Gizmos là gì

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Many doodahs and doowhistles, gizmos and widgets get their proper names and places in this wide-ranging và artistically pleasing book.
A collection of various interchangeable & expendable gizmos, the house included inflatable beds and chairs that doubled as hovercrafts & multi-purpose robots that could distinguish between flavours of canned soup.
I refer lớn the part of his speech that contained a plethora of gimmicks & gizmos khổng lồ giảm giá khuyến mãi with the problem of unemployment.
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the mở cửa Parliament Licence v3.0
Well-trained and highly motivated personnel will always be every bit as important as the lakiểm tra gizmo.
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
Example from the Hansard archive sầu. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the xuất hiện Parliament Licence v3.0
Codes, passwords & electronic gizmos must be used & one can obtain access only to the part of the system khổng lồ which one is entitled to gain access.
Example from the Hansard archive sầu. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the mở cửa Parliament Licence v3.0

Xem thêm: Bài Hát Em Đã Bao Nhiêu Tuổi [ Chế Linh Bao Nhiêu Tuổi [Chế Linh]

He has several gizmos và gadgets including an ejector seat, an umbrella, water cannons và a towel.
Gizmos can be attached to lớn assemble a robotic dog with the ability lớn sniff out hidden hint coins and puzzles.
Among the various gizmos he has obtained from his father are tracking devices, powder acid and other different và useful chemicals.
These examples are from corpora & from sources on the website. Any opinions in the examples vày not represent the opinion of the editors or of University Press or its licensors.

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