the dial-up là gì - Nghĩa của từ the dial-up

the dial-up có nghĩa là

The most evil thing on earth- especially from freeserve

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the dial-up có nghĩa là

Slow medium for connecting to the Internet, which some people STILL use because:
1. They can't afford broadband (understandable, unlike the following)
2. They don't know about other ways to connect
3. They've been brainwashed into thinking AOL is number one

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the dial-up có nghĩa là

Slow medium for connecting to the Internet, which some people STILL use because:

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the dial-up có nghĩa là

Slow medium for connecting to the Internet, which some people STILL use because:
1. They can't afford broadband (understandable, unlike the following)

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Makes a painful sound like "BEEBOOPBEEBOOP___BEEEEEEEEEEEKRSCHHHHHHHHHHHH" Slow medium for connecting to the Internet, which some people STILL use because:
1. They can't afford broadband (understandable, unlike the following)
2. They don't know about other ways to connect
3. They've been brainwashed into thinking AOL is number one I'm surprised dial-up isn't free. a primitive way to connect to the internet. those who still "dial up" are sad sad individuals. A: i have dsl my grandma has dial up thats like going from a Porshe to a Honda an internet connection that doesnt allow the people using it to talk on the phone at the same time, if you call someones house while their on dial-up internet you will recieve a sound so horrid that it will make your ears bleed.

the dial-up có nghĩa là

it sounds like a robot being tortured. Online Conversation:

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Pete- Sup dawg?

MikeG- my fucking ears are bleeding!

the dial-up có nghĩa là

Pete- Yo dawg that sucks, why they bleedin?

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MikeG- because i just tryed to call your house but your pov ass family has dial-up!

the dial-up có nghĩa là

1)a shitty temporary connection using a phone line that runs at 56 or god forbid 28 k

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2)in gaming terms, a bad internet or server connnection in general 1)i hate how checking my email takes a week. thanks a lot dial up

2)oh god, steve's dial up is acting up again. no wonder why i'm morphing around the level and not hitting a fucking thing.

the dial-up có nghĩa là

1) Of or relating to a network connection, as to the Internet, which requires that a telephone number be dialed.

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2) A temporary, as opposed to dedicated, connection between machines established over a telephone line using modems. My dial-up connection was interrupted by call waiting. A horrible, extremely slow internet connection. With dial up your phone and computer use the same line. Quay sô:

Susie- I tried to call you but the line was busy!

the dial-up có nghĩa là

Jane- Sorry, I was on the computer.

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Susie- o_O “ dial-up” (Adj.) as in a dial-up computer connection to indicate a outdated mode, thought, recommendation, or activity? Person #1: Let’s go drink a beer and hang out at the Mall! Person #2: Not for me, that is such a dial-up plan.

the dial-up có nghĩa là

A man inserts his penis into a woman. He makes ear piercing modem sounds for about 15 seconds, then starts thrusting, veeeeeery slooooooowly.

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Passenger Parent: If I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times to drive slower.