Where are topics in Google Ads?

Google AdWords has introduced a new way to put your ad in front of users who are likely to buy your product or service through Topics. As its name suggests, Topics allows you to target visitors of certain pages based on the topic of the page. Google will place your ad on pages of Topics that you have specified.

In order to categorize a specific page, Google uses keywords, frequency of words, font sizes, word placement and/or linguistics/language on the page. Google targeting is done at the page level, and not the domain level.

Topics can be found in a tab under All Campaigns. Please note that you may have to click the additional Show tabs button to add Topics to your campaigns.

Where are topics in Google Ads?

Below is a snapshot of the different topics that are available. You can also select topics by using a keyword search.

Where are topics in Google Ads?

You must enable your campaign to be seen in the Google Display Network and can use both banner and text ads for Topics campaigns. I would recommend creating a separate campaign for Topics so that you can allocate a separate budget. You can also add keywords in addition to topics for more precise targeting.

Contextual Targeting by Topic is a great match for your campaign if you are looking to reach a broad audience quickly, have a flexible campaign budget and are looking to significantly increase traffic and exposure to your site.