What happens if you dont stretch before a workout?

We are constantly taught and reminded of the importance of stretching, whether that’s stretching pre-workout or, stretching post-work out. We know it is essential for our bodies, to avoid injury and remain supple.

Last week, we took you through the do’s and don’ts of how to stretch – and today we are going to take you through the ‘when to’s, and when NOT to’ stretch!

A common belief is that we should always stretch prior to any physical work outs/ exercises or activities. The reason behind it being, to loosen and prepare your muscles for the extra exertion they are about to experience. However, recent studies caution people away from stretching before workouts, suggesting it actually impedes your body’s performance. According to this research, runners run more slowly, jumpers jump less high, and weight lifters lift significantly less by stretching, without ensuring against injury during their exercise. Not many people know that stretching actually decreases your muscle power by up to 30%! Because of this, anyone looking to engage in a high intensity work out or weight lifting will be decreasing their chance of operating at maximum capacity/performance and ability during their workout.

With that said, let’s go through the reasons why you should NEVER stretch pre-work out!

Stretching is not the same as a warm up.

This is probably the hugest misunderstanding when it comes to preparing yourself for a workout. It’s imperative that you understand that these two routines (stretching vs. warming up) have completely different identities.

Stretching does not prepare your body for exercise.

Stretching actually decreases your heart rate and doesn’t stimulate your nervous system to prepare for the high intensity workout you’re about to take on. A study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows that stretching before you lift weights may leave you weaker and less coordinated during your workout.

Stretching alone, before a workout, might actually increase risk of injury.

According to research in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, stretching doesn’t prepare your muscles for eccentric loading (negative reps), which is when most strains are believed to occur.

Stretching can make you sleepy.

Passive, static stretching has a calming effect that can make you sleepy—not exactly the mood you’re looking for before an intense workout…

What you should do instead:

Perform a full body dynamic warm up. Warming up will prepare all of your systems to ensure that you perform most efficiently in your workout. A good warm up should affect the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, muscles and tendons, along with the joints and ligaments. Additionally, a good warm up will sharpen your reaction time, enhance concentration, improve coordination and regulate your mental and emotional state. The warm up template below is a sure-fire way to ensure that your mind and body will be prepared to take on any workout.

  • 5–10 minutes of aerobic activity (jog, bike, row)
  • 5 minutes of dynamic stretching and mobilitywod work (arm swings, leg swings, lunges, neck rolls, mountain climbers, foam rolling)
  • 5 minute mental prep

By using this template and performing a makeover on your warm up rather than just stretching, here is how you’ll improve your health mentally and physically:

  • The aerobic activity will prepare your cardiovascular system for exercise.
  • The dynamic stretching will not only prepare your joints and ligament for similar movements you’ll be doing in your workout, but it will also raise and maintain body temperature as you enter your workout. (static stretching can drop your temperature).
  • By practicing visualization and including mental prep in your warm up, you’ll not only be laser focused for your workout, but you’ll improve movement efficacy lowering your risk of injury.


If you are still unsure of when/how to stretch, book a functional training session with our physio’s. We will assess your biomechanics and teach you how to exercise in a safe and healthy way, based on your personal body type and goals. If you prefer exercising under supervision, then we are more than happy to see you regularly for training at our rehab gym.

If you’re not 100% sure if Physiotherapy is for you, why not book a FREE 15-minute discovery visit?

In this complimentary visit you will have a chance to speak to a physio about your needs/and or condition and they will let you know if physio is right for you.

To book an appointment or a discovery visit, call us on: 0207 636 8845

If you’re like most people, you probably have a habit of stretching before your workout.

And it seems like no big deal to do a little pre-workout stretching, right? After all, it’s important to maintain a general level of flexibility, so why not add it in before a workout?

Many of us probably have this stretching routine as a leftover habit from our days playing team sports. In those days, it went without question that before any practice or game, our coach or team member would lead a warm up that would inevitably include a little jogging—and a lot of static stretching.

Static stretching means that you’re stretching the muscles while your body is at rest, as in a typical hamstring, calf, or shoulder stretch. This type of stretching is a great way to stay mobile and flexible.

Yet there’s more and more evidence that static stretching before a workout not only doesn’t offer any actual benefits, it can actually do more harm than good.

Here’s why you shouldn’t stretch before your workout:

It Can Reduce Performance

According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, a growing body of research has shown that pre-workout and pre-event static stretching “may actually have a negative effect on force production, power performance, strength endurance, reaction time, and running speed.”

Stretching before a workout or an event such as a race, in fact, has been shown to reduce performance up to 3%.


That may not sound like a lot, but when you’re trying to get a new PR or crush your previous 100 Burpee Challenge time, 3% may mean the difference between success or failure.

This 3% performance decrease has been shown to last for up to an hour post-static stretching, so if you’re looking to get in an especially awesome workout that day, you should avoid stretching for at least an hour before you work out.

It Can Lead to Injuries

Not only does stretching before a workout not have any added benefit in actually preventing injuries, it can actually make it more likely that you’ll get injured.

This is because when you stretch, it actually results in muscle damage by creating micro tears in the muscle. This is normal—just like when you work out, your muscles become slightly damaged via the process of overloading them in order to grow back bigger and stronger, or in the case of stretching, more flexible.

Yet when you stretch too much before a workout with non-warmed up muscles, you’re making it more likely that not only will your muscles endure damage during the workout, but also during the stretching, making it more likely—rather than less—that you’ll end up getting injured that day.

Timing Matters

Let’s be totally clear here: I’m not saying you shouldn’t stretch at all. Stretching is a super important part of maintaining a strong, healthy body, and these are some stretches I recommend doing on a regular basis.

Yet instead of stretching before your workout, try adding some static stretching in after your workout is over.

That way, it won’t matter that you’re temporarily decreasing your performance since you already crushed your workout for the day. You can also break it up and stretch at another time of day—for example, do your workout in the morning and do some static stretching when you’re watching your favorite show at night (my personal preference).

What to Do Instead

Just because you should avoid doing static stretches before your workout doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be doing any sort of stretching at all. Dynamic stretching is a form of active stretching that will help to improve your range of motion and is an awesome way to get your muscles warmed up before a workout.

Here are a few examples of dynamic stretches you can do before you work out:

Front to Back Leg Swings: Stand up straight holding onto something if you don’t totally trust your balance. Lift one leg off of the floor, then kick forward until you feel a good stretch. Swing backward, then forward again, slowly increasing your range of motion. Make sure to work both legs.

Side to Side Leg Swings: Stand up straight holding onto something if needed. Lift one leg off of the floor, then kick to the side, away from your standing leg. Swing back towards your standing leg, then to the side again, slowly increasing your range of motion. Make sure to work both legs.

Arm Circles: Stand up straight with your arms stretched out to the sides. Slowly circle your arms forward in small and large circles, then reverse directions.

Lunge With a Twist: Step forward into a lunge as you drop your hips. Slowly twist towards the side you are lunging for a more intense hip flexor stretch.

Hip Stretch With a Twist: Start in a push up position and bring your right foot up to your right hand while keeping your hips down and lower back flat. Twist to your left while extending your left arm and reaching toward the sky. Return to the starting pushup position and repeat on the other side.

You can see a few of these dynamic stretches incorporated in this quick sub-3 minute warm up.

Work hard, and stay injury-free!

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