What are five physical changes the elderly experience

Getting older may be viewed as full of opportunities, especially as individuals look forward to retiring and having more time to spend doing the things they love. However, there are some common physical changes associated with aging that can pose some challenges for older adults who want to remain active. Knowing about the most common age-related physical changes can help older people make the adjustments necessary to live fulfilling lives. 

Changes in Mobility

Decreased mobility is a physical change many older adults experience. There can be several causes of limited mobility, including osteoporosis and painful arthritis. Bone mass starts to decrease as people get older, leading to the loss of bone density and, eventually, the possibility of osteoporosis. Older people with osteoporosis are at high risk for fractures and broken bones. Being fearful of injury makes some older individuals less likely to engage in healthy physical activities, such as walking. The pain and stiffness of arthritis make it difficult to move around and can lead to a sedentary lifestyle.

Many seniors prefer aging in place over moving to assisted living facilities. If your senior loved one needs assistance to remain safe and comfortable while living at home, reach out to Home Care, a leading senior care agency. Our dedicated in-home caregivers can assist with meal prep, bathing and grooming, exercise, medication reminders, and many other important tasks.

Changes in Vision

It’s not unusual for people to have difficulty seeing as they get older. Presbyopia, a condition that affects the ability of the lenses in the eyes to change shape, makes it difficult to see items up close. To read, an individual may need to hold a book or document farther away. Cataracts cloud the lenses, making it difficult to see. Some people describe cataracts as being like looking through a foggy window. Removal of cataracts helps individuals see more clearly. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the major causes of blindness in older adults, and it causes blind spots in central vision. For example, if an individual with AMD looks at a person’s face, he or she may see a dark spot in the center of the face. 

Changes in Muscle Mass

Older adults may experience a loss of muscle mass due to a lack of physical activity. Healthy muscle mass is critical to good health because the more lean muscle an individual has, the more fat he or she will burn. Less muscle mass means more fat and can lead to heart disease and diabetes. 

Changes in the Brain

Memory loss can be a concern for many older adults. The loss of brain cells can impact thinking, memory, and reaction time as individuals grow older. Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia can also affect memory and cause deterioration in both mental and physical functioning. Years of unhealthy eating and lack of exercise can cause plaques to build up in the vessels leading to the brain, which can lead to memory impairment. 

Without the right assistance, Alzheimer’s can be challenging for seniors and their families to manage. If you’re looking for professional Alzheimer’s care, Harrisburg Home Care provides high-quality care aging adults and their families can count on. All of our hourly and live-in caregivers are trained to help seniors with Alzheimer’s live happier and healthier lives, and we also provide specialized dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s care. 

Changes in the Digestive System

Older adults may experience difficulty digesting food because of decreased stomach acid. Seniors with dental issues, Parkinson’s disease, or other health conditions often find it very difficult to chew food, which can interfere with digestion. Additionally, the esophagus may not contract fully, which makes it challenging to swallow food. 

The physical changes that accompany aging can make it challenging for seniors to live at home without assistance. Many older adults are choosing to age in place, and some need a helping hand to continue living at home safely and comfortably. Luckily, there is professional elderly home care Harrisburg seniors can trust and rely on. Home Care can be your trusted partner when your loved one needs help with the challenges of aging. Call us today at (717) 540-4663 to learn about our high-quality in-home care services.

What are the most common age-related physical changes? Learn what happens to the human body as one grows older and what you can do to delay these signs of aging below.
In this article:

  1. Graying and Thinning of Hair
  2. Sagging Skin
  3. Teeth Loss
  4. Wrinkles, Fine Lines, and Crow’s Feet
  5. Weakening Muscles
  6. EyeSight
  7. Bone Density
  8. Decreased Lung Capacity

How to Combat These 5 Physical Changes and Aging Signs

Graying and Thinning of Hair

One of the physical signs of aging is graying and thinning of our hair.

Most men and women start seeing drastic signs of hair loss once they hit their 50s. Meanwhile, others start to get gray hair in their mid-30s.

What are five physical changes the elderly experience

But the exact age at which gray hairs appear varies based on your lifestyle, gender, and ethnicity.

What you can do:

Most people wear wigs or use hair dye to cover up the effects of hair aging. But these are nothing more than band-aid solutions to a long-lasting problem.

If you really want to protect your head’s crowning glory, you need to:

  • Eat more nutrient-dense foods. Just like any other part of the body, your hair strands need minerals and nutrients to stay healthy.
  • Use conditioner. Do not skip on conditioners just to save a few bucks on your monthly expenditures. Conditioning your hair a few times every week can go a long way when it comes to scalp hydration and hair protection.
  • Consult a specialist. A specialist can prescribe the best supplements and medication to take.

Sagging Skin

The human skin is able to stay firm and supple through collagen and elastin production. These are compounds the body naturally produces.

They also protect the skin from harmful UV rays.

But as the body ages, its ability to produce elastin and collagen decreases. As a result, the skin loses its ability to heal itself and starts looking dry, loose, and saggy.

What you can do:

The key to keeping your skin looking firm and supple is to start taking care of it while you’re still young. Don’t wait for it to sag.

Some ways you can promote skin elasticity are by:

  • Eating healthy fats. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats act as natural moisturizers. You can source them from seeds, nuts, fatty fishes, and avocados.
  • Moisturizing daily. Find a brand that works for you and use it at least twice a day, once in the morning and again before going to bed.
  • Taking collagen supplements. This is probably the quickest, simplest way to boost collagen and elastin production. Just make sure you consult with a specialist beforehand.

Teeth Loss

What are five physical changes the elderly experience

A good skincare routine is important, but don’t forget about proper oral hygiene. We become more susceptible to tooth decay, tooth discoloration, and gum diseases as we age.

Generally, your teeth should last a lifetime. But an unhealthy diet filled with combined with the normal aging process can deal with some serious damages to your teeth.

What you can do:

The human molars are powerful. In fact, they can take on about 200 pounds of pressure at once.

But a lifetime’s worth of chewing can lead to some wear and tear damages. If you want to keep your teeth and gums young and healthy, make sure you do the following:

  • Stop smoking. Smoking is a harmful habit that has negative effects on the body. If you’re looking for a sign to quit, then this is it.
  • Brush three times a day. Forgetting to brush your teeth is a sure way to leave yourself susceptible to oral diseases.
  • Visit your dentist. Consult with your dentist at least every six months. They have the education, tools, and experience needed to properly assess and treat your oral health.

Wrinkles, Fine Lines, and Crow’s Feet

Another common aging hallmark is the appearance of fine lines on one’s face. These include forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet near the eyes.

Unlike skin sagging, fine lines on the face are a bit harder to hide. That’s why many people feel insecure about these kinds of aging signs.

To make matters worse, some people start seeing fine lines on their face as early as their 20s. The creases usually appear on the forehead when you raise your eyebrows.

What you can do:

Create your own healthy skincare routine for face elasticity and suppleness:

  • Drink enough water daily. We can’t stress how important it is to drink water. It’s a natural moisturizer that hydrates and replenishes the entire body.
  • Eat more foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that fight harmful free-radical damage. Some antioxidant-rich foods include mangoes, berries, grapes, parsley, and spinach.
  • Sleep. The body repairs itself while you’re asleep. So if you don’t get enough rest, your appearance will suffer for it. As a general rule, try to get at least six to eight hours of sleep every night.

Weakening Muscles

Studies show that the human body decreases in muscle strength by 40.9% by the time it hits 40. Meanwhile, those below 40 years old may notice a steady decrease of 16.6% in muscle strength.

What you can do:

Some simple ways you can improve muscle strength are by:

  • Eating more protein. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. They contain amino acids that help repair, maintain, and build muscle mass. Some good sources of protein include soy, Greek yogurt, lean meat, and chicken breast.
  • Exercising more often. You don’t have to follow a complete bodybuilding program. Some simple aerobic and anaerobic exercises would be more than enough to keep your body in tip-top shape. The key to positive physical changes and results isn’t intensity, but rather, consistency.
  • Taking multivitamins. Meal preparation is both time-consuming and expensive. As a result, most people fail to get the nutrients their muscles need to stay strong. To remedy this, try taking multivitamins. That way, you don’t have to rely solely on food for your daily vitamins and minerals.

Note: When it comes to muscle training, you should always keep your age and limitations in mind. Do not go beyond what the body can handle to avoid getting injured.

As the body ages, you’re bound to see a few physical changes on your skin, face, hair, hands, and other body parts. These are normal and there’s no reason to be ashamed of them.

Rather than trying to stop these age-related changes, a better strategy would be to slow down their appearance. By eating nutritious food, using high-quality skincare products, and leading an overall healthy life, you can delay most physical signs of aging.


One of the undeniable effects of aging is problems with eyesight. Depending on your genetics and your health history, you might suffer from the following problems:

  • Dry eyes
  • Tearing
  • Glaucoma
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Retinal Disorders
  • Floaters
  • Presbyopia
  • Cataracts
  • Temporal Arteritis

What you can do:

There are multiple ways to improve your eye health. 

Eat nutritious foods. Having a well-balanced diet can contribute to the health of your eyes. It can also help you maintain a healthy body weight, which is essential for your vision.

Wear protective sunglasses. Sunglasses that block the UV lights can make a big difference in delaying the aging process of your eyes. 

Control blood sugar levels. Diabetes in severe cases can cause blindness, and high blood pressure can trigger this. It’s essential to take care of your overall health. 

The best way to keep your eyes healthy is to get regular checkups.

Bone Density

After the age of 50, bones in your body tend to lose density. It’s a higher risk for women because women’s bones are usually smaller and less dense than men. But men are still at risk as well.

What you can do:

Increase calcium intake. Consuming milk, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, beans, and calcium-fortified foods can help you maintain your bones’ density. 

Increase Vitamin D intake. Vitamin D can help your bones to absorb calcium better. You can start vitamin D supplement treatment. 

Stay physically active. Exercising regularly can help your bones to stay healthy and delay the aging process. You can try pilates, trekking, dancing, etc.

Quit smoking. Smoking can seriously damage your bones regardless of your gender.

Decreased Lung Capacity

As you get older, your lungs can lose its elasticity. Your muscles that help you breathe tend to get weaker, causing you to inhale less oxygen. 

What you can do:

Exercise regularly. Staying physically active helps your lungs to maintain its capacity and keep your muscles strong. 

Stay away from air pollution. Air pollution, both indoors and outdoors, can seriously harm your lungs. Try to stay away from smokers, dust, and air out your living environment regularly.

Maintain healthy body weight. Having fat around your abdominal area can limit your diaphragm activity and prevent your lungs from expanding to their full capacity. 

Rather than trying to stop these age-related changes, a better strategy would be to slow down their appearance. By eating nutritious food, using high-quality skincare products, and leading an overall healthy life, you can delay most physical signs of aging.

What age-related physical changes are you currently struggling with? Share them with us in the comments and we’ll do our best to help you.

What are 5 effects of Ageing in older people?

Common conditions in older age include hearing loss, cataracts and refractive errors, back and neck pain and osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, depression and dementia. As people age, they are more likely to experience several conditions at the same time.

What are some of the obvious physical changes seen in the elderly?

Bones, Muscles & Joints As we age, our bones shrink in size and density. Some people actually become shorter! Others are more prone to fractures because of bone loss. Muscles, tendons, and joints may lose strength and flexibility. Exercise is a great way to slow or prevent the problems with bones, muscles and joints.

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Dependence. ... .
Crisis Management. ... .
End of Life..