Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 1 2 3

Câu 2:

A. laundry

B. responsibility

C. grocery

D. homemaker

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Chọn đáp án: A

A. laundry [n]: giặt ủi

B. responsibility [n]:  trách nhiệm

C. grocery [n]: thực phẩm

D. homemaker [n]: nội trợ

Câu 3:

_________ family means a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, father, mother and children live in a house together.

A. Nuclear

B. Broken

C. Large

D. Extended

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Đáp án D

nuclear family: gia đình hạt nhân [bố mẹ, con cái]                       

broken family: gia đình tan vỡ

large family: gia đình đông đúc, đông con     

extended family: gia đình mở rộng [ông bà, bố mẹ, con cái]

Tạm dịch: Gia đình mở rộng là gia đình có ông, bà, bố, mẹ và con cái sống chung với nhau.

Đáp án: D

Câu 8:

More than one-fourth of American families faced  ______ burden due to medical costs

A. finance

B. financially

C. financier

D. financial

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Đáp án: D

finance [n]: tài chính, tiền của                                    

financially [adv]: về mặt tài chính

financier [n]: chuyên gia tài chính                                

financial [adj]: thuộc tài chính

Chỗ cần điền đứng trước danh từ nên cần 1 tính từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó 

=>More than one-fourth of American families faced   financial  burden due to medical costs

Tạm dịch: Hơn một phần tư gia đình người Mỹ phải đối mặt với gánh nặng tài chính do chi phí y tế.

Câu 10:

The children, all three, have done ______, mopped, dusted, helped on the house and in the yard.

A. laundry

B. clothes

C. groceries

D. rubbish

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Đáp án: A

laundry [n]: công việc giặt ủi                       

clothes [n]: quần áo

groceries [n]: cửa hàng tạp hóa                                  

rubbish [n]: vật bỏ đi, rác rưởi

Cụm từ: do laundry: giặt ủi.

=>The children, all three, have done laundry, mopped, dusted, helped on the house and in the yard.

Tạm dịch: Các em, cả ba, đã giặt giũ, lau chùi, quét dọn, giúp đỡ trong nhà và trong sân.

Bắt đầu thi ngay

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Có thể bạn quan tâm

Các bài thi hot trong chương

  • Câu 1 : The food is ready! Please could you _____ the table for me?
  • Câu 2 : _________ family means a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, father, mother and children live in a house together.
  • Câu 3 : Mothers play a[n] ______role in the lives of their children and the bond is very strong.
  • Câu 4 : Mr Long has found that his wife receives a great deal of love when he _______ to chores.
  • Câu 5 : In fact, child care seems to have some important _______ for young children.
  • Câu 6 : Ho Xuan Huong was a female poet who was  _____ of gender inequality.
  • Câu 7 : More than one-fourth of American families faced  ______ burden due to medical costs
  • Câu 8 : When your child was young, your role was to ______ and guide him.
  • Câu 9 : The children, all three, have done ______, mopped, dusted, helped on the house and in the yard.
  • Câu 10 : It's 10 o'clock in the morning. Sarah [be] ________ in her room. She [do] _______________ her homework.

    A. is/ is doing

    B. is/ doing

    C. is being/ is doing

  • Câu 11 : Now we [lie]_________ on the beach. The weather [be]_______ great!

    A. are lying/ is

    B. are lying/ is

    C. is lying/ is

  • Câu 12 : She [always/leave]___________her dirty socks on the floor for me to pick up! Who she [think]______I [be]_____? Her maid?

    A. is always leaving/ does she think/ am

    B. are always leaving/ do she think/ am

    C. leaves/ does she think/ am

  • Câu 13 : My brothers [constantly/ borrow]____________my clothes without asking me, which [make]______ me angry.

    A. constantly borrow/ make

    B. are constantly borrowing/ make

    C. are constantly borrowing/ makes

  • Câu 14 : My son  [constantly/ make]______ noise, so I [not/ focus]______ on my work at home.

    A. constantly makes/ don't focus

    B. is constantly making/ don't focus

    C. are constantly making/ don't focus

  • Câu 15 : Everyday, my father [get up]_________________at 5.00 a.m, but today he [get up] __________________ at 6.00 am.

    A. gets up/ is getting up

    B. is getting up/ gets up

    C. gets up/ gets up

  • Câu 16 : He   _________German so well because he ________from Germany.
  • Câu 17 : We [have]_________ a party next Sunday. Would you like to come?
  • Câu 18 : My sister   ________as a nurse for a big hospital.
  • Câu 19 : Tomorrow ________ Monday.
  • Câu 20 : We usually _________books, _________to music or _______TV
  • Câu 21 : ____________ you ______ TV? No, we _______.
  • Câu 22 : My daughter ________in Japan next month.
  • Câu 23 : He ________ in his room.
  • Câu 24 : At the moment, I ______ a book and my brother _____ TV.
  • Câu 25 : It's 10 o'clock in the morning. Sarah ______ in her room. She ______ her homework.
  • Câu 26 : Now we ________ on the beach. The weather _____ great!
  • Câu 27 : Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always ______ in England.
  • Câu 28 : She ________her dirty socks on the floor for me to pick up! Who _____ I am? Her maid?
  • Câu 29 : Now I _____the cooking while my sisters ________ piano.
  • Câu 30 : Margaret _____ to Dave’s party on Wednesday because she ______on holiday.
  • Câu 31 : My brother _______in New York, he _______ in London.
  • Câu 32 : Linda ______ to the bookshop now because she ______ to buy some books for her friends.
  • Câu 33 : Everyday, my father _______at 5.00 a.m, but today he ____ at 6.00 am
  • Câu 34 : My brothers_______ my clothes without asking me, which ______ me angry.
  • Câu 35 : My son  _____ noise, so I ______ on my work at home.
  • Câu 36 : Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
  • Câu 37 : Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
  • Câu 38 : The average man says that he does a third of the housework, [6] _____the average woman says she does three-quarters of it, so someone isn’t [7] _____the truth! It was impossible to find any men who shared housework [8] _____ with their partners. Perhaps it isn’t so [9] _____that there are some politicians who want a new law forcing men to do their [10] _____.
  • Câu 39 : The average man says that he does a third of the housework, [6] _____the average woman says she does three-quarters of it, so someone isn’t [7] _____the truth! It was impossible to find any men who shared housework [8] _____ with their partners. Perhaps it isn’t so [9] _____that there are some politicians who want a new law forcing men to do their [10] _____
  • Câu 40 : Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs.
  • Câu 41 : Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs [without using the contraction of words]
  • Câu 42 : Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs [no abbreviations]
  • Câu 43 : Linda [go]__________________to the bookshop now because she [want] ___________to buy some books for her friends.
  • Câu 44 : My brother [not live]____________________in New York, he [live]_______________ in London.
  • Câu 45 : Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs. Margaret [not/go]__________ to Dave’s party on Wednesday because she [be]__________on holiday.
  • Câu 46 : My responsibility is to wash the dishes and _____    the rubbish.
  • Câu 47 : The father typically works outside the home while the mother is _____ domestic duties such as homemaking and raising children.
  • Câu 48 : When both our parents go on business, our next-door neighbours come and   _____ with the cooking.
  • Câu 49 : A healthy ______ between work and play ensures that everyone has a chance to enjoy their lives.
  • Câu 50 : One of the ways we ______ our teenager’s needs as parents is by giving them attention.
  • Câu 51 : Our parents needn’t ask us ______ our rooms. We do it every day.
  • Câu 52 : My brother and I ______ to clean the toilets and take out the rubbish.
  • Câu 53 : Mrs Hang likes wearing casual clothes, but today she ______ “ao dai”.
  • Câu 54 : It’s nearly midnight, but our upstairs neighbours ______ karaoke loudly
  • Câu 55 : Don’t make noise! The children ________.
  • Câu 56 : Tina _____ Japanese at her company as her boss is Japanese.
  • Câu 57 : My brothers often _____ in household activities such as feeding the pets, and doing the washing-up.
  • Câu 58 : Danny always _____ to his idol’s songs although the idol doesn’t sing very well at all.
  • Câu 59 : My hometown is Da Nang but at this time I _____ with my aunt in Hanoi.
  • Câu 60 : Find ONE mistake in the sentence
  • Câu 61 : Find the mistake in the sentence.
  • Câu 62 : last month / my family / spend / summer holiday / villa / sea / hurricane / come
  • Câu 63 : sky / suddenly / big black clouds / it / rain / heavily
  • Câu 64 : wind / blow / the sea / waves / high / swallow / sand
  • Câu 65 : Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one. weather forecast / announce / hurricane / media / no people and ships / in the sea / that time
  • Câu 66 : first time / we / see / hurricane / nervous / frightened

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