on holiday. You should say:

  • How you got there

  • What activities you did there

  • Who you went with

And say if you would recommend that holiday to a friend or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 21-3 (Holiday)

Talk about your dream holiday. You should say:

  • Where you would like to go

  • What kind of accommodations you would like

  • What activities you would like to do

And say if you ever think you will go on a holiday like that or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 21-4 (Holiday)

Talk about your plans for your next long vacation. You should say:

  • Where you want to go

  • Who you want to go there with

  • What you want to do when you get there

And say how likely you are to do what you have planned, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 22 (Influence)

Describe someone who has had an important influence in your life. You should say:

  • Who the person is

  • How long you have known him or her

  • What qualities this person has

and explain why this person has had such an influence on you.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 23 (Internet)

Describe a website that you often use. You should say:

  • what type of website it is

  • how you found out about it

  • what it allows you to do, and why you find it useful.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 24-2 (Language)

Talk about one method of learning a foreign language you have used. You should say:

  • What you did

  • How long you used this method for

  • How it compares to other methods of learning a language

And say if you will use that same method in the future or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 24-3 (Language)

Talk about an English language book you have read or used. You should say:

  • Why you bought or used that book

  • What you learned from using it

  • If it was difficult or easy to use

And say if you would use a similar book again or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 24-4 (Language)

Talk about a language test you have taken. You should say:

  • Where you took the test

  • How long it took

  • What skills and language knowledge you were tested on

And say if you think the test was a good indicator of your language level or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 25 (Late)

Describe a time you were late for something. You should say:

  • when it was

  • why you were late

  • how people reacted to you being late

and explain what happened because you were late.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 26-2 (Hobbies)

Talk about a leisure activity you did when you were a child. You should say:

  • How you first became interested in it

  • How long you did it or have been doing it for

  • Why you enjoyed doing it

And say if you have become more or less interested in that hobby since you were a child, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 27 (Machine)

Describe the most useful household appliance that you have. You should say:

  • What it is

  • How it works

  • How life would be without it

And explain why it is so important to you to you.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 28 (Memory)

Describe an occasion when you forgot something important.

You should say:

  • what you forgot

  • how important it was

  • Some possible reasons why you forgot it

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 29 (Money)

Describe what you would do if you received a very large amount of money. You should say:

  • who you would share it with

  • what you would buy

  • what else you would do

and explain how you would feel about getting so much money.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 31 (Music)

Talk about a musical instrument you would like to be able to play but have never tried. You should say:

  • What the instrument looks like

  • What it sounds like

  • What kinds of people it is popular with

And say if you think you will ever try to play that instrument or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 32 (News)

Describe an interesting piece of news that you have recently read about or heard about

You should say:

  • what the story was

  • who was involved in the story

  • where you read or heard about this story

and explain why this news story was interesting to you.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 33 (Parenting)

Describe people that you know and believe to be very good parents. You should say:

  • Who they are

  • How you met them

  • Why you think they are good parents

And explain what it requires to be good parents.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 34 (Party)

Describe the best party you have been to. You should say:

  • whose party it was

  • who was there

  • what happened at the party

and explain what made it so enjoyable.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 34-2 (Party)

Talk about a birthday party you can remember well. You should say:

  • How you celebrated

  • Who you were with

  • Why you remember that day

And say how it was different from other birthdays you have had before or since

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 34-3 (Party)

Describe a typical festival or celebration in your country. You should say:

  • When it usually happens

  • What it is celebrating

  • What people do

And say if that is your favourite celebration or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 34-4 (Party)

Describe your favorite festival or celebration. You should say:

  • What time of year it is

  • Why you like it

  • What you usually do

And say how that festival or celebration compares to others in your country or abroad

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 35 (Plans)

Talk about one thing you are going to do next weekend. You should mention:

  • Where you are going to do it

  • Who you are going to do it with

  • Any equipment you need to do it

And say whether you are looking forward to it or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 35-2 (Plans)

Talk about one thing you are planning to do after you pass the IELTS test. You should say:

  • When you think you will do it

  • Why you want to do it

  • How long you have had that plan

And say whether there are any other options for what you could do which might be just as good

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 35-3 (Plans)

Talk about a goal or ambition you have. You should say:

  • When and why you first discovered you had that goal or ambition

  • What you need to do to make it come true

  • What your next step needs to be

And say if you think you will achieve that goal or ambition or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 36 (Products)

Describe something which is produced in your country, such as a food, a handicraft, or a car.

You should say:

  • what it is

  • what it is used for

  • how it is made or produced

and explain why your country produces this thing.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 37 (Restaurants)

Describe a restaurant or a cafe you often go to. You should say:

  • Where it is

  • What it looks like

  • What kind of services are provided

  • What kind of food you like there/ What kind of food is famous?

And say why you like it

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 38 (Rules)

Describe a traffic rule or law you know about. You should say:

  • what it is

  • how you know about it

  • if you follow this rule or law

and explain why this rule is important.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 38-2 (Rules)

Describe a rule you had to obey when you were in school. You should say:

  • what the rule was

  • if you agreed with the rule

  • why the rule existed

and what happened if students broke the rule.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 39 (School)

Describe a school that you are attending or attended in the past. You should say:

  • What it looks like from the outside

  • What it looks like inside

  • What facilities it has

And say if you think it is a good school building or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 39-2 (School)

Talk about a subject you would like to study in the future. You should say:

  • Why you want to study that subject

  • What things about that subject you find particularly interesting

  • Where it is possible to study that subject

And say if you think you will start studying it soon or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 40 (science)

Describe an area of science that you are interested in. You should say

  • What it is

  • What you can learn from it

  • When you started become interested in it

And explain how this area of science helps you

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 40-2 (science)

Describe a scientific subject that you learned about in high school. You should say:

  • what subject it was

  • who taught you this subject

  • what you learned from it

and explain how this subject helped you in your life.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 41 (Shopping)

Describe a shopping street in your hometown. You should say:

  • What things you can buy there

  • What the most popular shops are

  • Any changes there have been over the years

And say if you think shopping there will become more or less popular in the future, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 41-2 (Shopping)

Describe a shop in your hometown or the place you are living now. You should say:

  • Where it is

  • What it sells

  • What the advantages of shopping there are

And, if you think it will be popular or not in the future, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 42 (Social problems)

Describe a problem in your city. You should say:

  • what it is

  • how serious it is

  • what causes this problem

and say what can be done to solve or reduce the effects of this problem.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 43 (Sports)

Talk about a sport you like doing or watching. You should say:

  • How you first became interested in it

  • Why you are interested in it

  • What equipment and skills are needed for it

And say if you think it is an easy sport to do or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 43-2 (Sports)

Talk about a sport many people enjoy but you have never tried. You should say:

  • What equipment is needed for it

  • What some of the rules are

  • What kinds of people this sport is popular with

And say if you think you will do this sport in the near future or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 43-3 (Sports)

Talk about a sport that interests you but you have never tried. You should say:

  • Where it is usually played

  • What kinds of people usually play it

  • Why it interests you

And say if you think you will ever do this sport or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 44 (Teacher)

Describe the best teacher you have had. You should say:

  • what subject the teacher taught

  • when you studied with him or her

  • what made that person a good teacher

  • and explain why you think this person was the best teacher youve had.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 45 (Things)

Describe something you own which is very important to you.

You should say:

  • where you got it

  • how long you have had it

  • what you use it to do

And explain why it is important to you.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 46 (Traditional products)

Talk about a traditional product which is very popular in your country. You should say

  • What the product is

  • How it is made

  • Why it is popular

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 47 (Transportation)

Describe the transportation system in your hometown or the place you are living now. You should say

  • What kind of transportation there is

  • Which kind of transportation most people use

  • What the good points and bad points of the transportation system are

And say if you think most people are happy with the transportation system or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 47-2 (Transportation)

Talk about one means of transportation that you often use. You should mention:

  • Where you usually go by that means of transportation

  • What the advantages of that method of travelling are

  • What the disadvantages are

And say if you think you will use that means of transport more or less often in the future, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 48 (Travel)

Describe a journey you have been on. You should say

  • Where you went

  • What kind or kinds of transport you used

  • How long the journey took

And say whether you think it was easy to take this journey or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 48-2 (Travel)

Talk about something tourists like to do in your country. You should say:

  • How well known the activity is

  • Why it is popular

  • What kinds of people like to do it

And say if you think it will become more popular or less popular in the future and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 48-3 (Travel)

Talk about a day trip you have been on. You should say:

  • Where you went

  • How you travelled

  • Why you chose to go to that place

And say whether you would like to go back to the same place again or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 48-4 (Travel)

Talk about a part of your country you have never been to but would like to visit. You should say:

  • Why you have never been there before

  • If or when you think you might go

  • Why you would like to go

And say how you first became interested in going to that place

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 48-5 (Travel)

Talk about a foreign country you have never been to but would like to visit. You should say:

  • Why you have never been there before

  • If or when you think you might go

  • Why you would like to go

And say how you first became interested in going to that place

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 49 (TV)

Describe a TV programme that you often watch. You should say:

  • What kind of programme it is

  • Why you watch it

  • When and why you first started watching it

And say if you think that programme is better than other TV programmes that are on at the same time or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 50 (Vegetables)

Describe a plant, vegetable or crop that you are familiar with. You should say:

  • Where it grows

  • Why is it important

  • What you like or dislike about it

And explain why it is important for your country.

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 51 (Work)

Describe your dream job.

You should say:

  • What kind of things you would do in that job

  • What the working conditions would be like

  • What kind of workplace you would work in

And say if you think you will be able to get a job like that or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 51-2 (Work)

Describe your dream workplace.

You should say:

  • What it would look like

  • What facilities it would have

  • Where it would be

And say if you think you will ever work in a place like that or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 51-3 (Work)

Talk about a job you have done or know about.

You should say:

  • What people do in that job

  • What kind of place they work in

  • What clothes and equipment they need

And say if you think it is a satisfying job to do or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 51-4 (Work)

Talk about a job someone in your family does.

You should say:

  • How long that person has been doing that job

  • What the good things about that job are

  • What the difficulties of doing that job are

And say if you think that person enjoys their job or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 51-5 (Work)

Describe a workplace you have worked in or know about.

You should say:

  • What the building looks like

  • What is inside the building

  • What things there are to do in the local area

And say if you think it is a good place to work or not, and why

Ielts Speaking 2 Practice 51-6 (Work)

Describe a job you would like to do in the future.

You should say:

  • How and when you first became interested in that job

  • What people in that job have to do everyday

  • What qualifications and experience you need in order to get that job

And say if you think you will be able to get that job or not, and why

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Practice 1 - 47

Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 1 (Advertisements)
  1. What are popular types of advertising in todays world?
  2. What type of media advertising do you like most?
  3. Do you think advertising influences what people buy?
  4. What factors should be taken into account when making advertisements?
  5. Is advertising really necessary in modern society?
  6. Lets move on from types of advertising to the impact of advertising on children. How does advertising influence children?
  7. Is there any advertising that can be harmful to children?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 2 (Art)
  1. How do people in your country feel about art?
  2. Do people in your country prefer music over art?
  3. What are some traditional art forms in your country?
  4. How has art changed in the past few decades in your country?
  5. Lets move on from art in your country to art education. Do you think children should study art in school?
  6. How can children benefit from learning about art?
  7. Do you think the government should provide support for art and cultural activities?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 3 (Books)
  1. Do people read more nowadays?
  2. Do you read before going to bed?
  3. In your opinion, how will e-books affect paper books?
  4. What's the difference between films and books?
  5. Lets move on to the topic of traditional literature in your country. What is one example of traditional literature in your country?
  6. Do you like reading the traditional literature of your country?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 4 (Business)
  1. In your opinion, do business people have to work long hours?
  2. How do business people relax?
  3. Lets move on to the topic of small businesses. How can a small business grow big?
  4. In your opinion, what kind of small businesses will young people have in the future?
  5. In your opinion, what skills are required to start a small business?
  6. Finally, lets talk about globalization. What are the impacts of globalization on small and large businesses?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 5 (Change)
  1. Do you think change is good?
  2. What are some of the major changes that occur to people throughout their lives?
  3. Is your country changing rapidly?
  4. In what ways have changes in technology changed people's lives?
  5. Why do old people not accept change?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 6 (City)
  1. In your opinion, what makes a city a good one to live in?
  2. What are the advantages of living in a city?
  3. Lets move on from the positive aspects of cities to the negative aspects of cites. In your opinion, what are the negative aspects of crowded cities?
  4. How can governments improve living standards in crowded cities?
  5. What about air quality? What can people do to improve the air quality in the city?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 8 (Company)
  1. What is the difference between big companies and small companies?
  2. Are there many big companies in your country?
  3. What are the good things about working for a big company?
  4. Should big companies be punished more seriously than small companies?
  5. Why do some people choose to work at an international company?
  6. Lets move on to the topic of companies services. How can a company maintain the quality of the service that it gives to the public?
  7. Do you think it's important for a company to provide after-sales service?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 9 (Decision)
  1. Why do some people find it hard to make decisions?
  2. How important is it to get advice from other people when making decisions?
  3. Why is it sometimes difficult to accept advice?
  4. What are some of the most important decisions young people have to make?
  5. Do you agree that parents should make important decisions for their children?
  6. Is it better to make a decision thinking about what you want or thinking about what other people want?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 10 (Electronic devices)
  1. What are the most popular electronic devices in todays world?
  2. What devices do you think will be popular in the future?
  3. Lets move on to the role of electronic devices in todays society. Do you think people spend too much money on electronic devices?
  4. In what ways can electronic devices make our lives harder?
  5. What would the world be like without computers?
  6. Should children be taught to use computers at school?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 11 (Environment)
  1. What are some of the main environmental problems in your county?
  2. Why should people be concerned about the environment?
  3. How can people protect the environment?
  4. Do you think money should be spent on protecting animals?
  5. Do you think more should be done to protect natural scenic spots in your country?
  6. Lets move on to water pollution. Is water pollution a problem in your country?
  7. What can individuals do to try and ensure water is kept clean?
  8. Do you think problems with the cleanliness of water will improve in the future?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 12 (Exciting experience)
  1. Can you compare some exciting activities people do now with activities people did 20 years ago?
  2. Why do some people enjoy doing dangerous sports?
  3. Do you think some dangerous activities should be banned?
  4. Lets move on from exciting activities to people doing new things in general. Should people try doing new things?
  5. What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?
  6. Do you think its best to do new things on your own or with other people?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 13 (Family)
  1. Is family important in your country?
  2. Who should be responsible to care for the elderly? Should it be the family or the government?
  3. How has the size of the average family changed in your country in the last few decades?
  4. How do you think families will change in the future?
  5. Lets move on to the roles of different family members. Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family?
  6. What role do grandparents play in the family in your country?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 14 (Food)
  1. What are the types of food that people eat in your country.
  2. What about foreign food? What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?
  3. In your country, is it important to have a meal together with your family?
  4. Is food now better than in the past?
  5. Lets move on to diet and eating habits. Do you think our diet is important?
  6. What is a balanced diet?
  7. How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past?
  8. How might eating habits change in coming decades?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 15 (Friends)
  1. What is the importance of friends?
  2. Would you like to have a few very good friends or a lot of just friends?
  3. If you had a problem, would you go to your friends or family? Why?
  4. Do you think it is always better to talk to your friends about such a problem?
  5. Is it important to have friends from other countries?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 7 (Clothes)
  1. Can clothing tell you much about a person in your country?
  2. Do people still wear traditional clothing in your country?
  3. How has clothing fashion changed in your country over the last few decades?
  4. Lets move on from clothing to uniforms. Why do some companies ask their staff to wear uniforms?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having uniforms at work?
  6. For which jobs are people required to wear a uniform in your country?
  7. Do you think people are treated differently when they are in uniform?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 16 (Furniture)
  1. In what situations do people in your country buy furniture?
  2. In families in your country, who usually decides what furniture to buy for the home?
  3. How do people in your country decide what furniture to buy for the home or office?
  4. Do people in your country prefer traditional or modern styles of furniture?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 18 (Health)
  1. How can people improve their health?
  2. Do elderly people exercise much in your country?
  3. Do you think all illnesses can be prevented?
  4. Do you think that illnesses will be less common in the future?
  5. Do you think healthcare should be free?
  6. What makes someone a good doctor?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 19 (Help)
  1. Do you like helping others?
  2. Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past?
  3. Do people today trust others as much as they used to in the past?
  4. How do people in your community help each other?
  5. Lets move on to the topic of educating children to help people. In your view, should children be taught to help others?
  6. In your opinion, how can we encourage children to help others?
  7. What about students? How can students, such as high-school students, help each other?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 20 (History)
  1. Do you think history is important?
  2. Do you like to learn about history?
  3. What do you think we can learn by studying history?
  4. Lets move on to different ways of learning about history. In your opinion, how can people learn about history?
  5. Do you think people can learn history from films or TV programs?
  6. Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?
  7. What is the effect of technology on how people learn about history?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 21 (Holiday)
  1. First of all, why do people go on holiday?
  2. How important is it for families to go on holiday together?
  3. Why do some people go on holiday alone?
  4. How have holidays changed over the past few decades?
  5. What kind of holidays will be popular in the future?
  6. Lets move on to talk about taking holidays in foreign country. Do you think is it better to take a holiday in your own country or in a foreign country?
  7. What problems can people have on holiday in a foreign country?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 22 (Influence)
  1. What types of people influence the young in your country?
  2. What type of people, such as parents, teachers, or friends, are best to influence young peoples behavior?
  3. Why it is important for young people to have role models?
  4. What do you think young people will be influenced by the most in the future?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 23 (Internet)
  1. How do you think the Internet will change people's buying habits in the future?
  2. What are the pros and cons of shopping online?
  3. Is the Internet important for education?
  4. Do you think parents should supervise their childrens use of the Internet?
  5. What's the best age for children to use the Internet?
  6. Why do children start using the Internet very early nowadays?
  7. Lets move on to what people do on the Internet. What do you think people do on the Internet?
  8. What about elderly people? Do elderly people use the Internet very much?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 25 (Late)
  1. What is the general attitude towards arriving somewhere late in your country?
  2. What is an example of a time that it is very important for people to arrive on time in your country?
  3. Can you suggest some ways to make sure you are not late for anything?
  4. Lets move on to how modern technology influences the way that people manage time. Do you think computers make it easier or more difficult to manage time?
  5. How can modern technology help people arrive early?
  6. Do you think it is easy to manage your time in the modern world?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 27 (Machine)
  1. What kinds of machines are used for housework in modern homes in your country?
  2. How have these machines benefited people? Are there any negative effects of using them?
  3. Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future? Why?
  4. Lets move on to technology. Do you think people rely too much on technology?
  5. Do you think men and women view technology differently?
  6. Finally, lets talk about the impact of technology on employment. How have developments in technology affected employment in your country?
  7. Some people think that technology has brought more stress than benefits to employed people nowadays. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 28 (Memory)
  1. Do you think it's important to have a good memory?
  2. Why do sometimes people forget things?
  3. Which do you think is more important to remember, a business meeting or a meeting with a friend?
  4. Are there any things that are especially important for people to memorize?
  5. Lets move on from memory to family history. Why do people want to remember their family history?
  6. What can you do to learn more about your family history?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 29 (Money)
  1. Is money important to you?
  2. What is the relationship between money and power?
  3. Lets move on to teaching children about money. How do you think parents can teach the value of money to their children?
  4. Do you think it is important to teach children money skills?
  5. Should we let children buy whatever they want with money theyve saved?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 31 (Music)
  1. What kind of music is popular in your country?
  2. How does pop music now compare to when you were growing up?
  3. Is foreign music or music from your country more popular with people your age?
  4. Lets move on to the role of government on music. Do you think is it necessary for the government to require all children to learn music?
  5. Do you think the government needs to do more to preserve traditional music? What could they do?
  6. Finally, lets talk about illegal downloading of music. There's a lot of pirated music. Do you agree that we should support official music?
  7. What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of being stricter about the illegal downloading of music?
  8. Do you think CDs will have any role in the music industry in the future?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 32 (News)
  1. How do people get their news in todays society?
  2. How do you think people will get their news in the future?
  3. How does modern technology affect the delivery of news?
  4. Do you believe everything you read in the newspaper?
  5. Lets move on to the topic of good news. In your opinion, when do people share good news?
  6. How do people share good news?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 33 (Parenting)
  1. For parents, what is important when bringing up their children?
  2. Do you think mothers and fathers have different roles to play in bringing up a child?
  3. Lets move on to education of children. Do you think hitting children is sometimes necessary for discipline?
  4. Do you think sweets are a good thing to reward children with?
  5. Do you think parents spend too much on buying toys for their children?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 34 (Party)
  1. When do people usually have parties in your country?
  2. What makes a good party?
  3. What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?
  4. In some places people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events. Is this ever true in your country? Do think this is a good trend or a bad trend?
  5. How important is it to celebrate important events with a group of people?
  6. Why do some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government money? Do you agree or disagree with this view? Why?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 35 (Plans)
  1. In general, do you think planning is important?
  2. Do you think people should make highly detailed plans or just general plans?
  3. What types of people like to make plans?
  4. Why do you think some people dislike making plans?
  5. Lets move on from planning to career plans. Do you think it's important for a person to have a career plan?
  6. How do most people plan their futures in their education and careers?
  7. Do you think it's important for young people to get advice from their parents when planning a career?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 36 (Products)
  1. What kinds of products are mostly imported into your country?
  2. In your opinion, why do some people like to buy imported products?
  3. Lets move on to local products. What are some famous local products in your country?
  4. Do you think a country should make everything it needs or import some things?
  5. What are the disadvantages of a country producing everything it needs?
  6. Finally, lets talk about globalisation. Do you think the globalisation of industries and commerce is a good thing?
  7. What are the impacts of globalization on international trade?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 37 (Restaurants)
  1. Do many people eat in restaurants in your country?
  2. Why do some people enjoy eating out?
  3. Is it expensive to eat out in your country?
  4. Lets move on from eating in restaurants to cooking at home. Do you like to cook at home?
  5. Nowadays, more and more people are unwilling to cook. Why is this happening?
  6. Whats the difference between restaurant food and home-cooked food?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 38 (Rules)
  1. Why do we have rules in society?
  2. Do you think it's necessary to set up rules about overworking people?
  3. What are some examples of rules that exist in many families?
  4. What are some rules that exist in schools or workplaces in your country?
  5. Do you think that the students themselves should have a say in what kinds of school rules there are?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 39 (School)
  1. Is higher education too expensive in your country?
  2. Should all students pay for their university education?
  3. Can you compare the education your parents had with the education that you received?
  4. What changes do you think will happen in the classrooms of the near future?
  5. Lets move on to university education. What advantages do universities bring to society?
  6. Which is more important, research or teaching?
  7. What makes a good university student?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 40 (Science)
  1. Do you think science is important?
  2. Do you think science can change our society?
  3. Which area of science has been the most important in the last one hundred years?
  4. Lets move on to talk about inventions. What do you think have been some of the most important inventions in the past 100 years or so?
  5. Why do you think some inventions have not been successful in the marketplace?
  6. Do you think it's good that new inventions are appearing so often?
  7. Do you think there will be any negative effects resulting from future technology?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 41 (Shopping)
  1. Is shopping a popular activity in your country?
  2. How have shopping habits changed over recent years?
  3. To what extent do you think advertising affects the way people shop?
  4. Do you think shopping habits are likely to change in the future?
  5. Why do some people prefer to purchase brand name products produced abroad?
  6. Is service better in large shops or in small shops?
  7. What do people do when they get bad service?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 42 (Social problems)
  1. What social problems are there in your country?
  2. What about poverty? What can be done to alleviate poverty?
  3. Are there many charities in your country?
  4. Lets move on to talk about the overpopulation problem. Why do so many people move to live in cities?
  5. What problems does overpopulation cause?
  6. Finally, lets talk about crime. What is the difference between major and minor crime?
  7. Do you think all criminals should go to prison?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 43 (Sports)
  1. What types of sports are popular in your country?
  2. Do you think the types of sports that are popular will change in the future?
  3. Lets move on to talk about some positive aspects of sports. In your opinion, what are the benefits of playing a sport?
  4. What about cultural aspects? How can sports bring people from different countries closer together?
  5. Do you think old people can keep fit by playing sports or exercising?
  6. Finally, lets talk about Olympic Games. How are the Olympic players trained in your country? Do they usually start training when they are born?
  7. Why would somebody dislike watching the Olympic Games?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 44 (Teacher)
  1. How well-respected are teachers in your society?
  2. Do you think teachers get paid enough money in your country?
  3. What role should the teacher have in the classroom?
  4. In your opinion, what are the most important qualities for a good teacher to have?
  5. Lets move on to teaching aspects. In your opinion, how can a teacher make lessons for children more interesting?
  6. Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the classroom?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 45 (Things)
  1. What kinds of possessions are considered high-status to people in your country?
  2. Were different possessions thought of as valuable in the past?
  3. Why do you think people need to show their status in society?
  4. Lets move on to the role of advertising. Do you think advertising influences what people buy?
  5. Do advertisements give correct information, or do they encourage people to buy things that they may not need?
  6. Is advertising really necessary in modern society?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 46 (Traditional products)
  1. What different types of traditional products are produced in your country?
  2. In you opinion, why do traditional products attract tourists?
  3. Do you think there are benefits of traditional products to locals?
  4. Do you think the government should help in the promotion of traditional products?
  5. Lets move on from traditional products to traditions. Do you think because of globalization countries are adopting each other traditions.
  6. Did the traditional things of the past are of better quality than present day things?
  7. Do you think it is necessary to protect traditions?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 47 (Transportation)
  1. Have the types of transportation people use changed much over the last few decades?
  2. How has transportation improved in recent years?
  3. Do you think transportation is likely to continue to improve in the future?
  4. What is your take on introducing transportation passes?
  5. Lets move on to the transportation system in your country. It is faster to travel by public transportation or by car in your country?
  6. What are the impacts of Uber on transportation in your country?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 48 (Travel)
  1. Why do some people prefer to travel abroad rather than travel in their own country?
  2. Do you think traveling to another country can change the way that people think?
  3. Do you think its safer to travel today than in the past?
  4. Lets move on to tourism. What are some famous tourist spots in your country?
  5. What are the positive impacts of tourism in your country?
  6. What are the negative impacts of tourism in your country?
  7. What can you say about the future of the tourism industry in your country?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 49 (TV)
  1. Tell me about the types of programmes that are generally on television in your country.
  2. Do you think state or private television is better?
  3. Lets move on from TV programmes to television in general. How has TV changed our lives?
  4. Do you think TV influences the way we think?
  5. Should children be allowed to watch a lot of TV?
  6. Are all people on TV famous?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 50 (Vegetables)
  1. What vegetables are common in your country?
  2. Do people like to grow vegetables in your country?
  3. How do people feel when they eat vegetables that they grew on their own?
  4. Lets move on to the topic of organic vegetables. As we know organic fruits and vegetables are more expensive than conventional fruits and vegetables, but they are actually worth the extra cost. Do you think organic fruit deserves a higher price?
  5. Do you think the government should encourage farmers to grow more organic vegetables?
Ielts Speaking 3 Practice 51 (Work)
  1. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than your salary when choosing a job?
  2. What skills do you think are needed to get a good job these days?
  3. Do you think that women should be able to do the same jobs as men?
  4. Whats the difference between white collar and blue collar jobs?
  5. What jobs do you think are most valuable to society?

IELTS Speaking Success Guide

Welcome to the official BestMyTest IELTS speaking test guide. The remainder of this guide will focus on learning the most frequently used IELTS speaking topics for speaking part 1 - 3, listening to band 9 speaking sample answers, and learning important IELTS speaking tips and resources for your success. Use the table of contents below to quickly find what you're looking for.

Table Of Contents

  1. IELTS Speaking Test Introduction
  2. IELTS Speaking Topics for Part 1
  3. IELTS Speaking Topics for Part 2 & 3
  4. How to Tackle IELTS Speaking Part 1
  5. How to Tackle IELTS Speaking Part 2
  6. How to Tackle IELTS Speaking Part 3
  7. IELTS Speaking Practice for Your Success
  8. How IELTS Speaking Questions are Scored
  9. Free IELTS Speaking Test Resources

IELTS Speaking Test

The IELTS speaking test can be a little intimidating at first, especially because you'll be tested live in front of your examiner. Due to this live format, finding free speaking topics with sample answers can be difficult, but don't worry we have you covered. Before practicing with our IELTS speaking topics, let's take a quick look at the speaking test and see how it works.

Speaking Test Format

The speaking test lasts about 11 - 15 minutes, consisting of 3 parts. Please note the speaking topics for Greeting and Part 1 are the same, so they are considered only 1 part, but we have separated them for your convenience.

  1. IELTS Speaking Test Greeting
  2. IELTS Speaking Test Part 1
  3. IELTS Speaking Test Part 2
  4. IELTS Speaking Test Part 3
The Greeting

When you take the IELTS speaking test and walk into the examination room, the examiner does not start off with tough IELTS speaking questions, instead, they start slow with greetings. Please note, you WILL BE graded on your ability to greet, so it's important you're prepared for it. Having said that, let's take a quick look at a simple greeting and answer.

  1. The examiner will introduce themselves and ask what your name is. You'll reply "My name's _______".
  2. Next, you'll be asked "What can I call you?", in which you can reply "You can call me_______". You may use your English name here, if you have one. This may sound odd, but some people cannot pronounce their own English name. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE. If you cannot pronounce it, you're better off not using it.
  3. Following your name, they'll ask where you're from. Just say "I'm from_____". That's enough. You don't need to give any extra information about your answers at this stage.
  4. Finally, you'll be asked for identification. After showing it, you'll begin the test.
IELTS Speaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking part 1 lasts between 4-5 minutes, includes around 8-10 IELTS speaking questions, and about 2-3 familiar IELTS speaking topics such as your job, your studies, your family, your hometown, your accommodation, etc. These topics are easier than the topics from IELTS speaking part 2. Below are some examples of what you could be asked.

Let's talk about your hometown:

Where is your hometown?
What do you like about it?
What do you not like about it?
How important is your hometown to you?

Let's move on to talk about accommodation:

Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in?
Does the place you live in have many amenities?
Is there anything you would like to change about the place you live in?
Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Part 1 questions might best be described as questions that imitate small talk between two strangers or acquaintances. They are not very in-depth, but don't let these questions fool you into thinking you don't need to prepare for them. Just a little preparation can go a long way and you'll thank us for making you do it! You'll also find some tips on how to prepare for part 1 questions later in this post.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

In part 2, you'll talk about a particular IELTS speaking topic. The topic is selected for you and will be given to you on a card (Candidate Task Card). You will then have 1 minute to prepare your answer and then a maximum of 2 minutes to speak. A pencil and paper will be provided for you to make notes. Below is an example IELTS speaking part 2 question:

Candidate Task Card
Describe a useful electronic device you would like to own.

You should say:
- What it is
- How it would help your life
- If it would be expensive to buy
And explain why you would like it.

Once your two minutes of speaking time is finished, it's possible the test examiner will conclude this part of the test by asking you a couple of simple questions related to your part 2 answer. These are sometimes known as rounding off questions, since they help "round off," or complete your conversation. Let's look at some IELTS speaking questions that could be asked. For instance, perhaps the IELTS speaking topic you discussed in part 2 was "Describe your favorite form of public transport". The examiner might round off your conversation by asking:

- Are the buses cheap in your city?
- Did you travel to the test today by bus?

Typically, these rounding off questions are simple, so it will only be necessary for you to respond with simple answers. Long, complex answers are not required here, as the examiner will likely be ready to transition into part 3. For example, you can answer a rounding off question with a short response like this:

- Yes, about 2 dollars for a single journey.
- No, actually I came by taxi.

On the other hand, there are instances when the examiner might skip the rounding off questions altogether and will, instead, proceed directly to part 3. If this turns out to be the case during your IELTS speaking test, don't worry; This indicates that your speaking part 2 answer was long enough, and that your 3 minutes speaking time for part 2 has already run out.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

In part 3, you'll be asked about 4-8 more IELTS speaking questions which are connected to the IELTS speaking topics discussed in part 2. The examiner will also ask you a few questions based on your answers, so the entire part 3 is a two-way discussion with the examiner and will last 4 - 5 minutes. Here are some general speaking questions the examiner could ask you based on the above IELTS speaking part 2 topics:

We've been talking about electronic devices. I'd like to discuss with you a few more general questions relating to this topic. First, let's consider what are the most popular electronic devices in your country at the moment?

What devices do you think will be popular in the future?
Do you think people spend too much money on electronic devices?
In what ways can electronic devices make our lives harder?
What would the world be like without computers?
Should children be taught to use computers at school?

IELTS Speaking Topics

Now that you've been introduced to how the IELTS speaking test works, you can see there could be any number of topics asked. It's important you familiarize yourself with some of the more frequently used IELTS speaking topics. Not only have we created a comprehensive list, but each one also includes an IELTS speaking sample answer.

The below bar graph represents the most popular speaking topics used in 2015 to 2017. The y-axis shows the percentage they were used, while the the x-axis represents the topics. Finally, starting from left, each bar represents a year: 2017, 2016, and 2015, accordingly.

Speaking on a topic

IELTS Speaking Topics Part 1

The below list contains more than just questions, it also shows speaking topics examiners have asked people in the past. A great tip is to answer these IELTS speaking part 1 questions in a mirror or with a friend. The table below shows the frequency each topic is used:

TV/Reading/Music/Newspapers & Magazines/FilmsHigh
Work/Jobs/Career Planning/Volunteer WorkHigh
School majors/High SchoolMedium
Sports/Outdoor Activities/Indoor ActivitiesMedium
Season/Rain/Sunny Days/WeatherMedium

Next you'll go through the first three speaking topics

  1. Hometown
  2. Accommodation
  3. Country

and included with each topic are IELTS speaking test sample answers.

Do you want to practice and record your own answers? Start IELTS Speaking Part 1 Practice 1
1. Lets talk about your hometown. Where is your hometown?
My hometown is a tiny village in Malaysia. It is about 40 kilometers away from any major city. Most people probably wouldn't be able to find it on a map.
2. What do you like about it?
I like how the people in my hometown are so friendly, and the way that everyone knows everyone. Its a really close-knit community, which is hard to find in big cities.
3. What do you not like about it?
Well...I suppose my least favorite thing about it is that there arent too many fun things to do or see. Its not the most exciting place, so sometimes I feel a little bored.
4. How important is your hometown to you?
My hometown is very important to me, because thats where my family lives. Its where I come from, so it shapes a lot of who I am as a person. If I move away, Ill likely be homesick for awhile.
5. Do you think you will continue to live in your hometown?
Well...Ive lived in my hometown since I was born, and I would be happy to continue living there. However, Id like to try living abroad, even if its just for a short time.
6. Can you tell me about your hometown?
My hometown, Delhi, is the second largest in India. The capital of the country, New Delhi, is also there. There is an international airport in Delhi, so its easy to travel in and out of the country from there.
7. How has your hometown changed over the years?
It has developed much better public transportation, such as the metro, which has really improved the overall accessibility of the city. There have also been measures undertaken to reduce pollution and crowds, so those problems have slightly improved. Improvements are still being made to the education system, as well.
8. Is there any way your hometown could be made better?
I think one of the biggest issues in Delhi is womens safety. The city does not have a good reputation surrounding this problem, and many women fear going out alone in the city because of it. More needs to be done to protect women in Delhi.
9. Are there good transportation links to your hometown?
Yes, there are trains, buses and major highways that connect easily to Delhi. There is an airport in New Delhi, and since its the capital of India, it is very well connected to the rest of the country.
10. What kind of jobs do the people in your hometown do?
Well, there are many different kinds of jobs, since it is a major city, but I think some of the fastest growing job markets are in computer programming and software development. There are also many jobs in marketing and retail. However, the salaries that people make can vary quite a bit depending on how much experience they have, so sometimes it can be hard to make a living even in a city like Delhi.
11. Where is your hometown?
My hometown is the city of Delhi, which is located in Northern India. The Yamuna River runs through Delhi, and you can also find the Yamuna flood plains and the Delhi ridge nearby.
12. How often do you visit your hometown?
I visit my hometown every two years or so when I have enough time off to make the trip. It is fairly convenient to travel there, since there is an international airport. The last time I was there was about a year ago.
13. How many people live in your hometown?
Population-wise, Delhi is the second-largest city in India, so the population is very high. The last time I checked was awhile ago, but I believe that there are over 16 million people living in the metro area of Delhi.
14. What is your hometown famous for?
Delhi is probably best known for its capital within the city, New Delhi, and the presidents house, which is called the Rashtrapati Bhavan. It is also well-known to tourists for its food and marketplaces. Those who enjoy history can also check out qutub minar, which is also an interesting sight.
15. Whats the oldest part of your hometown?
Old Delhi is the historical part of the city, and it was founded about 400 years ago. Within Old Delhi, there is one particularly old place called The Red Fort, that has been standing since 1648, and nearby to that is Chandni Chowk, which is often called the oldest bazaar in Delhi.

Want to see our complete list of our IELTS speaking topics? You can check them out here: See complete list of speaking topics

Are you looking for IELTS speaking samples with answers? You can start practicing free now by clicking the button below.

Free IELTS Speaking Mock Test - Part 1

IELTS Speaking Topics Part 2 & 3

Now you'll learn some of the more commonly used topics from speaking part 2 & 3 and go through a few speaking questions related to the topics (included with each question is a band 9 sample response).

Broad CategoryIELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3
Media & EntertainmentAdvertisements/Art/Books/Internet/News/TV
ObjectClothing/Electronic Devices/Food/Furniture/Gifts
Machine/Money/Musical Instruments/Traditional Products/Vegetables
PeopleTeacher/Family/Friends/Influential People/Good Parents
PlaceCity/Company/School/Museums/party/Shopping Places
EventsA change in life/Decision/Exciting Experiences/Holiday/Illness Experiences
Helping People/Memorable Experiences/An Experience of Being Late/Travel Experiences
SocietyEnvironment/Traffic Rule/Society/Transportation
OthersLeisure Activities/Language/Sports

Speaking part 2 and 3 will test you on similar topics, so the topics advertisement, art, and books below will have sample questions and responses for both parts included.

Do you want to practice and record your own answers? Start IELTS Speaking Part 2 Practice 1

Speaking Part 2

candidate task card

Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.

You should say

  • What advertisement it was

  • Was it shown on TV, radio or newspaper

  • What was good about that advertisement

Explain why you think that advertisement made the product seem attractive.

There have been a few different instances in which an advertisement has convinced me to buy something. Most recently, it was an ad I saw this morning on my way to the coffee shop. When I was driving this morning, I passed an advertisement on a sign, like a small poster. The sign showed some scrambled eggs pictured next to two delicious looking pieces of toast and a steaming hot cup of coffee. As soon as I saw it, I immediately felt a growl in my stomach and I realized that I was quite hungry! Curious what the sign was promoting, I looked below the picture of the breakfast and saw that the coffee shop nearby was giving away a free cup of coffee with every breakfast order. So, the next thing I did was walk into the coffee shop and order the breakfast from the picture to go! I think that the ad was especially effective in convincing me to spend money for two reasons. The first is that the picture made the food look very appetizing, which appealed to me a lot since I was so hungry. Secondly, the promotion being advertised was actually a good deal and allowed me to save some money on a cup of coffee, which I still would have bought otherwise. That advertisement was really well-done.

Speaking Part 3

1. What are popular types of advertising in todays world?
There are many popular ways companies can choose to advertise. In todays world, the top three advertisement types are probably internet ads, TV ads, and signs. Internet ads are obviously popular because they are cheap, yet they are highly effective, and can be targeted to the customer based on their online habits. On the other hand, TV ads are probably equally as popular, because although they are more expensive, they will be viewed by a large number of people watching TV. Lastly, signs are popular to use for ads because they can be put into specific places where potential customers might see them, like department stores. So, those are some of the most popular ways to advertise.
2. What type of media advertising do you like most?
Well, I would say that I prefer internet ads. I say that because the internet is the only type of media I even use these days, as I dont own a television or listen to the radio. I like internet ads because theyre often based on my internet history, which means I only see ads that are relevant to things Im interested in, rather than ads for things I dont care about. Another reason why I like internet ads is that they are easy to ignore or cancel when they appear. Unlike TV commercials, which are distracting, noisy, and cannot be skipped, internet ads are usually more subtle, like a small banner on the side of the webpage that can be easily ignored. Thats why I like internet ads the best.
3. Do you think advertising influences what people buy?
Yes, definitely. If there were no advertising and you went to a shop, then you would just buy whatever you wanted. Your choice might be based on what others have told you, what the product looks like, or, depending on the product, what it says on the label. Advertising builds up a brand and people then trust a certain thing because they have seen it on television or elsewhere. Also, there is so much advertising around us that it must influence us. You cant escape it, as it is fed to us constantly in our daily lives not only in magazines, radio and television, but on billboards, on TVs installed on trains and platforms, even in schools and universities. So yes, advertising influences what we buy.
4. What factors should be taken into account when making advertisements?
I think that advertisers should bear a certain level of responsibility when they make their ads. The most important thing is they need to ensure that the information they are sharing is relatively truthful, and is not harmful or destructive in some way. For example, fast food ads for fried chicken should not turn around and try to convince people that the food theyre selling is somehow healthy. They can, however, promote how delicious the food is. Advertisers should try to tell the truth as much as possible.
5. Is advertising really necessary in modern society?
It could be seen as necessary in terms of the fact that, as I mentioned before, there are so many choices that we might need someone to guide us in what to buy, or to give us some extra information about products. Without this, it would be difficult to know where to start. However, that said, Im not sure that I would regard it as necessary, as overall I think it may do more harm than good. As we just discussed, advertising encourages people to buy things they might not need. We live in a consumer society and many people are in debt because we are encouraged to buy and buy, and Im sure advertising plays a major role in this. Without advertising, we could just do our own research and decide what we really need. So no, I would not say that advertising in necessary in modern society.
6. Lets move on from types of advertising to the impact of advertising on children. How does advertising influence children?
It seems to me that advertising can affect kids in a few different ways. First of all, advertisements can mislead and confuse children by exaggerating the effects a product can have, like how makeup ads try to convince people that their eyelashes will grow if they use a particular brand of mascara. Secondly, ads can affect childrens self-image and self-esteem by causing them to think that they need to be like the people in the ads, who are often misrepresentations of real people. Impressionable children who see ads may get the wrong idea about some things.
7. Is there any advertising that can be harmful to children?
Unfortunately, there are some ads that can be harmful to kids. For example, ads for types of foods and drinks which contain high amounts of sugar and fat can manipulate children into wanting to eat these foods. Another way that ads can harm children is that they can negatively affect childrens self-esteem. Children who see models in advertisements may believe that they need to look like those people, and become upset when they arent able to achieve perfection. So, promoting unhealthy influences and lowering self-esteem are a few reasons why ads can be harmful to kids.
Do you want to practice and record your own answers? Start IELTS Speaking Part 2 Practice 2

Speaking Part 2

candidate task card

Talk about a painting you would like to have in your home.

You should say:

  • what is it

  • how you know about it

  • how much it would cost you

and explain why you want to have it in your home.

Im not completely sure, as I havent thought much about this question, but I think I would want to have van Goghs Starry Night in my house. The style of art seen in this painting is known as impressionism, which I think is more interesting than more realistic art, while still being easier to understand than more abstract art. The painting shows a starry night sky over a town, with many shades of blue swirling together. I am not sure how I first came to know about this painting, but I have seen it many times in books, magazines, and on TV. It is probably one of the most famous paintings in the world, so its actually one of only paintings that I know by name. I think it is currently housed at a museum in New York, but Im not sure. No matter where it is, even if I had a fortune it would be impossible for me to have this priceless painting in my home, since it is a masterpiece. Even though I cant have Starry Night in my own home in reality, if I could, I would like to have it because of the way that it makes me feel. The cool blue colors of the painting are beautiful, mysterious, and relaxing, and I think that it would be a nice thing to decorate my home with.

Speaking Part 3

1. How do people in your country feel about art?
Art holds a special place in my country. In fact, there are many museums and art galleries where a wide range of local and international works of art are displayed. People from all walks of life visit them. They love art and appreciate artists.
2. Do people in your country prefer music over art?
Yes, they do. Music is an integral part of peoples life. Indians love all genres of music like classical, rap, pop, rock and even jazz. Id like to mention that young and old people have different tastes in music. It seems to me that the younger generation enjoys music with fast-paced beats, whereas the elderly tend to listen to slow and soothing music.
3. What are some traditional art forms in your country?
In my country, most traditional style art forms are still relatively popular today. Some of the types of art youll see in my country are calligraphy art, which looks like beautiful writing, and traditional landscape paintings, which are usually of peaceful mountains or forests. I like the traditional art in my country, because it is unique from any other place in the world. If you visit museums in my country, it is likely that youll see this type of traditional art there.
4. How has art changed in the past few decades in your country?
I dont think that the most popular art forms have changed much in the past 20 or 30 years, but I think the way that younger generations are expressing themselves is beginning to change. What I mean by that is, traditional art forms are still the dominant forms of art today, but that is beginning to shift towards more modern art forms. For example, 20 years ago there were hardly any abstract artists, but today I see more and more young artists who are creating more experimental, modern art pieces to display. Although the change has been slow so far, I think art will change even more drastically in the future.
5. Lets move on from art in your country to art education. Do you think children should study art in school?
Yes, although I dont have any children of my own, Im sure when I do I will want them to study art in school. I think art has an important place in society, and on top of that, children can use art to learn how to be creative and express themselves, even if they do not become artists in the future. Art can influence us in many ways, and even teach us how to understand others points of view, which means its important for all children to study art in school.
6. How can children benefit from learning about art?
There are few different ways that children can benefit from learning about art, such as developing their creative sides, learning how to express themselves, and learning about how other people think and feel. For example, even a student who isnt interested in becoming an artist can still express his feelings of happiness or sadness through a painting at school, which is beneficial for his emotional development. Thats why I think children in schools can be positively affected by learning about art.
7. Do you think the government should provide support for art and cultural activities?
Art and cultural programs help people connect with their cultures. To keep our cultural diversity alive, the work artists do must be promoted at all levels. Any kind of support, whether it be in the form of money or other resources, will enable artists to make a decent living and earn respect in society.
Do you want to practice and record your own answers? Start IELTS Speaking Practice 3 Part 2

Speaking Part 2

candidate task card

Talk about a book you are reading now or have read recently. You should say:

  • How and why you got it

  • How long you it took you to read it or how long you have been reading it

  • What kind of book it is

And say if you would like to read something else similar or not, and why

Id like to talk about Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which is a book I finished reading recently. This book is part of a popular fantasy series for children, but in fact I decided to start reading it to study English. Im already familiar with the story from the films, which makes it easier for me to focus on the language while I read. Im not usually interested in fantasy books, but the characters and the story are interesting and fun to read about. As for how I got this book, I got this book from the local library after I finished reading the last book in the series a few weeks ago. The book is fairly long, so it took me a little less than a month to finish reading it. A few weeks is longer than it usually takes me to read books in my own language, but I think its a little more difficult for me to read books in English. In the future, I plan to read every book in the Harry Potter series, because Id like to know what happens next. Ive noticed that my English vocabulary has already improved somewhat, so I feel motivated to keep on reading. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a great book to practice English, and has an entertaining story too. Ill start reading the next book in the series as soon as I can.

Speaking Part 3

1. Do people read more nowadays?
I think thats tough to say, but all in all I would guess that people today read less than people in the past did. Take someone like my mom for example. In the past, she was a very avid reader, and would finish at least a few books every week. These days, she still reads occasionally, but with all of the great TV shows available to stream instantly, she actually spends a lot more time watching TV. So, I think people today read less because of the wide availability of other sources of entertainment, like TV.
2. Do you read before going to bed?
If I do read, its usually when Im trying to pass the time, like on the train or in the car. I rarely read at home, because I actually spend quite a bit of time on my computer or watching TV. If I do read before bed, I get sleepy. I usually end up falling asleep with the book on my face, which is not a pleasant surprise when I wake up, and later have to reread the page again because I was too tired the first time. Thats why I dont read much before going to bed.
3. In your opinion, how will e-books affect paper books?
I think the rising popularity of e-books has already begun to affect paper books in some ways. One way is in book sales, which has dropped steadily over the past few years, and will likely continue to do so in the future. Another way that e-books affect paper books is that some authors are choosing to publish their books online, which means fewer books are published on paper these days. So, overall, e-books affect paper books by making them less important, and fewer in number.
4. What's the difference between films and books?
There are really two big differences between films and books. The first difference is that with books, especially those with no pictures, the reader must imagine the settings and appearances of the characters by using the authors descriptions, and their imaginations. While in films, which are visual, the person watching can just see what the actor or place looks like, and doesnt need to use any imagination. Another big difference between these two is that films are usually much shorter in length than books, so they contain fewer details. If a book with 500 pages is made into a film, filmmakers will probably have to sacrifice some subplots and minor things in the story. Those are some of the ways films and books differ.
5. Lets move on to the topic of traditional literature in your country. What is one example of traditional literature in your country?
Well, there are many kinds of traditional literature that were originally written in several different languages. One famous example I can think of is an epic poem which was written over two thousand years ago called the Ramayana. The poem was written in Sanskrit, and it describes the life of a god named Rama.
6. Do you like reading the traditional literature of your country?
Yes, I love it. Reading traditional literature brings me closer to the country that I live in and it is very enjoyable. Because, when you read literature from a particular country, you get to know more about its culture and it is truly my dream to explore my country and understand it more deeply.

Want to see our complete list of our IELTS speaking topics? You can check them out here: See complete list of speaking topics

Are you looking for IELTS speaking samples with answers? You can start practicing free now by clicking the button below.

Free IELTS Speaking Mock Test - Part 2

How to Tackle IELTS Speaking Part 1

As noted before, IELTS speaking test part 1 questions are like daily conversations with native speakers. If you're comfortable having basic conversations with a native English speaker, part 1 should not be too much trouble, however, you should still prepare for it.

When answering IELTS speaking topics from part 1, your answer shouldn't be too short or too long.. For example, if you're asked "Do you like sports?" Saying "No. I don't like sports." is not a good enough answer. Always remember, you're here to prove you can speak English, so you need to give the examiner longer answers in order for them to grade you. An acceptable response would be "I understand the benefits of being in sports and the entertainment of watching it, but even as a child, I could never get into sports. I prefer to sit down and read an engaging book.". As a general rule, a part 1 answer should have about 3-4 sentences.

Fortunately, there are some simple ways for you to extend your IELTS speaking answers naturally, without running the risk of using any difficult or unfamiliar grammar. Here, you can find 5 easy ways, with provided examples, of how to effectively extend your answers when taking IELTS speaking part 1.

1. Providing Reasons

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am really into swimming, so I like to swim in my free time. I suppose this is thanks to the influence of my parents who both like swimming.

What kind of programme do you like to watch on TV?

My favorite TV programmes are dramas, since I don't have to think too much when I watch them. They're a little over dramatic at times, but that's part of the fun.

Do you usually watch films alone or with others?

I like watching films with my family and friends, because afterwards we can talk about our favorite parts and figure out what we think the plot was about.

Who was your favorite teacher in high school?

My favorite teacher in high school was my English teacher. The reason why she was my favorite teacher is that she taught very well, and spent time making sure we understood new words.

What was your favorite subject in high school?

I enjoyed several subjects, but the one I liked the most was probably science. I put my love of science down to the fact that I grew up in a family where my parents love science and I was taught to have an inquiring mind.

What's your favorite kind of music?

I like pop music mostly because that kind of music motivates me and makes me happy. I'll listen to almost anything with a good beat and upbeat lyrics.

Who do you get on best within your family?

It's hard to say, since we're all so close. I guess I probably get on best with my mother, as we are the most alike. We're both very chatty and warm people.

Do you prefer eating home or going out to restaurants?

I prefer to go out to restaurants because I can feel like a guest and it is much more comfortable to eat at restaurants than at home. Not to mention that the food there tastes better than home-cooked meals.

2. Providing Examples

Do you like to keep fit?

Yes! I like to keep fit. I am keen on sports! For instance, I play basketball every week and use the gym whenever I have the chance

Do you like learning a new language?

Yes! I really do! Take learning English as example. I love reading English magazines and listening to English podcasts.

Is there anything you would change about your hometown?

Well.. my least favorite thing about it is that there aren't too many fun things to do or see. A case in point is that shopping centres and restaurants close too early.

How do you listen to music?

I mostly listen to music on my phone, with headphones. For example, when I take the train, I like to listen to something to pass the time.

How do you define volunteer work?

Well.. volunteering means spending your free time to help others. For example, helping children to learn a useful new skill if their families don't have the money to pay for classes.

Are there any negative things about the Internet?

Well..yes, there are some drawbacks to the Internet. For example, there are some online predators who try to harass people online through social media. That can be very upsetting.

3. Providing Details

Tell me about your hometown?

My hometown, Delhi, is the second largest in India. The capital of the country, New Delhi, is also there. There is an international airport in Delhi, so it's easy to travel in and out of the country from there.

Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in?

I live in a rented room in a paying guest accommodation. It is a superb building equipped with all the facilities. Round-the-clock security, access to free Wi-Fi, medical room and a common room all are made available to the guests living in the building. Every major part of the city is accessible from our building.

Tell me about the favorite shop you often go to?

It is a book shop near where I live. It's on the main street. I often go in there to browse and have a look through all the books they have.

What was your first day at work like?

You know ..it was about a year ago now, but I still remember it fairly well. My first day at work was slightly hectic and overwhelming, and I actually made a lot of mistakes. Fortunately, my co-workers and supervisor were patient with me, and I got through it okay. Things at work improved quite a bit once I learned my way around.

What responsibilities do you have at work?

My greatest responsibilities at work are negotiating and maintaining relationships with our clients. I also need to stay organized and be sure to make sure I understand the products I'm promoting.

4. Talking About the Past or the Future

Where do you live in your country now?

I am currently living in Delhi, which is the second most populated city in India. I've lived there for a couple of years, but I used to live in Bangalore, which is also a big city in southern India.

Are you working at the moment?

No! Not at the moment. I am unemployed now, but I am planning to apply for some internship positions this summer. Hopefully things will change soon.

Have you ever been to a concert before?

No. I've never been to a concert before, but I think I will. Concerts are always happening around where I live, so I will try to go check them out when I can.

5. Making Speculations

Do you think you'll ever live in another country?

I suppose I'd be happy to leave my country if I was offered a job abroad that was interesting.

What would be your ideal holiday destination?

Hmm.. I'd doubt whether I'll ever go there, but I'd love to go to Africa to see the wild nature. Right now I don't have money for vacation. If I had more money, I would probably go with my girlfriend.

What would be your ideal job?

You know..that's a tricky one. It would probably be working as a software engineer in Google if I managed to pass Google's interview.

Are you a polite person?

You know..that's a good question! Let me see..I would say I am, but that depends on what it means to be polite. I think being polite means respecting others, and I try my best to do that.

What would you change about your job?

Hmm..the job I have now is overall acceptable, but I would say that there aren't many opportunities to move up the ladder. If I was a senior manager, I would probably advise my boss to change the way that the company is managed to allow for more upward career mobility.

Another key tip to keep in mind is to talk naturally like you were talking to a good friend. When you feel uncomfortable or stressed its natural to do the following

  • Look down when talking
  • Talk in a monotone voice
  • Talk quietly
  • Give one word answers ("No.")
  • Frown

The above list are things you MUST NOT DO! Let's look at a list of things you should do :)

  • Make natural eye contact with the examiner
  • Talk with passion. Be excited and happy to answer the questions.
  • Talk loud enough, so the examiner will have no problem hearing you.
  • Give descriptive answers.
  • SMILE :)

How to Tackle IELTS Speaking Part 2

Part 2 is the individual part of the IELTS speaking test. You'll be given a candidate task card, pen and paper and will be expected to speak a monologue for around 2 minutes. As you can see from the candidate task card example below, there is an IELTS speaking topic that the examiner will expect you to talk about and bullet points to help guide you, but are not requirements for your speech. This card is your IELTS speaking question for part 2.

Candidate Task Card
Describe something you own which is very important to you.
  • Where you got it from
  • How long you have had it
  • What you use it for.
  • And explain why it is important to you.

You'll have 1 minute to prepare your speech. Use the pen and paper to write down your notes in point form. You can use your notes during your speech. The examiner will then start a timer and you will begin your 2 minute monologue.

IELTS Speaking Tips for Success - Part 2

Due to IELTS speaking part 2 requiring you to speak for 2 minutes straight and potentially talk about an unfamiliar topic, many IELTS students get nervous and stress out during their speech and run out of things to say. In order to help you overcome these problems, we have come up with 4 IELTS speaking tips that can help you feel confident and relaxed during your speech.

1. Don't let bullet points on the cue card limit your answer

A common misconception is that students have to talk about exactly what is written on the card, but that is not true. In the Official Marking Criteria there is nothing stating that you have to talk about every bullet point. The bullet points are only there to help you, so if there are one or two that you don't like or you don't feel comfortable talking about, leave them out and talk about something else.

The rule is that you must talk about the general topic, but you don't have to talk about all of the bullet points. So what does this mean to you? It means you can choose to talk about some of the bullet points you are comfortable with and other things unrelated to the bullet points but related to the topic. This will help you give a better and a more fluent answer.

2. Plan your answer during the 1 minute preparation time

You will have one minute to prepare before you start talking. During this 1 minute, You should layout your speaking response's structure and put down some keywords to help you remember what you want to talk about during your speech. Remember! You need to speak for 2 minutes and that's a lot of time, so planning what you want to say and your structure is important to getting a high IELTS speaking test score.

3. Prepare a structure to plan out your speaking answer

There's nothing worse then having an idea in your mind, but failing to express it into words that's easy for the listener to follow and understand. This is typically the case when you aren't practiced in speaking with structure. It's recommended you have a structure in mind to answer all IELTS speaking questions. Here we recommend two strategies to structure your answers:

First Strategy

In the first strategy, the structure of the response is divided into 3 parts:
  1. Introduction:
    In the introduction, you can rephrase the question a little, and then use a sentence to introduce what you will talk about. Just a simple introductory phrase like, "I'm going to talk about..." or "I'd like to talk about..." will work just fine. The introduction usually takes up around 10 seconds. Or you can say something like, "Hmm..this is an interesting topic. My first thought is.." or, "That's a tough question for me, but if I had to choose, I'd choose..". Then, you'll want to move on to talk about the main points.
  2. Main points:
    When you've decided what you want to talk about, the first thing you'll want to do is to think about question words like "who," "what," "where," or "when," and then you can start coming up with basic responses to these questions. You can write down a few of your ideas on your paper. Next, you can start looking at the bullet points, and then choose two of them to talk about. Again, you can write down a few ideas for each bullet point on the card. Finally, you want to focus on questions that start with "why". Usually there is a "why" question on the question card.
  3. Extension:
    If up to this point, you have still not used all 2 minutes of your time, you can extend your answer by talking about how you feel overall and what you might like to do in the future in regards to the topic. Doing that should help you add another 20 seconds. You can always start with sentences like "Overall, I feel .., and "I think in the future I will....".

IELTS Speaking Question Part 2 Example:

Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you have.
You should say:
  • what it is
  • what you used it for
  • how long you have used it
  • and describe why it is important to you

Laptop, HP, Good configuration, Windows 8
Bought from BestBuy few years ago.
Present from my mom

Bullet point:
What I used it for: study, take notes, watch movies, listen to music
How long I have used it: 1 year

Why: essential part of my life

IELTS Speaking Sample Answer:

  • play_arrow
  • pause

This is an interesting topic. My first thought is that I find a lot of electronic equipment useful, but today I am going to talk about the laptop I have.

My laptop computer is manufactured by HP. This laptop has a good configuration and it supports most of the latest software. It came with the Windows 8 operating system and a warranty for three years. I remembered my mom bought it for me as a present. We bought it at Best Buy. I remember it was black friday, so the computers were on sale and we got a great discount.

As for what I use it for, I'd say it is useful in virtually all aspects of my life, including studying, and entertainment. For instance, I use my laptop to take notes. I remember I used to take notes by hand in highschool. It was extremely time-consuming. Now with my laptop, I can type notes directly into a document. It is just much faster and much more flexible. I also use my laptop for entertainment purposes. For example, when I get home from school, I listen to music on my laptop. On weekends, I like watching my favorite TV shows on Netflix. If I didn't have my laptop, I would have to use my phone to watch videos, and I think the phone's screen would be too small for me to really enjoy the programme.

With regards to how long I have used it, well, I had my old laptop for over 5 years, but I finally decided to upgrade and bought my current one a year ago.

Finally, I want to talk about why the laptop is important to me. As I said earlier, this laptop has become an essential piece of equipment for me in almost every aspect of my life. I use it to watch movies and listen to music. I also use it to take notes. I even use it to write a blog, and play games occasionally.

Overall, I feel I am a bit emotionally attached to this laptop as it has become a part of my life. I think in the future, I will continue to use it until it stops working. Even if it breaks, I'll probably still keep it and treat it as a valuable.

Second Strategy

In this strategy, the structure of the response is also divided into 3 parts, which you can think of as being 3 different "stories" that you'll tell the IELTS speaking test examiner.

These three stories will concern events from the past, present, and future. So, that means you will tell a story about what happened before, a story about what is happening now, and a story about what you think will happen later. By using this structure, you won't get stuck trying to think about what to talk about, and you are more likely to speak long enough to reach 2 minutes.

If you don't have enough to talk about using the bullet points alone, this structure can help you get ideas to extend your answer. In fact, you don't need to stick with the questions on the bullet points. Although you should start with the IELTS speaking topic given on the card, you don't need to stay on that topic; It's okay to answer by using relevant stories and even go off-topic.

IELTS Speaking Question Part 2 Example:

Describe people that you know and believe to be very good parents. You should say:
  • Who they are
  • How you met them
  • Why you think they are good parents
  • And explain what it requires to be good parents.

IELTS Speaking Sample Answer:

  • play_arrow
  • pause

There are lots of ways to be a good parent, and today I'd like to tell you three stories about my experiences with parenting.

Well, first of all, when I was growing up, I think I was very fortunate to have good parents. My parents both worked very hard, but also took the time to make sure they taught us valuable lessons and spent time with us every day. I remember that we would always have dinner at the dinner table together, and my mother and father would ask me and my siblings questions about our day and make jokes with us. They are still very important people in my life now.

Next, I'd like to talk about some great parents that I know today. They are my friends who are new parents. Even though they are still learning about how to be good parents, I watch them lose sleep each night and sacrifice their own comfort regularly for the sake of their baby. The mother is so patient, even when she has not had time to take a shower or relax, she always smiles and plays with the baby. The father works hard and even after a long day, he still takes time to give his wife a break when he comes home from work, so she can have some time to herself. The couple is not only kind to their baby, but they are also kind to each other.

For my last story today, I'm going to tell you about a TV show I saw that has influenced how I think I want to be a parent in the future. The show is called "Parenthood," and it's a sitcom about a few different families. Although they are all very different, the thing that holds them together is their support, honesty, and love for one another. I hope that when I become a parent someday, I can give my family the same amount of all of those things, and be accepting of my children even if they are different from how I expected them to be.

4. Don't Worry About Making Mistakes

The last IELTS speaking tip is not to worry about making mistakes. Everybody taking an IELTS speaking test makes both grammar and vocabulary mistakes. The examiners are actually expecting you to make some mistakes. What's important is getting the message across; making a few small mistakes will not hurt your overall message. What will hurt your message is thinking about the mistake because you'll lose your train of thought and that is very dangerous. If you can correct it immediately, then it's fine to correct it, but if you struggle or it takes a little bit of time to think of the correction, then please forget it and move on.

How to Tackle IELTS Speaking Part 3

In part 3 of the IELTS speaking test, the examiner will ask a broader range of questions which are based on the topics discussed in part 2. These questions are more general and require you to develop your answer further with explanations and examples. It is going to be a discussion with the examiner that will last for about 4-5 minutes. The examiner wants to see that you can fluently express your opinions and that you are able to justify them by giving reasons and examples.

IELTS Speaking Tips for Success - Part 3

Ok, let's just say that the IELTS speaking topic question in part 2 is "Describe a book that you read recently". In part 3, the questions you are going to be asked are related to the topic "book". So, here are some general and abstract questions that could be asked in part 3 based on this topic:

  • What kind of books are considered good reads in your opinion?
  • Why do you think so many people read on tablets nowadays?
  • Do you think that traditional books will be replaced by tablet reading in the future?

If you have done some research on IELTS speaking questions for part 3, you might think they are unpredictable, making them challenging to prepare for. However, if you look at them closely, you can see patterns among the questions. Generally speaking, questions in IELTS speaking part 3 ask you to

  1. give your opinion on a topic
  2. express your preference on a topic
  3. compare and contrast two things
  4. make a prediction on something in the future
  5. make a comparison with the past
  6. talk about a hypothetical situation
  7. talk about your ideas about people in society
  8. talk about causes and effects
  9. provide solutions to a problem
Let's have a look some more example questions.
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Question Types
Give your opinion on a topic
  • What is your opinion on companies checking job applicants' online profiles?
  • Do you think the education system in your country influences young people's behavior?
  • Is food safety becoming an increasingly serious problem in our lives?
Express your preference
  • What do you think is better for you? home cooking or eating out?
  • Do you generally read a lot of books or do you prefer watching T.V?
  • Do you prefer to live in a big city or in a small town?
Talk about people or things in your country
  • Do people in your country spend a lot of money on their education?
  • How do most people travel long distances in your country?
  • How popular is watching television in your country?
Talk about causes and effects
  • What are some of the causes of water pollution?
  • How does advertising influence what people choose to buy?
  • Why do you think so many people read on tablets nowadays?
Compare and contrast two things
  • What are the differences between living in the city and the countryside?
  • What is the difference between studying online and studying at a school?
  • What is the difference between clothes that young people and old people like to wear?
Make a prediction on something in the future
  • What do you think cities will be like in 50 years time?
  • Will computers and robots replace teachers in the future?
Make a comparison with the past
  • How are education priorities today different from those in the past?
  • How are the eating habits now different from eating habits in the past?
  • How has teaching changed in your country over the past few decades?
Talk about a hypothetical situation
  • If you could choose a city to live in, where would you choose?
  • If you could influence or had the power to change the world with your writings what would you want to change?
Provide solutions to a problem
  • How can traffic be reduced in a city?
  • How can we stop violence on TV?
  • What can we do to slow down global warming?
So these are all question styles youll encounter in Part 3. There is no set word limit for what could be considered a good IELTS speaking test part 3 answer, but it should not be too short. If it's too short, you will have failed to develop your answer properly. As a rule, to get a high IELTS speaking score, your answer should be around 5-8 sentences long.

If you're worried about speaking that many sentences, you're not alone. Even native speakers would need to practice with IELTS speaking questions to provide a high scoring 5-8 sentence answer. However, there are some IELTS speaking sample templates that'll make your life easier. As long as you practice enough questions, learn our IELTS speaking topics, and you follow our speaking structure, you'll feel more confident and improve your speech.

Now lets look at how to structure your answer based on the IELTS speaking question style. Keep in mind that the answer structures are only to help you have a clear picture of what you want to say and to help you stay organized. However, you dont necessarily have to follow them as long as your answer is on topic and can showcase your English proficiency.

Let's look at how to extend and structure your answer based on the question style.
Make a prediction on something in the future
  1. Describe the prediction
  2. Describe the current trend and say this trend will probably continue
  3. Describe how you feel about this prediction (Optional)
IELTS Speaking QuestionWhat do you think cities will be like in 50 years time?
Model Answer and Analysis:
  • play_arrow
  • pause

IELTS Speaking Test Sample Answers

Describe the prediction:
I think cities in the future will be more densely populated. At the same time, people will still require transportation, so I think the transportation in future cities will be more modern, fast, and convenient.

Describe the current trend and say this trend will probably continue:
In fact, I think there is a growing trend across the world of futuristic cities emerging where transportation is becoming more convenient to meet the growing demands of population. This trend will probably continue going forward.

Describe how you feel about this prediction:
I personally like this trend as more futuristic cities will emerge. A good example of a futuristic city is I think I will say it is Tokyo, where people have access to clean transportation, and live in compact spaces, like high-rises.
Make a comparison with the past
  1. State that there have been changes over the past decades
  2. Describe the first comparison
  3. Describe the second comparison
  4. Describe how you feel about this change (Optional)
IELTS Speaking QuestionHow has teaching changed in your country over the past few decades?
Model Answer and Analysis:
  • play_arrow
  • pause

IELTS Speaking Test Sample Answers

State that there have been changes over the past decade:
In the past few decades, there have definitely been some noticeable changes in education through generations.

Describe the first comparison:
I mean ..most notably, students today can no longer be punished physically by teachers, while in the past, that was pretty common.

Describe the second comparison:
Another way that education has changed is teacher student interaction. Today, its more normal to see students answering questions and having discussions, while in the past, the teacher simply lectured, and the students listened silently.

Describe how you feel about this change:
Overall, I think education is making progress in my country.
Compare and contrast two things
  1. State that there are a few differences between two things
  2. Describe the first comparison
  3. Describe the second comparison
  4. Give a short conclusion (Optional)
IELTS Speaking QuestionWhat are the differences between living in the city and the countryside?
Model Answer and Analysis:
  • play_arrow
  • pause

IELTS Speaking Test Sample Answers

State that there are a few differences between two things:
For me, there are quite a few differences between life in the city and life in the country. Life in the city and in the country is vastly different.

Describe the first comparison:
First of all, the way people interact with each other is different. For example, in a small town, people usually wave to say hello, and notice strangers in town. But in a big city, most people ignore each other and try to give each other space in public.

Describe the second comparison:
Another big difference between the two is the amount of noise, which is higher in cities, and lower in small towns.

Give a short conclusion:
Overall, life in both places varies.
Provide solutions to a problem
  1. Briefly talk about the problem
  2. Talk about the first solution
  3. Talk about the second solution
  4. Describe how you feel about the problem and the solutions (Optional)
IELTS Speaking QuestionHow can we stop violence on TV?
Model Answer and Analysis:
  • play_arrow
  • pause

IELTS Speaking Test Sample Answers

Briefly talk about the problem:
I think violence on TV is the most problematic for children, but there isnt really a simple way to make it stop, because there is a demand for action, horror, and excitement on TV.

Talk about the first solution:
The way I see it, there are two possible ways to deal with violent TV shows. The first is to make policies that actually ban that kind of programming altogether, although that would likely not be popular.

Talk about the second solution:
The second way could be to educate people on why violent TV shows are problematic, and see if they will stop watching the shows to lower the demand for them.

Describe how you feel about the problem and the solutions:
I mean either way, I think this problem probably isnt going to disappear with just one simple solution.
Talk about causes or effects of a phenomenon
  1. Briefly talk about the phenomenon
  2. Point out the cause or effect
  3. Provide an example of the cause or effect
  4. Describe how you feel about the phenomenon (Optional)
IELTS Speaking QuestionWhat are some of the causes of water pollution?
Model Answer and Analysis:
  • play_arrow
  • pause

IELTS Speaking Test Sample Answers

Briefly talk about the phenomenon:
Water pollution definitely has more disastrous effects on our health

Point out the cause or effect:
From what I understand, water pollution is caused mostly by human activity, so it seems like the likely sources of water pollution would be factories, runoff from farms, and sewage from cities.

Provide an example of the cause or effect:
For instance, Ive seen a few studies recently that declared the Australian Great Barrier Reef to be dead due to man-made pollutants and garbage in the water.

Describe how you feel about the phenomenon:
I think its quite sad, as that probably could have been prevented if people paid more attention to the effects big industry has on the environment.
Talk about people or things in your country
  1. Answer the question
  2. Give examples of how most people do things
  3. Give examples of how you do things
IELTS Speaking QuestionHow popular is watching television in your country?
Model Answer and Analysis:
  • play_arrow
  • pause

IELTS Speaking Test Sample Answers

Answer the IELTS speaking question:
As far as I know, watching TV is probably one of the most popular pastimes for people in my country.

Give examples of how most people do things:
For example, in the evening, almost every home I pass has the TV in the living room switched on, and families will be sitting around together watching shows. I think most people like watching the news, or watching dramas.

Give examples of how you do things:
As for me, I also watch quite a bit of TV when Im at home. For instance, I watch sitcoms on Friday nights after work.I guess other people in my country probably do the same thing as I do.

Finally! Lets look at the last three types of questions
  • Give your opinion on a topic
  • Express your preference
  • Talk about a hypothetical situation

For these question types, you can use the following structure to form your speaking response:
  1. Answer the question
  2. Explain the reason
  3. Give examples to support your reasons
Lets look at some examples:
Give your opinion on a topic
IELTS Speaking QuestionDo you think people spend too much money on electronic devices?
Model Answer and Analysis:
  • play_arrow
  • pause

IELTS Speaking Test Sample Answers

Answer the question:
If you ask me, yes, I think that some people spend too much money trying to keep up with the latest trends in technology.

Explain the reason:
However, I can understand why they do it, because these days devices become obsolete almost immediately after they are purchased.

Give examples to support your reasons:
For example, a new smartphone might have some great new camera today, but tomorrow, another one will appear with an even better camera. Then, everyone will want to upgrade to the new device. As for me, I am satisfied with using a slightly outdated device in order to save money until I really need a new one.
Express your preference
IELTS Speaking QuestionDo you generally read a lot of books or do you prefer watching T.V?
Model Answer and Analysis:
  • play_arrow
  • pause

IELTS Speaking Test Sample Answers

Answer the question:
Even though I love to read, the reality is I spend quite a bit more time watching TV.

Explain the reason:
I think the main reason I watch more TV is because its lazier, which is unfortunate. But at the same time, there are some great shows to choose from.

Give examples to support your reasons:
For instance, one of my favorite shows is Dexter, which has great writing, an interesting plot, and well-developed characters, just like a book. I think in the age we live in now, TV is just going to keep getting better and better, so I am going to probably continue watching more TV.
Talk about a hypothetical situation
IELTS Speaking QuestionIf you could influence or had the power to change the world with your writings what would you want to change?
Model Answer and Analysis:
  • play_arrow
  • pause

IELTS Speaking Test Sample Answers

Answer the question:
If I could change the world with my writings, my biggest priority would probably be to educate people about how and why they need to make changes to what they buy, what they eat, and consume to help save the environment.

Explain the reason:
The main reason is that people nowadays are using so much disposable plastic and products. This has led to many environmental problems. If my writing could change our consumption habits, that would have a drastic effect on our environmental footprint.

Give examples to support your reasons:
For example, Ive seen a few studies recently predicting that, by 2050, the mass of plastic in the worlds oceans will exceed the mass of all the fish that live there. If that happens, the entire food chain will be severely damaged.

IELTS Speaking Practice for Your Success

BestMyTest is an online IELTS preparation course built for your convenience. Our IELTS speaking test questions were designed to look and feel identical to the official IELTS speaking test (We did our best to simulate an interview like scenario for you). We made sure everything was the same including difficulty, formatting, and even how the test functions. Please note we offer 4 simulated IELTS tests with never before seen questions and a completely free IELTS speaking test sample. You can start practicing now: IELTS Speaking Practice 1 part 1

These IELTS speaking topics were created with the most recent year's topics, so our IELTS speaking samples are relevant to your IELTS speaking preparation! Make sure you complete them all and you'll achieve a high IELTS speaking band score.

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How IELTS Speaking Questions are Scored

In the IELTS speaking test, your speaking ability will be scored based on four categories. These are known as Fluency and coherence, Lexical resource, Grammatical range and accuracy, and Pronunciation. Read on for an opportunity to get more familiar with each of these categories. For more information, you can also refer to these band descriptors which IELTS examiners use to score the Speaking section of the test. Now, let's look at these four categories in detail.

Fluency & Coherence

Can you discuss your thoughts in a clear, logical way? Fluency refers to your ability to get your ideas across rationally, and coherence refers to the extent to which others can understand your ideas. To get a Band 9 score in the Fluency and Coherence category, you should be able to speak continuously without stopping to remember words or grammar, while simultaneously developing a complete, practical response to IELTs speaking questions.

If you are frequently hesitating to put a grammatically correct response together, your fluency will be negatively impacted. You should be focused on using English to effectively communicate the content of your message at all times, not on finding the right words themselves. To score well in the area of coherence, your ideas need to flow together sensibly to your listener. You can make use of cohesive features, like transitions, and common discourse markers to improve your cohesion, and also buy yourself a little more time to think of your best response.

Lexical Resource

Your lexical resource concerns your ability to effectively tap into your "mental dictionary" or lexicon. If you tend to speak with an expansive, varied vocabulary, you will surely do well in the lexical resource category. Note that both the appropriateness and accuracy of your vocabulary choices are considered here, so you must be sure to choose the correct word for both its meaning AND the context in which it appears.

On the other hand, if you have a limited vocabulary, or are inexperienced with finding the right context for some words, you may need some additional practice in this area. Remember, just knowing what an English word "means" does not ensure that you are using it correctly, as English words often have connotations which are not necessarily found in the dictionary. By the way, you'll understand what we're talking about more as you go through our IELTS speaking samples. Continuing on, repeating the same words that you are comfortable using again and again is another common mistake to avoid, as it will indicate to the examiner that your lexical resources are limited. Finally, the examiner will expect you to be able to correctly paraphrase IELTS speaking questions by using your own words to repeat the question. That means listening and understanding the phrasing of questions is important, too.

Grammatical Range

Unsurprisingly to most, your grammar will also be considered as part of your IELTS speaking score. To do your best in this category, you should become familiar with as many IELTS speaking topics as you can, so you can focus more on your grammar, then you can attempt to demonstrate your grammatical ability and range as naturally as possible. Avoiding mistakes will not be enough to get a high score in this area, as the examiner needs ample opportunities to hear you using more complex or difficult grammatical structures and features. Your goal should be to show off your grammatical knowledge while appearing comfortable using a variety of sentence constructions and verb tenses.

However, as many second-language speakers know, this is easier said than done. If you're confused about how to use some grammar points, or you aren't sure whether you're making mistakes when speaking, consider recording your spoken responses next time you practice answering IELTS speaking test questions. While listening, you may find that there are some mistakes you didn't even know you were making. Discovering these will allow you to figure out how to break bad habits BEFORE the examiner hears you making them on the test. If possible, get a native speaker, instructor, or a friend with good English to help you correct your mistakes and explain grammar rules. Be sure to go back and review as well - even the most basic grammar lessons.


Last but not least, examiners will score your pronunciation. Those with the highest scores in this category will pronounce words well enough for native speakers to understand them perfectly at all times. Pronunciation problems which limit your ability to be understood when speaking will reduce your score.

It's important to remember that English pronunciation involves more than just the sounds of words. Native speakers will also be listening for proper tone, stress, and flow in your words as well as within sentences. When test-takers are unfamiliar with the natural rhythm and intonation patterns of English, the only surefire way to improve is to hear and use as much spoken English as possible throughout the day. You can speak English and listen to your response every day right here at BestMyTest with our IELTS speaking practice questions.

Realistically, doing this may not be possible for everyone. Even so, you can still make the most of your limited time by listening to recordings of native speakers. To practice improving your pronunciation, you'll need to channel your inner parrot. Try stopping the recording and repeating short portions exactly the way you heard them a few times. Listen for rising and falling tones, pauses, and even the speaker's emotion. Doing this will allow you to develop your own pronunciation within different contexts, as well as train yourself to hear and replicate the real sounds of native-like English.

Free IELTS Speaking Test Resources

Improving your speaking skills with free resources is a little more challenging than the other three IELTS sections. It's true that speaking English can help you improve, but what really helps is having conversations with a fluent English speaker. Someone that can help correct your mistakes. Of course, a fluent English speaker isn't always available, so we'll go to the next best thing. Free IELTS speaking resources.

IELTS Speaking Questions

To get an idea of what the IELTS speaking test is like for each part, you can watch the official IELTS YouTube videos below completely free. They contain a ton of useful information and IELTS speaking samples.

  • YouTube Video: IELTS Speaking 1 (Kenn, Band 8.5)
  • YouTube Video: IELTS Speaking 2 (Tina, Band 5)
  • YouTube Video: IELTS Speaking 3 (Kopi, Band 8)

Below are a few amazing free resources you can use to train and maintain your IELTS speaking skills.

1. Google Speech-to-Text

This is a great tool for teaching yourself to speak at a good pace and to pronounce correctly. What you'll notice is if you make a mistake, Google API will write down what it thinks you said. We actually have something similar in our IELTS speaking question section under the "SAMPLE" tab, but you'll need Google chrome on desktop to use it.

2. YouTube

YouTube has tons of free resources related to IELTS speaking test practice. Some videos even offer IELTS speaking samples with answer.

3. Google Play Store

There are loads of free English speaking fluency apps from Google play store. You really can't go wrong with these free apps. Just download them and start. With the right app, you should be able to improve your IELTS speaking skills, at least, a little bit.