What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

In this chapter, we will discuss how to check spelling and grammar in Word 2010. Microsoft Word provides a decent Spelling and Grammar Checker which enables you to search for and correct all spelling and grammar mistakes in your document. Word is intelligent enough to identify misspelled or misused, as well as grammar errors and underlines them as follows.

  • A red underline beneath spelling errors.
  • A green underline beneath grammar errors.
  • A blue line under correctly spelled but misused words.

Check Spelling and Grammar using Review tab

Here is the simple procedure to find out the spelling mistakes and fix them −

Step 1 − Click the Review tab and then click the Spelling & Grammar button.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 2 − A Spelling and Grammar dialog box will appear and will display the wrong spellings or errors in grammar. You will also get suggestions to correct as shown below −

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Now you have following options to fix the spelling mistakes −

  • Ignore − If you are willing to ignore a word, then click this button and Word ignores the word throughout the document.

  • Ignore All − Like Ignore, but this ignores all occurrences of the same misspelling, not just once but throughout the document.

  • Add to Dictionary − Choose Add to Dictionary to add the word to the Word spelling dictionary.

  • Change − This will change the wrong word using the suggested correct word.

  • Change All − Like Change, but this changes all occurrences of the same misspelling, not just once but throughout the document.

  • AutoCorrect − If you select a suggestion, Word creates an AutoCorrect entry that automatically corrects this spelling error from now on.

Following are the different options in case you have grammatical mistake −

  • Next Sentence − You can click Next Sentence to direct the grammar checker to skip ahead to the next sentence.

  • Explain − The grammar checker displays a description of the rule that caused the sentence to be flagged as a possible error.

  • Options − This will open the Word Options dialog box to allow you to change the behavior of the grammar checker or spelling options.

  • Undo − This will undo the last grammar changed.

Step 3 − Select one of the given suggestions you want to use and click the Change option to fix the spelling or grammar mistake and repeat the step to fix all the spelling or grammar mistake.

Step 4 − Word displays a dialog box when it finishes checking for spelling and grammar mistakes, finally Click OK.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Check Spelling and Grammar using Right Click

If you will right-click the mouse button over a misspelled word, then it will show you the correct suggestions and the above mentioned options to fix the spelling or grammar mistake. Try it yourself.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Everyday in business or in other fields there are lots of information or documentation files are there that are required to store for future use. For anyone, it is very difficult to store that information for a long time. Earlier letters, office files, documents, projects, and information are stored in a form of registrar, file, or by paperwork but finding it may be difficult for us. It takes a lot of time. To resolve this issue Microsoft brings software called MS Word.

Microsoft Word is a software tool that allows users to create documents like articles, letters, projects files very easily. It has various features like editing and formatting, graphics, designs, fonts styles, printing documents, etc.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Features of MS Word

  1. Various Page Designs, page numbers, border
  2. Tables
  3. 3D models, chart, and icons
  4. WordArt
  5. Page Layout formats
  6. Inserting Online pictures and video
  7. Text color and many more.
  8. Date and Time
  9. Page Designs
  10. Different text fonts

What is Spell Checker in MS Word?

Microsoft Word has a special feature called spell check that allows you to check spelling and grammatical mistakes that you made in the document. Basically spell check is a software tool that identifies the misspelled words present in the document. It also allows you to search a particular word in the document that you know you’ve misspelled in the whole document. 

In Microsoft Word documents, Word’s spell check function is set to automatically check your spelling while you type. Errors in your document will have color-coded underlines reflecting your choices, like red for spelling errors, green for grammar errors, and blue for contextual spelling errors.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word
What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Steps to enable Spell Checker in MS Word

Step 1: On the navigation menu bar click on the File option.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 2: Next click on the option button as shown in the figure:

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 3: A word option dialog box will appear on the screen.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 4: Now select the Proofing option from the left menu as shown in the figure:

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 5: Check all boxes as shown in the figure:

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 6: Next click on the OK button.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Finally, Spell Check is enabled in MS Word.

How to Manually Check Spellings 

Step 1: On the navigation menu bar click on the Review option.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 2: Next click on the spellings & grammar option as shown in the figure:

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Note – If there is any spelling or grammatical mistake in your Word document, then the following dialog box appears with misspelled words present in the red underlined text.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 3: If there is a spelling mistake in the document then it will appear in the red underline text as shown in the figure:

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 4: Select the correct spelling from the suggestion menu.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Step 5: Next click on the YES option.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Note: If all spellings are correct in your Word document, then the following pop-up window will appear on the screen.

Step 6: Click on the OK option.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

Finally, all the spellings and grammars are manually checked.

Shortcut Method to Check Spellings

Step 1: Right-click on the red-underlined word.

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

A menu with correctly spelled options will appear in which you can select the correct word or you can ignore it.

Step 2: Now choose the correct spelling from the menu as shown in the figure:

What is spelling and grammar check in MS Word

These are some of the ways to enable the spell check feature in MS Word.

What is spelling and grammar check?

spelling and grammar checkers, computer programs that identify apparent misspellings and grammatical errors by reference to an incorporated dictionary and a list of rules for proper usage. They often appear as components of word-processing programs for personal computers or as stand-alone Web sites.

What does spell check mean in Microsoft Word?

Spell check is a feature in Microsoft's Word program that automatically checks for spelling and grammatical errors in your text.

What is spelling and grammar in MS Word 2007?

The Spelling and Grammar options dialog box allows you to customize the spelling and grammar check function. You can specify an array of preferences including which words you want the function to ignore, what dictionary the function uses as a reference, and whether or not the function checks the document as you type.

What is spell check and thesaurus in MS Word?

Microsoft Word has both a Spell checker and Thesaurus. The Spell checker is used to correct the spelling of words and the Thesaurus is used to find the synonyms and antonyms of words. They are both used to improve the quality of a document.